Angel Anna supernatural. Supernatural. Anna from Supernatural. Actress and her short biography

The Supernatural series quickly gained popularity around the world. Excellent actors, an interesting plot, excellent musical accompaniment and unusual characters - how much does it take to create a masterpiece? One of the most memorable women in the series was the angel Anna. Supernatural even went through some plot changes related to this character. Initially, only two episodes were planned with the participation of Anna, but the actress who played her showed herself excellently, so it was decided to add a few more episodes.

Meet the Character

Some people are wondering in which episode does Anna from Supernatural appear? The viewer first meets her in the episode entitled “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” In the series itself, her presence will not be as long as we would like: in two seasons there will be only six episodes in total. “The Old Song about the Main Thing” is the title of the episode in which the angel Anna appears for the last time. “Supernatural”, of course, will not end there, but the absence of such a colorful character made many upset. If only because the actress who played her is very beautiful.

Anna ("Supernatural"). Character history

Anna is a fallen angel who was reborn on earth as a mortal man. After Dean was rescued from hell, the girl gained an ability that landed her in a psychiatric clinic with a terrible diagnosis of schizophrenia: she began to hear the voices of angels. That's why she was so interested in demons. Ruby gives a tip so they can save her. But other angels are ahead of them. When they practically killed the girl, she unexpectedly creates a powerful spell and thereby expels the heavenly warriors. Anna doesn’t know how she did it, then the brothers take her to a woman who helped the heroine, under the influence of hypnosis, remember who she really is. Later, in the evening, the girl is left alone with Dean, where they first had a heart-to-heart talk, and then spent the night together in the back seat of the Impala. In the morning they are identified by both angels and demons. Taking the opportunity, Anna takes her grace from Uriel and then disappears. Later, she will appear for the last time as a positive character when she asks Castiel to stop forcing Dean to torture a captured demon. At this point, the beautiful Anna disappears from the plot. Supernatural, however, continues.

Attempt to kill Sam

In "The Song Remains the Same," Anna (Supernatural) travels back in time to 1978 to find the Winchester brothers' parents and kill them. Then Sam will not be able to become the vessel so necessary for Lucifer to gain his mortal coil. However, Castiel, at the request of his friends, goes with them in pursuit of Anna in order to prevent her from accomplishing her plan. Having met Uriel there, the girl shares with him the secret that the brothers will kill him in the future, although in fact it was she who inflicted the mortal wound on the angel. Having trusted Anna, the young celestial warrior begins to cooperate with her. Together they enter the empty house where Sam and Dean's mother once lived. During the confrontation, the girl kills their grandfather. Archangel Michael saved the situation. He possesses John, enters the house, where he kills Anna, and expels young Uriel back to heaven.

Anna from Supernatural. Actress and her short biography

Julie McNiven is not the most popular American actress, but she is still easily recognized on the street, she has many fans, and directors speak of her as a good, conflict-free person with whom it is pleasant to work. Julie was born in Amherst, her parents are the most ordinary teachers at school. From early childhood, she took an active part in school theater productions, and also sang in the choir, so even before becoming a teenager and starting to think seriously about a career, the beauty already had acting skills and good vocal abilities. Julie began playing her first roles in films while still in college. At first these were minor characters, but then she was lucky enough to get the role of Anna, after which she gained real popularity.

Trying to figure out which girls (female characters) in the series “Supernatural” are the most popular and which viewers love the most is, of course, a thankless task. When it comes to girls, the rule “there is no dispute about taste” turns to us in its most radical way.

Therefore, we did not risk our health,” writes the site, trying to independently determine which of the women in “Supernatural” is the most popular, but simply took a completely random result of one of the many votes on the topic: “Which of the female characters in “Supernatural” do you like do you like the most?"

In addition, we will not get to a series of posts about the main female roles in Supernatural, and time is running out (remember October 7th?..), so it will be useful to simply consider the heroines of the series who were at least included in this rating.

Jo Harwell is in the lead by a wide margin (she received more than 37% of the votes in this vote), followed by the “second version” Meg Masters (16%) and Mary Winchester (almost 11.5%).

Every tenth of those who voted offered their own version of the less popular women from Supernatural, and those who were listed were further ranked in the following order: the first and second Ruby, Ellen Harwell, Lisa Braden, Anna and the first Meg.

For some reason, such charismatic personalities, such as the adventurer Bela or the hacker Charlie, were not included in the “main list”. Therefore, we went a different way, and below are some of the girls and women of the Supernatural series who appeared in several episodes - by number of episodes, from most to least.

A little collage: Jensen, Jared and some hot stuff from the TV series “Supernatural”

The most popular girls of the series "Supernatural"

This list was especially wonderful when we learned that episode 10.07 of the series (November 2014) would be called “Girls, Girls, Girls” in honor of the Motley Crue song. Or maybe in contrast to CC Ketch’s song “Boys, Boys, Boys”?..

Yoga instructor Lisa Braden

Dean Winchester's lover was played by Canadian actress Cindy Sampson from 2007 to 2011. I lost my memory and forgot Dean.

Demon Ruby (second version)

The demoness Ruby, who helped the brothers (while pursuing their own goals) and left behind the famous knife as a souvenir, was played by two actresses. In 2008–2010, it was Genevieve Cortese, who after the wedding became Genevieve Padalecki and the mother of two sons of leading actor Sam Winchester. at the end of season 4, Dean kills Ruby with her own knife.

Huntress Ellen Harwell

John Winchester's old friend, huntress Harvell Sr., was played by actress Samantha Ferris in the series Supernatural in episodes from 2006 to 2011. At the end of season 5, she was killed by Lucifer's henchmen. In the sixth season, she appears once in an altered reality, where she married Bobby.

Sheriff Jody Mills

The friend of Bobby Singer and the Winchesters, the Sioux Falls Sheriff, was played by actress Kim Rhodes in episodes from 2010 to 2014. Monsters killed her family, Jodie herself was also on the verge of death more than once.

Hell Knight Abaddon

The huntress, knowledge keeper Josie Sands, and then the super demon Abaddon who possessed her body in the TV series Supernatural (2013–2014) was played by actress Alaina Huffman. Destroyed almost all members of the brotherhood of the Keepers of Knowledge. The demoness herself is killed by Dean Winchester at the end of season 9 with the help of the First Blade.

Huntress Mary Winchester

The mother of Sam and Dean, the wife of John Winchester, who died in a fire on the ceiling of her infant son's bedroom, which was started by the yellow-eyed demon Azazel. Mary died at the very beginning of the pilot episode of the TV series Supernatural (2005), but appeared several more times for various reasons: as a ghost, Mary from a parallel reality, the incarnation of Eve, and so on. The role of Mary Winchester was played by actress Samantha Smith in seven separate episodes from 2005–2011.

Huntress Jo Harwell

Oh! Not this shot! A little bit later…

Daughter of Ellen Harwell, a hunter who sympathized with Dean Winchester, but in episode 5.10 died along with her mother in the fight against Lucifer. The role of Jo Harwell was played by Israeli-American actress Alona Tal from 2006 to 2011. In episode 7.04, Jo appeared as a ghost at the trial that the god Osiris held over Dean.

Dr. Amelia Richardson

Veterinarian Amelia Richardson lived with Sam Winchester for some time until she learned that her “dead” husband in Afghanistan was alive and well. In 2012–2013, the role of Dr. Richardson was played by actress Liane Balaban.

Demon Meg (second incarnation)

A desperate and cheerful demon who quietly joined the company of the hunter brothers and began to help the Winchesters, and then Castiel, for whom he has some demonic feelings of his own. After the demoness returned from hell, her role was played by actress Rachel Miner from 2009 to 2013.

Angel Naomi

A high-ranking angel, the head of angelic intelligence and the Divine Office, who pulled Castiel out of Purgatory. After the catastrophe caused by Metatron, she remained in Heaven, from where she tried to subjugate some of the angels, but was killed. The role of Naomi in the 2012–2013 episodes of Supernatural is played by actress Amanda Tapping.

Demon (huntress) Ruby

The black-eyed blonde demon Ruby was played by actress, singer and fashion model Katie Cassidy before her imprisonment in Hell (2007–2008).

Adventurer Bela Talbot

Adventurer and thief Bela Talbot "Lugosi" (real name Abby) was engaged in the theft and resale of artifacts. She collaborated with the Winchesters, but since she sold her soul to the devil, she had to pay for the deal. In 2007–2008, in the TV series Supernatural, the role of Bela was played by actress Lauren Cohan, who is now... uh... shining in The Walking Dead.

The flickering lights of the night city illuminate a small bridge located over a deep river. The multimillion-dollar metropolis itself has been sleeping for a long time, so the pavement is calm and quiet: no cars, no people. Only the wind - cold, night, chilling to the bones - whistles in the area. Castiel stands, leaning on the railing of the bridge, and thoughtfully looks at the water, thinking about something of his own.

Moonlight, making its way through the barred windows with a zigzag pattern, illuminates the small chamber with a magical, mysterious glow. In the gray, stone Heavenly Dungeon, consisting of numerous arches, it is quiet, as if in a grave. There's not a soul here. It seems that even the guards, who are obliged to constantly check the prisoners, have disappeared somewhere. Only arches and a stone bench are the only companions of Anna, whom Mikhail threw here. Castiel. How could he betray? Why did he do this? Does he really like to obey his superiors so blindly? No, he does not look like that obedient, ideal soldier, unquestioningly carrying out the will of his commanders and not having his own opinion. He is as much a traitor as she is, and maybe even O greatest. - What are feelings worth? - the archangel asks, grinning imperceptibly. Yes, somewhere deep down in his soul he understands that she is right and is now saying what is already obvious. But these are only his secret, deep... doubts, which Anna doesn’t need to know about. He won't tell. - For the sake of love, shallow pleasures and chocolate cake with strawberry shortcake, did you decide to fall? How dare you show disobedience? How dare you disobey? Who are you to want, even wrongly, to want freedom? You were a first-class garrison commander, an ideal angel, and then... You know as well as I do what the Holy Army is and what mission is entrusted to us... - I know, Mikhail, that’s why I don’t repent of what I did - I’m too noble. I'm going to die anyway - there's no way out of here. No one, being a renegade, has ever escaped and escaped punishment. It is for this reason that delve into the essence of what I say now: I hate you angels. Perfection, what is perfection? Angels are like marble statues. Cold, no choice - only blind obedience... You saw God, your brothers saw God, but not us. - Anna... - We simply accept His existence on faith, admit this fact already. And if not, you give orders for executions and just kill. I stayed on Earth for two thousand years - I just watched. Silently. Invisible. In wanderings. I missed Home, waited for orders from the imaginary Father, but everything was in vain.- You're wrong. To prove his words, Mikhail, under Anna’s surprised look, takes out the keys and unlocks the door. Not understanding what he is doing, she, wanting to somehow protect herself, steps back and hides in the corner of the cell. In stressful situations, of course, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. With a weak, mysterious smile on his lips, the archangel approaches her, and Anna realizes that she has nowhere else to run. Lowering her eyes, she begins to pray for salvation. Meanwhile, Mikhail, reducing the distance to a minimum, takes his captive by the chin and meets her gaze. The same light of the moon illuminates the pale face of the prisoner and, it seems, illuminates the dungeon even brighter. The Archangel clearly sees these light, blue and deep, like a lake, eyes, in which one can easily read fear - the strongest fear that she experiences because of her reckless speech, like Gabriel, Lucifer or Balthasar. Yes, only those three dared to say such a thing. The beating of his heart. She feels this, and he, still looking intently into her eyes, involuntarily admits to himself that at this moment she is more feminine than Aphrodite herself. Instant. Just one moment...Mikhail’s lips meet Anna’s lips... “Oh, Father, how strange, how delightful it is to feel her soft, but at the same time lips trembling from fear of me. Reason, you can’t stop me,” Mikhail thinks, intensifying the passionate kiss. He is not worried, is not afraid that the guards or other soldiers of the Holy Army will be able to see this disgrace, because he knows what he is doing and understands that the game is ending. This is what happens. Mikhail breaks the kiss, and then, without saying any more words, puts his palm on Anna’s chest, beginning to incinerate her. Loud, deafening screams fill the walls of the Heavenly prison, forcing even the guards - experienced and well-trained angels to cover their ears. Her body burns in a bright flame, and her soul... Her soul rejoices - she has been freed. Rules and stupid obedience no longer exist for her. Paradoxical? No, quite natural.

“This is the ending for you, Annael,” Mikhail says absolutely without regret, casting an indifferent glance at the ashes left after the burning of the traitor.

He does not forgive betrayal, but he suppresses disobedience...

Anna Milton is a fallen angel incarnated as a human.

Anna was a high-ranking Garrison angel before she voluntarily fell from grace and fell to earth in 1985. Anna ended up in Ohio and became a human. She grew up in the family of church deacon Richard Milton and his housewife wife Amy. The birth of Anna was a real miracle for the family, since the woman was infertile and despaired of having children. Grace, which also fell to the ground, formed a centuries-old oak tree at the site of its fall, which grew in just six months.

When Anna was two and a half years old, she screamed loudly that her dad was not real, and her true father was very angry and was even ready to kill her. Her parents took her to a child psychologist, after which she felt better. As Anna grew older, she forgot her angelic nature, but on September 18, 2008, she began to occasionally hear angels talking in her head about seals, the apocalypse, and breaking into Lucifer's cage. Because of this, she was sent to a psychiatric hospital.


Before her fall, Anna was a typical angel: she experienced practically no emotions and obediently followed orders coming from above, “from the Father.” But the long observation of people did not pass without a trace: Anna began to experience emotions and doubts, which is the worst crime for an angel. She voluntarily threw off grace and became a human, forgetting her true essence. After the fall, she grew up as a normal child, was popular at school, had many friends and was considered by many to be a positive and cheerful person.


●Invulnerability - Anna is immune to ordinary weapons of humans and demons. Only more powerful beings or the blade of an angel can harm her.

●Super strength - physically she is much stronger than humans and ordinary demons. Powerful demons are physically stronger than her.

●Teleportation - Anna can instantly move to anywhere in the world.

●Resurrection - Anna can resurrect a person by returning his soul to the body, and if the soul is in Hell, then she can pull it out from there (a connection with Heaven is needed).

●Healing - Anna can heal any wound in a person (needs a connection with Heaven).

●Telekinesis - she can move objects and people with the power of her thoughts.

●Pyrokinesis - she can generate and control fire.

●Use of a vessel - to be on Earth and communicate with people, she needs a human vessel, and its permission is necessary.

●Killing supernatural beings - Anna can kill weak demons with a touch, but this ability does not work on powerful demons (needs a connection with Heaven). She can also kill almost any earthly monster and other evil spirits.

●Superhuman endurance - Anna does not require sleep. She may never eat or drink.

● Putting to sleep - by placing her fingers on the bridge of a person’s nose, Anna can temporarily put him to sleep.

●Immense knowledge - Anna has a wealth of knowledge.

●Supernatural Perception - She can see ghosts, reapers, hellhounds, and the true faces of angels and demons.

●Eidetic memory - Anna, like all Angels, remembers the names of all living Prophets.

●Regeneration - any wound received with conventional weapons can be instantly healed. But if the wound is caused by a supernatural weapon, it will take much longer to heal.

●Time travel is a very complex process that takes a lot of effort. Anna could move a person into the past, but for this she needed a connection with Heaven.

●Mental manipulation - she can interfere with a person's mind and manipulate his consciousness.

Interesting Facts

✐Most likely, after her fall, Castiel became the captain of the garrison.

✐Apparently, Anna was specially released from prison by Mikhail in order to bring him to Dean. She traveled back in time, and Dean and Sam followed her. That’s when Mikhail decided to talk one-on-one with his vessel.

✐Having regained her grace, Anna did not demonstrate any special capabilities. Moving into the past took too much energy from her, and she even lost consciousness.

✐Most likely, she was kept in the same prison as the angel Gadreel.

✐Julie McNiven suggested that Anna's angelic name is Anael, but this is just a rumor, translating from Hebrew "Hearken unto me God."

✐The first angel in the series to occupy an empty vessel. The second was Castiel.