Why dream of watching a storm. Why do you dream of a storm at sea: the meaning of waves and storms according to the dream book

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, being caught in a strong storm is a harbinger of losses and failures in business.

The meaning of a dream about the ocean

according to Freud's dream book

If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next “feat”. You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means great excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes.

I dreamed about the ocean

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. A business man will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and a young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves crash against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another portends your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dream that the ocean either becomes shallow like a river that can be forded, or reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede, this means that prosperity and prosperity will be interspersed in your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Seeing the ocean in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream. She will be quiet and peaceful if the ocean is calm, restless if it is stormy.

The meaning of a dream about lightning

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing flashing lightning in a dream means something will soon happen in your life that you do not expect. Most likely this will be an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex with whom you will spend a lot of time together. At the very beginning, you may not see anything particularly attractive in him; you may even think that this is “not the hero of your novel.” If in a dream you stand in the place where lightning struck, then this is a symbol of new love, which, moreover, will arise as unexpectedly as lightning struck in the dream. Most likely, it will be passion at first sight. Don’t try to predict events; insight will come very unexpectedly. If lightning struck where one of your loved ones was (especially your partner), then such a dream suggests that this person may have a problem in their sex life in the near future and you will play an important role in this. This will not happen soon, so be careful how you behave - perhaps complications can be avoided. If in your dream lightning destroyed an object, then this is a symbol that your future love will not only become all-consuming, but also something that will make you want to give up everything in the world. Try to ensure that as few of your loved ones as possible suffer from your passion.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

incredible news, dangerous situation.

Lightning in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a bright flash of lightning in a dream means that in reality you will receive unexpected news from afar. If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict. A dream in which you saw ball lightning descending from the sky means an invasion from outer space. Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign. Due to environmental pollution, an environmental disaster is possible. A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your positions in life.

I dreamed of lightning

according to Miller's dream book

Lightning in your dreams foretells happiness and prosperity for a short period of time. If lightning illuminates some object near you and you feel shocked, then you will be excited about the good fortune of a friend or, on the contrary, tormented by gossip and gossip. Seeing black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. If lightning illuminates you, then unpredictable grief shakes your soul. Seeing lightning above your head is a good sign, promising joy and lasting income. Lightning flashing in the dark among ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments: businessmen should do more about their business, women should be near their husbands and mothers, children and the sick require supervision after such a dream.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

near a sleeping person with a flash - warning, expulsion; in the sleeping person - honor; into the house - incredible news or changes; illuminated clouds, objects - help in trouble, in a difficult situation, see Light.

Seeing lightning in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are frightened by its strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention. You can control lightning - this is an attempt to cope with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and relapse. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed. Lightning also serves as a warning. If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of lightning bolts and is personified by the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where did lightning strike? Was anyone seriously injured in this? Where did the lightning come from and at what moment?

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Vanga's dream book

Lightning is a sign of destruction and misfortune. Seeing lightning in the sky in a dream means fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases. If you dreamed that lightning struck a house or tree and set it on fire, this means that you are about to witness heavenly wrath, which will punish many people for their sins - ungodly thoughts and deeds.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

troubles; care; for the poor - to prosperity; for the rich - to ruin; with thunder (to a prisoner) - to liberation; to the sick - to healing.

The meaning of a dream about a thunderstorm

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm in a dream marks a strong outbreak of passion of a long-known person towards you. You will be very surprised by this.

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is considered in a dream to be a manifestation of the divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger. In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above. A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think. The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors. If your house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news. You dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail. The entire space around is filled with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water. A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain. This dream foreshadows an environmental disaster from which you could suffer seriously.

The meaning of a dream about the sea

according to Freud's dream book

The sea that you see from afar in a dream suggests that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it. In fact, the reason for this idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to completely relax and enjoy. A calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from a ship suggests that you lack peace, which you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you are so missing. If you dreamed of someone swimming in the sea, the dream has a good meaning - you will be able to help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with. If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that you are currently feeling great, everything is working out the way you want it, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although until now you have not given it no meaning. If in your dream you tried to enter a turbulent, raging sea, then expect a night of love that you haven’t had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like that. Don't do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself. Swimming underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only get upset.

Why do you dream about the sea?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

walk along the shore, beach - road; look at the sea - lead from afar; sailing on a ship - important changes; blue water, blue - meeting; swim in the sea - fulfillment of desires; deep sea - stomachiness, hidden anxiety; looking from the depths through the water is an impossibility; drowning in the sea is a danger to life, a dangerous undertaking, business; see Drowning.

I dreamed about the sea

according to Miller's dream book

If you hear the melancholic sound of the sea in a dream, it means that you are destined for a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation. Dreams about the sea testify to the futility of your expectations, since, indulging in carnal pleasures, you will yearn for the delight of the spirit, which the flesh cannot replace. If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her beloved, it means that her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will protect the vows of fidelity.

according to Freud's dream book

The hurricane is a fairly transparent symbol; it suggests that some significant changes will soon come in your life, and they will be associated with the fact that you will meet a certain person who will make you look at the world and your loved ones in a new way. If in your dream you or someone else was injured by a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you may bring you misfortune or, at least, unrest. Watching a hurricane approach - you are concerned about the fate of your friend (or girlfriend), who is not very lucky in his personal life. In fact, you should be guided by how your friend treats himself - if he (or she) is happy with everything, then you should be calm.

I dreamed of a hurricane

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are caught in a hurricane, it means that you will soon experience bitterness and despair because the plans you have long nurtured, which were supposed to quickly lead you to your cherished goal, will collapse. This dream may foreshadow big changes in your destiny, often associated with losses. In a dream, hearing the roar of a hurricane wind and seeing how it tilts the trees around you promises you some kind of painful anticipation, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse. A dream in which your house collapses under the pressure of the wind foreshadows a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in job. Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will not affect you personally.

Dream Interpretation Storm Seeing a storm from the outside: social events that will not affect you personally unless a wave hits you on the shore. Getting caught in a storm at sea: social cataclysms will affect you directly, especially if you are pursuing a political career in life: they will “carry you out on the wave” if you don’t drown in a dream, and “drown” if this happens in a dream. Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep Storm For women: Seeing a storm in a dream is a warning about some trials. If you dream that you are caught in a storm, it means that you are not satisfied with your life, you are overwhelmed by desires and passions that in reality do not find a way out. If you see in a dream that someone is caught in a storm, then this indicates that this person is in a difficult situation and needs help. If in a dream you see yourself being overwhelmed by a wave or drowning, then this warns you of the danger to which you are exposed. If in a dream you managed to escape the storm, then in reality you will be able to avoid a great misfortune. If you dream of a storm from Monday to Tuesday, then you need to be prepared for any surprise. If you see a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, you should not commit rash acts, otherwise the consequences will be very difficult for you. If you saw a storm in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a sign that your career is in danger and you will need to make a lot of effort and be patient to correct the situation.
For men: Seeing a storm in a dream means loss. If you see a storm in a dream, then this is a warning that you will face difficult trials. If in a dream you see that you are caught in a storm and are trying to escape, then in reality you will have to fight a serious illness. If in a dream you observe a storm from the side and see how people are dying, then this indicates a serious illness of one of your loved ones. If in a dream you see that someone died during a storm, then the life of one of your loved ones may end tragically. Seeing a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means your success will be fragile, and the time of disappointment will soon come. If you dream of a storm from Thursday to Friday, then this promises you sad news that you will receive from afar. If you see a storm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, then this portends you a serious quarrel with a friend.
STORM - Symbol of losses and failures. The storm damaged your home - big troubles await you and none of your friends will support you. Coming to the seashore after a storm means troubles and misfortunes will pass you by. Seeing a ship at sea during a storm means rightly fearing trouble. Seeing a storm begin after a ship with valuable cargo has set out to sea means trouble may begin. Your subconscious is trying to warn you that you should more carefully control the development of events related to the course of your financial affairs.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a storm?

Freud's Dream Book

The storm you are caught in in a dream symbolizes fears and phobias that you cannot get rid of on your own.

If you are caught in a storm, your relationship with your partner needs, at a minimum, correction; maybe you should think about breaking up with him.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Family dream book

Storm - Seeing a storm in a dream means loss. If you see a storm in a dream, then this is a warning that you will face difficult trials. If in a dream you see that you are caught in a storm and are trying to escape, then in reality you will have to fight a serious illness. If in a dream you observe a storm from the side and see how people are dying, then this indicates a serious illness of one of your loved ones. If in a dream you see that someone died during a storm, then the life of one of your loved ones may end tragically. Seeing a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means your success will be fragile, and the time of disappointment will soon come. If you dream of a storm from Thursday to Friday, then this promises you sad news that you will receive from afar. If you see a storm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, then this portends you a serious quarrel with a friend, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

What does a storm mean in a dream? To see a Storm in a dream is a symbol of losses and failures. The storm damaged your home - big troubles await you and none of your friends will support you. Coming to the seashore after a storm means troubles and misfortunes will pass you by. Seeing a ship at sea during a storm means rightly fearing trouble. Seeing a storm begin after a ship with valuable cargo has set out to sea means trouble may begin. Your subconscious is trying to warn you that you should more carefully control the development of events related to the course of your financial affairs.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a storm in a dream is a sign that some events can cause you a whole storm of emotions.

If the waves in a dream look scary or threaten you in any way, the dream tells you that you should control your feelings, otherwise negative emotions can greatly harm your affairs.

Why do you dream about a storm?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Storm - after an explanation, make peace with your ill-wisher, and you will have friendly relations.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Spring dream book

Storm - to ailment associated with pressure.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Summer dream book

Storm - to a temporary deterioration in your life.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Autumn dream book

Storm - for a work check.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a storm from the outside means social events that will not affect you personally unless the wave hits you on the shore.

If you get caught in a storm at sea, social cataclysms will affect you directly, especially if you are pursuing a political career in life: they will “carry you out on the wave” if you don’t drown in a dream, and “drown” if this happens in a dream.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

In a dream, being caught in a strong storm is a harbinger of losses and failures in business.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Modern dream book

Hearing the sound of an approaching storm in a dream is a harbinger of chronic illness, unfavorable progress in affairs and separation from friends.

If the storm ends, the consequences of sleep will not be so severe.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Storm - You see a storm in a dream - failures await you, perhaps losses.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Storm - strong, difficult emotional experiences, shocks; misfortune.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Storm mean in a dream - A quarrel with a loved one or discord in the family is possible. Imagine that a storm is raging somewhere in the distance, and where you are there is peace and quiet and God's grace. The storm moves so far away that you simply forget about it.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

You dreamed of a Storm, what is this for? A storm or thunderstorm is often interpreted as a symbol of the difficulties or dangers that await a person upon awakening. Some analysts, however, point out that a thunderstorm or storm in a dream foretells a calm life in the future.

Positive value

If you managed to find shelter from bad weather, perhaps a positive solution to a problem in your love life awaits you.

Negative implications

Dreams about thunder or storms can be directly related to anxiety due to obstacles you face. Perhaps this is a warning about future difficulties.

A storm that ends quickly may mean less trouble, while storms that last longer may indicate emotional difficulties.

Why do you dream about a storm?

British dream book

Storm, hurricane, typhoon - If you find yourself in the heart of a raging storm, this usually means that you feel at the mercy of the elements and cannot control your own life, especially in personal relationships. In real life: Have you found yourself embroiled in a turbulent, passionate relationship, or faced with the prospect of one that is broken up by the other party? Whatever the reason, the feeling of helplessness that such dreams cause, especially if they are repeated, can easily transfer into real life, and it is good to study its source to see if there is a way to avoid the problem.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Storm at Sea mean in a dream - to get into trouble (scandal, compromising gossip). Watching the storm in the distance (from a safe place) - help from afar will open the way to success.

Storm - see also Hurricane and Wind 1. If in a dream we find ourselves in a storm, it means that in everyday life we ​​are at the mercy of circumstances that are beyond our control. We allow these external circumstances to create problems for us, when in fact we need to look at what we are doing and either find refuge to remove ourselves from the situation, or finally fight. 2. Since wind in dreams represents spiritual matters, we may take ourselves too seriously. We allow external forces that carry us towards something to greatly influence us. 3. The storm can be a symbol of not only the spirit within us, but also reflect the spiritual side of things, especially the spirit.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Women's dream book

Storm - In a dream, being caught in a strong storm is a harbinger of losses and failures in business, this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does Storm mean in a dream? Why is it - difficulties; anger.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Men's dream book

Symbol of losses and failures. The storm damaged your home - big troubles await you and none of your friends will support you. Coming to the seashore after a storm means troubles and misfortunes will pass you by. Seeing a ship at sea during a storm means rightly fearing trouble. Seeing a storm begin after a ship with valuable cargo has set out to sea means trouble may begin. Your subconscious is trying to warn you that you should more carefully control the development of events related to the course of your financial affairs.

Seeing a storm in a dream means loss.

If you see a storm in a dream, then this is a warning that you will face difficult trials. If in a dream you see that you are caught in a storm and are trying to escape, then in reality you will have to fight a serious illness. If in a dream you observe a storm from the side and see how people are dying, then this indicates a serious illness of one of your loved ones. If in a dream you see that someone died during a storm, then the life of one of your loved ones may end tragically.

Seeing a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means your success will be fragile, and the time of disappointment will soon come. If you dream of a storm from Thursday to Friday, then this promises you sad news that you will receive from afar. If you see a storm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, then this portends you a serious quarrel with a friend.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream book for women

Seeing a storm in a dream is a warning about some trials.

If you dream that you are caught in a storm, it means that you are not satisfied with your life, you are overwhelmed by desires and passions that in reality do not find a way out. If you see in a dream that someone is caught in a storm, then this indicates that this person is in a difficult situation and needs help. If in a dream you see yourself being overwhelmed by a wave or drowning, then this warns you of the danger to which you are exposed. If in a dream you managed to escape the storm, then in reality you will be able to avoid a great misfortune.

If you dream of a storm from Monday to Tuesday, then you need to be prepared for any surprise. If you see a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, you should not commit rash acts, otherwise the consequences will be very difficult for you. If you saw a storm in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a sign that your career is in danger and you will need to make a lot of effort and be patient to correct the situation.

By the way, we can recall the story that happened to the industrialist Whitson in 1863. While traveling from England to America, the ship encountered a storm that lasted several days. Exhausted by seasickness, Whitson fell asleep and saw his wife in a dream. She was in a white dress, and, going up to Whitson's bed, she bent over to him, kissed him and said that soon it would all be over and they would see each other. Waking up in the morning, Whitson saw that the storm had finally stopped. When the industrialist returned home, his wife told him that she had seen in a dream how the ship Whitson was sailing on was caught in a storm and she really wanted to console and cheer him up. She described Whitson's cabin, which she had seen in her dream. This description exactly matched the cabin in which Whitson was awake during the storm.

Why do you dream about a storm?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a storm in a dream means loss.

If you see a storm in a dream, then this is a warning that you will face difficult trials.

If in a dream you see that you are caught in a storm and are trying to escape, then in reality you will have to fight a serious illness.

If in a dream you observe a storm from the side and see how people are dying, then this indicates a serious illness of one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you see that someone died during a storm, then the life of one of your loved ones may end tragically.

Seeing a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means your success will be fragile, and the time of disappointment will soon come.

If you dream of a storm from Thursday to Friday, then this promises you sad news that you will receive from afar.

If you see a storm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, then this portends you a serious quarrel with a friend.

The storm damaged your home - big troubles await you and none of your friends will support you.

Coming to the seashore after a storm means troubles and misfortunes will pass you by.

Seeing a ship at sea during a storm means rightly fearing trouble.

Seeing a storm begin after a ship with valuable cargo has set sail - troubles may begin. Your subconscious is trying to warn you that you should more carefully control the development of events related to the course of your financial affairs.