Fortune telling for a man's return. Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me. Values ​​of layout positions

When a loved one suddenly ends the relationship, it is easy to understand the confusion and loss a girl feels. And if he is already a husband, the head of the family, the father of children, then the loss can darken his days for a long time and throw him off balance.

During such periods, it is necessary to know whether the appearance of another in his life was the reason for this, or whether he is running away from your relationship because he was unhappy in it. Will the husband return to the family, is it worth fighting for love, or has he already made his final decision and the bridges have been burned.

Millions of women have faced such family difficulties, wanting to help them, oracles created predictions for the return of a loved one. There are online fortune telling on the Internet; this modern method has not yet been sufficiently tested in practice and raises doubts about the reliability of the online predictions received.

You can compare the effectiveness of traditional predictions and virtual ones, making your own conclusion regarding the veracity of online answers.

Fortune telling by ring

Married ladies have a small talisman of marriage and family ties. The wedding ring can answer whether the husband intends to return to the family.

The engagement ring is connected with the other half and can reveal all its secrets at any moment, even after a divorce or temporary departure from the family.

You can also use the ring on days of prosperity in marriage to dispel all doubts and drive bad thoughts out of your head, or in time to throw a lifeline to the collapsing harmony of the union.

If a girl tells fortunes about the groom using this method, then you can get by with any ring, although the reliability will decrease. It is best if the jewelry was presented by the person who caused the fortune telling.

Choose a photo of your loved one in which there are no strangers, only him. Pass a silk thread or your own hair through the ring, tie the ends of the thread into a knot at a distance from the jewelry approximately equal to the length of your arm from the elbow to the wrist.

Hold the pendulum by the knot and place your elbow on the table. The ring should swing freely over the photo. Wait until the pendulum ring oscillates, then ask a question, for example: “Will my husband come back?”

  • Rocking the ring from side to side means a negative answer.
  • Rotation in a circle - the pendulum responds positively.

This is a simple and accessible fortune telling, variations of which are used even by professional psychics. Mastering this technique is not difficult at all.

Tarot spreads

Tarot layouts for the return of a loved one will clarify the circumstances of the betrayal, the prospects for restoring the relationship and the reasons for this behavior of a loved one.

The type of Tarot deck is not important. Having completed the fortune telling, look up the meaning of the arcana of the selected deck online; here we will consider the methods of laying out the cards themselves.

Place the Tarot deck face down on the table and shuffle the cards in a circular motion, keeping the question and the image of the person in mind in your thoughts. Arcana can have a direct or inverted meaning; shuffling the cards eliminates the possibility of a card always appearing in the same position.

For the first Tarot layout, you will need to lay out six cards:

  • The thoughts of a loved one, mental state.
  • Heart secrets, emotional sphere.
  • Opening prospects, predictions for the near future.
  • Intentions, desires, expectations of the person in the layout.
  • Sudden intervention of fate, fate, surprises for your loved one.
  • Outcome, distant future, result.

Three Tarot symbols

The next Tarot layout will let you know whether fate is preventing your husband from returning, and will direct the magical power of the cards to circumstances in such a way that he will hurry up to the family. The prediction is made on three lassos, which should be laid out in a line on the table.

  • The Tower and Hanged Man arcana speak of the absence of any hope.
  • When the “Moon” lasso is in combination with the “Mage” - this is a sure sign of damage or a love spell, the magical effect will have to be removed, then there is a chance that the husband will come to his senses.
  • In the third position, the inverted lassos “Popesses”, “Empress”, “Peace” - you are destined for loneliness for an indefinite period.
  • Swords will indicate that the struggle for a man will be difficult, but do not exclude his return.
  • The remaining combinations indicate the possibility of returning your spouse and give advice on how to do this.

If the Tarot arcana did not indicate the impossibility of the desire, choose a photo that captures the happy time of your union. Only you and the chosen one, no strangers. Collect three layout cards and photos in a pile, wrap them in scarlet velvet and hide them under the pillow. Your husband will remember his feelings for you and want to return the relationship.

Meditation on a candle

When a relationship crisis occurs, this fortune telling will tell you how to sort out a confusing situation, reveal the true meaning and causes of the discord, and answer whether the betrothed will return to the family.

You can resort to this meditation only in the most difficult and confusing periods of relationships. Fortune telling releases all the power of the subconscious to solve a difficult problem, gives a wise solution, and helps to restore order in the depths of the soul.

For meditation, find a medium-sized mirror and a wax candle, which will last for half an hour. Church candles are made of wax; if they are not too thin, they will do, the main thing is to check the burning time of the candle. The mirror is installed so that you can see the reflection of the flame, but in no case your own face.

Having installed a mirror and a candle, get ready for sleep; you can no longer get up after meditation. Light the wick and gaze into the reflection of the fire while sitting on the bed. You can’t go to bed, there’s a risk of falling asleep. In the best case, the fortune telling about the return of the relationship with your spouse will fail; you will no longer be able to ask the question whether he will return; in the worst case, a fire may start.

While contemplating the flame, concentrate on the problem, the circumstances of the relationship, ask the subconscious what the best decision is for all parties, think about what will happen when the spouse returns. You need to achieve calm, accept any outcome, slow down the speed of thoughts. There is no need to constantly pronounce the question; rather, you need to move on to the figurative flow.

Intend to receive an answer in a dream, configure your subconscious so that it speaks to you in understandable symbols. You can turn to the subconscious, it always hears us and is ready to help, we just have to allow the mind to listen to this whisper.

Take twenty minutes to half an hour to meditate, put out the candle, and go to bed. The solution will be given in the dream. Often there is a dream with immediate events that are understandable without unnecessary interpretation.

There is an unusual set of characters. Remember how you felt in the dream. Your condition is the key, this is how events will develop. Author: Anastasia Tetereva

Fortune telling helps you find out whether your loved one will return, whether reconciliation will take place, what the future of your couple and the relationship between you will be.

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What led to the breakdown of the relationship?
  • Your feelings for your chosen Partner.
  • How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future?

    What led to the breakdown of the relationship? Your feelings for your chosen Partner. How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • The Partner's plans for you in the near future.
  • What prevents your couple from being together?
  • What will (would help) bring the Partner back?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future? If the answer is negative, then why “no”; if positive, then under what circumstances?
  • The result of the relationship between you. Distant future.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to interpret the layout

After you start the session and lay out the cards, pay attention to positions 1, 2, 3 - together they form the basis of the layout on which the remaining cards are strung.

Points 2 and 3 – your and your Partner’s feelings for each other – influence the first card. What impact does this have? What causes the gap? After all, we often strive to take the blame only on ourselves or completely shift it onto others. The combination of 1, 2, 3 will help you understand where it is thin and torn, what is important to take care of in relation to each other.

Add the 4th to the positions you viewed, which tells about your partner’s expected plans for you and the near future. Pay attention to points 5 and 6 as relationship strategies that help or hinder reunification. Were there any figured cards among the six cards of the layout - Kings, Queens, and less often Knights and Pages?

The figured arcana signify other people, as well as personality traits that have caused misunderstandings and disagreements. Take a closer look to see if the Major Arcana (with names in English) have fallen out. Their situations have a transformative impact and are more acutely felt: confronting, forcing, or giving a chance to live an experience important for the development of relationships.

The Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation of the answer to the question: yes or no. Therefore, the answer to point 7 is not stated categorically! The map shows the probabilities, the strength of favorable/unfavorable conditions for reconciliation and mutual development. The negative 7th lasso can also emphasize that the experience of development has been learned (painfully).

Sometimes card 7 is negative, and card 8 is positive. Since the 8th position shows the distant future, it may mean unaccounted factors that become apparent over time and influence the course of events. The 8th card may be unrelated to the current situation, for example, symbolize a new relationship.

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love

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    Good day)
    This article was very useful for me. What should girls do on Christmas night? Or for the old New Year!
    Fortune telling, of course. Doesn't matter. For the betrothed, for the family, for work. But it was in this article that I learned about a very interesting fortune-telling. I’ll give you some advice: it’s better to guess from 23:00 to 00:00. Why? Only because this is the best time to unravel the spell. Thank you for the article))

    Hi all:)
    I surfed the Internet and looked for fortune telling on cards. I came across this article. Well, I think I’ll read it. I was very interested in this type of fortune telling. What did I really like? Detailed description of card layout. I tell fortunes by candlelight. This gives a certain mystical atmosphere.

    Hello everybody!
    The topic “Will your loved one return” was very touched upon?
    We separated a couple of months ago. The old New Year is just around the corner! And this is the time to guess. The article is quite interesting. Detailed description, well written. I love mysticism, enchantment, magic so much. Every year I look forward to those days on the night of which you can tell fortunes! It’s so wonderful! Phew.. I’m writing and getting inspired! I went to guess)

    I want to say a huge thank you to the author of this article)
    For literacy, detailed explanation, for truthful information.
    Like most couples, my boyfriend and I had small
    Problems. What to do? Who can I find out what will happen next? Money
    Not much after the holidays. Going to a family specialist is expensive. I thought. I was scratching my head. I've already figured it out! Divination. What could be better?? I’m waiting for steps from the young man, I hope for the best. It’s already getting better little by little, but it’s not all smooth sailing yet)

    Hello! An amazing site, just 15 minutes and you get answers to questions that have been bothering you for so long. Now I know what to do to get him back. It’s also nice that you can ask a question in person, the cards help, but there are points that I would like to clarify in person. In a word, thank you very much!

    Good day! These are modern technologies. Why did he leave? What to do next? You can get the answer without leaving home, and most importantly - for free, I just came across your site. Accidents are not accidental, as they say) I learned something about myself and him that I couldn’t even imagine.

    Hello:) Thank you very much, very useful site! I didn’t know whether to go to a fortune teller, but then I came across this site. So many questions, but no answers until now. The explanation of the cards is quite clear. Of course, I didn’t expect such interpretations, but the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

    Good afternoon) for the last couple of months there have been problems in relationships, I asked my friends, but, as they say, as many people, so many opinions. I decided to tell my fortune, especially since now is the time! I learned what to do and what not to do. Cards are better than friends. And it’s good that for narrow-minded people like me there are detailed instructions and explanations)) Thank you very much, now only you can get the answers!

    Hello. I bought him an anniversary gift, cooked him dinner, and he decided it was best for us to break up. I was broken and didn’t know what to do, but then I remember, now is the time for fortune-telling! That's it. I got answers to all my questions, thank you very much for your site! I don’t know what I would do without you!!!

    Hello! I went to see friends for the weekend, and then announced that we were breaking up. I didn’t know what to do. I decided to tell my fortune. It turned out that the problem was not only with him, but also with me. I received advice for the future. Now, knowing all the mistakes, I will act. Are there others who have found problems within themselves?

    Good evening. Yes, Varvara, it turns out that this happens too. We are used to blaming others, but we forget to look for mistakes in ourselves. You are no exception. But my situation is a little different. Everything has been heading towards a break for about 3 weeks now. Now, thanks to fortune telling, I have received answers to my questions. As you said, we will act in the right direction!

    Hello. I also decided to tell my fortune at night. As they wrote earlier in the comments, “a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.” Well, let’s not despair, I read my fortune again for another person... the answer is positive)) It took about 15 minutes to do everything!

    Hello! I've heard so much about fortune telling, but it's better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times. And who ever said that fortune telling is not a man’s job? Just 20 minutes and you will get answers to your questions! Everyone says “listen to your heart,” but sometimes everyone needs advice and the right vector. In my case, it was fortune telling that helped. Thank you!

    Very often I began to worry about the experience of “is he cheating, no, can’t, or can he still...?” I started returning home later, cold communication, justified by work. I decided to try fortune telling. Now I know how he feels about our relationship and what I should do, I received personal advice. Thank you!

    Hello! My man left for another woman a couple of months ago, I wanted to get him back, but I didn’t know how, what to do, and is it even worth it? It turned out, yes, it’s worth it! The question remains: are there anyone here who has been guessing? What do you say, really?

    Hello:) yes, I was wondering, it’s all true! I also had a man leave me, though not for someone else, but still. The cards showed what he thinks about this situation and what I should do. Try it, you won't regret it!

    Good day! I was wondering for the first time, I didn’t know it was so simple and I don’t understand why I didn’t try it before, now I’ll be a frequent visitor! Problems in my personal life plagued me day after day, so I decided to check and the cards were right. The fact is that he may return, but I am not ready for this and will not be able to take him back. Unfortunately, there are things that cannot be forgiven.

    If you don't try, you won't know, but it's true. I’ve been with a young man for almost 4 years, I didn’t know if he was ready for something more serious, for marriage? The cards answered all questions + gave personal advice. I would never have thought that it was so simple and fast!

    Hello! My husband often began to respond negatively to all my requests, communicate somehow coldly, and then even declared that it was better for us to live separately for some time! Can you imagine? I tried all the methods except fortune telling and you know, it helped! I also recommended it to my friends.

    I would like to have friends like this who recommended this site to me! I came across it by accident, I don’t think I was there. I tried it and it was not in vain. Not long ago a young man left me, the separation did not go very smoothly, but not all is lost! We will try. Now I know what and how to do.

    Good evening! I have always been interested in mysticism and fortune telling. Very useful article. Explained and clarified all possible questions. I like to tell fortunes at night, as they wrote earlier in the comments, it’s best to do this from 23:00 to 00:00, but it’s also more interesting))

    It was a very difficult moment in life; it’s not easy to make such an important decision when you decide to tell your fortune. I came across your site, better than any advice from others: “he won’t come back, he doesn’t need it” or “you yourself don’t want his presence in your life.” At one point I realized for myself, let them talk, and I’ll tell my fortune! Now I know exactly what’s wrong and what to do))

    Hello) I read the previous comments and I see myself. That's right, girls, it's better to tell your fortune once than to listen to 1000 and 1 advice from others. The cards definitely don't lie!
    It was also a difficult situation, now I’m waiting for the result of my actions...

    Good evening) A friend also advised me... and for good reason!
    Two weeks ago we broke up with a young man, and before that we had been dating for almost 2.5 years. I thought she was cheating... I don’t even know. I told my fortune, now I will solve the problem with the right actions, based on the help of cards. They say he’ll come back, but we’ll see)

    I couldn’t even imagine that it would ever occur to me to guess.
    But he found himself in a seemingly hopeless situation, and the girl left.
    Friends laughed and told me to read it and try it.
    I read it, liked the article, tried it, felt better.
    I just got my second wind. I know what to do!
    Thanks to the author.

    Hello! In general, I liked the article and helped to understand the root of the problem.
    I separated from my husband, and without any explanation on his part. I couldn’t find a place for myself. Fortune telling helped clarify the situation and accept reality. It turned out to be simple. Let's look at the result)

    I tried to guess before, but it was of little use.
    The article explains everything clearly and clearly, and now I did it!
    My life is full of problems on a personal level (Apparently I don’t know how to build this personal plan.
    I received recommendations from the cards) I’ll try to follow them. I hope everything will work out.

    Hello. I'm a random guest. I passed by while browsing the internet. Since there is a problem with a young man - we are on the verge of breaking up, I decided to try. It turned out that everything was clear. The cards told me what to do and what I was doing wrong. I really hope and believe that everything will be fine now!

    Good afternoon. I want to thank the author of the article. Everything is very clearly written and decorated.
    I have problems with my husband, I don’t know what to do. I told my fortune and it became easier. The cards answered important questions for me. Obvious things became really obvious, and before I would not have even thought about it...
    Thank you, now I know where to run in case of problems.

    The problem with the young man fell like a brick on my head... I drove myself crazy. I would go to my grandmother, but where can I find her in a big city? We advised you to read the article. I was skeptical, but I came. I shouldn’t have believed it, I’ll tell you! I don’t know if this will help me settle my relationship with my loved one, but I definitely found peace of mind! Thanks to the cards, I now have hope for the future.

    I've always been interested in mysticism. But there was no time to try. And what happened was that my beloved left me. I went to see my friend, it was very unpleasant.
    But I love him and still hope to return him. I decided to tell my fortune. The cards helped me look at the situation differently. They gave me advice and support. I believe that now everything will work out and we will be together again!

    I liked the article and most importantly it helped!
    I'm still in school, I have a boy. Something has gone wrong between us. I don't understand what to do. It seems like you can’t run to your mom with such a question. I decided to tell my fortune. The girls recommended this site. I like it! The main thing is to carefully read the meaning of the cards. I will definitely come again.

    Hello! I didn’t think or imagine that I would ever decide to turn to cards. The situation in the family prompted decisive action. But I couldn’t decide which ones. I needed to understand myself and ask for advice. Fortune telling helped me here, the main thing is that it’s convenient that it’s all online! No need to bother buying cards. In general: your head is clear, there is an action plan, mistakes have been taken into account. Everything will be fine!

    Hi all. I’ll join the positive reviews - I liked the fortune telling! My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year. The relationship began to deteriorate, it is not clear why. The cards answered almost all the questions. They even advised me what to do. I'm impressed!)) Shit tonight, and now I've come to write. Because I tried the advice of the cards and you won’t believe it... The reaction was exactly as the cards said! Hurray, we will continue to act!!!

    I tried online fortune telling. Liked.
    The cards didn’t lie about the past, and about the present too. Question about the future.
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for three months, I hoped that we would continue dating, but the cards say - Don’t wait.
    It’s a pity, of course, I’ll be fed up that they’re lying at least a little bit)

    The family boat crashed into everyday life. Have you heard this? This is how it happened for me.
    It will take a long time to tell what and how. The bottom line: my husband started taking walks, I’m almost sure of this.
    I laid out the cards, and they confirmed my guesses. True, there are also positive aspects: they advised what to do and what to do.

    Difficulties of adolescence, they say. A difficult teenager they say. First love is never happy they say.
    You might think you were born old right away...
    Of course, I have problems, I have a lot of questions that I have no one to go to.
    I don't want to hear stupid advice. I decided to tell my fortune, but here everything is written so clearly on the pages.
    I was impressed and even somehow my head became clearer.

    There came a time in my life when I had to make a difficult decision for me whether to stay with a person or not.
    Friends advised me to leave. Mom said be patient and fall in love.
    I decided to do it my way and trust the cards.
    I laid it out and made decisions.
    Thank you, your article was very helpful.

    Girls, this is understandable. It's normal for women to guess. But if someone had told me that I was a guy who would try to guess... I would definitely have cracked.
    And now I’ve come to try it myself.
    My friend intrigued me, go and go. Came for fun - I liked it)
    The main thing is that they didn’t lie, they told the truth)

    I, Thomas, am not a believer, I question everything. I don’t go to fortune tellers and don’t believe in conspiracies.
    My sister, on the contrary, believes in all this!
    So we argued with her, each one stands on her own and does not yield. She suggested that I come to this site and try it myself. And I went. I read the article and laughed - nonsense.
    I told fortunes online and became thoughtful. It’s not like it’s completely nonsense. I told my fortune again, almost everything was told correctly. So now I think which of us is right?

    I read all the reviews, everyone really believes me. But I doubt it.
    What if someone here didn’t get what was predicted by the cards?
    Maybe you can share, I’d like to hear another opinion.
    I myself tried to guess online, all the answers added some confusion to an already incomprehensible situation. Can anyone advise what to do?

    Maria, it’s not entirely clear what you are asking for advice on?
    Should I advise you to believe it or not? No one can believe for you.
    Here either there is faith or there is not.
    I personally like guessing, I know many ways. I come to this site for online fortune telling, when I want advice, but I can’t give it myself.
    Faith is a lot, decide for yourself.

    Oh, I didn’t expect such a quick response, thank you Katenka.
    Yes, of course, you're right. Faith is everything.
    But how can you believe when you expect a different result? Difficult.
    I'm probably talking nonsense, I'm not in the right head.
    I'll try again, maybe everything will work out.
    Thanks to the site and to you!

    I walked in by chance and got stuck! It turned out to be interesting, and I was completely captivated.
    I like to lay out the cards myself so that my hands can feel the cards. I can’t even describe the impression it leaves.
    I was pleased with the page and found unknown moments for myself. And of course I tried fortune telling with a robot) Interesting. Thank you!

If you want to find out whether your loved one will return, fortune telling will be the surest way to find the answer to this difficult question.

In the article:

Will your loved one return - fortune telling

This fortune telling will help you find out whether your loved one will return to you if you have quarreled or separated for other reasons for some time. With its help, you can find out not only whether your boyfriend or husband will return to you, but also the true reason for the disagreement, his feelings, interference between you, as well as circumstances that can help make peace. It should be noted that fortune telling works much more accurately than, for example, folk fortune telling.

This fortune telling for the return of a loved one can be performed with ordinary playing cards, and there can be 36 or 52 of them in the deck, or with. Shuffle your personal deck as you normally would. After this, lay out the first card on the table or other convenient surface. Place the second one above it, but not on it, the third one to the left of the second one, and the fourth one to the right one. The fifth card is placed above the third, the sixth above the fourth, and the seventh between them. At the very top of the layout, the eighth card should be located at the end.

Now you can begin to interpret the fortune telling about whether your loved one will return to you.

  • First the card laid out on the table will show you the true reason for the breakup. It may differ from the one that your loved one expressed to you, but it is the meaning of this card that is the reason that you broke up.
  • Second the card reflects feelings for your ex-boyfriend. They may seem completely different to you, but this may be due to stress, especially if you have been dating or living under the same roof for a long time.
  • Third- these are the feelings of a former loved one towards you at the moment.
  • Fourth reflects his plans for you and your relationship: by interpreting it, you will find out whether the guy is going to put up or whether he is determined to forget about everything that connected you.
  • Fifth the card reveals obstacles and answers the question of why you can’t be together, what’s stopping you from making peace again - these could be problems in you, or simply failures in life, or .
  • Sixth the card tells you how to correct the situation and return your husband or boyfriend by renewing your relationship.
  • Seventh accurately answers the main question of fortune-telling - whether the husband will return. Sometimes she suggests the reasons why the relationship has become impossible, or the circumstances under which reconciliation is possible.
  • Eighth the card will show the results, that is, your relationship in the distant future.

A simple fortune telling for the return of a loved one

This fortune telling to the question of whether the guy will return to you will not answer with a definite “yes” or a confident “no”. However, it allows you to find out how he feels at the moment and what is happening in his life. Sometimes this information is more than enough to understand whether the continuation of your relationship is possible. Besides, The layout is very simple and suitable even for beginners.

Shuffle the deck as usual and draw six cards from it. You can lay them out in any order, the main thing is not to confuse the order in which you took the cards from the deck; it is necessary to interpret them in this way.

  • First the map will show what his thoughts are occupied with.
  • Second talks about the feelings of your ex-husband or boyfriend, but they do not necessarily concern you and your relationship.
  • Third will show you its near future.
  • Fourth And fifth the cards are his desires or plans, what he would like to achieve in the near future.
  • Sixth the card shows the present, the events that are happening in the life of your lover at the moment.

This fortune telling for the return of a loved one will help you not only obtain information that is hidden from you without his help, but also choose the right moment for reconciliation if you are going to take the first step, but do not know how to choose the time.

Fortune telling about whether a loved one will return “Nine Cards”

You can find out whether your loved one will return with the help of this fortune telling. When choosing layouts that are aimed at giving you an answer to this question, you must choose one that you would intuitively like. Then he will be as truthful as possible. Some people prefer to repeat the fortune telling for the return of their loved one, making several different layouts. In addition, it is advisable to do this more often, because the thoughts of each person can change, and the resentment passes over time.

If you like more complex types of fortune telling, you can try this fortune telling, with the help of which you will not only find out whether your loved one will return, but also get answers to many important questions even after a major quarrel.

The way you usually do it. If you are guessing for the first time, try to tune in correctly and concentrate on the question. For some, special meditations help with this, as well as creating a mystical atmosphere with the help of candles and incense. There is no witchcraft effect in it, it is a help in creating the right mood, which is very important when receiving answers from the cards.

So, put the first card on the table. Place the second one below it, and the third one between them. The fourth should be located to the right of the third. The fifth card should be near the first, to the right of it, and the sixth - near the second. Lay out the seventh, eighth and ninth from left to right, starting from the fourth card. Now you can begin to interpret this alignment.
  • First the card is a characteristic of your relationships in the past.
  • Second- the reason for your breakup, it can be both in you and in your chosen one.
  • Third the card speaks of a lesson that you must learn from the situation that happened to you that you are guessing about. Nothing happens without a reason, and the end of a relationship is no exception.
  • Fourth the card will show your relationship in the present.
  • Fifth- this is what you need to change in yourself in order to restore the relationship or not destroy it again if you reconcile.
  • Sixth- actions on your part that will lead to restoration of the relationship.
  • Seventh the card says if you can make peace with your boyfriend or husband.
  • Eighth reflects your feelings and emotions in the event that your lover returns to you.
  • Ninth the card says that it does not always make sense to restore relationships. It shows the prospects for the distant future in the event of reconciliation, and they are not always rosy. This is exactly what you will achieve if you get your husband or boyfriend back.

In general, with this knowledge, you can not only find out whether you will get your love back, but also understand what exactly you need to do for this and how correct such a choice will be.


Parting with the person you love always hurts and makes you worry. And it’s especially offensive if the breakup occurred because of some stupidity. Naturally, if feelings are still strong, we want to make peace, to reunite with the object of our affection, but we are not always ready to take the first step towards reconciliation. The Tarot layout “Will your loved one return?” was created especially for such situations. It is this and several modifications that we invite you to consider today.

A simple three-card fortune telling “Will your loved one return?”

You can easily and simply find out from the Tarot whether your loved one will return by simply pulling three random cards from a shuffled deck. The first will describe the fortuneteller’s point of view on the events taking place, the second will tell how the partner perceives and sees the situation, and the third will sum up and tell you what the chances are for the reunion of former lovers.

Five-card layout for the possibility of reconciliation

Tarot fortune telling “Will we make peace” with five cards will allow us to examine in detail important issues: the true causes of the conflict that led to the separation, the willingness of ex-partners to agree to a truce. The layout does not have a special scheme - the cards are simply laid out in a horizontal row, one after the other. Before pulling out cards, don’t forget to think about your loved one and shuffle the deck.

What do the fallen Arcana mean?

  1. The first card will reveal the true cause of a quarrel, conflict, misunderstanding between people
  2. The second will tell you about your partner’s readiness to take the first step towards you
  3. The third will say the same thing, but about you and your readiness
  4. Answer to the question about the possibility or impossibility of reunification
  5. Prediction for the development of relations in the near future

Tarot spread “Will he return?”

If you are confident in working with multi-card layouts, we recommend conducting a detailed Tarot reading “Will He Come Back to Me?” Ten cards are used, each of which reveals important nuances that help to understand the true feelings and motives of ex-lovers, and also shows the real chances of the couple reuniting.

Values ​​of layout positions

  1. The reason for the breakup, which the fortuneteller considers decisive in this situation
  2. The questioner's reaction to separation from the object of affection
  3. Actions you can take to get your loved one back
  4. Actions to avoid to avoid causing further harm
  5. The main reason for the breakup according to the ex-partner
  6. The desire or unwillingness of a loved one to restore the relationship
  7. Circumstances that prevent people from becoming a couple again
  8. The likelihood of your loved one returning
  9. Probable prospects for how the relationship between two people as a couple will develop if they get together again
  10. Tarot Advice or Warning

Fortune telling about the possibility of returning a loved one

Questions that will be answered in detail by this fortune telling using eight Tarot cards: does he want to return to me, what feelings does he have, what plans is he making, what is preventing our truce. We tell fortunes in the traditional way, mentally focusing on the question of interest, shuffling the deck and choosing random eight cards. Tarot layout diagram “Will your loved one return?” presented above.

The meaning of positions in the layout

  1. Events that led to the lovers' quarrel and separation
  2. Fortuneteller's feelings for ex-partner
  3. Ex-partner's feelings towards the questioner
  4. Ex-lover's plans for the querent
  5. Interfering circumstances, factors, people - everything that prevents ex-lovers from reconnecting
  6. Helping circumstances, factors, people - everything that can contribute to the reunification of the couple
  7. Will these people be together?
  8. Distant future, prospects for a couple's relationship

Fortune telling using six cards “What will the partner decide?”

Another modification of Tarot fortune telling “Will your loved one return?” Based on this scenario, you can judge what is going on in the head of the object of your affection, what feelings he experiences, what he thinks about, and whether he wants to renew his love affair. Six Arcana are drawn from the deck at random and placed according to the pattern as in the figure.

What do the position cards mean?

  1. The first Arcanum will describe how the ex perceives this relationship, how he sees it at the moment
  2. The second will answer the question why this person does not want to stay with you. If court cards appear in this position, especially of the same gender as the fortuneteller, this may mean the presence of a rival
  3. The ex-partner's agreement or disagreement to give the relationship a second chance, provided that both people work on their past mistakes
  4. If the previous card answered “yes”, using this one we look at what actions the questioner can take to achieve a speedy truce. If Arcanum 3 answered “no”, here will be advice on how to survive the breakup with minimal losses
  5. How will the ex-lover react to the querent’s desire to have a serious conversation about restoring the relationship?
  6. Couple relationship forecast for the next twelve months

Layout "Gap" (7 cards)

This is an informative Tarot reading “Will we make peace with our loved one?” will help assess the possible prospects for restoring a love relationship and understand why the separation occurred. It is recommended to use it in cases where the breakup did not occur on the initiative of the querent. We think about our loved one, mix the cards, pull out seven arbitrary Arcana according to the diagram.

The meaning of card positions in the layout

  1. The likelihood of establishing relationships, the answer to the question “Can the situation be corrected?”
  2. Description of relationships between people now
  3. The real reason that pushed the couple to break up
  4. What will this separation bring to the querent? There may be both a positive and a negative Arcanum here - read in the appropriate key
  5. Change in the querent's mental state due to a breakup
  6. New opportunities that will open up for the questioner after a breakup
  7. The likely outcome of what awaits the couple in the near future

“Second Chance” layout for ex-lovers

The diagram of this interesting Tarot spread “Will we make peace?” resembles a question mark, as if hinting that you will receive a clear and informative answer. Fortune telling is designed specifically for couples who have separated for some reason. It allows you to assess the real chances of restoring a love connection, and also helps you understand what unites former lovers, whether there is a “spark” between them that can rekindle the love flame.

The meaning of cards in positions

  1. Reasons, questions, misunderstandings that led to separation of people in the past
  2. Why did the ex-partners decide to reunite again, is there that “spark” between them that gives hope?
  3. What unites a man and a woman
  4. Why the querent cannot forget about his ex-lover or beloved, what makes his heart beat faster when thinking about him/her
  5. Individual, bright qualities that the ex-partner possesses and no one else possesses (according to the querent)
  6. The root of past problems
  7. Can the reason for separation affect the future of the couple, if people end up together again, do they realize their mistakes and mistakes made?
  8. The prospect of a second chance, the possibility of reuniting former loved ones

Romantic fortune telling “Memories of past love”

If you want to determine from the Tarot whether we will make peace, whether there will be a romantic relationship between you and your ex again, try making the “Memories of Love” layout. There are only seven cards, and the answers to pressing questions are direct and accurate. Fortune telling will help you not only find out your ex-lover’s thoughts about a second chance, but also understand whether you really need it.

What do the layout positions mean?

  1. Do memories of the querent return to your ex?
  2. What kind of memories are these: light nostalgia or, on the contrary, a desire to quickly forget everything
  3. The desire or reluctance of the former partner to form a couple again with the querent
  4. His reaction to the querent’s first step and initiative to communicate again
  5. Does the person asking really need this person or is it just an illusion
  6. Advice on how to improve your relationship with your ex
  7. Most likely outcome, possibility of reunion

If you want to ask the Tarot if he will return to me, if there is a chance of being together again, use one of the presented layouts. But remember that you shouldn’t do everything in a row - just one thing is enough, which you find the most informative. The magic deck does not like repeated questions on the same topic, so fortune telling can be repeated no earlier than in two weeks or a month.