How to come up with a strong internet password. How to come up with a strong password and make it easy to remember Create a password email

The computer and the Internet have firmly entered our lives and have greatly facilitated the solution of many problems. One of the signs of a person who keeps up with the times is the active use of the World Wide Web: email, various thematic forums, blogs, news sites and much more. Most services on the Internet require you to create a login and password. Let's take a closer look at how to create a login and password, and what rules you need to follow in order to successfully register. More on all this later in the article.

How to create a login and password correctly?

The registration process on any site or service begins with creating a login. This is a unique name by which the system will recognize you. Login requirements are indicated next to the field in which you must enter it. If the name you have chosen is already taken by another user, the system will not allow you to register under it. On some sites, the login may consist of only letters of the English alphabet and numbers; in others, the use of Cyrillic and special characters is allowed.

After successfully selecting a name, you need to create a password. The rules for choosing it may also differ, but almost all services today recommend specifying a complex, and therefore more secure, password. Often services and sites have automatic security checks, and if your password is too simple, the system will ask you to choose another one or complicate the code you entered.

What email services are there?

Today, there are many sites that provide email services for free. Let's list the most famous and popular among network users:

  • (;
  • Rambler.Mail (;
  • mail service from Google (;
  • Yandex.Mail (

The above services are giants and veterans of providing postal services. However, in addition to them, there are also other sites where you can create “soap” and services that provide disposable and anonymous mailbox services. These are very convenient to use if for some reason you do not want to indicate your main email. There is no point in describing how to create a login, password and email on such services - the registration process here is no different from standard free email sites.

Choosing where to create an email

When choosing a service on which you plan to create an e-mail or “soap”, as many Internet users call it, you need to be guided by the following preferences:

  • usability or ease of use;
  • high-quality spam filter that will filter out advertising mailings;
  • mailbox size;
  • hacking protection, access recovery functionality;
  • virus protection.

Almost all services today provide the ability to link a mobile phone number to an email account. This allows you to track all actions performed on your mailbox. So, for example, when you log into Google mail on another device, a notification about this will appear on your phone, and when you change your password on, the system will send a notification to your phone.

Email Registration

To create an electronic mailbox, select a mail service. It is better to choose from the most popular ones - they have higher protection, high-quality spam filters and convenient access recovery mechanisms.

By clicking the "Registration" button, begin filling out the fields. As a rule, you need to enter your first and last name, create a username and password. How to create your username and password, for example, on, is described directly on the registration page. There, the correctness of the data you entered is instantly checked. If the login you choose is busy, you will have to come up with another one. Often the system itself offers login options based on your first and last name.

When choosing a password, do not give preference to combinations that are too simple - they are easy to guess and hack.

After filling out all the fields and successfully completing the registration process, the mail service will automatically open a page with your mailbox. To enter it, for example, after closing the browser window, enter the mail service in the address bar, in the window that opens, select the “login” button and enter your password and login.

How to come up with a beautiful login?

Before you think about how to create a login and password for mail, decide how you plan to use this mailbox. For a work login, it is customary to use your first and last name. In some cases, the mailing address also uses the name of the organization you work for. And for a mailbox intended only for personal use, you can use both your first and last name, and, for example, your phone number - here you can show your imagination.

To make your login beautiful and easy to remember, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not use letters that can be confused when dictating your login. Such letters include, for example, S and C - not all Internet users know English and the correct pronunciation of letters. You may be misunderstood and the letter may not reach the recipient.
  • It makes no sense to indicate the current age in the login, because next year the mail name will be outdated.
  • If you plan to use mail for work, do not indicate your year of birth - possible customers and partners may refuse you, citing insufficient or too advanced age.

How to come up with a strong password?

To ensure that your password is secure, just take a few simple notes into account:

  • Do not use the same passwords on different resources - if an attacker takes possession of it on one resource, he will automatically gain access to all other sites under your name.
  • Use both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Add special characters (punctuation, dollar sign, quotation marks, etc.).
  • Change your keyboard layout. For example, you chose the word “hammer” as your password. If you change the layout to English, the password will seem difficult to remember: vjkjnjr.
  • Do not use information in your password that is publicly available. This means your first and last name, the names of relatives, the names of pets, important dates in your life that you can find out about, for example, through social networks.

Where do I store my email login and password?

In addition to creating a login and password for mail, you will probably have to register for other services, and a login and password may also be required when logging into your account on your work computer. In this situation, the question of how and where to store such information becomes very relevant, since it is quite difficult to keep it in your head. So, in order not to forget your registration data, you should:

  • Write down your password and login on paper. True, in this case you will have to always carry the data with you, and if you lose it, you will have to work hard to restore access to the services.
  • Create a text document on your computer that contains passwords and logins for various services. To prevent them from becoming known to everyone who has access to your PC, change the extension. For example, .txt can be changed to .jpg. In this case, the file will be displayed as a picture, and in order to access the information in it, you will first have to change the extension.
  • To avoid storing logins and passwords on your computer, you can copy the file to a flash card and use it as needed.
  • You can use special software to store passwords. This way, all the data will be in one place, and to access it, you only have to remember one code.

Restoring access to email

For one reason or another, access to email may be lost. To restore it, you can use tools specifically designed for such situations. This could be an answer to a code question that is filled in during registration, or recovery of a password via a mobile phone (but this requires linking the number to your email account).

If you were unable to restore access yourself, you can contact technical support or create a new login and password for your email. However, in this case, all contacts and correspondence stored on the old mailbox will be lost.

Today, every user has to work with many services in . For your profile on social networks, on entertainment and professional sites, for your email inbox, for access to your bank account, you need to come up with one that will be difficult to hack even for an experienced hacker, because personal information is often fraught with material losses.

What password is considered weak?

When registering for the next one, you need to remember several criteria that must be taken into account. Passwords for different services must be different!

You can't come up with simple passwords. Examples of such passwords are 123, 12345, 321, 654321, 123456789, qwerty, password, (your date of birth), (your first name/last name/patronymic), (name of your favorite cat) and the like.

The password should not be short. It is advisable to come up with a password that is at least 8-10 characters long.

Two very simple ways to come up with a strong password

First way. Type letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers and special characters (for example, &, %, ), >, etc.) in a random order in a text editor.

Second way. Remember a long Russian word and write it in the English layout (for example, long-necked - lkbyyjittt), then replace some letters with capital ones, and insert several numbers and special characters between them. You should get something like - l2k9byY2@-ji+ttT.

Helpful advice: This password is difficult to remember, so write it down on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place. Do not store a list of passwords only on your computer or smartphone, because you will lose access to services if your gadgets break.

MirSovetov found that Internet users, when coming up with passwords for their accounts, often make the same mistakes. Let's take a closer look at which protection will be easiest for hackers to crack:

  1. A forward or reverse sequence of numbers is considered the most common password options. The first thing that comes to mind for a person who wants to get to personal data is to enter the combination “123456...” or the same numbers, but in reverse order, into the required field.
  2. The second most popular password is the word “password”; the combination of letters “qwerty” is not inferior to it in popularity.
  3. Internet users often enter as a password the name of the service in whose account they are creating protection.
  4. Many people like to use their first or last name, date of birth or email address as a password. This data can be used in various combinations, written in uppercase letters or supplemented with combinations of numbers, but experienced hackers can easily hack such protection if necessary.
  5. Instead of their data, Internet users often use the data of their relatives: husband, children, parents. In this case, the keyword may be the child’s name or date of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc. Popular password options also include the name of a pet, the make or number of a car, and the name of your hometown.
  6. The sequence of letters on the keyboard can also be classified as a simple and unreliable type of protection. Such sequences are very easy to calculate using special programs that will select the appropriate one from a variety of options in just a few minutes.
  7. Simple words like “money”, “love”, “friendship”, “happiness” can also be considered dubious types of personal data protection.
  8. Modern hacking programs have a special function for recognizing modifications, so replacing letters in simple words with similar symbols will not help. Such a utility can easily recognize the letter “A” or “H” in the number 4, and the letter “O” in the number “0”.
  9. Simple passwords also include simple sentences like “I love you.”
  10. A very common mistake many people make is using the same passwords in different services. Any hacker, having cracked one password, will not be too lazy to check it on other accounts.

What should be a strong password?

  1. The main rule is to use different passwords for all Internet accounts.
  2. The security word or phrase must not be associated with the user's personal data. Avoid including first names, last names, dates of birth, pet names, etc. in your password.
  3. It is desirable that for an outsider the password looks like an illogical sequence of words, letters or numbers. At the same time, the protective combination must be logical for the user himself, otherwise he will simply forget it.
  4. The phone number should also not become a password.
  5. The password must not be shared with anyone, especially strangers. Remember that even a call from a bank or other organization asking for such information is in many cases the work of scammers.
  6. Some services send a temporary password by email after registering an account. This combination must be changed immediately after you enter the site.
  7. You should not store passwords in your browser or on your computer desktop.
  8. The security word must be long enough and contain not only letters, but also numbers and other valid characters.
  9. To create a password, you can use a special generator. There are quite a lot of similar programs; among the popular services we can highlight the following:,,, Using programs, you can not only create unique passwords, but also check your own combinations for reliability. For this purpose, use one of the following services:, or
  10. Try not to log into your accounts from other people's computers, especially in Internet cafes or gaming clubs. In such places, you are likely to stumble upon a spyware program that reads the sequence of keystrokes on the keyboard.
  11. Passwords should be changed periodically. The more reliable the protection, the less often you will have to do this, but even a long 12-digit combination of letters and numbers must be changed at least once every 2 years.

Ideas for creating a password

To come up with an original password that will be difficult to crack, use a counting rhyme or short rhyme that you know well. Take the first letter from each word of such a rhyme, replace some of them with similar symbols, for example, replace the letters “o” with “0”, replace “z” with the number “3”, and the letter “h” with the number “4”. You can also use punctuation marks in the password if they are in the poem. For additional security, Cyrillic letters can be written in the Latin layout.

Instead of a quatrain or counting rhyme, some favorite saying is quite suitable. This could be a favorite philosophical quote, a famous phrase of a movie character, etc. The principle of creating a password in this case is the same as when using a counting rhyme. By the way, for greater complexity, some letters can be replaced not by similar numbers, but by some others. For example, instead of “h” you can write not “4”, but “8”, “5” or any other symbol.

As a protective word, you can use a specific term known to a narrow circle of specialists in a particular field. This is where technical or medical definitions, such as complex drug names, can come in handy.

It is not recommended to include the date of birth of yourself or someone close to you in your password, but this does not mean that you cannot use other memorable dates. Such a number could, for example, indicate the day of the first kiss. The main thing is that the date is known only to you or a very limited circle of people. Instead of dots dividing the day, month and year, it is better to enter some symbol or letter.

To create a password, a so-called visual key can be used. Visually draw some simple drawing on the computer keyboard, for example, a cheerful face. Click in order on the keys through which your drawing passes.

How to save your password

Having come up with a complex and original password, the most important thing is not to forget it later. In order not to rely solely on your memory, a combination of symbols can be written down and saved in different ways:

  1. The easiest way is to copy the security word onto a piece of paper and hide it in your favorite book or put it on a closet shelf. It is not recommended to write the password in a notepad, as attackers can steal the organizer.
  2. The combination of characters can be recorded in mobile phone notes, but the note itself cannot be signed with the word “passwords” or any similar definitions.
  3. The password can also be saved on your computer, but to do this you will need to disguise the file well. To do this, you can change the text extension to a graphic one and hide the file in a folder with pictures. To open a document, you will need to right-click on it and select a text editor from the list of programs.

The average European is registered on 26 sites and rarely has more than five different passwords for all occasions. 30% of users store passwords on a piece of paper in front of the computer. If one of your accounts is hacked, it is highly likely that scammers will gain access to the rest of your data.

How to come up with a strong password for email


No maiden names (even mother's), school number, pet's name, etc. All this about you can be obtained from social networks in the open.


"ytsuken" or 123456789 are not for you. They can be hacked easily using brute force methods. So, you can experiment on the site to determine which combinations will take how long to select. Of course, you don’t need to enter your real passwords there. The ideal password combines letters, in different registers (like that, yes) and numbers.


Yes, yes, like in a bank. How to come up with a strong password? To avoid forgetting your password, come up with a word that you will constantly use, and a digital combination for it - this is a permanent part of the password. And the variable part will be the name of the site on which you enter it. For example, we chose “RaDuGA1812@” as a permanent part. And to register on, say, Facebook, combine the password into “RaDuGA1812@_Fb”


If you have a bilingual keyboard, you can make things even more challenging. The same word “rainbow” typed in Russian with the English layout turned on will be written as “hfleuf”. This will make things more difficult for password cracking programs. The selection algorithm in some of them is based primarily on a dictionary of existing words.

How to come up with a strong password in Odnoklassniki and more


Put letters first, then numbers. It matters. One password character can contain 10 number options (0−9) and 26 letter options. When a password is searched by character, the program gives the cracker the expected cracking time. On average, it ranges from a few minutes to a day. If there are letters at the beginning of the password, then the expected estimated cracking time is longer. Thus, if your account was not “ordered” personally, but is hacked just for fun, the hacker will most likely prefer to look for easier victims.


What kind of strong password can you come up with? For example, use the base part “RaDuGA1812@” for mail and social networks, let it be the main and permanent one. Oh, some “eHoT442@_” - for online stores where you look once or twice. For online games where account hacking is a constant occurrence, get yourself a third type of password.

In order to reliably protect data on your computer from hacking by intruders, you must always consider options for encrypting information. As a rule, a password is always used to log into certain sites or use certain applications. However, thanks to modern technology, today's hackers are very quick to guess and recognize simple encryption methods. In order not to lose the necessary data and not become a victim of attackers, you need to carefully think through the “password”. In order to figure out how to do this, first of all, it is worth considering the types and methods of encryption.

Types of passwords

Today, the following types of encryption are distinguished:

  • alphabetic;
  • symbolic;
  • digital;
  • combined;
  • using register.

The first 3 categories are considered the most unreliable. If only letters or symbols were used to create a password, then such a cipher is quite easy to crack even with the most basic program. Such “passwords” can be used exclusively on forums or accounts that you are not afraid of losing. The following coding categories are worth considering more seriously.

How to come up with a password: letters, numbers and symbols

The more additional information the code contains, the better. Such ciphers are almost impossible to crack. If the codes use combinations of letters and numbers or different symbols, then these are the most complex passwords.

It is also worth considering that the code must not be very short. The fewer characters used in encryption, the easier it will be for attackers. Therefore, a complex password of 8 characters or more is considered best.

If we talk about examples of bad passwords, the worst of them are combinations consisting of the same repeated numbers or letters. In this case, hacking is guaranteed.

However, many are faced with the fact that choosing the right complex passwords for a mailbox or another method of authorization on virtual resources is not so easy. The fact is that many Internet users access a wide variety of portals. If you come up with a separate code for each of them, you can end up getting confused. What to do in this situation?


The most complex passwords typically contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.

It is not recommended to use specific words that can be translated from English or other languages. It is better if it is a chaotic set of symbols, in which some characters will be large and others small.

It is most convenient to remember passwords written using case, if you follow a certain sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, the first character can be made small, the second - large, and so on.


In order not to rack their brains about how to remember a complex password, some network users very often use their date of birth as a “password”. Unfortunately, such codes are considered the most unreliable. The fact is that it will not be difficult for attackers to find this information on a social network or other sources. However, this does not mean that this method should be excluded. If you mirror all the characters in the code, you can create a pretty interesting password.

For example, a complex password of numbers “772010” means that the person was actually born on February 1, 1977. However, it is advisable to supplement such a cipher with some other symbols.


And in order not to rack your brains over how to come up with a password, it is much easier to use ready-made programs for this. However, you need to understand that when using such applications there is a risk that they themselves may turn out to be developed by attackers, so it is much better to come up with “passwords” on your own.

However, it is still worth considering what a generator is. This program creates passwords by randomly selecting random combinations of letters, numbers and other symbols. In this case, as a rule, several encoding methods are used at once, with the exception of “reversals”.

This type of program is very small and easy to install. As a rule, they have only 1 button, so even an inexperienced user can easily select the password he likes and use it.

Such programs usually have internal antiviruses installed that prevent attacks by intruders. However, it is worth considering that the codes will be saved in the program database, so malware may have access to these files.

In addition, after using the generator, many users receive extremely complex passwords that are simply impossible to remember. Some people make the huge mistake of recording this information in a file, saving it on their computer desktop. Doing this is strictly prohibited.


This encoding method has something in common with the methods described above. Let's take a closer look at how encryption is done. This is much easier to do using complex passwords as an example.

You can take the simplest but unique phrase that a person can remember quite easily. For example, someone liked the phrase “space oysters.” You can also use any lines from your favorite songs and poems, or just a set of chaotic words that the user likes most.

  • Rewrite all Russian words using the English layout. Based on our complex password example, it should be something like rjcvbxtcrbt ecnhbws.
  • Mirror the phrase swbhnce tbrctxbvcjr.
  • Replace all letters with symbols that look similar to them. For example, the letter “o” can be replaced with “()”, and the character “i” can easily be specified as “!” etc.
  • Remove paired or unpaired characters.
  • Remove all consonants or, conversely, vowels.
  • Add additional special characters or numbers.

There is also another way that will help you quickly create the most complex passwords and not forget them. For example, let’s take the same phrase “space oysters.” If you take the first 4 letters of the first word and 4 characters from the second, you get the incoherent word “kosmritsy”. After this, just switch to the English layout and dial this combination again. We get rjcvhbws.

If you complicate the cipher a little and add a capital letter, then in this case the password will be very easy to remember, since the original word is known only to the user himself.

Such combinations are considered the most complex passwords, which are quite easy to remember.

As a rule, many novice Internet users use their email address as a login. Under no circumstances should you do this, since it will not be difficult for attackers to find out information about a person’s mailbox. Therefore, it is better to come up with some other word. You should also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When creating passwords, you should never use personal data (for example, last name or first name, as well as the names of relatives or the names of pets).
  • It is not recommended to enter addresses, date of birth and other information that can be easily found on any social network.
  • You should not use those phrases or phrases that are widely used in everyday life by most people.
  • The code length must be at least 10 characters.

How to quickly remember a new password?

To do this, it is best to use some phrases that no one else repeats. It is not recommended to use quotes from famous people, as many people do this.

You can use an automatic poetry generator for this, as well as other poetry services, of which there are a huge number today.

Perhaps there is a word or expression in the family that is rarely used by anyone else. You can simply use Latin letters to write it, and also supplement them with some significant numbers that will not be the date of birth.