Skull: why do you have a dream? Why do you dream about a skull? Skull of a person, animal in a dream. Interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about a skull?

Miller's Dream Book

If you see a skull grinning at you in a dream, it means. You cannot avoid family quarrels and disagreements. If you touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline.

If you dream about your friend's skull, it means that he will beat you painfully in retaliation for the fact that you were preferred to him.

If you dream about your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a skull in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Family dream book

If you see a grinning skull in a dream, you are unlikely to be able to avoid family quarrels and disagreements.

And if you also touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline.

If you dreamed of your own skull, it means you will be tormented by remorse.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A skull in a dream is a sign of fruitless or even destructive thoughts. Such dreams suggest that some of your ideas or ill-considered steps will not lead to anything good, or even lead you to disaster.

Why do you dream about a skull?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

For headaches of occult origin, treat with traditional methods.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Spring dream book

Skull - to death or a very long illness.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Summer dream book

Skull - you are in excellent health.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Autumn dream book

Skull - to a depraved life.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a monster with a bare skull in a dream foretells that you will disgrace yourself so much that you will be forced to change your place of residence and job.

Holding a human skull in your hands - your promiscuity in love will lead to trouble.

The skull of an animal is a sign of fragile marital happiness.

A skull cut in half is a sign of mental illness and heartache due to unrequited love.

Talking skull - promises the fulfillment of a wish.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a skull in a dream means being fired from your job.

If you dreamed that you dug up a skull, you may find out something that will make you want to quit your job.

You dreamed of a man who had a skull instead of a face - to big trouble.

If you dreamed of a skull impaled on a stake, your boss will soon be in trouble.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Esoteric dream book

To see a skull - your suspiciousness and fear of death can bring trouble.

To dig up is to be puzzled. Events will baffle you, and only the advice of a wise person with rich life experience can help you.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A skull grinning at you - dreams of family quarrels and disagreements.

Touching the skull with your hand means things will get worse.

Your own skull portends you remorse.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Modern dream book

Seeing a skull grinning at you in a dream is a prediction of domestic quarrels and upheavals.

If you touch the skull with your hand, your affairs will go awry.

Seeing a friend's skull in a dream means that your friend will offend and insult you because they chose you over him.

If you dream about your own skull, in real life you will be tormented by strong remorse.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Eastern dream book

A grinning skull - dreams of family conflicts.

If you take a skull in your hands in a dream, this is a sign that everything will fall out of your hands.

If you see a friend's skull, it means that your friendship will end because of his envy.

Seeing your own skull is a sign of repentance.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Skull - You see a skull in a dream - a quarrel will soon break out in your family; you will sincerely repent. It’s as if you are holding a skull in your hands - the progress of your affairs will slow down; there may be a deadlock situation. You dream of a friend’s skull - your friend will be offended by you and after some time will attempt to take revenge. You see your own skull in a dream - you will experience pangs of conscience.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The skull is a symbol of knowledge or a valuable thing that you do not know how to use; historical figure or powerful rival.

Finding a skull means finding a trail, coming across an important idea.

To dig a skull out of the ground means to look for answers to something important in the past.

Burying the skull means eliminating what contributed to the delusion.

Keeping a skull on your table means receiving help in spiritual work.

A collection of skulls means significant connections, interesting friends.

A skull framed in gold means a meeting with a scientist or getting to know him.

A skull in the form of a bowl or drinking from it - immerse yourself in the world of religious ideas, fruitful ideas in general.

Pouring water from a skull means striving for a moral ideal.

To pour water from it onto the ground means to lose spiritual strength.

Scooping a skull from a river means finding fruitful ideas in a fantasy world.

To store money in the skull means to receive benefits from spiritual figures.

Breaking a skull with a hammer means ruin, deception.

Wearing a skull on a pole is a difficult goal to set out on.

To pray on a skull means to overestimate the role of the mind in life, to create an idol for yourself out of a certain person.

Kissing a skull means longing for the dead.

Throwing out a skull means trying in vain to start a new life / to abandon good principles / to forget the deceased undeservedly.

Boil water in the skull - give in to crazy ideas, waste great things on trifles.

To see a giant skull is to have a false judgment of authority.

A skull that is too small means underestimating the capabilities of your mind.

Skull with three eyes - indicates a great person in your environment, a magician, etc.

The metal skull is an evil person.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Skull - Domestic quarrels and turmoil. Sad news from afar. Imagine that the skull you saw is not real. It never belonged to a living being. This is just a training plastic dummy.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Skull mean in a dream 1. If a skull appears in a dream, then we need to look at the entire dream in order to isolate its symbolism. The skull and crossbones can either represent romantic ideas of piracy or symbolize danger. At the same time, it can personify intellectual ability or, more likely, its absence. 2. Being aware of another person's skull in a dream means that we value the structure we have given to our lives. Understanding that instead of a head we see a skull suggests that this part of the person has “died.” Talking to a skull means recognizing the need to communicate with those who are lost to us. If the skull speaks to us, it means that a part of ourselves that we have rejected and denied is beginning to come back to life. If we believe in life after death, we can feel the spirit speaking through the skull. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the skull represents death and everything associated with it. When it appears in dreams, it is time for us to come to terms with physical death.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Women's dream book

Skull – A grinning skull in your dream symbolizes family quarrels and disagreements. Touching the skull with your hand means things will get worse. Your own skull portends you remorse.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Skull - unused abilities and thoughts. Grinning skull - regrets about the past; touching the skull with your hand is an attempt to regain what was lost.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

A skull seen in a dream predicts illness, both physical and spiritual. Be more selective in your relationships, as physical attraction can have serious consequences for you.

Sometimes a skull seen in a dream can symbolize some psychological problems related to sex in one way or another - fear of entering into physical intimacy, fear of losing a loved one, the consequences of sexual harassment or rape.

For men, such a dream speaks of the fear of losing their virility, not satisfying their beloved woman sexually, and the fear of being deceived.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you had a dream in winter, then in the near future you will be completely safe. To make this time last as long as possible, find a skull (an animal, even a rat) and cook it for several hours; After this, return the skull to its place, and pour the broth over the walls of the house.

Bad meaning: If you had a dream in the summer, then someone will try to rob you. To protect your home, find an animal skull, put a pebble in it and bury it near the entrance to the house.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Dream book of relationships

Skull - such a dream speaks of your desire to find out what your partner really is. You are not content with his stories about yourself and strive to learn as much as possible through your channels. However, do not think that he is deceiving you - everything is much simpler than you used to think.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Online dream book

Skull - you have to go through a period of quarrels in the family.

If you touched it, all your plans will have to be radically changed.

A dream in which your skull was in suggests that you will regret what you did.

If you held it in your hands, you will suffer from the fact that you paid your attention to the wrong person.

If it was split, you will have to grieve because of non-reciprocity in love.

Why do you dream about a skull?

Fairytale-mythological dream book

A skull in a hood with a scythe is a symbol of death, major changes; the death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, and possibilities.

Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Skull in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Skull

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Skull in a dream?

Seeing your own skull from the outside means dubious entertainment and frivolous actions; someone's grinning skull - to a quarrel, a family quarrel. If you dreamed that in a dream you touched the skull with your hand - things will go downhill, a streak of failures, in the next interpreter you can read why the Skull is dreamed of in a different interpretation.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream and what does the Skull mean in a dream?

Such a dream speaks of your desire to find out what your partner really is. You are not content with his stories about yourself and strive to learn as much as possible through your channels. However, do not think that he is deceiving you - everything is much simpler than you are used to thinking, this is how the dream in which the Skull is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream about the Skull, how to understand the dream?

I dreamed of a skull at night - a symbol of the fact that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning, while it is on the surface. In your mind, life is much more complicated than it actually is

Summer Dream Interpreter

You are in excellent health.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

To a depraved life, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream of a Skull, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Skull in a dream?

A grinning skull dreams of family conflicts. If you dreamed that you took a skull in your hands, this is a sign that everything will fall out of your hands. If you see a friend's skull, it means that your friendship will end because of his envy. Seeing your own skull means repentance

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Skull according to the dream book?

If you see a grinning skull in a dream, you are unlikely to be able to avoid family quarrels and disagreements. And if you also touch the skull with your hand, then your business will decline. If you dreamed of your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse. In addition, this dream means that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it lies on the surface. This is why life seems more difficult to you than it really is.

Spring Dream Interpreter

To death or a very long illness.

Skull and bones - hell, symbol of death; a warning that there is something that is poisoning your life.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Skull:

A dream in which a skull is present foreshadows quarrels in the family, misunderstandings with friends, and a decline in business. Most likely, you will be overcome by remorse and regret about the past, and a desire to return it.

If you dream of a bare skull, it means that difficult times are coming in your family life.

If you hold a skull in your hands, then business will not bring you the expected benefits or will decline. If you dream of an animal skull decorated with horns, it means that someone will greatly offend you in retaliation for choosing another person over him.

A dream in which you saw a monkey's skull means that you will be tormented by remorse and the pangs of belated repentance.

Feeling your own skull is a sign of deep thoughts that have taken over you lately. If you had a strange dream - a grinning skull, then in reality you will encounter family troubles and disagreements with your spouse.

Well, the skull is clearly a rare but apt guest of the dream. Can you remember how many times you dreamed about him? You won’t forget such a dream, but you will probably rush to look for the meaning in dream books. But we also took care of this dream and prepared an excellent hodgepodge dream book for you.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

The Maya Indians of South America, who made human sacrifices, knew something about skulls and bones that can be seen at night in a slumber. And as usual, they gave two interpretations for everything.

Bad meaning: if you dreamed of a skull in the summer, then you may be robbed. Therefore, find the skull of the beast, put a stone in it and bury it at the entrance to the house.

Good meaning: I had a dream in winter - in the near future no dangers will threaten you. To make the period of calm last longer, boil the animal’s skull for several hours, after boiling, return it to the place where you took it and then pour the broth on the walls of the house.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • The skull in general is a symbol of knowledge, which since ancient times novelists loved to describe in novels, and alchemists could not help but indicate on the pages of their treatises.
  • Why dream of a skull: you will come across an interesting idea that can have far-reaching consequences in the most pleasant and positive sense.
  • Finding a skull in a dream, digging it out of the ground: the answers to the questions of the present lie in the past.
  • Burying a skull in a dream: you will also be able to bury what misled you.
  • Seeing a skull on a table in a dream: your work on yourself and spiritual growth will receive strong invisible patrons.
  • A collection of skulls in a dream: you have many friends and significant connections.
  • Golden skull in a dream: you will meet a scientist.
  • from the skull: you will be increasingly visited by interesting ideas, or you will plunge headlong into religious ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: pour water from your skull on yourself, wash yourself from it: you have set yourself a moral ideal and are confidently moving towards it. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: pour water from the skull onto the ground: spiritual strength is leaving you.
  • Dream interpretation: keeping money in the skull: you receive benefits from spiritual figures in the form of ideas, new thoughts, enlightenment. (cm. )
  • The dream of “breaking a skull with a hammer” predicts deception and ruin.
  • The dream of “carrying a skull on a stake” says that you have set out on a long journey towards a goal that is already difficult to achieve.
  • The dream of “praying on a skull” warns: you may inadvertently create an idol for yourself out of an ordinary person by overestimating his intelligence.
  • The dream of “kissing a skull in a dream” says that you yearn for the dead.
  • The dream of “throwing away the skull” reproaches you: you are giving up good principles and trying to start a different life.
  • The dream “skull of iron” warns: there is a malicious person nearby who is watching you, but does nothing.
  • The dream “skull with three eyes” says that in your environment there is a truly great person - a magician, seer, healer.
  • The miniature skull dream says that you underestimate the power of your mind.
  • The dream "giant skull" says that you have too high an opinion of some authority.

New family dream book

  • Why do you dream about a skull: things will go downhill and quarrels at home cannot be avoided.
  • Have you seen your own skull? Your conscience is ready to dry you to the bone!

Eastern women's dream book

It happens that the skull grins. These are all family conflicts. And if you take it into your hands, then everything around will go awry and things will simply fall out of your hands. Seeing the skull of a familiar person: friendship will end because of his envy. See your own skull: tell the truth - why does your conscience give you no peace?

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a skull that grins - disagreements with relatives are not far off.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a friend’s skull - he will hurt you because in something or someone was chosen instead of him. (cm. )
  • The dream “a skull is in your hands, but it looks like your own” says that your conscience is haunting you and it’s time to decide on drastic measures.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about human skulls? You are digging down to a meaning that is buried... But not buried at all! Drop the shovel and look around. Here it lies nearby - reach out and take it! Thus, your life is much simpler than you used to think, and you try to attach too much meaning to things that happen even without your participation in them.

Modern dream book

In a dream, it may happen that the skull is smiling at you. This means that there will be discord in the family. Taking a skull in your hands to examine it is tantamount to inviting trouble into your home: everything you pick up will simply fall out of your hands. See your own skull - get ready to repent.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a human skull in a dream: fear of death and suspiciousness can lead to troubles.
  • Dig up a skull: events will puzzle you and only the advice of a wise person will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Yu. Longo

Seeing a skull in a dream: a long-forgotten problem will make itself known again and this time you will have to solve it, and not forget it. But the problem has become more complicated: over time, the problem has acquired “bonuses” that will require more time and effort to solve. This situation will certainly serve as a lesson for you in the future so that you no longer put off pressing matters.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • A skull in a dream speaks of illnesses of the spirit and body.
  • For men, sleep can instill fear of loss of masculine strength and inability to satisfy their woman.

Mythological dream book

The skull may come in the face of Death's Grim Reaper. Be that as it may, it means death, but not literally of a person. Perhaps old habits and principles will die in life, which nevertheless will give new perspectives.

Spring dream book

The skull dreams of illness and even death.

Summer dream book

The skull and bones in this case speaks on the contrary - about excellent health.

Autumn dream book

A depraved life, vices and evil will - you will discover all this in yourself, as soon as you dream of a skull.


No matter how ominous the skull you saw in a dream may seem to you with its gaping eye sockets, old yellowed teeth and the smell of decay and mold, for the most part it is a completely positive sign, which is more associated with wisdom, the spirit of a strong mind and a strong will. No wonder Hamlet, bending over the skull, asked the universal question “to be or not to be?”

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a skull in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

I dreamed about a skull

according to Miller's dream book

If you see a skull grinning at you in a dream, it means that you cannot avoid family quarrels and disagreements. If you touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline. If you dream about your friend's skull, it means that he will beat you painfully in retaliation for choosing you over him. If you dream about your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse.

Seeing a skeleton in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The skeleton is a universal symbol of desolation, death and mystery. In dreams, it can appear in different scenes and indicate different things. To recognize the meaning contained in this image, you need to examine its surroundings and the feelings that it evoked in you. A feeling of devastation often occurs when skeletons move - their strange behavior irritates you. Where are you when you spot moving skeletons? The combination of bones with the emotional background of the office, your home or your relatives' home indicates an edge of life where you feel as if someone or something is sucking all the juice out of you, draining you. Interestingly, you may not feel afraid of these skeletons and may even enjoy their presence, intuitively knowing that you are connected to them and do not mind playing the role of their benefactor. Even though you don't want to end up like them! Death scenes are characterized by a complete lack of movement. Generally, discovering bones is terrifying. After discovering the bones, did you know who they belonged to and how they got there? Such discoveries can give you the opportunity to understand a person or yourself who, as they say, is being killed by circumstances. This death can be either emotional or physical. Secrets, or “skeletons in the closet,” is the latter scenario. Dice with this meaning sometimes appear in extremely inappropriate situations, but do not often provoke a response from the characters in the dream. People know that there are bones nearby, but they do not discuss this in their dreams. By identifying who you saw in the story when the bones were found, you can understand the relationships and unresolved issues surrounding the person. If you are hiding something in real life, then the bones of a skeleton may appear in a dream in the field of view of someone who means a lot in your life. If it seems that the dream character does not notice the “skeletons,” then this is the work of your subconscious, protecting you from the storms of life. However, the appearance of such an image in a dream can be a warning signal that you either need to be more careful when flaunting your flaws, or completely eradicate them from your life.

I dreamed about a skeleton

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a skeleton, it means that illness, strife and loss await you, which will be brought by a force hostile to you. If you dream of yourself in the form of a skeleton, it means that you tend to get upset over trifles, and therefore you need to curb your imagination. If in a dream it seems to you that a skeleton often appears in front of you, it means that something truly terrible awaits you, which, nevertheless, you must cope with while maintaining presence of mind.