Tiger Man - Cat Woman (Rabbit). Tiger man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility Compatibility of Virgo rabbit and Leo tiger

The compatibility of Tiger and Rabbit (Cat) is very contradictory. These people can live together for long and happy years if one of them shows wisdom and yields to the other in everything. But how to do this, because both felines have their own beliefs and ambitions.

At the same time, they have the same views on coziness and comfort in the home and their horoscope is similar. They like it when everything in their home is tidy and smells of delicious food. But both love to lead, and this is especially true, of course, of the Tiger. Now we will look in detail at the characters of both of these persons and draw conclusions about the compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Tiger.

Tiger: What is his nature and inner potential?

The tiger is by nature a predator and is more harmonious in the image of a man. He is able to steal the heart of any lady and conquer her with his grace and masculinity.

A woman of this sign often occupies leadership positions, but she can also make an excellent teacher and mentor. She is wise and insightful. She prefers to always be first in everything. Leadership inclinations are especially pronounced in Tigers born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Aries;
  2. Scorpion;
  3. Aquarius.

Tigers of these three signs are such self-confident individuals that they consider it permissible to express their opinions and teach other people about life. It seems to them that they know everything in the world and the whole world should obey them. Because of this character trait, they often come into conflict with people around them.

What is the Cat like in a relationship?

The Cat, or otherwise the Rabbit, just like the Tiger, is not averse to leading people, but he is softer than the Tiger and is always ready to compromise. He values ​​comfort and does not like to change his life dramatically, because it takes a long time to get used to a new place of residence, a new job, a new partner, and so on.

In love, the Cat shows gentleness and the ability to smooth out conflicts. They make good diplomats. There is a lot to talk about with the Cat, as he is very educated and intellectually savvy. He is interested in everything in the world and wants to know about everything that is happening both in the world and in the soul of his loved one, whom he constantly tries to subjugate.

But the Cat sometimes turns, so to speak, into a teddy bear in a love relationship, who touches his soulmate and allows himself to be manipulated. This happens rarely and more women than men decide to do this. This is more typical for people whose date of birth corresponds to the sign of Pisces. In general, the Cat (Rabbit) strives to live calmly and peacefully.

Rabbit woman and Tiger man: compatibility in marriage and love relationships

The Tiger knows its worth and will show its leadership qualities in love and relationships. He will become a real knight for his lady Cat and such a union can be long. The Tiger needs to know that the Cat loves comfort and peace in the house. The cat should not greatly restrict the freedom of the loved one, then harmony will reign in the family life of this couple and scandals such that the neighbors will have to call the police every time will not occur.

This couple’s ability to live together is very strong and, unlike, for example, a family where there is a Tiger woman and a Tiger man, there will be more mutual understanding and concessions on the part of one of the partners. Of course, the Cat will give in. In general, the compatibility of Tiger and Cat, where the Tiger is a man, is ideal in the case when the Cat will not try to control the steps of the other half, but will be more involved in the house, children and himself. These people will become like a reflection for each other, because they are very similar.

Rabbit man and Tiger woman: Their fate and compatibility horoscope

In this union, scandals will happen often. This will happen because Tigress will try to command everything and decide everything herself. Playing boss could destroy her family. A woman should understand this and should show her leadership qualities better at work, not at home. She should make friends with her husband Cat and love him more tenderly, then he will open up and trust her more.

The Cat man, in turn, will strive to tie his woman to the kitchen and stove, which is also not entirely correct. She herself knows about her responsibilities and when something is imposed on her, she tries to run away from it as far as possible. Like a couple where there is a Tiger man and a Tiger woman, in this family there will be a struggle for leadership and the woman must give in to the man in this situation if she really wants to save the marriage.

So, we came to the conclusion that the compatibility of the Tiger and the Rabbit can be good if they learn to make decisions together and do not strive too much for the post of commander-in-chief in the house.

Whether or not to believe in a horoscope is everyone’s business, but research conducted by many scientists, including Brian Tuckerman, pictures and photos of which can be seen on the Internet, suggests that all horoscopes have a right to exist.

Brian conducted many analyzes for calculations on the stars made by the ancient Babylonian astrologers and their characteristics of the signs turned out to be accurate.

Nata Karlin May 30, 2018, 12:43

Tiger and Rabbit are two opposites that have many similarities. For example, both are united thirst for profit and sense of independence. Both of these signs are romantics and travelers by nature, but for them home walls are reliable protection and refuge from everyday storms and adversities. However, the Tiger is much riskier and more desperate than the cautious and timid Rabbit.

This union is built on the direct subordination of the Hare to the ambitious and tyrannical Tiger, otherwise this relationship has no future

Astrologers advise each of the representatives of their sign to take their proper position. That is, The Tiger will learn to be a protector and breadwinner, and the Hare will learn to provide comfort. In this case, the Rabbit will become a real support and deterrent for the impulsive and reckless Tiger. In turn, the latter will become somewhat irritated by the overly cautious and calculating Hare and his desire to control every step of his partner.

Compatibility horoscope for Tiger and Rabbit (Cat) in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between the Tiger and the Rabbit is developing quite successfully, despite all the contradictory characters of the representatives of these signs. The tiger is freedom-loving, impulsive and independent. His assertiveness and activity allow him to reach significant heights in his career. At the same time he caring and affectionate parent with free views on the education of the younger generation. His children more than receive parental love and care, while growing up under conditions of strict discipline and clearly established boundaries.

The union is built on the subordination of the calm and domestic Hare to the ambitious Tiger

Rabbit – careful, attentive, smart and dexterous. A person of this zodiac sign will always find the most painless way out of any difficult life situation. The Cat's prudence will help curb the Tiger's impulsiveness and arrogance. The rabbit loves children, is very attached to home and cannot imagine life without love and understanding. If the Tiger is able to patronize a weaker creature, peace and mutual support will always reign in the couple.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Tiger and Rabbit (Cat)

The important qualities of a particular zodiac sign are refracted, creating an absolutely unique personality. However, the Tiger and the Rabbit have much in common when it comes to creating a family home. For example, wanting him create and strengthen both relationships, and the material component of a decent existence in society. It is considered curious that people of these zodiac signs are attracted to each other by the most unattractive character traits in the eyes of others: defiant, aggressive behavior, an insane desire to be in the foreground always and everywhere, etc.

In this combination, the very desire of the partners to stay together will be very important. This especially depends on the Tiger man

In general, the husband-wife union (Tiger-Rabbit) is happy and based on mutual understanding. However, the Tiger man should never be allowed to relieve himself of the burden of responsibility for the family. If he shows coldness and lack of understanding towards the problems and concerns of loved ones, most likely the couple is waiting for a breakup at the request of the Cat woman.

In sexual relations between a man and a Tiger-Cat woman, everything still depends only on how necessary they are for each of the partners. If the Cat receives relaxation and pleasure, then the Tiger, in turn, once again proves its undeniable leadership.

The marriage of Tiger and Rabbit is based on trust and mutual understanding

Friendship between Tiger and Rabbit (Hare) according to the Chinese calendar

People of the eastern horoscope signs Tiger and Cat can be friends. However, this is a fragile alliance that has no basis. They may be united by common interests, aspirations and desires, but the mocking and cowardly Rabbit will never take the majestic upstart Tiger seriously, trying to do everything his own way, regardless of the desires and orders of the latter. It is this attitude that the Tiger does not like in partnership interactions. His proud nature does not allow him to tolerate ridicule and ignorance.

The work compatibility of the Tiger and the Rabbit is quite high. They can win in many joint endeavors. However everyone in this case needs to know their place- The Tiger is to control and direct, the Rabbit is to obey and execute.

The Tiger and the Hare can win in many joint endeavors

Compatibility of Tiger Man and Rabbit Woman

So, he is a Tiger, she is a Cat, what awaits this union? Astrologers claim that it is in this combination The couple's relationship can turn out quite well. Only when each of the partners corresponds to their role - the Cat (Hare) girl is soft and pliable, the Tiger guy is courageous and strong. In the case when the lady has too tough a character and the man is soft, the couple is doomed to separation.

The Tiger leader will never be able to adapt to any partner; he must be the head of the family

Otherwise, he withdraws from household chores, which begins to irritate the Cat woman. As a result of misunderstanding and mismatch of interests and plans, the marriage simply falls apart.

The relationship of the Tiger-Rabbit couple can turn out quite successfully

Compatibility of Tiger woman and Rabbit man

In a union where she is the Tiger and he is the Cat, the man will constantly try to cool down the overly hot character of his lady and try to draw her attention to the concerns and needs of the family. However Most household responsibilities will remain on men's shoulders. The Tiger Lady is too busy with herself and the desire for career growth.

In this union, it is very important that the Rabbit (Hare) guy has a strong, independent character. Otherwise, the partner’s behavior will always cause indignation and denial in him. If the Tiger girl is so smart that she will agree to compromises, the marriage can be quite successful.

The Tiger Lady is too busy with herself and the desire for career growth

An interesting combination of married people who were born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. Why is it interesting? Yes, because they are both felines. There will probably be discord in the relationship... There is no point in guessing! The eastern horoscope for compatibility in love will help us.

Rabbit/cat woman and tiger man are perfect for each other

Compatibility of a tiger man and a rabbit/cat woman

The rabbit/cat woman and the tiger man are simply perfect for each other according to the compatibility horoscope in love. They are like a puzzle that fits together and forms a beautiful picture. Such compatibility one hundred percent guarantees a happy marriage and deep respect between family members.

A man born in the year of the Tiger is distinguished by his self-confidence, willpower, ambition, and intellectual abilities. He also gets along well with everyone, including his colleagues, parents, and boss. This is innate to him: to avoid conflicts, absurd embarrassments and resolve matters peacefully.

According to the compatibility horoscope, in marriage he is a clear breadwinner. “A man said, a man did,” this is definitely about him. According to the horoscope of compatibility in love, you can create a happy family with this person. He is the one you can rely on in difficult times, he is the one who will lend his masculine shoulder.

A woman born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat is a very calm person, peaceful, unhurried. For her, the most important thing in life is family. Yes, she has a favorite job that brings in income. But she cannot be called a careerist. For her, a person is valuable, and not some business or hobby. This is what attracts the tiger man. After all, he is the clear leader in the family. In what sense is a leader? Tyrant, manager? No, that is not what is meant at all. He is simply that stone wall that protects the family from threat, misfortune, and loss.

For a woman born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat, the main thing in life is family

A woman who was born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat is able to understand her tiger husband. Few people succeed in this. Sometimes there are times when the husband comes in irritable and nervous after work. What is the reaction of most women? They start sawing. But the rabbit/cat woman is incapable of this. She will come up to him, hug him, kiss him, listen to her beloved, calm him down and suggest something sensible. According to her compatibility horoscope, this works out great for her. First of all, the rabbit woman sees a real warrior in her husband, who was born in the year of the Tiger. And a man becomes one when he is next to her.

The relationship of such an alliance cannot be called boring, as it may seem to many at first glance. Like, he’s such a great guy, he earns money, comes home to eat and satisfy his sexual needs with his wife. According to the compatibility horoscope, this situation is not for them. Many people may condemn their relationship and criticize this couple. But this will in no way prevent them from being together, but, on the contrary, will make their marriage even stronger from people’s stupid judgments. This will be a test of loyalty. The love compatibility horoscope says that they will withstand these troubles.

Let me warn you right away that a man who is a breadwinner does not mean that he will work like hell from morning to night in order to feed his family. He will pay due attention to both his children and his wife. Marriage is also important to him. After all, family is the most valuable thing a person has.

Tiger man is confident

Compatibility between male rabbit/cat and female tiger

Here the situation is different. A woman who was born in the year of the Tiger, according to the horoscope, is compatible in terms of her relationship with a man born in the year of the Rabbit. She is demanding of her person, asking for a lot of attention to herself. What can I say, she’s still selfish. But this is not always and not in all cases. However, tigresses have such a quality as a sense of dominance and superiority. She must be not exactly better than the cat/rabbit man. She is a leader and everyone says so.

A man who was born in the year of the rabbit/cat looks like a wimpy, spineless creature compared to his soulmate. This is not explained by the lack of a masculine core or character. He just doesn’t want to quarrel with his wife, doesn’t tolerate scandals, and can’t stand being offended. And all for what? Yes, he just loves her... even if she’s so nasty.

In such compatibility, the tiger woman will madly love her children. However, she will not give complete freedom in communication between her husband and children. Their children will have the impression that their dad plays a secondary role in their marriage, that his opinion is unimportant. As a result, they may develop a strong concept that mom is in charge. This is not to say that this is bad. However, you yourself understand perfectly well how life will turn out for the daughters of such a union.

A man who was born in the year of the rabbit/cat does not tolerate scandals or resentment

It cannot be argued that such a marriage is doomed to suffering, that it has no future. It’s just that this severity in a tiger woman overshadows all the love for her man, all the wonderful feelings that exist between this couple. What to do in this case? Tolerate all her whims? Yes! If you are a rabbit/cat man, you love your woman. She will see it, believe me. She will change, she will become calmer... she will understand how much she was wrong in relation to you. Everything will work out. Just be patient... just be patient.

Happiness or unhappiness?

We found out what to expect from the marriage of the Rabbit and the Tiger. Somewhere it’s good, and somewhere it’s bad. Somewhere it’s tasty, but somewhere it’s not. What I am saying is that everywhere has its pros and cons in a marriage relationship. It's like night and day.

You can’t, dear lovers, make sure there is no night? Of course not. This is unrealistic. It is laid down by nature, so that after day there comes night, after night - day. The same parallel applies to relationships. There are not only positive moments. There are quarrels and resentments. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of these obstacles and difficulties. Love and be loved!

Family relationships in the compatibility of a Cat (Rabbit) man and a Tiger woman, although they cannot be called ideal, are quite stable.

Moreover, each of the partners in this union can reveal their best qualities. Thus, the rich imagination and sensory perception of the Cat (Rabbit) man gives impetus. And, despite the fact that for the meditative and quiet character of the Cat (Rabbit) man, the explosive temperament of the Tiger woman seems too bright, it still helps her solve many problems.

The Cat (Rabbit) man needs those around him to recognize his authority, and the Tiger woman, despite the fact that she lacks passion and emotionality in these relationships, still helps the Cat (Rabbit) man strengthen his authority and increase confidence in itself. In this union, often what one likes, the other really doesn’t like, but with a long relationship, the spouses find a common language and adapt to living amicably.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Tiger Woman – compatibility

The family relationship between the Cat (Rabbit) man and the Tiger woman is quite good, but often differences in temperament provoke conflict situations.

The Tiger Woman is simply a fountain of emotions and energy. She simply has an inexhaustible supply of vitality and optimism, a freedom-loving character and an active social position. She has outstanding business skills and is capable of making a dizzying career. At the same time, she is a good housewife and a caring mother. She is able to surround her husband with passion and love, but in return she will definitely demand reciprocal attention.

A woman born with the ability to work manages to do everything. And a man born in and is slow. He is the personification of calm, care and harmony in life. He is used to analyzing the situation and thinking for a long time before making a decision. Financially, it has good potential, but cannot always realize it due to lack of willpower. For him, family and family traditions are of great value. In their own way, the Tiger woman is a striking opposite, and it is this difference that causes the bulk of the problems. It is difficult for them to understand the temperament of their partner, but if they cope with this task, they will be able to complement each other perfectly.

In order for there to be peace in the family, the main thing for the Cat (Rabbit) man and the Tiger woman is not to understand, but to accept their spouse as he is, and distribute roles in the family, according to the natural energy of both. Most often, in this couple the head of the family is the woman, and the man occupies a secondary position. Moreover, the Cat (Rabbit) man is also responsible for the safety of the relationship, since the Tiger woman is too emotional and impulsive to make informed decisions. Of course, it is worth noting that not every man can take on such obligations.

Scandals can also happen because the Tiger woman is used to commanding everything and deciding everything herself. This game of being a boss destroys family relationships. A wise woman understands this. And since she was born with such a character, then she should show her leadership qualities at work, and not at home. It would also be a mistake if a homely, economical man-Cat (Rabbit) tries to tie his wife to the kitchen stove. This woman needs freedom, especially since she is well aware of her responsibilities and copes with them well. And when something is imposed on her, she will try to run away from it as far as possible.

The family relationship between a Cat (Rabbit) man and a Tiger woman is not simple. The Tiger woman is very impulsive and emotional. The Cat (Rabbit) man very often cannot bear the storm of emotions that she produces, and she, in addition, also demands the same behavior from her husband. The Tiger woman surrounds the Cat (Rabbit) man with ardent love and ardent passion. And if the Cat (Rabbit) man does not show the same attention to her, then she begins to feel unloved, offended and disadvantaged. In order for the relationship in this couple to be harmonious, the Tiger woman should understand that the Cat (Rabbit) man is not so impulsive and before doing anything, he thinks for a long time and calculates all the pros and cons. He is careful and attentive even to little things. And the Tiger woman perceives this behavior of her man as fear. She does not want to listen to his warnings and often acts in her own way. Therefore, if spouses want to make their marriage truly happy, then they both need to learn patience. A Tiger woman should at least sometimes listen to the opinion of her husband, and a Cat (Rabbit) man, at least occasionally, needs to step over himself and do extraordinary things.

The Tiger woman is a leader by nature, but she should show herself and her leadership qualities outside the family. She can easily realize herself in business, in a leadership position, and there she can get everything that she misses at home.

But, despite all the differences in character, the Cat (Rabbit) man and the Tiger woman have a lot in common. So, what undoubtedly unites a family is the ability to value home comfort, everyday interests and intellectual conversations. The Tiger woman favorably accepts the fact that the Cat (Rabbit) man knows how to organize everyday comfort, cook something tasty, and put all household appliances and mechanisms in order. This man is affectionate, kind and gentle, of course, if he is generally happy with life. He is an excellent intellectually developed interlocutor for the Tiger woman, and also knows how to appreciate beauty.

The Tiger woman likes the Cat (Rabbit) man because she has freedom of expression. He likes that she chooses high goals, is not afraid to achieve them and, in general, is independent of other people’s opinions. But, this is provided that the male Cat (Rabbit) is sufficiently spiritually developed. Otherwise, the same features of the Tiger woman may irritate him, since he himself is afraid to set such goals.

Both spouses are distinguished by a thirst for travel, new experiences and a thirst for knowledge. Both are very sociable and have a wide circle of acquaintances. Their house is always full of guests and they often go out and attend various cultural events. Both the Cat (Rabbit) man and the Tiger woman love easy income, so they successfully succeed in commerce. A tandem will be especially successful, characterized by coherence of actions, when the Tiger woman is the leader, and the Cat (Rabbit) man takes the role of a subordinate.

A man born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) does not like scandals and quarrels. Compared to his wife, he may look spineless and weak-willed, but in reality this is not so. He just does everything to avoid what he doesn't like. Over time, the Tiger woman, seeing all the care and love towards herself, will become noticeably calmer and more balanced.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Tiger Woman – compatibility in love

If a couple of a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Tiger can find a common language in family life, then they will be able to “agree” in sexual relationships.

For a Cat (Rabbit) man, intimate relationships are very important. With their help, he receives nourishment and release, so he strives to have a lot of sex in his life. The Tiger woman is also a sensual person, but a little selfish. Being close to her can become a one-sided game. But, if she sincerely loves her man, then intimate relationships will bring joy to both.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple: Cat Man (Rabbit) and Tiger Woman

Almost every couple faces various difficulties in family life. And each pair has its own pros and cons. And there are not only positive moments. It's like night and day. It is so inherent in nature that after night comes day, and after day, again night. Don't be afraid of difficulties and obstacles. They make us stronger, wiser, and our family stronger.

In order for a male-Cat (Rabbit) and a female-Tiger to have harmony in a couple, both will have to make concessions. An impulsive and independent Tiger woman will have to learn to listen to the opinion of her husband and become softer and more flexible at home. When communicating with your husband, you must show your respect for him every time and under no circumstances speak in a raised voice. And the Cat (Rabbit) man, in turn, should work on becoming more confident in himself and his abilities. He should also trust his wife more, stop controlling her and avoid scenes of jealousy.

Happiness in the family is promoted when spouses try to get to know each other’s habits better. So, if the Tiger woman accepts the desire of the Cat (Rabbit) man to lead a more measured and calm life, then he will give her more freedom and opportunity for self-realization. The contradictions in these relationships are not strong, the main thing is the desire to be together and work on oneself. It is necessary to accept the other as he is and learn to appreciate the positive qualities of your partner. This will be the key to longevity and happiness in family life.

The compatibility of Tiger and Rabbit (Cat) is considered one of the best in the eastern horoscope. In such a family, the active Tiger man takes on the function of the breadwinner, and the modest and quiet Rabbit woman plays the role of the keeper of the family hearth. Thus, a harmonious and fairly strong union is formed. Of course, this couple may also have various problems in their relationship. Which ones exactly? Our article will tell you about this.

Tiger man and Rabbit woman (Cat): general compatibility

The Rabbit woman is characterized by frequent mood swings

The attention of a modest Rabbit girl will definitely be attracted by the active and cheerful Tiger. But the closer she gets to know him, the more two things will frighten her: excessive impulsiveness and overzealous courage in this man’s character. On the other hand, the Tiger will constantly be puzzled by the sudden changes in the Rabbit woman’s mood, as well as her anxiety about and without him.

Despite everything, there is a great attraction between the Tiger and the Rabbit. And these two can learn a lot from each other. Thus, the Rabbit woman adopts from her chosen one such important qualities as good nature and rationalism. In turn, the Tiger man next to such a lady will learn politeness, tact and the art of subtle diplomacy. The Rabbit will significantly soften the edges of the rather rough and vulgar nature of its Tiger.

The compatibility of a Tiger man and a Rabbit (Cat) woman is quite good. Indeed, in such a union, the positive qualities of both partners will only intensify. However, it will take a lot of time for them to get used to each other’s characters.

Tiger Man: main character traits

The Tiger man is a master of his word

A man born in the year of the Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) has a unique ability to conquer women's hearts. For this he has everything he needs: charisma, masculinity and phenomenal self-confidence. “The man said it, the man did it!” - this is just about him. He never throws words to the wind. The Tiger man is endowed with enormous willpower and considerable intelligence. And this helps him emerge victorious from almost any situation.

Such a man will always help in difficult times. He has a keen sense of justice, and he can easily go into battle even against an opponent who is several times stronger than him in strength and power.

The Tiger man gets along well with everyone - with friends and work colleagues, with men and women, with subordinates and superiors. He knows how to resolve conflicts and conduct “peaceful” negotiations. The Tiger is capable of achieving significant success in his career. However, his innate generosity and honor do not allow him to “go over his head” or overstep his own moral principles. This is his strength, and, at the same time, his weakness.

In a love relationship, the Tiger man is the unconditional leader and mentor. After all, he is endowed with inexhaustible energy and amazing fortitude. But there is one “but”: the Tiger has a tendency to make impulsive and rash decisions. A balanced and rational Rabbit woman can keep him from making such decisions and actions.

Rabbit Woman (Cat): main character traits

The Rabbit woman is naturally endowed with immense calm

A woman born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) is distinguished by fantastic calm. Whatever she does, she will do everything without haste and fuss. Such is her temperament.

The Rabbit Woman is an excellent diplomat. She is curious and inquisitive. In this life, she is interested in absolutely everything - from the theory of nuclear fusion to issues of geopolitics. Perhaps that is why she is very educated and knowledgeable in a variety of topics.

Catwoman does not suffer from excessive ambition. The main thing in life, in her personal conviction, is children and family. The Rabbit Wife is an excellent housewife. Her house is always clean and cozy, in the refrigerator there is an abundance of ready-made dishes and groceries, and in the closet there are freshly washed and ironed stacks of shirts and ties for her husband. She is not interested in career growth, because she is perfectly fulfilled within her own four walls. What can we say - the ideal wife for any man.

Tiger man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility in love

In terms of their temperaments and characters, the Tiger and the Rabbit are opposite poles. But in a love union, these two complement each other perfectly. In fact, they don't have much in common. But the main thing is that both the Tiger and the Rabbit are able to profitably use their own strengths to their advantage. In addition, they may be united by the desire to create a prosperous and happy family, since family values ​​are extremely important for both signs.

The Tiger man knows how to truly love. Moreover, this will be exactly the kind of love that the Rabbit girl read about in books as a child. In amorous affairs, he likes to play the role of a conquering prince. And the Rabbit woman will with great joy allow him to play this romantic role.

In a love relationship, the Tiger man is used to keeping everything under his reliable and strict control. The Rabbit Woman will not resist this. She likes to be in the shadow of her courageous Tiger. In addition, at this time she will be busy with a completely different matter - arranging her home life, cozy and as comfortable as possible.

If in everyday life the Tiger and the Rabbit have complete mutual understanding (in mid-sentence), then in bed some disagreements may arise between them. The problem is that they have completely different attitudes towards sex as such. For the Rabbit lady, this is just a way to get physical pleasure, but for the Tiger man, this is another opportunity to prove his leadership. How to get out of this situation? The Rabbit Woman will have to show cunning and play along with her beloved, making sure that in bed he feels like a commander and commander-in-chief.

Tiger Man and Rabbit Woman (Cat): Marriage Compatibility

Tiger and Rabbit form an almost ideal married couple

Marriage compatibility between a Tiger man and a Rabbit woman is very good. After all, the distribution of responsibilities in this family will be an extremely easy task. The husband (Tiger) is the money earner, and the wife (Rabbit) is an exemplary housewife. She, of course, can also go to work. But this will be more out of necessity than from a desire to conquer any career heights. It is important to note that with any other formula in the distribution of responsibilities, the alliance of the Tiger and the Rabbit risks crumbling like a house of cards.

The Tiger man needs a soft, pliable woman who will sincerely rejoice at his successes in his career. She, in turn, can be satisfied with simple household chores: cleaning, washing, cooking. It is also important to note that the Tiger should be the main one in the family. Otherwise, the marriage is unlikely to be happy, because the Tiger man is not used to obeying anyone. Even to your beloved woman.

Let's simulate an ordinary situation: the husband returns home late from work. At the same time, he is angry and tired. How would most women react to such a situation? That’s right: with reproaches, questioning, or, even worse, active “brain draining.” The Rabbit Woman will act differently. She will calm and caress her husband, and if necessary, listen to him and give practical advice. This attitude of a wife towards her husband will only bring the married couple closer.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that the compatibility of the Tiger and the Rabbit (Cat) in love and marriage is quite good. However, the strength and durability of such an alliance will directly depend on the behavior of both partners. How should the Tiger and Rabbit behave in order to avoid common mistakes in relationships?

The main advice for the couple: you cannot change the initially assigned roles! The Tiger man should remain tough, and the Rabbit woman should remain soft and submissive. If the wife starts giving commands to her husband, he will not be able to come to terms with this state of affairs. And he will go in search of the woman who will allow him to realize his ambitions.

The contradictions and conflicts in this family only seem serious and insoluble. In fact, a constructive conversation in a calm environment can solve any problem. It is very important for partners to learn to see and appreciate each other’s positive qualities, and help fight each other’s shortcomings. Only hard work on your character and a reverent attitude towards your soulmate will make this union happy and strong.

In general, this couple, as a rule, does not have any global problems. It is important for a Tiger man to show warmth and attention to his wife, and to give her romantic surprises as often as possible. The Rabbit woman, in turn, must remember that her chosen one is quite jealous. Therefore, there is no need to give him the slightest reason for jealousy.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money