Why do you dream about roses on trees? Dream interpretation of roses, why do you dream of roses in a dream. What does Rose mean in a dream?

Dream interpretation of pink roses

In real life, roses are associated with celebration, sincere feelings, and luxury. When a woman is presented with a chic bouquet of roses, it evokes only positive emotions. Why do you dream about pink roses?

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses?

Any dream book will tell you that flowers in a dream, provided that they look attractive, smell fragrant, and give aesthetic pleasure, are a positive sign.

Opinions of dream books about flowers

If a person is superstitious and trusts higher powers, then after a memorable dream he immediately picks up his favorite dream book and reads the interpretation. What should those people do who, in principle, have never done this, but they often dream, for example, of pink roses? Of course, pay attention not to the list of the most popular dream interpreters, which is presented below.

If you dreamed of pink roses

Women's dream book

You dream of flowers that have blossomed, are fragrant, pleasing to the eye - a joyful event awaits you. Another good news is that you can not doubt the loyalty of your life partner, his feelings are strong and sincere.

But wilted flowers are a symbol of loneliness and sorrow.

If you dream of a withered rose bush - pay attention to the well-being of your relatives; it is possible that some of them are already experiencing progressive disease.

Unmarried girls will really enjoy the dream in which she will cut flowers and make bouquets from them. This dream promises a quick marriage proposal, which will be made by a worthy chosen one.

Dream book for the whole family

Roses, as a rule, dream of a favorable period in life, filled with joy and happiness.

If in a dream a man gives a bouquet to a woman he knows, he should take a closer look at her in real life. The dream book says that this is your friend in life.

Giving or receiving a bouquet of wilted pink roses - your ardent love will begin to cool down day by day, and will soon disappear completely.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book almost completely echoes the women's dream book. But he adds on his own behalf that a bush with buds that have not yet opened, dreams of material well-being and peace in the family.

Appearance and color of roses according to the dream book

In fact, if you dream of a rose, then dream books promise you prosperity, joy, happiness, and a quick marriage. But at the same time, many of us forget that for such an interpretation, the flower must be fresh, pink in color, and smell pleasant. Why do you dream of a rose of a different color:

  • white - to diseases that will befall you or your loved ones;
  • yellow - to deception and disappointment. Although, for example, Grishina’s dream book believes that such a color symbolizes the fidelity of your significant other;
  • blue - to the beginning of a new stage in your life, farewell to the old. In particular, a similar color can indicate a break in an old love relationship that has exhausted itself;
  • black - sad news from a loved one, or news about his betrayal;
  • orange promises you fame, fame, which will come to you without much effort.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses?

If you dreamed of a bouquet

If you dream of a bouquet of gorgeous pink flowers, fortune will be on your side. Luck accompanies the dreamer in everything, in romantic relationships, in work, and in gambling.

It is interesting for interpreters to interpret a bouquet cut with their own hands. It is believed that it speaks of your strong feelings for a person of the opposite sex. But at the same time, your love may not be mutual.

For family people, a bouquet definitely has a positive meaning. Even if you had some troubles at the time of sleep, they will soon pass. Your home will become a full cup where mutual understanding and passionate love will settle for a long time.

Why do you dream of pink flowers?

Unlike other colors, pink roses do not mean burning passion, or “love to the grave,” but just a slight passion for flirting. But at the same time, the seers do not hide that such relationships can lead the dreamer to a strong official marriage.

It is a bad sign to tear off the petals from a flower. In reality, you can easily destroy your own happiness with your actions and words.

Artificial flowers - urgently begin to resurrect your feelings with your partner. Your family has been holding on for a long time only, but out of habit and a sense of duty, it cannot continue this way. It's time to renew your passion, try to bring back your former love, since, according to the dream book, your relationship has a right to exist.

Why do you dream of receiving flowers as a gift?

  • If you were given one single flower, the dream means that you have only one faithful friend, everyone else only allows you to be friends with them, and also takes advantage of your kindness and dependability.
  • Why the dream in which you yourself gave roses? To a quarrel with the person who accepted the bouquet from you.
  • You dream of three roses as a gift - you have chosen true friends in life, you can count on them in difficult times.
  • If you are presented with a black number of flowers, you will soon receive news of the illness or death of a person who cares about you.
  • Receiving a broken flower means the collapse of your plans.
  • Throwing flowers on the ground and trampling on them - you will actually commit an act that you will later greatly regret.
  • Throwing away a presented bouquet means a complete severance of the relationship with this person.

If you dreamed of a bush of blooming roses, this is a sign of divided and happy love. If you dreamed of a rose bush covered with snow, it is a harbinger of separation from your loved one. If you dreamed of a rose bush being uprooted, this means trouble at work. Picking roses in a dream means a wedding. Smelling roses in a dream is a joyful experience. Putting roses in a vase is a new love adventure. If you dreamed of withered roses, you will be left to the mercy of fate. White roses are a sign of peace and love. If you dreamed of red roses - complex and confusing feelings. If you dreamed of cream roses - true friends and interesting acquaintances. If you dreamed of black or yellow roses, it is a harbinger of separation or betrayal. Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of love and affection. Giving roses in a dream means your hopes will be fulfilled. If you dreamed of a rose with fallen petals, it means death is imminent.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your loved one. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

According to Miller's dream book, roses are more often a good prognosis than a bad one. The plot with fragrant flowers is interpreted depending on the details of the dream. Inhaling the aroma of a pink bouquet is a harbinger of pure joy that nothing can overshadow. And if a girl holds armfuls of flowers in a dream, then she will soon be proposed to.

Almost always, a bouquet of fragrant, delicate, incredibly beautiful roses is a worthy addition to the main gift for a woman, and in real life the sight of these flowers evokes only positive emotions. Why do you dream of a pink bouquet, what secrets do roses hide in a dream? Our dream book will tell you about this.

The all-consuming passion of two loving hearts is what burgundy roses mean in dreams. The dream book interprets this dream either as the revival of slightly extinguished feelings, or as the appearance in life of a new object of adoration, to whom the dreamer will give all of himself without reserve, and this will be mutual.

Artificial roses in a dream are a signal from the dream book that you simply need to improve the situation in your family, because at the moment everything is built purely on habit, you need to revive your former passion, and hold on to your feelings with all your might - they have a right to exist.

According to this dream book, a rose symbolizes secrets. Picking or just seeing roses is a joy. Receiving roses as a gift means wishes come true, and giving roses means lost hopes. To be pricked by a rose's thorns is to suffer from love. Red roses are a symbol of blood and emotional experiences. Rich red rose - passionate hot love. Dry rose - restore feeling to no avail. If the rose falls off, it means the end of a carefree life.

Rose is a symbol of mystery, love, chastity. To prick yourself with a thorn is to hide an ugly act from a loved one. Cutting roses in your own garden is a sign that you will always help those in need. If your roses are attacked by pests, it means that the person to whom you have given a lot of spiritual strength will not appreciate your efforts. If the presented roses dry quickly - who insincerely swears love.

Walking among bright red roses excites the mind and heart. Roses symbolize accumulated passion in real life. At the same time, bright red roses can mean taking responsibility for a dangerous or risky business.

A rose is a symbol of mystery. A rose bush is happiness in love / joy / something that has to do with the holy virgin. Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy. Receiving roses as a gift is the fulfillment of desires / what a secret. Giving roses is the death of hopes. O thorns to prick - to suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love. Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength. Very red rose - ardent love, passion. White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit , monastic lifestyle / whose innocence, purity, chastity / whose soul is on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased. Yellow rose - fidelity. Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins. Withered rose - life and health I am in danger / irrevocably joys have flown by / the end of something good. A hoarse rose is the end of a carefree life. To find a withered rose is useless to awaken old feelings.

If a bouquet of white roses is a gift that symbolizes heavenly energy, it may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth the roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions mean a lot. To see / pick / give roses in a dream - a red rose is the mi energy of the Earth, a white rose is the yang energy of the Sky, adding energy to all systems of the body. In a dream, seeing / smelling / walking among roses with an equally bright feeling - walking among roses at any time of the year or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone (see this season's article White color) in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn this means good energy storage in accordance with the tasks of the season; in other seasons it means obtaining the necessary energy.

To see buds on a bush that have not yet blossomed - such a dream means that your material well-being will be very stable. If you saw a withered rose bush - someone close to you will get sick, other sad events are possible. I dreamed of a luxurious bush of scarlet roses - a sign that great hopes will come true in your family. In a dream, decorating your hair with a red rose bud means that for a girl who is in love, this is a sign of impending deception. You were presented with a bouquet of red roses in the spring - you will be happy;

If you dreamed that you were given roses, it means be careful, because someone really wants you the bitter things of life and death. Cutting it off means there will be tears and grief. Inhaling the aroma - such a dream means that love will become a source of pain for you. To give to someone - you will wish someone misfortune, you will be the source of someone’s grief, so you must, before it’s too late, listen to the voice of your conscience. Plant - you will make problems through your own fault. Putting roses on a grave means you feel guilty before your loved ones.

According to the modern dream book, white roses in a dream symbolize a spiritual or physical connection with a person, and this connection will turn your whole life upside down. Such a connection will help you look at the world with different eyes and make you believe in what previously seemed unattainable.

A rose is a magical flower, and like all magical objects, such a flower has feedback. Therefore, when receiving white roses as a gift, you should experience positive emotions, because such a gift may require some kind of sacrifice, that is, on earth, roses can turn into a crown of thorns. So, if you dream of roses, then such a dream should be interpreted depending on what emotions you experienced during the dream.

There are many legends about why roses are red. One of them says that the rose turned red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on its thorns. Others say that the poet pressed roses to his heart, so his blood turned her red. A very touching story of a girl who clutched roses to her chest in order to place them on the grave of her loved one.

According to an old belief, if you dream of white, slightly wilted roses on Mondays, Fridays and Wednesdays, this is a sign that one of your loved ones will get sick. Also withered roses, but of a different color, symbolize short-lived love, or if you have a loved one, then your relationship will end in the near future.

It is important to know that mutual love awaits two people who love each other if one of them gives the other flowers in a dream. But inhaling the wonderful aroma of red roses in a dream is a symbol of the fact that joy will soon come, which no one can overshadow.

A bouquet of roses in a dream portends a lot of good things. In reality, flowers always evoke joy and tenderness, and the same thing happens in a dream. Roses in a dream prophesy that in real life days are coming filled with hot passions and ardent love.

Yellow roses are often considered a harbinger of separation, but such an interpretation has no basis in reality. Quite the contrary, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and recognition, admiration and respect. Only in combination with other flowers can a yellow rose promise something unpleasant. For example, in a bouquet among roses of other shades or other plants, a yellow rose can warn of a possible betrayal of a loved one - why dream of yellow roses. Tea roses can serve as a beacon of separation.

Cutting roses is the opposite action to the previous one. What has been grown should now be removed to allow something else to sprout. This can be interpreted as the fact that your garden (which can be understood as a house where a person lives with his family, or close relationships with people) needs updating. It is worth reconsidering your relationships with others.

Blue roses are also an unusual shade of flowers. If you see them in a dream or someone gives them to you, then most likely they want to please you and give you something original. On the other hand, blue is the color of the sea, carefree and harmony. A person giving a bouquet of this color can bring the necessary feeling of security and peace into your life.

Are you wondering why you dream of burgundy roses? Roses are purple, dark red in color as a gift - this is a sign of strong love, passion and deep respect. If the color is too dark, close to black, then the relationship with a specific person began to deteriorate and fade.

Fragrant, blooming flowers in a dream will decorate your life with diversity and joy, symbolizing the loyalty of a loved one, a warm attitude, and kindness towards people. For a girl, cutting red roses is a sign of an imminent wedding; if there are no contenders for her hand and heart, it means she will meet her fate in the near future.

Withered roses speak of coldness and secrecy. In fact, this is a mask, and you are able to empathize, love and forgive, you are just afraid of your feelings, trying to seem stronger, avoiding excessive sentimentality. A white bouquet portends an imminent illness. Inhaling the delightful aroma of beautiful flowers is a sign of joyful changes.

An unblown rose predicts troubles for your loved ones. A dream in which there is a bright bush of scarlet roses foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish. Decorating your hair with roses is a sign of deception, betrayal, unfulfilled hopes.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Vanga’s dream book

The rose is a symbol of fidelity, chastity, love and devotion. Receiving a bouquet of white roses is a testament to purity. If you prick yourself on a thorn in a dream, it means you want to hide an unseemly act, but, as you know, you can’t hide an awl in a bag. Cutting flowers is a sign that they trust you and are coming for advice. Inhale the scents of roses - you will soon find yourself in the power of love. If the bouquet has withered, this is not a good sign, signaling that your partner is pretending. Planting or watering them means fulfilling romantic fantasies.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Freud's dream book

Like most noble flowers, roses are a reflection of femininity, and thorns are a phallic symbol. To prick yourself on thorns means to become an object of sexual harassment in reality. If you receive a bouquet as a gift, it means you are attracting interest from the opposite sex. Giving flowers to someone is a sign of a passionate nature that knows how to give true pleasure and prefers variety in sexual games.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Morozova’s dream book

Scarlet ones dream of the fulfillment of cherished desires, white ones - for spiritual and physical health, pink ones - for prosperity and wealth, artificial ones portend illness. In general, blooming roses are harbingers of happiness and love, broken roses are a harbinger of vain expectations, a lot of red roses promise a quick marriage. A wreath woven from roses portends fidelity and a successful union, but such a dream will bring death to a seriously ill person.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Loff’s dream book

Large red roses symbolize a wonderful feeling called love, a yellow bouquet speaks of true friendship, white - of purity of thoughts, a black rose in a dream, as in reality, sows death. Bathing in petals means having many opportunities, prospects, and having talents that will help you achieve heights in life. Pricking yourself on a thorn means finding out the unpleasant truth about a loved one.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- cut or pick a flower - find a friend;
- plant - for a romantic date;
- injecting yourself - to the partner’s infidelity;
- giving a bouquet of roses is a sign of generosity;
- receive as a gift - you have an attractive appearance, it’s a sin not to take advantage of it;
- throw away roses - means separation.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Hasse’s dream book

In dreams where roses are present, there is a deep meaning. As in real life, in a dream this image evokes only positive emotions and is associated with happiness, joy, sincere love, sympathy, etc. However, withered flowers carry a certain disorder and sadness. Therefore, such a dream speaks of fears and troubles. The color of the bouquet is also of great importance. What feelings and desires do roses evoke in you in reality? By answering this question, you can easily decipher your dream.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Meneghetti's dream book

Like any other flowers, they indicate female attractiveness, charm and sexuality, but only on the outside. Hidden behind a beautiful shell is a false essence that leads to negative consequences.

Why do you dream of roses - according to Grishina’s dream book

- a rose bush seen in a dream will bring happiness to the house;
- picking, cutting roses - to a joyful event;
- pricking yourself on thorns - to love suffering;
- burgundy, bright red rose - a symbol of passion, hot love;
- blue - let go of the past and start life from scratch;
- faded - to illness, danger.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Rose - If you dreamed about a rose, then everything will be fine with you.

To see that you have picked a rose means that you will soon have a wedding.

Why dream of seeing a rose with large sharp thorns - then problems await you.

Yellow roses - If you saw a yellow rose in a dream, then you will soon be cheated on and you will part with your loved one.

Red roses - Why dream of seeing red roses - then great happiness and good news await you.

See also: why do you dream of fresh flowers, why do you dream of sharp thorns, why do you dream of a red tulip.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why does Rose dream, how to understand the dream:

Rose, bouquet of roses - If a girl dreamed that she was picking roses, then she will soon get married.

Why dream of seeing roses that have just bloomed - then you will soon receive good news.

If you saw withered roses in a dream, then loneliness awaits you.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a rose?

Rose - If you dreamed about a rose, then a love affair awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does Rose dream according to the dream book:

Rose - If you dreamed of a beautiful bush of blooming roses, then your lover will reciprocate your feelings.

Pink roses - Why dream of seeing a rose bush in the snow - then you will soon part with your loved one and will be very worried about it.

To see that you picked a rose means you will soon have a wedding.

If you dreamed of withered roses, then you will soon be deceived and abandoned.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about Rose, what is it for:

Rose - To see roses blooming in a dream means that your loved one will be faithful to you throughout your life. Cutting fresh roses is a signal that you will soon be offered to legitimize your relationship by getting married, and you will agree without hesitation. Dreaming of a wilted rose indicates that you are suffering from a lack of love, as well as from a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

Seeing you inhale the fragrant scent of roses that fill your garden is proof that your boundless joy will never again be overshadowed by anything. In a dream you were given a bouquet of roses - this foreshadows some happy event in your life.

White roses - White roses seen in a dream indicate the purity and purity of all your thoughts, a sensitive and attentive attitude towards all people: close and distant relatives.

Red roses - I dreamed of a scarlet rose, this is a symbol of bright and strong love for each other, as well as the unbridled passion that you experience, unable to cope with it, because... it is stronger than you and, it turns out, more necessary than water. Before, you didn’t even know how important this was for you.

Yellow roses - A yellow rose in a dream foreshadows constant, very long separations and partings with a loved one, as well as, in addition, his betrayal towards you, which will bring unbearable pain. You may even want to take revenge by responding in kind. Thus, betrayal in this case will be mutual.

To dream of roses growing in your garden, delighting your eyes with their beauty, is a warning about mutual and shared love, which you will finally receive after many years when you yourself, fearing to be deceived once again, forbade yourself to love and be loved, locking your heart away from literally everyone.

Dream book for girls

Why does Rose dream according to the dream book:

Rose - If you dreamed of a rose, know that it symbolizes love. So, giving roses to someone in a dream means that you will soon fall in love, but you will be embarrassed to admit it.

But if they gave you roses, it means that in real life they will soon confess their feelings of love to you and offer to be friends. We would advise you not to reject the offer immediately, even if you are not satisfied with the candidate. Well, maybe he (she) is not handsome enough, smart enough, good enough, in general, you never know what may not suit you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Rose, what does it mean:

Rose - To see a dream in which roses are present is a sign of fate’s favor towards you.

Red roses - Scarlet roses dream of fulfilling your greatest desires; pink - to wealth and prosperity; white ones - to health (they can also promise illness if light does not fall on them and they look like wax). In general, blooming roses are messengers of love, happiness, and joyful events; withered, wrinkled - vain hopes. Bouquets or an armful of roses - for a marriage proposal; cutting off half-blooming roses in buds means a happy marriage. A wreath of roses is a good symbol for everyone except the sick.

In addition, the pink wreath warns people who are hiding something that their secret will be made public.

White roses - If you dream of white roses, then some kind of connection awaits you - purely spiritual or physical - with a person of the opposite sex, which will greatly change your life for the better. To see that you are inhaling the scent of roses, then such a dream will bring you unclouded joy, love and understanding of others.

Pink roses - If you dream of a rose bush with many beautiful, but not yet blossoming buds, then lasting material well-being awaits you. Pink roses - A dried rose bush foreshadows the illness of someone close to you or other sorrows, which, however, will not burden you for long.

red roses - A bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of your main hopes.

Receiving a bouquet of scarlet roses as a gift in a dream is fortunate, but only if the dream occurs in spring or summer; in winter, the same dream means futile waiting.

Only for women: If a girl in a dream cuts roses from a bush or makes bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly; she will gladly accept his offer. Red roses - Decorating your hair with a red rosebud in a dream means deception.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of roses according to the dream book:

Rose - If you dreamed of roses, you can expect favorable changes in your life in the near future, which, as a rule, will be related to your personal life.

Seeing roses is almost always a favorable sign, which indicates that a successful period is coming in your personal and family life, which should be taken advantage of one hundred percent.

If you dreamed of fragrant and blooming roses, then in reality you can expect pleasant surprises from your soulmate; a new life for your relationship is possible. If a girl had a dream in which she was cutting roses, then in the near future she will have a romantic acquaintance, or she will be proposed for marriage.

If you dreamed of withered, crumbling roses, then in reality your personal life will collapse - be patient and wait for a more favorable moment for a romantic acquaintance.

Pink roses - If you dreamed of a rose bush that has not yet bloomed, then in real life be prepared for minor difficulties to achieve your goals, but the result will exceed all your expectations. If you received a bouquet of roses as a gift from a loved one in a dream, then in reality your personal life will be calm and happy.

Dreaming about Rose? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Rose in a dream:

Rose - The rose symbolizes femininity, beauty, love and romanticism. Roses also have deep spiritual meaning, representing good and evil, life and death. The color of the petals is also symbolic: white means purity, red - passion, pink - romantic impulses, black - death.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Rose? It means:

Rose, a bouquet of roses - a sign of love. Love affair. 5th house of the horoscope.

Beautiful and fragrant roses symbolize love and romance all over the world. But its meaning in a dream does not always correspond to this description. What awaits you if you dreamed of a rose? It depends on the details of the dream and the dream book you turned to for interpretation.

Seeing roses in a dream according to a women's dream book

Seeing fresh fragrant flowers means your chosen one is faithful to you, and pleasant happy events are coming. In turn, if you dream of withered roses, then this foreshadows separation and sadness. If you dreamed of a bush with buds that had not yet blossomed, then very soon you will get a big profit. Bright scarlet roses on a bush in a dream represent that your hopes will come true, bringing prosperity to your family.

Feeling the scent of a rose in a dream means your joys will not be overshadowed by anything. Dreaming of white roses without drops of dew and being in the shade means a serious illness. And if you dream of bouquets and armfuls of roses, it means a happy marriage soon. Decorating your hair with a scarlet rose means destroyed hopes.

Roses according to Miller's dream book

The interpretation of a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream means fidelity to your other half. Cutting roses growing in a flowerbed in a dream means an early marriage with your loved one. If you don’t have one yet, you will meet soon.

If you dream of withered roses, your character is too cold, although inside you are as hungry for love and emotions as any other person. In order not to be left alone, you will have to overcome your isolation. A bouquet of white roses dreams of health problems. It is recommended to get examined by a doctor and start exercising.

A closed pink bud in a dream is a bad sign; you or your loved ones are in danger of trouble. But, if you cope with it, you will be fully rewarded for it.

Why do you dream about a rose according to Vanga’s dream book?

According to this dream book, the meaning of a rose is innocent, pure love. For a woman to prick herself on pink thorns in a dream is a sign that she is thinking about cheating on her partner. Cutting roses growing in your garden in a dream means you are always happy to give love to your loved ones. Feeling the aroma of flowers means great love awaits you. If a woman dreams of being given roses, but soon the flowers wither, the giver is not entirely sincere with her in reality.

If you dream that you receive a large bouquet of white roses as a gift - all your thoughts are pure and transparent. Planting roses for a long time and diligently in a dream, and then noticing pests on them, symbolizes that in real life you are wasting love on a person for whom this does not matter.

Seeing roses in a dream - Freud's dream book

This dream book looks at roses from an erotic perspective. The flowers themselves symbolize femininity, and their thorns symbolize the reproductive organ. If a woman dreams that she pricked herself on the thorns of a rose, then in reality she may face sexual harassment. If a bouquet of red roses is given to both a man and a woman in a dream, such a dream will predict a love interest coming from the opposite sex. If you dreamed that you yourself gave flowers to someone, you have a passionate character, or you lack variety in bed.

Interpretation of roses in a dream according to Meneghetti's dream book

In this dream book, the rose is interpreted a little differently. It really does imply beauty, gloss, brilliance - but all this is unnatural, feigned. Therefore, if you dreamed of roses, then soon you will meet a beautiful and pleasant person, but with a rotten soul. In addition, a flower in a dream symbolizes feminine charm up to the erotic aspect, but, again, only at first glance.

An unopened rose bud means meeting new friends. If the flower fades, you haven’t remembered your old friends for too long. A red rose indicates that you tend to enjoy life, a white rose indicates modesty and restraint.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A beautiful garden full of fragrant flowers - for an important love meeting. Withered roses symbolize separation for the girl. If in a dream you are planting flowers in your garden, the dream book offers the following interpretation: soon you will do a very kind and noble deed for someone. Weaving and putting a wreath of roses on your head means you are about to have a wedding with your beloved person.

A vase containing white roses means the object of your love is indifferent to you. Huge thorns on the stem are temptations that will lead to trouble. Giving someone a bouquet of red roses in a dream and getting hurt on the thorns means a friendship will soon begin that will last the rest of your life, the person will become like family to you.

Gypsy dream book

A red rose means passion, health, luck, spiritual strength, good relationships with relatives. White - purity and innocence. A bud that has barely blossomed symbolizes a strong and reliable friendship, but if it has faded, your relationship with friends is fading. A girl dreams that she receives a rose as a gift - to love and long-lasting passion.

If the rose's petals fall, the tranquil life will soon end. If you dream of dried flowers - you are in vain trying to revive long-extinguished feelings. Yellow rose - someone is jealous of you, or you yourself are tormented by jealousy. A girl dreams of a blue rose if you will soon leave the past behind and rush headlong into a new life.

Why do you dream of roses in a dream - the meaning according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Cutting or picking a flower, according to the interpretation of this dream book, is a sign of meeting a new friend soon. Planting them means a pleasant romantic date. Accidentally pricking your fingers on thorns means betrayal of a loved one. In general, thorns, according to Tsvetkov, symbolize quarrels. But troubles can be avoided if you pay more attention to the relationship.

Giving someone a gorgeous bouquet of red roses means that you are a generous person in life. To receive such a gift means you have a beautiful appearance, which helps you a lot in life. Throwing away roses means a quick separation from your loved one. To see a beautiful bush of red roses - a happy future awaits your family.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse gives the following interpretations in her dream book. Blooming roses predict joy and happiness. Plucking or cutting them is a sign of an imminent wedding with your soulmate. Receive a bouquet of roses as a gift - your lover remains faithful. Large thorns on the stem of a rose mean fear, unpleasant events, quarrels, betrayal. Yellow roses are a sign of fear and betrayal, snow-white ones are the right choice for a loved one. If the flowers have faded, then soon you will have to change your habits.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Roses standing in a vase - your thoughts are pure. Holding a bouquet in your hands means all hidden emotions will soon come to the surface. Three flowers together - you will become a participant in a love triangle. A large number of white roses is a symbol of illness. A pink flower foreshadows the beginning of a new romantic relationship soon, but if it is dry or sluggish, then this relationship will not lead to happiness.

If you dreamed of a whole field planted with roses, something serious will happen soon that could have an impact on your mental state. If in a dream you gave roses to someone, then in reality your feelings are serious.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book perceives roses only as a negative symbol. Receiving it as a gift means you have an enemy who wishes you various misfortunes or even death. Cutting or picking flowers in a dream is a symbol that you will soon shed a lot of tears. Inhaling the scent of roses - your loved one will bring you pain and disappointment. To give these flowers to someone is to wish the person harm. Listen to your conscience so as not to cause trouble. Planting roses in your garden means you are looking for problems on your own. Putting it on a grave means being tormented by a feeling of guilt.