What is moccacino made from? Features of preparing the mochaccino coffee drink. To make it you will need

Mochaccino or mocha coffee is made from 3 main ingredients: espresso, milk and liquid chocolate. The remaining ingredients and “decorations” are derogations and can be used as desired.

In fact, mochaccino is both a drink and a dessert in one glass. The presence of chocolate in this cocktail will “awaken” the hormones of happiness - endorphins and give incomparable chocolate-cream pleasure! Read how coffee affects the body, its benefits and harms.

How to spell mochaccino or mocaccino correctly

Lovers of coffee with chocolate will certainly appreciate this drink. The word “mocaccino” is of Italian origin, so the name of coffee of the same name has been preserved and is still used in Europe. The birthplace of the drink is America, and they sound like mocha. Do you know which country is the birthplace of coffee? If not, read on.

As for the correct spelling of the word “mokachino” (with one or two “h”), this is a controversial question, because even Wikipedia does not give a definite answer. But, nevertheless, the essence of preparing mochaccino and its composition, regardless of the continent and language translation, always remains the same.

Classic mochaccino recipe

Popularly, mochaccino is also called chocolate latte. Ingredients you will need:

  • espresso coffee;
  • warm milk;
  • chocolate.

Cooking method:

1.First of all, pour melted chocolate into a wine glass: dark or milk, according to your preference.

3. The last step is espresso. Whether you brew it in a coffee machine or in a Turkish oven over a fire does not matter.

You can add zest and spontaneity to the taste using whipped cream or fruit marshmallow; sprinkle with cinnamon or chocolate. Mochaccino is usually served in transparent tall glasses - Irish.

Mochaccino in Turkish

Often in coffee shops you can find a recipe where cocoa is used instead of hot chocolate. This drink is called. It is boiled in a pot, and all the ingredients, unlike the classic recipe, are not poured into balls, but mixed. You can easily prepare this drink at home. You'll need:

  • ground natural coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • liquid cream;
  • sugar.

Cooking steps:

1.Mix two teaspoons of coffee with three teaspoons of cocoa in a Turk, add sugar (optional) and 50 ml of hot water.

2. Without bringing to a boil, pour 200 ml of milk and 50 ml of liquid cream of any fat content into the Turk.

2. Simmer the contents over low heat until foam appears and the drink begins to rise.

Turn off and let the coffee brew for a few minutes. It is not important to use an Irish glass in this case - you can pour it into ordinary ceramic cups.

Preparing mochaccino at home is easy and simple - in a matter of minutes you will get an aesthetically beautiful and unique-tasting coffee and chocolate drink. Enjoy your coffee!

Classic mocha coffee recipe

Required components:

  1. natural ground coffee, sugar;
  2. 100 ml full fat whole milk;
  3. 50 ml hot chocolate or chocolate syrup;
  4. whipped heavy cream.

How to make mocha coffee

Brew in a volume of 50 ml, prepare the chocolate, beat the cream in a blender, heat the milk. First pour chocolate into a tall glass with thick walls, then milk and finish with a layer of espresso. Decorate the surface with a cap of cream. If you want beauty, you can sprinkle the cream with chocolate chips or cinnamon.

To make the drink “striped”, you need to use thick chocolate or syrup. It doesn’t matter if the coffee turns out homogeneous – it won’t affect the taste.

Mochaccino with ice

This mocha can be enjoyed on hot days while sipping a creamy, cool cocktail through a straw.

Ingredients for iced mochaccino:

  1. natural ground coffee;
  2. 100 ml of fatty milk, whole or condensed;
  3. ice cubes;
  4. 50 ml chocolate syrup.

Making mochaccino with ice

Brew 100 ml espresso, mix it with chocolate syrup. In a pitcher, beat milk or condensed milk into foam and prepare ice. Fill a tall coffee glass with ice, pour out the milk foam and, carefully pouring down the side of the glass, add the mixture of syrup and coffee.

Remove the ice from the recipe and get a delicious endorphin-filled dessert drink for long winter evenings.

Mochaccino recipe with chocolate chips

Required components:

  1. 50 ml milk;
  2. 50 ml hot chocolate;
  3. 50 g whipped cream, chocolate chips.

How to make mochaccino with chocolate

Prepare espresso or black coffee in a Turk or coffee machine. Boil the chocolate in a pitcher and pour it into an Irish glass. Heat the milk and carefully pour it over the chocolate layer using a bar spoon. Finish the layering with espresso by pouring it on a spoon or down the side of the glass onto the milk layer. The last, most enjoyable stage: place cream on top of the coffee layer and sprinkle it with chocolate chips.

Mochaccino with cinnamon stick and nutmeg

Despite the somewhat ornate recipe, making this mochaccino at home is quite feasible. Just be patient and diligent.


  1. 8 g natural finely ground coffee;
  2. 100 ml milk;
  3. 0.5 spoons of vanillin, sugar;
  4. 1 cinnamon stick;
  5. 50 g whipped cream;
  6. 20 g dark dark chocolate, ground nutmeg.

Instructions for making mochaccino with spices:

  • Heat milk in a small bowl on the stove, dilute vanillin in it and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat, take the chocolate pieces, put them in boiling milk and melt, stirring the liquid with a spoon.
  • Brew coffee like espresso in a Turk, coffee maker or coffee machine.
  • Strain the finished coffee and mix in a separate bowl with 2 parts milk, add a little sugar.
  • Pour the milk-chocolate mixture into a bowl with coffee and milk and whisk thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass goblet, add a cinnamon stick, decorate the top with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.

White chocolate mochaccino

Required components:

  1. 8 g natural finely ground coffee,
  2. 100 ml whole milk;
  3. spoon of refined sugar;
  4. 0.5 spoons of cocoa powder;
  5. 40 g white chocolate chips.

To prepare the white chocolate mocha:

  • Place the pre-chopped chocolate in a small saucepan and pour in the milk.
  • Place the bowl on the fire, melt the chocolate and remove from the heat when a cloud of foam forms on the surface.
  • Brew 1 cup of coffee as espresso, Turkish or just strong black coffee in a Turk, coffee pot or coffee machine.
  • Pour the finished coffee into 2 cups.
  • Add the milk-chocolate mixture to the coffee cups.
  • There will be a cloud of foam on the surface of the drink that needs to be decorated. To do this, grind cocoa powder with sugar and sprinkle it on the foam.

Iced coffee mochaccino

Required ingredients:

  1. 10 g ground coffee;
  2. a glass of low-fat milk;
  3. 20 g natural honey;
  4. 40 g cocoa powder;
  5. a pinch of vanilla powder;
  6. 50 ml chocolate syrup.

Mochaccino coffee preparation:

  • Prepare double espresso, cool, pour into ice cube trays and freeze for 5-8 hours.
  • Pour the finished ice coffee into a blender, pour in milk, syrup, add honey, a pinch of vanilla and grind into a homogeneous mass.
  • Divide the resulting shake into 2 glasses. Using a spoon, sprinkle the surface with cocoa powder.

This version of mocha ice will brighten up a hot day or a hot party with friends.


What is mochaccino

Mochaccino or mochaccino is an American coffee drink with the addition of milk and chocolate, which can be called a chocolate latte. Sometimes it is called "mocha" for short. The mochaccino contains: espresso coffee, hot milk and black, milk or white chocolate (cocoa powder or chocolate syrup). Traditionally, this dessert drink is served in glass glasses (Irish is especially good), garnished with a cap of whipped cream, marshmallows, ground cinnamon, cocoa or chocolate chips as desired and to taste. However, nothing bad will happen if you serve mochaccino in a ceramic cup. The fact is that mochaccino prepared at home can be classically layered, it can, with the right skill, turn out with beautiful stains, but it can also be simply mixed - in any case, this drink is very tasty, especially for those who like coffee with milk and chocolate.

How to make hot chocolate for mochaccino

If you don’t have chocolate sauce on hand, and simply melting the chocolate in a steam bath turns out to be too thick, then you can pre-prepare real hot chocolate using this recipe:
- 100 ml milk;
- 50-70 g dark chocolate;
- 30 ml cream;
- a piece of cinnamon stick or a little ground cinnamon.
Bring the cinnamon milk to a boil, remove from heat and let steep for 10 minutes. Then strain the cinnamon milk. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath, add cream to it and mix well. Then pour hot cinnamon milk into the melted chocolate and cream and stir again. Hot chocolate is ready!

Mochaccino recipes

Simple mochaccino:
- 100 ml milk;
- 40-50 ml espresso or black coffee;
- 40-50 ml of hot chocolate or chocolate sauce.
If you want to get a layered drink, then take a tall glass glass and pour hot chocolate or sauce into it as the first layer. Then heat the milk and carefully pour it over the chocolate. Pour freshly prepared coffee in a third layer. If you don't want to make a layered coffee cocktail, you can add milk until it mixes with the chocolate.

Mochaccino with cocoa (for 2 servings):
- 1 tbsp. milk;
- 1 tbsp. black coffee;
- 2 tbsp. chopped milk chocolate;
- 1/2-1 tsp. cocoa;
- 1 tsp. granulated sugar.
Prepare some coffee. Make hot chocolate from milk and chocolate. Take 2 glasses or 2 cups and fill them 1/2 full with hot coffee and top up with hot chocolate. Mix cocoa with sugar and sprinkle the drink in cups, making “hillocks”.

Elegant hot mochaccino:
- 40-60 ml of cold milk;
- 50 ml dark hot chocolate;
- 50 ml whipped cream;
- 30 ml espresso;
- 15-20 g of grated chocolate.
Prepare coffee and hot chocolate. Take a glass goblet, pour chocolate into it, and then milk so that you get nice stains. At this stage, you can help yourself with a teaspoon. Next, pour coffee over the milk, decorate the drink with whipped cream and sprinkle with ground chocolate.

Cool summer mochaccino:
- 125 ml milk;
- 50 ml espresso coffee;
- 25 ml chocolate syrup;
- ice in cubes.
Prepare some coffee. Whip the milk into foam. Take a glass goblet, fill it with ice, then pour in the frothed milk. Mix coffee with chocolate syrup and carefully pour it down the side into a glass with ice and milk. Serve the resulting cocktail with a straw.
Mochaccino with ice cream:
- 120 ml milk;
- 100 ml espresso or black coffee;
- 50 g vanilla ice cream;
- 30 ml hot chocolate.
Prepare hot chocolate and coffee. Take a glass goblet, put ice cream in it, pour in chocolate and then coffee. A delicious drink is ready!

Variation of mochaccino with cognac:
- 250 ml water;
- 3 tsp. ground coffee;
- 3 tsp. Nesquik cocoa;
- 2-3 tsp. granulated sugar;
- 2-3 tsp. cream;
- 1 tsp. cognac;
- a pinch of vanilla sugar;
- a little ground nutmeg;
- a little salt (a “drop” on the tip of a knife).
Pour coffee with nutmeg and salt into a Turk, stir, add water and brew coffee in the usual way, bringing to a boil, but not boiling. Add vanilla to the finished drink and stir. Let the coffee particles calm down and sink to the bottom of the pot. Take a cup, pour cocoa and sugar into it, pour in coffee, stir, add cognac and cream.

Have a delicious mochaccino!

If you can’t wake up and cheer up, you haven’t had enough sleep and you want to sleep, you should try a cup of delicious and pleasant coffee. Today there are many types of coffee. In addition to coffee, you can also try a coffee drink. Each coffee and coffee drink has its own unique taste.

Mochaccino is a fairly delicate coffee drink with a fairly distinct chocolate taste. The chocolate flavor it contains is given to it. Despite the fact that many people call this drink coffee, it is not. Although coffee is included in its composition, it is generally considered a coffee drink. It is often confused with mocha coffee. There are two ways to prepare this wonderful drink.

The first method of making mochaccino

The Mochaccino drink is a mixture that includes heated milk, chocolate and/or cocoa, and, most importantly, American espresso coffee. The exclusion of coffee or cocoa indicates the individual taste and personal preference of the consumer.

Classic or standard mochaccino is produced in the following algorithm of actions. At the very beginning of the preparation process, hot liquid chocolate is poured into a cup or glass, occupying a little more than one-fifth of the total volume of the finished product. The second line is hot milk, occupying about half the space of the vessel.

As for additional ingredients, everyone chooses them at their own discretion, in accordance with their tastes and preferences. The main additional ingredient is sugar. Typically, coffee lovers prefer to add one or two spoons of sugar to Mochaccino.

American espresso coffee takes up the rest of the glass.

Still warm and not yet cooled, it should be served. Enjoy your coffee!

The second method of making mochaccino

There is another way to prepare the Mochaccino coffee drink. According to him, to prepare a drink in a Turk, several (usually one or two) spoons of ground coffee and two or three spoons (teaspoons) of sugar are mixed. Milk occupies 2/3 of the volume in this drink, 1/6 each is occupied by boiling water and cream. Next, it is simmered over low heat, after rising, poured into cups and ready to eat.

American sweet tooths have figured out how to diversify the taste of latte coffee. We added hot chocolate and got a new drink, which the Italians had already given its name to. Mochaccino coffee has quickly become popular in the world. There are dozens of options for preparing mochaccino; the recipe for your favorite method depends on individual preferences.

Mochaccino and cappuccino: what is the difference

The difference between these two drinks is their composition. To taste cappuccino, you will need ground coffee, milk, sugar and foam. For mochaccino, a different composition is used; you also need hot cocoa and regular or white chocolate. Additives in both drinks depend on taste preferences.

Hot chocolate recipes

To please yourself and your friends with mochaccino coffee, you should start by preparing the main ingredient, which can be obtained in many ways. Below are two simple options.

For the first recipe you need to take fifty grams of chocolate, one hundred milliliters of milk, cinnamon to taste and forty milliliters of cream.

  • Season the milk with cinnamon. Boil the mixture and strain.
  • Pour cream into melted chocolate and mix gently.
  • Add warm milk to the chocolate shake. The main component of the mochaccino is ready.

For the second recipe, prepare cocoa powder in the amount of two tablespoons, the same amount of granulated sugar, three hundred milliliters of low-fat cream, a teaspoon of starch and a tablespoon of water.

  • Pour cocoa, starch and sand into a small ladle. Pour water into a container and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • In another saucepan, heat the dairy product. Make sure that the cream is not boiled.
  • Dilute the sweet mixture with hot cream, simmer the contents over low heat and remove from the stove. Let the chocolate mixture sit for five minutes and then use it to make mochaccino coffee.

Eight recipes for making mochaccino at home

After trying several coffee options, you can settle on one recipe, or you can continue experimenting, enjoying the new taste. The main point due to which a mochaccino will truly be a mochaccino is that a layer-by-layer technology is followed for laying out all the components in a tall vessel and the obligatory chocolate ingredient.

Recipe "Proven classic"

  • Prepare the ingredients for the drink: strong espresso brewed from high-quality raw materials, heated milk, hot chocolate and whipped cream for the top of the drink.
  • Slowly pour the ingredients into an elegant tall glass in the following sequence: chocolate layer, milk layer, coffee layer. And the finishing touch is whipped cream. It is possible to add brightness to the design of the cocktail and piquancy to the taste by decorating with cinnamon or cocoa.

Recipe: Cool Iced Mochaccino for Hot Summers

  • Mix chocolate sauce with brewed strong espresso. Beat fresh milk with a whisk or in a blender.
  • Pour ice into a tall container, occupying one third of the total volume, pour in milk foam and coffee with chocolate.

Recipe “Original mochaccino with nutmeg and spicy cinnamon”

  • To surprise yourself and amaze your guests with the unexpected taste of the drink, you will need to prepare the following ingredients: ground coffee, a pinch of vanillin and nutmeg, granulated sugar, fifty grams of whipped cream, thirty grams of dark chocolate, a stick of aromatic cinnamon and half a glass of fresh milk.
  • Pour half the milk into a small saucepan, heat and add vanilla.
  • After boiling, place pieces of chocolate into the fragrant mixture and wait until it is completely dissolved over low heat. The mixture should be stirred constantly.
  • Next, work on the coffee component of the drink. Brew espresso in an accessible way, pour in the remaining milk and, if desired, add granulated sugar.
  • Mix all the components of the future mochaccino coffee and beat it thoroughly.
  • Now the mixture can be poured into a beautiful glass, decorated with a cloud of whipped cream, sprinkled with nutmeg. A cinnamon stick in the drink will add a special taste and aroma.

Recipe “Fragrant mochaccino with cocoa”

  • For the drink you will need to take a glass of fresh milk and brewed espresso coffee, a teaspoon of cocoa powder and granulated sugar, a heaped tablespoon, and a third of a chocolate bar.
  • Pour freshly prepared coffee into a tall container halfway.
  • Grate the hard chocolate pieces and melt it in the milk. After this, add sweet milk to the espresso.
  • The final accent will be a dusting of cocoa powder mixed with granulated sugar.

Recipe “Unusual mochaccino with white chocolate”

  • For the drink, you should prepare a heaped teaspoon of finely ground aromatic coffee, a bar of high-quality white chocolate, sugar and cocoa powder to taste, and no more than half a glass of fresh milk.
  • Pour milk into the crumbled chocolate pieces and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. When foam appears on the milk, remove the container from the stove.
  • Brew strong espresso from coffee powder and pour it into a tall glass.
  • Slowly pour in the hot chocolate milk so that there is a thick foam cap on the surface of the cocktail. After decorating the drink with a dry sweet mixture of cocoa, mochaccino coffee is ready to drink.

Recipe: Creamy Mochaccino with Ice Cream

  • For a sweet coffee drink, you will need espresso, a scoop of your favorite flavor of ice cream, chocolate sauce and a little whipped cream.
  • This coffee variant has the following layers: refreshing ice cream, chocolate based sauce and cold espresso. Whipped cream is added to the top for decoration and volume.

Recipe “Savory mochaccino with cognac for a friendly company”

  • To use this recipe, you should prepare a heaping tablespoon of coffee, a pinch of vanilla and nutmeg on the tip of a spoon, two or three teaspoons of granulated sugar, instant cocoa and cream with a fat content of 20 percent, salt on the tip of a knife and half a tablespoon of good cognac.
  • Brew coffee in a Turk from the following ingredients: ground coffee powder, salt, water and spice.
  • After this, pour vanillin into the drink and leave it to saturate with aroma.
  • Granulated sugar and cocoa powder are poured into a prepared high container. Next, coffee is poured in, the cocktail is mixed and the alcoholic component and cream are added.

Recipe “Mochaccino in Turkish footsteps”

  • You will need to take two tablespoons of coffee, ground into a fine powder, a third of a glass of boiling water, vanilla and granulated sugar to taste, a glass of fresh warm milk, at least three tablespoons of cocoa powder and two tablespoons of heavy cream.
  • Pour all ingredients except milk into a container and add boiling water. After this, place the contents of the container in a Turk, stir and put on fire.
  • At the moment when the future mochaccino begins to boil, it is necessary to pour in the milk ingredients, previously heated, and leave the Turk over low heat.
  • Next, the process occurs as when brewing regular coffee. After the drink is poured into the cups, you can decorate it and sprinkle with crushed chocolate.

The coffee drink visually looks more impressive in tall glasses. In such thick glassware, clear layers of the cocktail are visible. Less common is serving mochaccino in ceramic coffee cups.

If you drink the drink without stirring during tasting, then its taste will be the same when the coffee is stirred. Also, when serving, in some countries they may offer a straw to accompany the drink. Traditional garnishes include a dusting of cinnamon or serving with marshmallows.

The taste of mochaccino coffee, depending on the chosen recipe, can range from sweet and nutritious to piquant and refreshing. The drink is similar in its preparation technology to a latte, but thanks to its brighter taste, mochaccino can be enjoyed even by those who generally do not recognize coffee-based cocktails.

Properties of coffee mochaccino (mocaccino)

How much does mochaccino (mocaccino) coffee cost (average price for 1 cup)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Mochaccino coffee is often abbreviated to mocha or mocca, which leads to some confusion. The thing is that the abbreviated name of the finished coffee drink mochaccino (mocaccino) belongs to one of the oldest and high-quality varieties of Arabica mocha. Mocha coffee received its original name thanks to its historical homeland, the ancient Arab city of Mokha, which was located on the shores of the Red Sea.

It was in this city that the victorious history of coffee began, a drink that in a fairly short time was able to conquer the whole world with its taste, unforgettable aroma, as well as invigorating and tonic properties. Unlike the Arabica variety, mocaccino coffee got its name from the Italian language and the word mocaccino or caffè mocha. It is worth noting that mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) was invented in America.

By the way, Americans can rightfully call themselves real coffee fans. Every American starts his day with morning coffee and drinks the invigorating drink several times throughout the day. It should be emphasized that in its composition mochaccino (mocaccino) is close to latte. Some people call mochaccino coffee a type of latte.

Composition of mochaccino

However, unlike latte, mochaccino contains hot chocolate, which gives the coffee drink an even more harmonious and pleasant taste. The calorie content of mochaccino (mocaccino) depends primarily on the amount of chocolate that is used in the process of preparing the coffee drink. However, the average calorie level of mochaccino (mocaccino) is 289 Kcal.

It is noteworthy that only in Europe they use the name of the drink mochaccino (mocaccino), and in America this type of coffee is more often called nothing more than mocha. There are enough options and recipes for making mochaccino (mocaccino). However, the classic recipe for preparing a coffee drink involves the use of such basic ingredients as espresso, necessarily brewed in a coffee machine, and hot cow's milk.

In addition, hot chocolate or chocolate syrup, which is added to the drink, is considered an important ingredient in mochaccino coffee. To prepare mochaccino (mocaccino), classic dark chocolate is usually used. However, in our time, mochaccino (mocaccino) may contain other ingredients. The type of coffee mochaccino (mocaccino) depends, for example, on the type of chocolate that is used to prepare the drink.

There are mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) with white or milk chocolate. Also, to prepare the drink, you can use chocolate with nuts or sweets that contain additional flavoring additives. It is worth noting that mochaccino coffee differs not only in its composition and preparation method, but also in how the drink is served. Mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) is served in a tall glass.

Like cappuccino, mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) can be decorated with ground coryphaeus, chocolate powder or cream. Marshmallows are often used as a decoration for mochaccino coffee (mocaccino), which is placed on top of the drink in a glass.

Calorie content of mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) 289 kcal

Energy value of mochaccino coffee (mocaccino) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 2.98 g (~12 kcal)
: 10.57 g (~95 kcal)
: 46.42 g (~186 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 4%|33%|64%