Football notes. Plans - notes for football training. Plans for notes for lessons in playing football.

Sample outline for football.

Subject:Stopping the ball with the sole and hitting it mid-instep, while moving and standing still.

Target: Improve the technique of stopping the ball with the sole and striking with the middle of the instep, in motion and in place.


1) stopping the ball in place with the sole of the right and left feet,

2) stopping the ball with the sole in motion,

3) impact in the middle of the rise, in motion and on the spot.

1. Construction. Communicating training goals and objectives.

2. Slow, steady running:

Cross movements with the right and left sides / 1 circle /

Running with high hip lift /1 lap/

Swinging the shin back /1 circle/

Multi-jump /1 lap/

Jumping /in a straight line - 1 lap, on the sides - 1 lap/

Running with your back /1 lap/

Mincing run /1 lap/

Calm run /2 laps/

3. General developmental training exercises on the spot.

4. Shuttle run. /2 reps/

5. Accelerations: a) high start /1 time/; b) from the position - emphasis, lying down /5 push-ups/;

c) position – lying on your back /press – 5 times/;

d) "flea"

6. Leg stretching.

7. Stopping the ball in place. /10 repetitions with alternating legs/

8. Stop in motion / 6 repetitions with alternating legs

9. Stop with the sole in motion, hitting the ball in the middle of the rise.

/kick with right foot//kick with left foot/

10. Summing up.

Sample plan - summary of a football lesson

Lesson objectives:

    Teaching the technique of movement and movement of a football player.

    Cultivating attentiveness and discipline.

Lesson type: educational

Method: individual, in-line, frontal.

Location: gym

Inventory and equipment: whistle, stopwatch, soccer balls.

Time spending: 45 minutes

Lesson parts




Preparatory part 15 minutes


    submission of the report,

    message of lesson objectives

1 min

    Accurate delivery of the report.

    Fizorg submits a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class "Class! Stand up! At attention!"

    Identification of patients, availability of sports uniform.

    Shoulder blades retracted, look forward.

Introduction to the sports game - mini-football

2 minutes

History of the development of mini-football.

Drill exercises:



    "All around!”;



    Formation in a column, line

1 min

Performing drill exercises:

    on the spot;

    in motion, turns are performed over the left shoulder.

Safety instructions for playing mini-football 2 min

Provide instruction to all students.

1) Wear sportswear and sports shoes with rubber soles.

2) Fingernails should be cut short.

3) Clothes should not have metal hooks, buckles, or buttons.

4) Players should not have rings, medallions, earrings, or glasses.

5) Do not violate discipline during the game, do not push in the back, do not trip - know and follow the rules of outdoor or sports games.

6) Mastering the correct playing technique is the key to preventing injuries to the osseous-ligamentous apparatus and muscles.


4 min

Monitor correct posture during running exercises, arm movements and breathing.


walking - acceleration; running in place, acceleration;

The class is reorganized at the command “Left in fours, march!” The exercise is performed in ranks at the teacher’s signal.

acceleration, 360° rotation, acceleration;

running with a change of direction (“snake”); face forward; back forward;

side steps; back to front.

look over your left shoulder

Exercises to restore breathing while walking:

1 min

1-4 - hands up

1-4 - inhale

5-8 - through the sides down.

5-8 - deep exhale.

Outdoor switchgear complex on site

4 min

Main part 25 minutes

    Teaching moving techniques, football player's stoics.

5 minutes

Take the position of the protective stand. At the sound signal, rise on your toes and then return to the starting position.

Be careful

Take a protective stance, walk back and forth, left and right, and then run at a slow pace

Exercises in pairs. Standing facing each other in a defensive stance, the players, at a signal, move around the court in this position, actively working with their hands and trying to hit their partner in the shin with their hand.

10 min

    Development of speed and agility.

    Outdoor game “Tag with a soccer ball”

10 min

At the signal, the “salka” tries to catch up and hit one of the players, to whom the rest of the players try to pass the ball with their feet in a timely manner. The player in possession of the ball cannot be kicked.

"Salka" must chase another player, to whom they also try to pass the ball. If the “tag” touches the ball with his foot or takes possession of it, then the driver is replaced by the one who made the inaccurate serve. The winner is the one who has never been a driver or has driven fewer times. Final part

5 minutes

1 min

    Formation, turns.

2 minutes



    Jumping rope in 15 seconds. Bending and extension of the arms in support (on a support of 50-60 cm.)

2 minutes

Abstract of an educational and training lesson in football for children 9-10 years old (NP-3) Compiled by: Coach-teacher of the Youth Sports School of the Education Department of the Sarapul District Aleksey Evgenievich Saurin Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of agility, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility through physical, technical and tactical exercises; outdoor and sports games. 2. Continue to teach how to dribble and pass the ball with different parts of the foot. 3. Improve hitting the ball with different parts of the foot. 4. Education of moral and volitional qualities through outdoor and sports games. Venue: sports hall of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Sigayevskaya Secondary School” Inventory and equipment:  football goals – 2 pcs.;  soccer balls – 4 pcs.;  shirtfronts – 8 pcs.;  markers – 16 pcs. No. Contents I Preparatory part 1. Construction, communication of the objectives of the lesson 2. Passing the ball with the inside of the foot with the right, left foot in pairs Dosage 15 min. 1 min. 100 passes 3. Dutch warm-up in pairs 5 min. A). Hit the ball with the inside of the foot from the air with the right and left foot 10 times b). Hit the ball with the inside foot after receiving the ball on the thigh 10 times c). Hit the ball with the inside of the foot after receiving the ball on the chest 10 times d). Hit the ball with your head 10 times General guidelines Pay attention to the appearance. Perform on bent legs while running in place, the supporting leg is opposite the ball, the kicking leg is turned with the inner side of the foot in the direction of the ball, heel down, toe up. The distance between those performing 4-5 steps facing each other. The partner serves the ball with his hands from the bottom up, alternately to the right and left legs, the performer runs in place and monitors the correct placement of the supporting and kicking legs and tries to hit the ball into the hands of the partner. After completing 10 times, the batter becomes the server and vice versa. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top, alternately to the right and left thigh. We try to receive the ball with the middle of the thigh, the rest is as in point a. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top onto his chest. When taking the chest, we try to bring the shoulder blades together so that the chest turns out round, the rest is as in point a. The partner serves the ball with his hands from bottom to top for 4. Game “Hand Ball” 5 min. II. 5. The main part of dribbling, passing, stopping the ball; dribbling (feints) 45 min. 30 min. A). Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot with the right left foot Dribbling the ball with the inside and outside of the foot 1 time b). 1 time with the right 1 time with the left 1 time with the right 1 time with the left 1 time c) Dribbling the ball with the right, left side - with the sole d). Dribbling the ball backwards with the sole of the right - left foot Dribbling the ball with the sole - 1 time with the inside of the right foot 1 time with the left Dribbling the ball with a feint: 2 times with one foot we draw a circle with the right foot around the ball, with the other - 2 times with the outer side of the instep of the left foot we move the ball in the opposite direction d). e). and). Dribbling the ball with a feint: swing 2 times - dribble the kicker's head with the right 2 times with the left. We try to hit the ball with the middle of our forehead, while not closing our eyes, but looking at the ball or at our partner. The players are divided into two equal teams. The game is played according to the rules of mini-football, but not with your feet, but with your hands. The task is to score a goal against the opponent by passing the ball to each other. A goal is counted if it is scored from the opponent's half. You can take no more than 3 steps with the ball in your hands. When tackling the ball, you cannot attack your opponent by any part of his body. All players try to play with a square or a rhombus. Those who played walk on their hands, and the winners hold their legs, the floor of the hall. Exercises are performed in fours, two players are opposite the other two at a distance of 18-20 m from each other. Tasks are performed alternately by each player in the opposite column. While performing, we try to stay above the ball. Legs slightly bent at the knees. We move the ball forward - towards the direction of movement. During execution, we try to be above the ball, pressing the ball harder to the floor with the sole. We try to control the ball and have time to look around us. Stepping on the ball with the sole, we push it towards ourselves, and away from ourselves, we play it back with the inside of the foot. We place a marker (opponent) in the center between the two pairs, and perform a feint when approaching the marker. We try to draw a circle around the ball, and not above the ball. After performing the feint, we pass the ball to the opposite column with the inside of the foot, and the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. While dribbling, we touch the ball on each step with the outside of the instep. After completing the feint, we pass the pass to the opposite column with the inner h). Dribbling the ball with a feint: from one foot to the other 2 times with the right 2 times with the left i). Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot circling the marker 2 times with the right 2 times with the left j). Dribbling the ball with the outside of the foot circling the marker 2 times with the right 2 times with the left 6. Game “Penalty King” 5 min. 7. Mini-football game 10 min. III 8. Final part A set of exercises for developing flexibility 5 min. 4 min. side of the foot, the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the lift towards the marker, swing our foot to hit, and we ourselves throw the ball with the outside of the lift to the side - forward from the marker. After performing the feint, we pass the ball to the opposite column with the inside of the foot, and the partner in the opposite column receives the ball with the inside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the instep, beat the marker with the inside of the foot (1 circle), pass the ball with the inside of the foot, receive the ball with the outside of the foot. We dribble the ball with the outside of the instep, beat the marker with the outside of the foot (1 circle), pass the ball with the outside of the instep, receive the ball with the outside of the foot. The players play among themselves: who is the first to play in the goal and who is the first to shoot at the goal. Kicks are struck from a designated place for everyone (the distance from the goal to the point of impact depends on the size of the goal). The goalkeeper is positioned with his toes on the goal line, at the signal, the kicker shoots at the goal: if he scores, then the goalkeeper is awarded 1 point (1 goal) and the next kicker in turn kicks; if he does not score, then he takes the place of the goalkeeper and the next one after him kicks him at the signal, etc. Whoever scores 3 points first (misses 3 goals) is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who does not miss 3 goals or less. The loser performs 20 exercises (from a standing position with a jump in a crouched position, then with a jump in a lying position, then with a jump in a crouched position and stand up). The rest are reduced by five depending on the location. The game is played according to the current mini-football rules. 1 goalkeeper and 3 field players. Everyone takes turns playing at the goal. In the field, players try to play in a triangle, the losers carry the winners halfway across the hall. Students sit in a circle, sitting on the floor facing the circle a). Pull your toes away from you for 30 sec. b). Pull your toes towards you for 30 sec. V). G). Toes of your feet away from you - towards you Pull your toes of your feet towards you with your hands Reach to your toes of your feet 30 sec. 30 sec. Construction, summing up the lesson 1 min. d). 9. 30 sec. At the signal, we try to pull our toes away from us as much as possible. At the signal, we try to pull our toes as hard as possible. At the signal, we bend - straighten the feet. At the signal, take hold of the toes (toes towards you). We try not to bend our knees. At the signal, hold your toes with your fingers (toes away from you). We try not to bend our knees. Homework (strengthening your feet using previously completed exercises). Highlight the positive aspects of the lesson and what shortcomings still need to be corrected. Summary of a football training session for children 7-8 years old. Group: initial training 1st year of study (NP-1) Topic: Hitting a stationary and rolling ball with the inside of the foot. Objectives: 1. Study of hitting a stationary ball and a rolling ball with the inside of the foot. 2. Securing the ball stops with the inside of the foot. 3. Practice kicks in the game “Square” and a two-way training game. 4. To cultivate moral and strong-willed qualities in athletes, a sense of collectivism. Venue: stadium, mini-football ground. Sports equipment: soccer balls - 10 pieces, chips - 50 pieces, stopwatch, jump ropes, benches. No. I. Contents of the lesson Introductory part. 1. Formation, report, greeting 2. Measurement of h.s.s. (number of beats per minute) 3. Checking homework. 4. Objectives of the lesson - Study of hitting a stationary ball and a rolling ball with the inside of the foot. - Securing ball stops with the inside of the foot. - Practice kicks in the game “Square” and a two-way training game. Dosage 2 min. Organizational and methodological instructions Quick construction, clear delivery of rapport. Remember heart rate at the beginning of the workout Preparatory part. 13 min. 1. Slow running with short rest intervals of 3 minutes. 2. General developmental exercises: 10 minutes We run together as a group, and at the signal we switch to walking. 1) I.p. - standing legs apart, arms to the sides. Circular movements of the arms forward and backward. 10-12 times Gradually increasing the amplitude. 2) I.p. – standing legs apart, arms along the body. 1-3 bends forward 8-10 times When bending, do not bend your legs, bends are springy, touch the floor with your hands. 3) I.p. - wide stance 8-10 times, legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-tilt the body to the left. 2-I.p.-3-4- the same in the other direction. We do not bend our legs, we monitor the position of the torso 4) Alternate swings of the right and left legs back and forth. 6-8 times Increase the amplitude of the swings 5) I.p. - legs wider than shoulders 1 - lunge to the left 2 - I.p. 3. – Lunge to the right 4. – I.p. 6-8 times Deeper lunge 6. Stretching exercise for the inner thigh 6 times Note how many cm you improved your result 7) I.p. - lying on your back, legs apart 1-2-3 roll the body 6-8 times Touch your legs behind your head back 4-5-6 return to the I.P. 8) Jumping - on a rope - over a bench II. 40-50 times 10-15 times Main part. 60 min Hit a stationary and rolling ball with the inside of the foot. 1. Hit a stationary ball. 20 min Training exercises: 1) Swinging the kicking leg forward with the foot turned 90 degrees. 2) With a step and positioning of the supporting leg. Imitation of a strike with the foot of the kicking leg turning. 3) Strike a stationary ball from a place with the inside of the foot in pairs from a distance of 6-8 meters. 4) Perform strikes on a stationary ball from one or several straight run-up steps. 2. Hit the rolling ball with the inside of your foot. Exercises for training. Work in pairs 1) strikes with the inside of the foot while standing for 6 minutes 4 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes We monitor proper breathing. During the strike, the foot is placed 10-12 cm behind the ball. The toe of the kicking leg is slightly raised. The position of the kicking leg at the moment of impact is maintained during the drive. We direct the ball directly to the partner, placing the foot at 90 degrees in relation to the ball. Perform strikes with the right and left foot. 10 min 3 min At the moment of impact, the toe of the striking leg is in place. 2) The same, but the distance between partners either increases or decreases. III. 3 min 3) passing the ball to each other, moving parallel to the field line. 4 min 3.Secure ball stops with the inside of the foot. 10 min Exercises for consolidation: 1) Stopping in place. 2) Traffic stops. 5 min Practice strikes in the game “Square”. 5 min Two-sided educational game of mini football. 15 min Final part. 15 min 1. Restoring breathing: - Slow walking with various movements of the legs and arms. - Exercises for attention and coordination. 2. Checking the Ch.S.S. 3. Summing up. 5 min 4 min rotates 90 degrees relative to the direction of impact. Direct the kick towards the center of the ball. At the moment of contact between the ball and the foot, the leg is retracted to the level of the supporting leg. We stop the ball and pass it with the inside of the foot. Back straight, inhale, exhale Monitor the score 1 minute Pay attention to the restoration of the pulse, after training 10 minutes Pay attention to the shortcomings when hitting the ball. Individual tasks for correcting and improving strokes. 4. Homework: - shuttle run 3*10; - run 30 meters; - hardening; - watching and attending football matches Compiled by: coach - teacher of the Youth Sports School of the Education Department of the Sarapul District Saurin Alexey Evgenievich.

01.02.2016 5729 567 Organized care.

Kalantaeva Inna Sergeevna

1. Develop strength, speed, endurance.

2. Strengthen the technique of feints and tackling the ball.

3. Teach tactical actions to players.

4. Foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and collectivism.

HPV – 12 min.

Formation, greeting, communication of lesson objectives.Running at a slow pace for 750 m. Walking – exercises to restore breathing.

Outdoor switchgear charging type:

1. Stand facing each other, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your partner’s shoulders. Springy forward bends.

2. I.P. Same. Simultaneously swing your right (left) leg back.

3. Standing facing each other, hands on your partner's shoulders. Simultaneous squat.

4. Stand with your back to each other, legs apart, hold hands bent at the elbows. Squat on both legs at the same time, without lifting your heels from the floor.

5. I.P. standing with your back to each other, take hold of your hands with your elbows bent. Alternately lifting the partner.

6. I.P. facing each other, holding hands. Game "Step on your foot."

MAIN PART – 30 min.

1. Feints, tackling the ball.

1) dribbling the ball in a straight line, swinging to hit the ball with your right foot and quickly moving with the ball to the right;

2) standing still, cover the ball with the sole of your right (left) foot, roll it back and immediately push the inside of the same foot to return the ball to its previous position, etc.; the same with a passive and active opponent.

3) dribbling the ball between uprights placed in a straight linenii 4-5 m from each other. Each student takes turns dribbling the ball around obstacles on the right and left. In order of difficulty, decreasechange the distance between the posts, change the location and ordertheir strokes introduce additional tasks.

4) "stepping over the ball" When approaching an opponent, the player lifts one leg over the ball and slightly moves his body towards the raised leg. The upper body then quickly swings away from the raised leg and pushes the ball past the opponent with the inside of the other leg's lift.

5) One of the players is positioned behind the post at a distance of 2-3 m from it, facing the partner in possession of the ball, and intercepts and returns the balls sent to the post.

6) One player is in possession of the ball, the other is trying to take the ball away from him. After tackling the ball, the players change roles. The size of the site is gradually increasing.

2. Tactical actions of players.

1) Game 3x2 in a square (30x30 m). Players are placed according to freely and, being in constant motion, pass the ball to theirpartners, trying to prevent two defenders from intercepting him.

2) Playing football 3X3, "four against four", etc. with smallgate. It is better to carry it along the field, and not to install gateson the front lines, and 15-20 m from them. Allowed to play as a vorothere so that goals can be scored from both sides of the goal. KomanYes must be composed in certain units.

3) Football game (6x6) on one half of the field: four attackersplayers and two midfielders are trying to score a goal into the defended goalgoalkeeper. For scoring a goal, 3 or 4 points are given. The game is played againstfour defenders and two midfielders who aim undercarry the ball to the center line and no further than a distance of 1 m (at leastin a big place) hit the ball over the center line, for which a point is given.

3. Educational game.

The class is divided into boys' teams and girls' teams. Judge by the rules.

FINAL PART – 3 min.

Construction, lesson results, care.

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Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Children's and youth sports school Teeli

on the topic of:

Trainer-teacher: Kashpyk-ool G.Kh.

village Teeli 2015.

Plan - summary of a football lesson

Subject: “Technique of movement of a football player”

Lesson objectives:

1.Teaching the technique of movement of a football player.

2.Improving ball passes.

3.Development of endurance and coordination.

4. Fostering discipline, collectivism, and a sense of camaraderie.

5.Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and increasing the physical fitness of students.

Location:sports hall for youth sports school.

Lesson duration: 90 min.

Equipment and inventory:soccer balls, chips, stopwatch, whistle, goal.







Prep 20 minutes.

1. Formation, greeting, communication of lesson objectives

1 min.

Formation in one line.

Group! Be equal! Attention!"

Pay in order!

The class settles down, the last one takes a step forward, calls out his number: “The calculation is over.” It falls into place.

2.Drill exercises on site:

Turns right, left, around,

1 min.

Turns are performed over the left shoulder.

“March to the right around the hall!”

3. Walking and its variations:


On toes, hands up;

On your heels, hands behind your head;

On the outside of the foot, hands on the belt;

On the inside of the foot, hands on the belt.

3 min.

Back straight, shoulders back, look at the back of each other's heads, maintain good posture

4. Outdoor switchgear complex in motion:

a) I.P. - hands on the belt

1-4 Circular movements of the head to the left

5-8 Also to the right.

b) I.P. - hands to shoulders

1-4 Forward circular movements

5-8 Also back.

c) I.P. - hands in front of the chest

1-2 Bringing bent arms back

3-4Bringing straight arms back.

d) I.P. - arms to the sides

1-4 Forward circular movements

5-8 Also back.

e) I.P. - right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom, changing hand positions for each count.

e) I.P. - hands on the belt.

1 - turn the body to the right

2 - i.p.

3 - turn the body to the left

4 - i.p.

i) I.P. - hands on the belt.

1 – tilt the torso forward towards the left leg

2 – i.p.

3 - tilt of the torso towards the right leg

4 – i.p.

5. Running and its variety:

Normal running;

With an additional step of the hand on the belt (left, right


Running with shin choking;

Running with high hip lift;

Cross running (left, right side);

Run backwards.

Running with a jump simulating a headbutt

- "deer running"

9 min.

5 minutes.

Performed one after another in a column.

Keep your distance.

Do it slowly.

Perform with large amplitude.

Do not bend your elbows.

Do not bend your knees.

Watch your breathing.

2 right, 2 left.

Touch your buttocks.

Thigh higher.

Look over your left shoulder.

Pull your shoulders back and perform a strike.

6.Exercises to restore breathing while walking:

1-4 - hands up

5-8 - through the sides down

1 min.

1-4 - inhale

5-8 - exhale

The main part is 65 minutes.

I. Teaching the technique of movement of a football player.

20 minutes.

1. The concept of a football player’s movement technique.

4 min.

See Attachment

2.Running exercises:

a) Running with an additional step with the right and left side forward.

b) Run alternating between shin sweeps and high hip lifts.
c) Running, switching to walking and running again.

4 min.

2-3 r

2-3 r

2-3 r

There, left, back to right.

There, overflowing back with a high lift.

Run to 1st stance, walk to 2nd stance, run to 3rd stance, then slow run back.

3.Running exercises with changing speed:
a) Running with acceleration in place.

b) Running with acceleration in motion.

c) Running with changes in speed, alternating slow running and short bursts.

4 min.

2-3 r

2-3 r

2-3 r

We run in place at a signal and accelerate for 30 seconds.

Slow running at the acceleration signal.

Run to 1st stance, accelerate to 2nd stance, run to 3rd stance, accelerate to 4th stance, slow run back.

4.Accelerations from various positions:
a) From a sitting position.

b) From a lying position.
c) From a lying position.
d) From the “back forward” position.

4 min.

2-3 r

At the signal, acceleration is carried out to the rack.

5. Running exercises with different tasks:
a) running with an imitation of a headbutt

b) A combination of jumping and running.

4 min.

2-3 r

2-3 r

Run back slowly.

Perform 2 jumps with your legs together, run to the stand, 2 jumps on the left and 2 jumps on the right, run to the stand, run back slowly.

II. Ball juggling.

3 min.

Alternating left and right foot.

III. Improving Passing:

20 minutes.

a) Passing the ball with the inside of the foot in pairs.

b) Passing the ball with the inside of the foot in pairs.

c) Passing the ball with the inside of the foot in pairs.

d) Passing the ball in pairs.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

The distance between them is 6-8 m, performed with one touch, look forward.

The distance between them is 6-8 m, take the ball with the first touch, move to the side with the second, perform a pass, look forward.

Transferring the ball from your feet

on the foot, then perform the pass, looking forward.

Send the ball forward to your partner, look forward.

IV. Ball juggling.

2 minutes

Alternating left and right foot.

V. Two-sided game.

25 minutes

There are 3 touches in your own half, random touches in the opponent’s half.


Final part 5 minutes.


2. Summing up the lesson.


In one line.

Perform push-ups: 3 series of 30 times, rest 30 seconds between series.


The movement technique includes the following group of techniques: running, jumping, stopping, turning. The classification of movement techniques is presented in the figure.

During gaming activities, movement techniques are used in a variety of combinations. For example, in the game the speed of movement of football players varies widely: from slow walking to starting accelerations and jerks at maximum speed, etc. A feature of a football player’s movements is the combination of various running techniques with jumping, stopping and turning.

Techniques and methods of movement are closely related to the art of ball control by field players and goalkeepers. The expedient and comprehensive use of movement techniques allows one to effectively solve many tactical problems.

RUN - the main means of transportation in football. With the help of running, various movements of football players who are not in possession of the ball are carried out. In addition, running is an integral part of ball handling technique. The following running techniques are used in football: regular running, running backwards, cross step, side step.

Normal running used by players moving mainly in a straight line to reach free space, pursue the enemy, etc. According to the system of movements, the structure does not differ from athletics. There are only certain differences in the length, frequency of steps, and their rhythm.

Running backwards, performedmainly by defending players who are involved in tackling and closing. This type of running is also characterized by cyclicity (double step).

Cross-step runningused to change the direction of movement when jerking from a place to the right or left, after turns. It is a specific means of transportation and is used mainly in combination with other types of running.

Side step runningused to apply a tactically appropriate position (for example, when covering a player). It is used as a preliminary phase of movement, after which, depending on the game situation, various movement techniques are performed.

JUMPING - using them, perform some stopping and turning techniques. Jumping is an integral part of the technique of certain methods of striking, stopping the ball with the chest, foot, head and some feints. The game uses jumps forward, sideways, up and adjacent; directions. All jumps are characterized by take-off, flight and landing phases. There are two methods of jumping - a push with one and two legs.

Jumping with one leg pushcarried forward, to the sides, upwards, they are characterized by active repulsion, which is accompanied by a swinging movement of the leg and transfer the body weight towards the jump. Landing occurs on one or both feet. When making a jump header, maximum take-off height is often necessary. This is facilitated by the stopping position of the pushing leg after the run.

Jumping with two legsperform upwards, forwards, to the sides and in adjacent directions.

When jumping from a place before taking off, the player quickly sits down. Active straightening of the legs is accompanied by a transfer of body weight towards the player and a swinging movement of the arms. When jumping with a running start, the last step involves a stopping position of one leg. At the moment of sitting down to it, the second leg quickly appears.

STOP - are considered in movement techniques due to the fact that they are an effective means of changing the direction of movement. Depending on the position of the enemy, after a sudden stop there are jerks in the same or opposite direction, moves to the left or to the right, both with and without the ball. There are two ways to stop: jumping and lunging.

When stopping with a jumpperform a low, short jump with a landing on the swing leg, which is slightly bent for stability. Landing is often done on both feet.

Lunge stopcarried out at the expense of the last running step. The swing leg is brought forward with support on the heel, followed by a roll onto the foot. The lunge stop is characterized by a two-support position with significant bending of the legs.

TURNING - with their help, football players change the direction of their run with minimal loss of speed. Turns in place are usually followed by starting actions. Turns are also an integral part of the technique of performing certain methods of striking, stopping, dribbling and feinting. The following turning techniques are used: stepping, jumping, turning on the supporting leg. Depending on the playing conditions, turns to the sides and back are used. Perform them on the spot and on the move.

Turn by steppingcarried out by 2 - 3 short steps to the required direction.

When changing the direction of movement quickly and unexpectedly, it is most effectiveturn with a jump.It is performed by an active push in the direction of the turn. The foot of the swing leg turns in the same direction. The jump is not high, but wide enough.

Pivot on the supporting leghas two varieties. In the first case, it is performed on the leg farthest from the direction of rotation. Carrying out the projection of O.C.T. beyond the border of the support area, the football player turns on the toe of the supporting leg in the direction of the turn. In the second case, the rotation is carried out atthe leg closest to the direction of movement O.C.T. the body shifts in the direction of rotation. The step of the portable leg is made crosswise in front of the supporting leg in the same direction. The turn is performed on the toe of a slightly bent supporting leg.