"Delphic Oracle": free online fortune telling. Delphic Oracle: history, features of prophecy and interesting ideas

People will never forget how to dream and think about the future. It occupies all the thoughts of humanity from the moment of its conscious existence. Whether it’s a primitive hunter wondering how tomorrow’s mammoth hunt will end, a girl in love who can’t stop thinking about whether to be her bride this year, or a head of state trying to predict the course of upcoming negotiations - everyone wants to get at least the slightest clue about future events so that be as prepared as possible for any outcome.

For a reasonable person, this is almost always success in the present. Knowing the true state of affairs is even more so. After all, we do not always interpret life events correctly; we do not always know what is on the minds of those on whom our well-being depends. Getting information about all this is like getting a trump card at the critical moment of an important game. And demand creates supply. Therefore, it is not surprising that the art of fortune telling has appeared to the world since time immemorial.

A great many ways have been discovered to predict the future. Ordinary fortune tellers, tribal shamans, pagan priests, ancient oracles - they all used their methods to look into a time that does not yet exist. They were persecuted and burned, they were worshiped and believed unconditionally. Legends such as the Delphic oracle, whose fortune-telling flourished in Ancient Greece, or the secrets of the Egyptian oracle's fortune-telling still excite the imagination of those interested. But the times of the great fortune-tellers have passed, and questions about life and the future have not diminished. Where to go in search of answers?

As you know, a holy place is never empty. The new world brought new knowledge. Fortune telling in dubious gateways or churches inaccessible to ordinary people has been replaced by online fortune telling oracles. From now on, there is no need to look for intelligent predictors on the side; guide programs will connect you with them.

Oracle online fortune telling for free, and does not require effort. This is its main appeal. The main condition for oracle fortune telling is to clearly and specifically formulate your question. It is important to remember that the energy flows of the Universe, where fortune tellers get their knowledge, are changeable. Therefore, if the oracle’s answer seemed vague to you, you should not be immediately disappointed. It is better to repeat the procedure again, but a little later.

One of the most intriguing and exciting to date can be called. With its mesmerizing ancient music and mysterious Ancient Egyptian-inspired design, the oracle will peer straight into your soul, revealing surprising insight into your situation.

Egyptian oracle - fortune telling online for free offered on many sites. ?And finally, we all live by love. Whether she is happy or unhappy, we always know little about her. Isn’t there a threat to a happy relationship, and how long will you continue to suffer from unrequited feelings? The search for saving answers is successfully completed when you turn to. The best oracle in the other world is the Delphic oracle. It’s great that he can tell your fortune right on the Internet and completely free of charge.

Or, after listening to the wise advice of the oracle, you can breathe a sigh of relief, or you can be sad from the bitter truth. But in any case, you need to remember that prophecies only warn, and whether you use the acquired knowledge correctly depends only on you. And then even bad news can be beneficial.

The cuisine of the freely revived Delphic Oracle is food for your soul! When you reject bad thoughts and turn to your heart, you will become not a servant of others, but a master of yourself.

There is no reading of the future or the past; the answer is dictated by the present moment and its possibilities. It carries a healing message to the soul, a warning, an advice. Don't be afraid to get any answer.

In the end, there is no yes or no: agreement on one thing is a refusal on the other, and vice versa. Everything here is true, and everything here is false at the same time. Only the choice between them decides everything.

Don’t let anything gnaw at you, seize the moment. Know yourself in everything that happens.

Think about your question!!!

Hints to the texts of Delphic Dumplings

Varenik's answers are divided into 6 cycles.

1 cycle is associated with Mastery, if you come across similar words: “master”, “genius” - this is an indication that, thanks to the events you are asking about, you can improve your experience and receive a powerful impetus for change. Events that occur invite or push you to self-realization or fulfillment of your destiny.

Cycle titles: Effort, Patience, Control, Love, Development, Relief, Merit.

Cycle 2 is associated with Obstacles, which it is important to learn to overcome without shying away from personal responsibility. The answers of the cycle are associated with the passage of obstacles and development-limiting conditions or events, due to which you can reach the bottom if you give up, or strengthen your character and reveal your strength.

Cycle answers: Quarrel, Enemy, Luck, Past, Parting, Struggle, Obstacle, Loss, Deception.

Cycle 3 is called Dream, and is associated with beginnings, ideas, adventures, and travel. Mostly the answers from the cycle are motivating or encouraging. If you come across the words: guiding star, angel, inspiration, help, advice - this is a call to ensure that you do not stop hoping for the best and believe in yourself in the given question.

Loop responses: Beginning, Travel, Help, Advice, Honors.

Cycle 4 is associated with Society: order, rules, permissions or prohibitions, which often form certain stereotypes and reactions, and require standard behavior from you, while the way out often lies beyond the choices provided and is associated with your personal creativity and awareness of your freedom and uniqueness. It is also the influence of your environment on the issue.

Cycle answers: Patron, Woman, Child, Family, Law, Conversation, Solitude, Power, Passion, Error, Sacrifice.

Cycle 5 symbolizes Destiny– events of an irreversible, unpredictable nature, which often occur unexpectedly, take you by surprise and leave behind a rich life experience. This includes both positive and negative responses, which indicate gifts worth accepting or wounds that are important to heal in relation to the question being asked.

Cycle names: Loss, Despair, Loss, Fate, Knowledge, Gift, News, Completion.

6 cycle Personality associated with your personal priorities, abilities and capabilities that are worth recognizing, developing, applying or learning to control. The cycle also indicates the months of the year, by which you can determine the time of the event, as well as understand what mood is important or necessary in your situation.

Cycle names: Healing, Strength, Friend, Money, Success, Intuition, Intelligence, Weakness, Spontaneity, Achievement, Opportunity, Emotions.

New project coming soon!

Online fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle

An interesting deck of cards that amazingly reflects the subtlest facets of the fortuneteller’s personality psychology and at the same time, this deck is full of life, joy and magic, which we sometimes lack in everyday life. The mirror oracle quite accurately answers the deepest spiritual questions, helps to understand oneself, find out the causes of problems, and also gives understanding and insight to those who are looking for themselves, their Path.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - What is really happening? This universal layout is very effective in the case when you cannot give an accurate assessment of the events taking place, because you do not understand where and how to look for the truth, what are the root causes of the current situation, what are the influences from outside and inside, what is the subjective and objective assessment of what is happening, and also - how events will develop in the future

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - Analysis of professional activities. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what from the past influences the current situation in your professional activity, what this situation looks like at the moment, what changes may occur and what they will bring to you

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - A novel on the Internet. This alignment will help you find out what impression you make on the person you are interested in, what you don’t know about him, what is the degree of your compatibility, what a real meeting will bring you, how it can affect your relationship

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Is he free? This alignment will help you find out whether there is a possibility of a relationship with the person you are interested in, what obstacles, problems, influences stand in the way of the relationship, what has a positive effect on the relationship, and also whether you will be happy with this person

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - What's wrong? This is a simple, but at the same time quite accurate layout that will show what your heart is worried about, how your loved one treats you and what the oracle advises you about this situation

Fortune telling using a mirror oracle - A gift from Santa Claus. This fascinating layout will show what surprises the New Year has in store for you in the most important areas of your life; love, work, finances, health, relationships with loved ones

Fortune telling using a mirror oracle - New Year's wish. This fortune telling will help you determine which wish is best for New Year's Eve; will it come true for good, what will it bring, how will your life change after the wish is fulfilled?

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - Gift. This fortune telling can be used in a situation where you don’t know what to give. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what area the gift should belong to, what functions it should perform, what qualities it should have, and what it will bring to the person to whom you are going to give it.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Winter Solstice. This alignment is applied on the day or eve of the winter solstice and shows what you have not yet learned from the last cycle, what events and situations you are rushing, what can bring you profit, good luck, and what it is time for you to let go.

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Who are you in my destiny? This layout will show why the person you are interested in came into your life, what lesson or experience you can get from this meeting, how long this person will remain in your life, how you should behave with him and what is the prospect of your communication

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Treasure Map. This layout will show your financial situation at the moment, your attitude towards money, potential in the financial sector, changes that the coming year will bring, positive and negative influences, what will be the main source of income in the coming year, a possible source of financial problems in the coming year, and also - financial results of the year.

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - Shopaholic Syndrome. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out where money is actually spent, whether these expenses are necessary, how to limit yourself, what to exclude from spending, whether you have a chance to become richer, and also where to get additional income.

GReshinskaya — Gunel Gasanova

Fortune telling with a mirror oracle - Why did everything go wrong? This fortune telling is used when it is not possible to achieve the set goal. Using this layout, you will find out what the defeat is, what aspects you have not yet realized, what you are denying, what played a key role in the current situation, what lesson you need to learn

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Love at a distance. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out how your loved one perceives this relationship, what face-to-face meetings with you mean to him, what virtual meetings mean to him, how he spends his free time, how he tolerates separation

Fortune telling using a mirror oracle - Probability of marriage. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how others perceive you, how you feel about yourself, what kind of person you can be in family relationships, how you imagine your life partner, what you need to do to meet your other half, and also what is the likelihood of getting married in your dream term

Fortune telling on the mirror oracle - Crescent. With the help of this fortune telling you will learn about compatibility with the person you are interested in; in the material, emotional sphere, outlook on life, attitude towards marriage, health and physical labor, as well as a community of views and interests

Fortune telling using a mirror oracle - For a soul mate. This layout will show you how to contact your soul mate, whether your soul mate is in the physical world, what to do for a soul mate to enter your life, whether there will be harmony and well-being between you, what changes need to be made in anticipation of a soul mate

Fortune telling using the Mirror Oracle - Prospects for dating. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what the person you are interested in is like, what his intentions are towards you, what this acquaintance can lead to, what is the advice for you, and also the possible outcome if you follow the advice

Fortune telling with a mirror oracle - Work and finances. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what affects your financial situation at the moment, what could have caused it in the past, what your financial situation really looks like, what you can achieve if you put in the effort

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Deal. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out how the circumstances will develop regarding an exciting business transaction; how things are now, where you will end up, as well as advice from the cards on what to do best

Fortune telling using a mirror oracle - Whispers of the Universe. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what your situation really looks like, what higher powers are trying to warn you about, what others are trying to convey to you, what the subconscious is telling you, what you need to listen to

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Celtic Cross. This fortune telling is intended to analyze an exciting situation or problem. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what underlies the situation, what stops the problem, what can be obtained, what is the current state of affairs, what awaits you in the near future, how you behave and feel in this situation, what are your fears and hopes, and also - how will it all end?

Places of power are special areas with unusual energy that have a strong impact on the human psyche. Usually they are given special sacred meaning; most of the shrines and temples that are especially popular are located in such places. Moreover, if you look into the depths of history, it turns out that the same place is used by successive religions and a new temple is built on the ruins of the old one.

We are opening a section in which our readers will take a unique journey together with a keen expert on the topic, who has visited many sacred places of our planet, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Evgeniy Faydysh.

One of the most famous oracles of antiquity was located in Greece, in the temple of Apollo, on the slope of Mount Parnassus in the town of Delphi. This was not the only oracle of the ancient world. There are also other temples where divination was practiced: on Mount Athos, in the territory of modern Turkey and even Russia, where in a cave not far from Anapa, or rather, the then ancient Greek city of Gorgippia, there was the second most important oracle. But none could compare in strength with the Delphic.

Mythological history

She dates the Delphic Oracle back to the times of the Titans. It was believed that it originally belonged to the Earth goddess Gaia and was guarded by her son, the dragon Python; the place itself was called Pitho, and the first medium was the nymph Daphne. According to another version, Python himself performed the prophecies. From Gaia the oracle passed to her daughter Themis, and then to her sister Phoebe.

With the grandson of Phoebe, Apollo, a new round of the history of the Delphic oracle begins, but this was already the era of the gods of Olympus, led by Zeus, who defeated the Titans.

Having learned the art of divination from Pan, Apollo appeared in Pytho, killed Python and subjugated the oracle. After the battle, he poured the dragon's ashes into the sarcophagus, placing it in the place of divination. It is possible that the Delphic oracle was the spirit of Python himself.

Apollo, meanwhile, went in search of the priests and found them on a ship coming from Crete. Turning into a dolphin, he bewitched the sailors and brought them to the coastal city of Chris, where he appeared in his divine form, dedicating them to a future mission.

Since then, Apollo himself has been considered the source of divination, and the oracle acts as an intermediary between him and people. Sometimes the oracle is identified with Apollo himself.

It is believed that the first wax temple was brought by bees from the country of the Hyperboreans, and all subsequent ones were made according to its model. The mythical Hyperborea - the habitat of the blessed people - was considered closely connected with Apollo. He spent the winter months there, flying there in a chariot drawn by swans. Well, the name “Delphic,” according to one version, arose in honor of the image of a dolphin in which Apollo appeared to the sailors.

Archaeological history

Modern excavations have shown that the area of ​​the Castalian Gorge, in which Delphi is located, has been inhabited since the second millennium BC. And the cult of Apollo was formed in the period 1000 BC. e.

The first temples were made from laurel wood, beeswax and wings, copper and stone. A stone temple close to the modern one was built only in the 7th century. BC, it was destroyed several times and rebuilt after fires and earthquakes. Modern ruins remain from the temple, built already in 369–339. BC.

The maximum flowering of the Delphic Oracle occurred in the 7th–5th centuries. BC e. At this time, not a single important issue of personal or state life was resolved without turning to the oracle. Well, the protection of the incredibly rich temple was guaranteed by the alliance with Sparta. And yet the temple was repeatedly robbed, burned, and then rebuilt again and again. It was finally closed under Emperor Theodosius (391 AD), during the centralized Christianization of the Roman Empire.

Evidence describing the process of divination has survived to this day. The famous biographer and writer Plutarch, who himself was a Delphic priest and knew first-hand about divination, was especially successful. Other famous names include the philosopher Plato, the historians Pliny and Diodorus, the poets Aeschylus and Cicero, and the geographer Strabo.

Geological faults

As studies have shown, under the temple of Apollo, where the fortune telling took place, there is an intersection of two geological faults - the Delphic and Kern, along which the line of sources runs. Now this fault is hidden by fragments of crumbling rocks and ancient terraces, but this particular zone was under the place of prophecy and was called aditon.

Its interior was inaccessible to questioners. There were: a golden statue of Apollo, a laurel tree, a sacred spring, a marble white phallic symbol of Omphalos with two golden eagles, under which was hidden a sarcophagus with the ashes of Python.

In the middle, ground gases rose from a crevice in the rock, and nearby stood a golden tripod with a cauldron on which the Pythia sat. Inhaling the pneuma (gases) coming out of the crack, she entered a trance state.

According to Plutarch, Apollo, or the oracle, was likened to a musician, the Pythia to an instrument, and the pneuma to a mediator. At the same time, he emphasized that pneuma only creates the conditions for prophecy. The main role is played by the preparation and purification of the Pythia, including sexual abstinence and fasting. Initially, the Pythia of the Delphic Oracle were young virgins. They had to lead a very strict lifestyle, observe physical and spiritual purity, celibacy, and fast before entering a trance. But after one of the Pythia fell in love and ran away with the local king, who came for divination, this order was changed. They began to take older women into the Pythia. Before this, they could be married and even have children, but, having become Pythia, they had to observe strict celibacy, fasting and other rules of purity.

Plutarch describes how the pneuma emitted an odor reminiscent of perfume, rose as a gas and dissolved in water. At the same time, in the closed space of the aditon, where the Pythia sat, there was an abundance of it.

Nowadays, chemical analysis of water from sources above the Kern fault has shown that gases such as methane, ethane and ethylene are present in the water. Ethylene has the most pronounced hallucinogenic effect. It has a sweetish odor, which is consistent with Plutarch's account.

Kastalsky spring

Now access to the territory of the Temple of Apollo is closed; you will not find any indication of the location of the aditon or even its existence. We had to conduct almost a detective investigation ourselves.

It was only by chance that we met an old bookstore seller who showed us the location of the Kastalsky spring. But it turned out that the passage to it was closed, allegedly due to stones falling from the rocks. Since then we have visited Delphi five times, but the source is still closed. But it was fenced with several rows of fences, including barbed wire, and the territory itself looks mysteriously well-groomed. Last year they even installed ground lighting there. So, are they letting anyone in? How can one not remember about conspiracy theories, globalization and the new world order. Apparently, all the most important magical rarities are withdrawn from circulation and become available only to the shadow elite. Ordinary visitors have access to the lower pool, where water flowed from the place of washing of the Pythia and other participants in divination. True, it is also dry, only a trickle of water from the Kastal spring gushes out of the wall like a small fountain. In ancient times, this was the first stop of pilgrims to the temple of Apollo, where they had to wash their hair, and those burdened with murder, wash their entire body.

However, no amount of “secrecy” about the Kastal source can hide its unique energy. She is literally amazing. Using one of our developments - a computer virtual oracle - we carried out a scan, obtaining a diagram of its archetype. In the middle of the scan, a fractal phallic archetype is clearly visible, surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped arch - a symbol of the feminine. And in the very center is a convex polyhedron with triangular and square faces. The square is a symbol of the Earth, associated with the very foundation of the oracle; the triangle is one of the symbols of Apollo, male and female spiritual energy, depending on the orientation of the vertex, and, of course, one of the associations with Plato, a researcher of the psychoenergetics of polyhedra.

The Temple of Apollo was located at an altitude of about 700 meters on the slope of Parnassus. The rocky slopes on the back side of the complex surprisingly resemble magic mirrors. There is a cliff ahead, and in the distance you can see the sea bay. Today only the foundation and a few columns remain. In ancient times, the sayings of the seven wise men were inscribed on the pediment: “Know yourself,” “Nothing in excess,” and a mysterious image of the letter “E.” The wooden image of the letter was an offering from the seven wise men, then it was replaced with a gold one. Its meaning is still debated.

A little below the temple is the Omphalos, marking the center of the Earth. In reality, it is the center of the ancient Greek Oikumene.

Scan made using virtual oracle

Supply and demand

At the very beginning of the tradition, divination was given only once a year, on the birthday of Apollo. It was believed that it was on this day that he returned from the Hyperboreans. But the number of clients grew, and these were usually kings, not poor people. And from the 6th century. BC. Divinations began to be carried out on the seventh of every month, with the exception of three winter months, when Apollo flew to Hyperborea. The temple grew rich, divination was very expensive, and over time they began to be carried out every day, except on unclean days.

Plutarch writes that once the priests forced the Pythia to work on such an unclean day. He himself saw how she, against her will, went down into the aditon, suddenly screamed piercingly and, rushing to the exit, fell unconscious, and died a few days later.

In addition, the Pythia usually refused to prophesy to a defiled person, a criminal.

Before the prophecy, the Pythia, the priest and the client were purified. To do this, they walked along the path along the rock to the Kastalsky spring, where ablution took place. Returning to the temple, the Pythia, dressed in gold-woven clothing and loosening her hair, put a wreath of laurel branches on her head and descended into the adyton.

After receiving a question from a client, the Pythia prepared for the divination ritual: chewed the leaves of the sacred laurel, drank water from the sacred spring, then sat on a golden tripod placed over the crevice and inhaled the fumes.

At the same time, the Pythia often fell into ecstasy, uttering unclear individual phrases and mutterings, which were recorded and interpreted by the priests of the temple. The answer was usually presented in a poetic, allegorical form.

What is the question is the answer

Many examples of the prophecies of the Delphic Oracle have survived to this day. Of the most important, one can note the prediction of the victory of Athens over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. Prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ. It is known that the oracle predicted that King Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother.

An illustrative story about prophecy is associated with the famous king of Lydia Croesus (595–546 BC). The saying “rich as Croesus” has survived even to this day. And indeed, he became fantastically rich thanks to his campaigns of conquest. But greed, as we know, knows no limits, and Croesus decided to conquer Persia.

Before the start of the war, he went to Delphi with rich gifts. His question sounded something like this: “What will happen if I go to war against the Persians?” The priests interpreted the Pythia’s answer as follows: “If Croesus goes to war against Cyrus (then king of Persia), he will crush the great kingdom.”

Croesus was delighted, deciding that he was predicted to succeed. The prophecy actually came true. A large kingdom perished, but not Persia, but Lydia. After the defeat of Croesus's army, it became part of Persia.

Cyrus spared Croesus's life and even allowed him to send envoys to Delphi. They placed the royal shackles on the altar of the temple and asked: “Is it common for the Greek gods to deceive those who come to them for advice?” They answered him approximately in the spirit that he himself was to blame, since he did not specify which kingdom was discussed in the prophecy. As they would say today: what is the question, so is the answer.

The ancient tradition of divination is preserved in certain corners of the Earth to this day. The unique experience of tradition and its study provide the opportunity for the further development of this amazing technology, and most importantly, its adaptation to the realities of our time.

Evgeniy Faydysh

Now this place has acquired the status of an architectural monument, which was recently included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In ancient times, the oracle was extremely popular and greatly influenced the course of history. Fortune telling and the Delphic oracle are inextricably linked, because this holy relic was given by heaven itself to predict the future. Many famous personalities and ordinary people visited the temple to hear the prophecy. The predictions of the Delphic oracle were always accurate and true - people were looking for the truth.


Initially, the Delphic oracle was called the oracle in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, which was located at the base of Mount Parnassus. According to legend, it was founded by Apollo himself where he defeated the terrible monster the serpent Python. Its origin dates back to the Mycenaean era, and its destruction dates back to the 4th century. Its heyday occurred in the 7th-5th centuries. BC e. The Delphic oracle is none other than the main soothsayer in the Hellenic world. He symbolized wisdom


At the beginning of time, the owner of the oracle was Gaia, the relic was guarded by a dragon named Python. The Delphic oracle was received as a gift from Gaia by Themis, who was later inherited by her sister Phoebe, after which it went to her grandson Apollo, who was taught the art of divination by Pan. Having destroyed Python, Apollo won the oracle. He collected his ashes and placed them in a sarcophagus, after which he went in search of priests for the erected temple.

Fixing his gaze to the sea, Apollo noticed a ship sailing from Knossos. Then the god turned into a dolphin and rushed into the waters to lead the sailors to Chris: there people built the Delphic altar to Apollo. Next, the sailors sailed to Mount Parnassus, where they soon received the rank of the first priests of the Delphic temple.


Archaeological research carried out in the 19th century revealed that the Castalian Gorge began to be populated from the 2nd millennium BC. e., while the importance of Delphi became iconic back in Mycenaean times, when the pre-Apollo cult operated. The temple appeared approximately in the 10th-9th centuries BC. e. The Delphic oracle is considered to be one of the most ancient, but appeared later than the Dodon oak.

The temple was erected by the will of Apollo by the ancient architects Trophonius and Agamedes in the 7th century BC. e., but in 548 there was a fire and the structure was destroyed, but it was soon replaced by a new building in the Dorian style. But this temple was also destroyed due to an earthquake that occurred in 373 BC. e. Today, on this site there are ruins remaining from the construction of 369-339.

Before setting off on new colonial campaigns, it was customary to turn to the oracle for a prediction and blessing: Apollo was considered the patron saint of colonial expeditions.

Various temples of the Mediterranean were often accepted into citizenship, and contacts were established with the Etruscan dynasty of the Tarquins, which was located in Rome. As a result of the fall of this family, the Delphic priests contributed to the transfer of the oracles of the Cumaean Sibyl to Rome, exerting Hellenic influence on Roman religion.

The heyday of the Delphic Oracle occurred in the 7th-5th centuries BC. e., when on any political or personal issues one had to go to him for advice. A military-political alliance is concluded with Sparta, which later became the secular “army” of the Delphic temple. Various embassies from many ancient kingdoms came to Delphi with generous offerings: King Midas even gave the temple a precious golden throne.

The significance of the temple began to wane with the beginning of the Greco-Persian wars: Delphi took the side of the Persians, hoping in the future to become the religious and cultural center of the Persian Empire.

The temple was repeatedly plundered and also suffered fires due to the raids of the Gauls in 279 BC. e. Emperor Theodosius decided to close it.


The temple represented the cultural and religious center of the area. The surrounding area was rich in springs, the most famous of which was Castalian, which was surrounded by laurels in honor of Apollo. On the pediment of the building are depicted the words of the Seven Sages: “nothing beyond measure”, “know yourself” and the mysterious letter “E”. The wooden figure of this symbol was soon replaced by a copper sign, and a few years later the Empress Libya donated a golden letter. The meaning of this figure was said that “E” has the meaning of the number 5: thus the sages wanted to convey that there were five of them: Thales, Bias, Chilon, Solon and Pittacus, and the tyrants Periander of Corinth and Cleobulus did not deserve the title of sages. In addition, the letter symbolizes the fact that Apollo should be approached with important problems.

Visitors to the Delphic temple can see statues of Moira, as well as an altar to the god of the seas, statues of Apollo and Zeus-Moiragetes and the steel throne of the great Pindar.


A huge number of pilgrims came to the sanctuary. But asking questions to the oracle was allowed only on specific dates, and only after a series of cleansing rituals. In addition, it was necessary to present a sacrifice and a certain payment.

Inside the temple there was a place - aditon - inaccessible to visitors. There stood a golden sculpture of Apollo, a laurel tree with a sacred spring, and an Omphalus made of white marble with two golden eagles. Under the adyton rested a sarcophagus, where, according to legend, the ashes of the serpent Python, slain by Apollo, were kept. In the amphitheater there was a hall with a large crevice right in the rock, from which poisonous gases escaped. A golden tripod stood right there.

How did the predictions happen?

In ancient times, divinations were made only once a year - to celebrate the birthday of Apollo, which fell on the 7th Bisia - approximately mid-February-March. Since the 6th century. BC e. predictions began to be made every seventh day, except for the winter months. Later, predictions began to be made every day, except for especially unclean dates. The Pythia refused to make predictions for people blackened by crime.

The Pythia was elected regardless of social status; before acquiring this rank, she could even be married: she only had to express loyalty to Apollo, as well as observe chastity. Before divining the Pythia, you must wash yourself in the Castalian spring, putting on a golden outfit and letting your hair down. She was to put on a laurel wreath and go down to the adyton, drink from the spring, chew the laurel and sit on the tripod. Inhaling poisons from the crevice, the Pythia fell into a narcotic ecstasy and began to voice vague, lengthy phrases, which were subsequently recorded and deciphered by the priests - and this is how the Delphic predictions were born.

Famous prophecies

Thucydides, Herodotus, Xenophon and many other authors described many prophecies of the Pythia, distinguished by amazing specificity and accuracy of content. For example, “do not burn the vessels in the oven” meant a hint not to burn people in the tower, and such a statement as “put the bread in a cold oven” was interpreted as copulation with the dead body of a strangled wife. The prediction, which sounded like “you will find your horse,” brought death to the questioner in a place called Ippos, which translates as “horse.”

The famous Delphic prediction was received by the wealthy Lydian king Croesus, who was at war with Persia in those days. The Pythia told him that if he crossed the Halys River, he would destroy the great kingdom. Croesus took this with inspiration, and, counting on victory, went on a military campaign, but was defeated. In response to his complaint to the oracle, he was told that the prophecy did not specify exactly whose kingdom would be defeated - thus, the prediction came true, but not in the way the questioner expected.

Another famous prophecy was pronounced to Philip, the king of Macedonia, the father of Alexander the Great. When asked how to defeat other states, he was ordered to fight with silver spears - only then would he be able to win. Philip, earlier than the neighboring powers, decided to mint coins, and thus he managed to subjugate the neighboring cities.

False prophecies

Herodotus talked about appealing to the temple with the question of the legitimacy of the occupied throne of the king from the house of Eurypontids - the son of Ariston Demaratus. His colleague Cleomenes spread the rumor that Demaratus was a bastard, aiming to overthrow his rule. The Spartans began to have disagreements on this matter. It was decided to turn to the oracle in Delphi. On Cleomenes's side was Cobon, the son of an important man in Delphi. He was able to persuade Pythia Perialla to make a prediction convenient for Cleomenes. Soon the lie surfaced and Cobon was expelled from Delphi, and Perialla lost her rank. Cleomenes went crazy after the events that happened.

Another case of false prophecy occurred during the overthrow of tyrants in Athens. Then the Alcmaeonids played a decisive role in this matter by bribing the Delphic priests.

Fortune telling with playing cards

Currently, fortune telling using the Delphic oracle on cards is practiced quite often. At the moment, there are many layouts named after the oracle. It is actually not possible to decompose the Delphic oracle on playing cards, but some techniques imitate ancient knowledge. Fortune telling is a great sacrament, and not everyone manages to correctly interpret the meaning of the prophecy. In the “Delphic Oracle” fortune-telling on playing cards, in fact, only the name remained from the predictions made by the Pythia - after all, the ritual of fortune-telling in ancient times was quite specific, far from what it is today at the card table.

Tarot cards

The Delphic oracle is a huge responsibility, as are the tarot cards. The latter are a special deck with great power. There is a “Delphic Oracle” tarot spread, which was named after the temple of Apollo of the same name. The cards themselves are highly accurate and effective; the main thing is to formulate the question correctly. The information provided by the “Delphic Oracle” fortune telling on playing cards cannot be compared with other types of layouts.

Being a cultural, religious and historical center, the Temple of Apollo at the foot of Mount Parnassus was also a place of power where pilgrims and ordinary people flocked to get answers to the questions that tormented them. The Delphic Oracle is a storehouse of secret knowledge that was available to the ancient Greeks.

Nowadays, fortune telling with playing cards serves as a reminder of the oracle. Time moves forward, and people are still worried about their destinies, which means that the times of magical and mysterious rituals are still alive.