Horoscope for Taurus for November. Tarot horoscope for Taurus for December. Romantic adventure and true love

In November 2017, Taurus will have to become more decisive and reasonable if you want to achieve what you have long dreamed of. Don’t rush to get the result; let it be long-awaited, but meet your expectations. The stars advise representatives of your zodiac sign not to fuss and not to try to increase productivity by doing several things at the same time. It’s better to concentrate on what is task number one for you at a given time and persistently pursue your goal, but you can increase the efficiency and productivity of your work in another way. For example, clearly plan your actions, keep a diary and write down all the important meetings and tasks that need to be completed.

In the first ten days of November 2017, it will be nice if you acquire a new habit of waking up an hour earlier than usual and spend this time usefully. You need to be patient and take control of the situation. The position of the planets at the beginning of the month suggests that how your affairs will go depends on you. If you act judiciously and balancedly, then everything will fall into place for you and go with a bang. Don't panic over every little thing like you usually do. Try to pay less attention to what others think and say. Listen only to the words of those who have already achieved what you are striving for. Polish your skills, gain experience, knowledge, improve. Although Taurus will have to work on themselves and their worldview, they still should not immerse themselves completely in work. Only fresh thoughts and ideas can truly be meaningful and worthwhile. In your busiest schedule, look for time and a reason to meet with friends, relatives, visit your parents, and even to soak in bed at least once every two weeks before lunch. Don't forget to get your thoughts and workspace in order. The more often you throw out accumulated trash, the clearer and clearer your thinking will be and the easier it will be for you to live.

In the second ten days of November 2017, Taurus should sum up the preliminary results of the outgoing year, analyze the work done, understand what has not yet been done in order to complete all planned tasks by the end of the year. There is not much time left, and in order not to rush, it is better to start now. Another important point. Taurus are altruistic by nature - they love to help people without fully understanding their own affairs. Try to do the opposite. First, take care of your life, and only then solve other people’s problems, if, of course, you still have the strength and desire. At work, Taurus should limit their personal ambitions, become more balanced and calmer. This is especially true for Taurus, from among those who work under someone else. Even if you are not completely satisfied with the orders of your superiors, keep your own emotions and opinions to yourself. The more submissive and accommodating you are now, the greater your chances of moving up the career ladder. Of course, there are times when the opinion of your superiors fundamentally contradicts the principles and beliefs of representatives of your zodiac sign. In this case, take courage and find yourself a more suitable job that will bring not only good income, but also pleasure from the process itself. After all, only by doing what you love can you achieve the desired heights. And you shouldn’t regret what you’ve done, because everything is done only for the better, and you have a bright and happy future ahead of you. For Taurus businessmen, the influence of Uranus in mid-November will be a blessing for success.

In the third ten days of November 2017, you will find tempting offers that will bring maximum benefits to your business - you can confidently conclude deals, sign contracts and make plans to expand your business. Under the influence of Venus and Mercury, during this period Taurus will become even more domestic and loving spouses than they were before, and all because family for representatives of your zodiac sign is the most important and important value in life, everything else is simply accompanying and secondary elements. Although Taurus are full of energy, ambition and creative ideas, everything they do is only for the well-being of their family and loved ones. They are the inexhaustible source of inspiration, strength and energy and the most powerful engine of their progress. It is not at all surprising that Taurus will direct all their most tender and reverent feelings to their family. Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign should not obsessively look for a soul mate. She is next to you. Just let it go and you will find yourself loved and adored. At the end of November this year, it is better for Taurus to watch their step and not have their head in the clouds. After all, the stronger the soil under your feet, the clearer the sky above your head. So, go ahead and be optimistic in life!

According to the horoscope, the third month of autumn is the time to move forward. Full sails! Don't sit still. Seize the moment!


Work, career of Monkeys in November 2017

The last month of autumn will bring movement in business and work. Stuck on a project? November will fix everything. Wait for offers with very worthy prospects.

Transactions will also bring profit. Plus, this month you can expect income for past work and previous merits.
But the old problems have not gone away either. And again they require time, money, and effort.
But breathe out: the peak of troubles has passed. You can handle the rest. Moreover, with a bang.
Foreign contacts in the last month have not been encouraging. We started, of course, for health. But then we again ran into a dozen lying policemen.
But for hired workers, everything is (surprisingly) not bad. Both in terms of career and career growth, and in terms of finances.
The boss will mark you. You will be celebrated by your fellow colleagues. Moreover, when they offer you a promotion (and therefore additional tasks), agree: it’s not just money. Damn, this is caviar. Got it, right?

Monkey Money in November 2017

Everything is fine with the money this month. This is one of the best months of the year. Expect maximum financial flows in the following days - November 3-5, 13, 14, 22, 23.

But you also need to give and return. And the maximum payment will be required on the following days - November 15 to 17.

Love, Monkey family in November 2017

Venus, ruler of the sign of the Monkey, enters the constellation Taurus on November 6th. This means that everything will be fine in your personal life. And no, there will be no jambs. Enjoy the moment.
Happiness shines upon you quite a lot. Which is good news.
Again, November is the time for activating remote connections. Wait for guests from over the hill. But with relatives everything is not cool. You try not to break family ties. You try to avoid conflicts. But diplomacy doesn't work here. More precisely, it doesn’t always work. All the same, these skunk relatives will find a reason to dig into you.
Add all this to the chances of continuing a very long-standing quarrel. Have a nice month, haven't you?

Monkey Health in November 2017

The Monkey's energy is excellent. Everything is great this month. Diseases do not threaten you. But in mid-November there are a lot of traumatic situations.
The most dangerous times are November 15 and 16.
But in the period from November 24 to 26, you should be more careful. And even more so while driving. And/or while traveling.

What does November 2017 have in store for the Taurus man?

This month, Taurus will experience major changes in their personal lives. True, these important events will not affect their professional activities in any way. Men of the earth element need to be patient and show all their friendliness when working with colleagues. Together we will be able to complete all projects successfully and on time.

Love horoscope for Taurus Men

Taurus men without a partner will turn the heads of many pretty girls they know. True, there won’t be many dates, as unexpected problems will arise. This will significantly limit their time, but the heavenly bodies insist that men plan all their affairs and find time for romantic meetings.

Married representatives of this sign are aware of the full strength of their feelings for their ex-lover. She will appear in dreams, and under certain circumstances even in reality. Such meetings will not bring anything good and can lead to a break in the marriage union in the near future.

Love horoscope for November 2017: Taurus A man will feel that he cannot sort out his feelings for someone else’s woman.

Finance and work

The stars do not foretell grandiose victories in the labor field. Representatives of the sign of Taurus, born under this constellation, will have to do a lot of very necessary and important work in November. Do not forget that it is better to work on some issues collectively, rather than alone. Therefore, it is worth establishing relationships with colleagues and not conflicting with them. The material side will be relatively stable. In addition to salary, some expensive gift or cash prize is expected.

Health and leisure

November will be a dangerous month for the health of the strong half of this zodiac sign. Men should be on alert in order to quickly respond to deteriorating health and reduce all problems to a minimum. Exercising during this period will do more harm than good. The horoscope recommends limiting physical activity for a while to reduce the likelihood of catching a cold or getting injured.

  • Favorable days for Taurus men - 3, 17, 24
  • Unfavorable days for Taurus men - 10, 14, 22
Published: 2017-10-03, Modified: 2018-10-23,

Even though December is a winter month, it can get hot for Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are located in your partner's house, so your personal life becomes richer and more varied. For single representatives of your sign, the stars promise good chances of meeting a special person. If you are not in love with anyone yet, now is the time to do it!

In December 2017, the planet of love Venus passes through the house of transformation of Taurus. You will be drawn to get new sensations. Sensuality, the desire for intimate contacts and love experiences will increase significantly. Your expectations of your loved one and your relationship with them will change. Many of you will be interested in psychology and esotericism, and you will share your interests with your lover to explore the mysteries of life and love together.

Taurus career and financial horoscope for December 2017

The month is interesting from a money point of view. You can receive additional income or a generous gift, there are chances to conclude profitable deals. High profits are possible through cooperation with people and organizations from other cities and countries, as well as from projects related to training and travel.

The financial houses of the Taurus horoscope are activated by the influence of the planets, so that career goals are closely interrelated with material interests, and contacts with the financial and business environment are becoming increasingly important. Activity increases in the second half of the month.

December 20, 2017 Saturn, the ruler of your house of career, changes position and moves into the house of travel and long-distance connections of Taurus. This is a long planetary transit (about two and a half years) that develops a serious attitude towards higher education, travel and philosophy. A good period for continuing education, improving professional qualifications and long-distance travel. All this will become a driver for your career growth, and will also significantly change your worldview.


Health may be a concern during this winter month. You will feel some weakness, so you will need more rest. To improve your well-being, you need to relax. For Taurus, the most recommended leisure activities are related to home, family, land and nature. Take time to prevent diseases.

Don't neglect your family responsibilities! Important events may occur in the family that have implications for your current condition.

(November 2017)


In November, you will be able to relax and indulge in the pleasures you have long dreamed of. Your life will resemble a holiday, as you will often receive invitations to visit. Try to take advantage of worthwhile offers, as in society you will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

November will be a productive and calm month for Taurus. You will be able not only to realize yourself, but also to show your best qualities to achieve your desired goal. Even if at first it seems to you that everything is going against you, try to pull yourself together and go straight towards your chosen goal. The fact is that the progress of business will depend only on your perseverance, determination and activity.

Some Taurus will be overwhelmed by the whirlpool of events and rapid career growth, while others will be able to enjoy achieving results and spend time and money on pleasure. The result will be completely in your hands, so you will be able to take advantage of the situation for your own personal gain and achieve success without putting in excessive effort.

The only thing that can overshadow your happiness this month is troubles on the personal front. Most likely, your significant other will show inattention or other people will interfere in the relationship. Try to stand up for yourself and avoid rash actions that could harm your relationships and reputation.

Many Taurus will face betrayal and intrigue. Evil tongues can damage your good name, so you may find yourself at a disadvantage. Try to behave with dignity and find excuses for your own behavior if you want to stop the flow of troubles. You will not only be able to get out of this situation with dignity, but you will also be glad that the troubles will soon end. And your enemies may be at a disadvantage if you can stand up for yourself.

Taurus Woman: Horoscope for November 2017

In November, representatives of the sign will be able to be in society more often and allow themselves to shop for not the most necessary, but beautiful things. Suddenly, you will have a lot of free time, and you will be able to perfectly realize yourself in what you love. To have luck on your side, be active. An energy boost will help you not only easily cope with everyday activities, but also find time for communication and hobbies.

In November, you will not only be often invited to holidays, but you will also be able to receive guests at home or visit restaurants and clubs more often. This will allow you not only to expand your own knowledge, but also to learn a lot of new things about friends and acquaintances. Creative Taurus women will be able to receive many interesting offers, one of which will be very profitable. Try not to miss your own chance to make a breakthrough in your career.

You will be glad that circumstances in your personal life turn in your favor. Your loved one will show you the proper attention and love that you have been waiting for for so long. However, personal happiness can be fickle.

Pay attention to dreams and signs - they will tell you what could actually cause your troubles. Perhaps someone else is trying to interfere in the relationship. Try to get as much information as possible on this issue in order to correctly calculate your own actions.

Taurus Man: Horoscope for November 2017

Taurus men will be able to ride the wave both in their personal lives and in their careers. Your contacts with others will expand and you will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things. If previously things did not get off the ground, despite all your efforts, then November will provide you with the opportunity to advance in your career and activities.

Success will be facilitated by acquaintances and family ties that will help you take significant steps in your activities. Try to prove yourself in various activities and show your best strengths. If you want to get a position or get paid more, go for it. In the foreground this month you will have various acquaintances and communication with pleasant people. Try not to miss your own chance.

Closer to the second half of the month, representatives of the sign may feel tired, lazy and blues. At this time, the risk of colds increases. If you want to recover quickly and avoid complications, try to spend more time in the fresh air, but don’t forget about warm, high-quality, natural things. They will help you avoid complications and not get sick even on the coldest day of autumn.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

On the personal front, luck will be unexpected for Taurus. You will be able to take the initiative and get what you want very quickly, even if it seems that winning the heart of a loved one is like getting a star from the sky. Thanks to the positive influence of the planets this month, you will be able not only to achieve reciprocal love, but also to express your feelings in poetry, prose, or show concern for your loved one.

Free representatives of the sign will be able to show their best qualities and win over many people. Some will openly show their interest and sympathy towards you. If you want to find a mate, try to take a closer look at those who are in the shadows. Perhaps luck awaits you there.

Taurus lovers will be able to receive the long-awaited affection. Many will decide to get married or propose living together to their significant other. The main thing is to rely on your own feelings and act according to your intuition. Pay attention to signs and dreams - they will help you navigate the situation.

For family representatives of the sign, luck will smile at the end of the month. You can not only solve many of your problems, but also cope with a difficult situation easily and simply. Relationships with your significant other will become warmer if you show sensitivity and do not behave rudely and inattentively. Try to pay attention to what is bothering your significant other. Then you can find common ground again.

Financial (money) horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

The last month of autumn will thoroughly pamper Taurus with money. You can not only earn good money, but also learn to plan your income and expenses so as not to limit your own desires too much.

At the beginning of November, you should not limit your needs. A cup of coffee with dessert in a good restaurant will perfectly lift your mood for the whole day and help you feel cheerful for the whole week.

If you want to make a large purchase or sell an unnecessary item, the best time to do this is mid-November. At this time, you can unexpectedly receive money that will help you feel more attractive, more energetic and brighter. Some Taurus will be able to purchase the necessary goods for their health.

At the end of November, you better save on small items and sweets, as this can greatly harm your figure. To feel more energetic, try to choose very warm and high-quality items in the store. It's okay if you decide to update your wardrobe. This will help you not only create a new look, but also not catch a cold during the cold days of November.

Work and business horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

This month, your working relationships and team climate will depend only on your initiative and patience. It is important for representatives of the sign to show interest, especially if you have just gotten a job. Being active will allow you to understand the essence of the work and not miss important points that will allow you to find shortcuts to career heights in the future.

Relationships will also be successful with those representatives of the sign who work in the creative profession. You will not only receive new orders, but you will also be able to earn decent money if you show initiative in business. Try to do what interests you, even if some people are too lazy to get up in the morning and go to work.

Your relationships with colleagues may be tense this month. This will be due to their increased demands and the intrigue that is unfolding behind your back. Even if you are not directly related to the events, trouble can come to you too. Try to show restraint and composure, and, if the situation requires, to prove your own rightness to others.

Health horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

Taurus will have good health in November only if they pay attention to physical exercise and water procedures. A pool, sports and swimming will not hurt you, especially if you feel in a situation of chronic stress. Limiting sweets won't hurt either, although sometimes it's worth allowing yourself dessert with coffee.

Pay attention to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. It is in November that Taurus risks gaining a couple of extra pounds due to a decrease in physical activity. However, strict diets will not bring any benefit. It is better to eat less than you are used to eating, but fully. Otherwise, you risk slipping and eating more than you planned.

If you don’t want worsening chronic diseases, don’t go out in cloudy weather without a warm scarf made of natural wool. Otherwise, you risk catching a cold not only in your throat. Try to be careful about your own health. Then luck will be on your side, and you will be able to do a lot for your development, career, activities and personal life.