Fox attack in a dream. I dreamed about a dead fox. Location in Night Dreams

Animals very often appear in dreams. Certain types of them are necessarily associated with specific events in the real world and directly with human feelings. The fox can be considered one of the brightest representatives of the animal world. Therefore, the question of why the red-haired cheat is dreaming is quite natural.

Dreaming of a fox

It is quite difficult to understand why a fox dreams, because there are a huge number of variations of dreams with a fluffy forest animal. It can symbolize a beautiful woman and an insidious enemy, good luck in matters of love and problems at work. For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is very important to remember how the animal behaved in its night dreams.

Why do you dream about a beautiful fox?

If a woman or girl dreams of a beautiful fox, then this indicates that others admire her appearance. Such a dream really helps to get rid of complexes about your own appearance.

Seeing a fox from afar

Quite often it is necessary to decipher dreams in which a fox ran nearby or the dreamer saw it from afar, but there was no contact with the animal. Why do you have such a dream? A fiery red fox seen in a similar situation foreshadows experiences and adventures in real life. In reality, many temptations and temptations await you, so it is very important not to go to extremes, so as not to regret anything later. Other dream plots in which a forest animal appears can be interpreted as follows:
    A fox that appears in your yard or house indicates that there are ill-wishers in your environment that you are not even aware of yet. If you are not careful, then with their insidious machinations they can greatly harm you. When a fox takes prey from another animal, this portends that you will have to witness a serious conflict in reality. Remember that it is better not to interfere in it, so as not to risk your reputation. A fox running away from hunters symbolizes your confrontation in real life with competitors. But thanks to your intelligence and cunning, you will be able to defeat them. If you see a fox in a cage, this means that in reality you can easily settle all your affairs and regulate relationships with the people around you.

Fox with cubs - dream book

Noteworthy is the dream in which a fox appears with her cubs. It indicates that there is a very wise woman in your environment, whose advice can be very valuable. You need to understand who it is and try to get closer to this person.

Black or white fox - interpretation of sleep

If you saw a black fox in a dream, then this foreshadows very successful acquisitions in reality. A white fox in a dream symbolizes a two-faced person who is surrounded by the dreamer. A very good sign is a fox running in a circle in a dream. This indicates that you should definitely listen to the advice of a loved one, as it will turn out to be extremely useful.

Lots of foxes

If you dreamed of a lot of foxes, then this means that the initial joy of communicating with pleasant people will turn into disappointment.

I dreamed about a dead fox

When you dreamed of a dead fox, it foretells that your competitor will abandon his plans, so you will not have to compete with him.

Hunts fox in night dreams

More meaningful are dreams in which you had to come into contact with a red forest animal. If you hunted a fox in a dream, then in real life you will find love adventures filled with vivid emotions and feelings. If possible, avoid temptations and do not commit actions for which you will have to repent.

The fox is chasing you

If you dream that a fox is chasing you and wants to bite you, then in real life you will have serious competition. If you can dodge the animal, then in reality you will be able to emerge victorious from a difficult situation, but only if you show a little cunning. When a fox manages to bite you in your night dreams, this indicates that you underestimate your rivals or competitors, so you may lose.

To tame a fox - the answer to a dream

If you managed to tame a fox according to the plot of your dream, then this foreshadows the receipt of a new highly paid position.

Why do you dream about killing a fox?

A good sign is a dream in which you killed a fox. This means that in reality you can easily overcome any obstacles.

Feed the fox

Feeding a fox in a dream is not very good. This sign symbolizes the fact that in real life you will trust an unreliable person. On occasion, he will definitely use you for selfish purposes.

Stroking a fox - interpretation of sleep

Petting a fox in a dream means meeting a very interesting person who has a cunning and difficult character. Such a meeting will be very useful for you. In general, the fox is a symbol of deceit, lies and cunning. And it is from this point of view that all dreams in which a forest animal appears must be considered. The correct interpretation will largely depend not only on the decoding found in the dream book, but also on the dreamer’s intuition.

In wildlife, predators are usually almost invisible. Only an experienced hunter can see a sable or a fox. But sleep is a place where you can meet the most ferocious or cunning predator very easily. One of these elusive representatives of the animal world is the fox.

So, to understand why the fox is dreaming, let’s look at the symbolism. Many fairy tales, parables and stories are associated with the image of a fox. She is always beautiful and not as simple as it seems at first glance.

It must be said that the fox is an ancient and revered animal: among many peoples of the East it is associated with such qualities as cunning, dexterity, intelligence, and cunning. The fox was usually the totem animal of very clever men and women who were notable for their strength, but for their unconventional approach to solving problems.

You may dream about completely different situations and circumstances, but it is important to pay attention to the following things.

  • Fox or little fox.
  • Colors.
  • Where we met.
  • Bites or runs away.

What does it mean if you dreamed about an adult fox or a little fox? If in a dream you saw an adult fox, it means that a cunning “cheat” may appear in your environment, which will lure all fans and business partners. But don’t rush to give in to her, just go your own way, not paying attention to her tricks.

If a young woman dreams of a fox, then this indicates that the men around her secretly or openly admire her.. And perhaps there are even secret admirers in her circle who do not dare to show their feelings.

If you dream of little foxes with their fox mother, then this indicates the appearance of a wise, serious woman in your environment. From her you can learn many feminine tricks and wisdom.

If you dream of a little fox, then it’s time to think about your own. Girls who have not yet had children can prepare for a new addition to their home, and those who already have children should show great care and efficiency towards them.

If a girl dreams of a sly fox, then this promises the appearance of a difficult and controversial young man in her environment. Be careful, because you may be under the spell of a real seducer and womanizer.

Description of the night guest

If you dreamed of a red fox, then soon you will plunge headlong into new, vibrant love experiences. The most important thing is not to lose yourself and keep your sanity.

Seeing a white fox in a dream suggests that a relationship that initially seemed passionate and stormy will gradually become colder and more calculating. Try not to get lost if you suddenly feel a chill in your relationship: any fire can be rekindled.

Why you dream of a fox of an unusual, fantastic color, you can find out by looking at a modern dream book - soon you will begin a dizzying relationship, the outcome of which is completely unknown.

  • If you dreamed of a fox that you met in the forest, it means that you will meet a new suitor on his territory. The relationship you begin will be full of beautiful courtships and romantic encounters.
  • If you see a predator in a cage, it means that your ill-wishers will be punished, and you can easily defeat all your enemies.
  • If a cheat turns up in your house, it means that someone close to you is smearing your name behind your back. Be vigilant and careful, you may have “sheltered” the wrong person.

Why do you dream of a fox running away from poachers, answers Vanga’s dream book - this means you have qualities such as courage and honor that will allow you to cope with your enemies. The Slavic dream book interprets a fox killed by hunters as your victory over your own fears.

If you come across fox tracks in the open and go in search of a predator, this means that you can be drawn into a very dubious adventure. So don't go for easy money; it could cost you too much.

1. If a cunning creature sneaks up behind you in a dream and wants to bite, it means that the enemy is not asleep. Soon a rival will appear, the fight against which will bring you a long-awaited victory. But your opponent will not be so simple, so do not think that victory will be easy for you.

2. If the cheat does bite you, then the opponent will try to take revenge in any way. The dream book “Meridian” will help you understand why you dream of a fox with sharp teeth - such a vision speaks of the cunning of your enemies: they are ready for intrigue and dishonest games in order to achieve their goals.

3. If a fox is killed when you try to bite you, then everyone who attacks you will be “removed” by your patron. Remember that in your environment there is a person for whom communication and cooperation with you is a value, and he will spare no effort to protect you and your interests.

4. If a fox bites your leg in a dream, it means it’s time for you to rest, since younger and more energetic employees are already stepping on your heels.

If in a dream you kill the fox that attacks you, this means that you have all the makings of a leader, and soon a situation will arise in which you can show all your positive qualities.

5. If in a dream a fox allows itself to be touched and caresses you, it means that all circumstances are working in your favor, and you have nothing to fear.

So, dream books will help you understand why a fox dreams, but regardless of whether a fox bites you in a dream or snorts affably, you have the opportunity to influence events in your life and choose what you need.

This forest dweller is often the heroine of folk tales and appears to us as a cunning and immoral creature. Therefore, it’s creepy to even imagine why the fox is dreaming. Dream books are intriguing: a given animal does not always predict betrayal; the interpretation of what appears in a dream can be very unusual!

How much a dream can tell

What should people expect if they were visited by a fox in a dream? The meeting was accidental, and the cheat was simply running past - the sleeper should not be afraid of trouble, but it is worth avoiding conflict situations. Seeing a fluffy beauty in the lap of nature means sacredly keeping a secret, keeping your word.

In a dream, an impudent woman climbed into a barn and strangled chickens - you will have to withstand the onslaught of a powerful and merciless person. Dignity will not be easy to maintain in this fight. To be on a hunt and shoot an animal is to protect your interests and achieve justice. Why do you dream about a fox:

  • redhead - cruelty, meanness;
  • white - betrayal of friends;
  • silver-brown - a fight with a strong opponent;
  • gray - exposing a long-standing deception.

If you dream of a fox, refer to dream books

Dream books offer comprehensive meanings of a dream in which a fox is present. The gypsy dream book warns against a hypocritical business partner or an unfaithful spouse. If you saw a whole flock in a dream, in reality all your loved ones will turn against you.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, the fox is endowed with leadership qualities. Anyone who sees an animal in a dream has enormous potential and a wide range of ambitions. The dream hints that in the current situation there is no chance for development - change your job. A crippled fox, one-legged, shows disorder, uncertainty, confusion in thoughts about its own future.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

According to the Enigma dream book, a fox in the yard who is trying to hide will bring you closer to a conversation with a slippery person. Divide in two all the information brought by this person.

Seeing a lot of tiny puppies means gossip will spread quickly and bring a lot of trouble. To care for offspring abandoned by their mother, to feed them milk - to take part in an ignoble act, to contribute to the violation of generally accepted norms.

What will Miller say?

Why do you dream of a fox according to Miller’s dream book? With smooth, luxurious coat - to great temptations that can cloud the mind. Shabby, dirty promises a loss of trust, disappointment in what warmed the soul.

Miller considers it a good sign to catch a beast with his bare hands: he will have a chance to demonstrate his skills and become in demand.

See according to Freud

Freud's dream book warns a man about relationships that smack of self-interest. The current lover pursues material goals. To the girl, the fox hints at a friend who is looking for benefits in a friendly relationship.

A married woman should think about having a strong rival on the love front. If a fox licked a young lady’s hands in a dream, then the one in question is a homewrecker.

A deliciously cooked fox will help you overcome obstacles easily. Eating meat means being able to win over those people whose protection you need. Innate wisdom and resourcefulness will help you attract good luck.

What exactly happened in the dream

If you dream of a sick, dying fox, you are losing authority in the eyes of others. Catching a cunning fish in the forest means chasing the ghostly, dreaming of something transcendental, unrealistic. Why do you dream about buying an animal? Wanting to be useful, you will acquire a lot of problems on your own head. It’s better to tame the initiative and not go where you’re not invited.

The fox dragged the hare - you will become an eyewitness to the bullying. If you stole a chicken, you may find yourself a victim of deception, a scam and be left without a livelihood. Spend your money wisely, do not buy unnecessary, useless things. Why do you dream of a fox and a specific action with it:

  • beat, mock - find out about the conspiracy;
  • drive out - defend;
  • ironing - find a compromise;
  • to be afraid is to underestimate oneself.

See in the house

Seeing an uninvited guest in your own home means warming a snake on your chest, having a traitor among your comrades. Aggressive, frenzied - to a scandal that will put everything in its place and reveal a dishonest person. Kind, affectionate - for a long time you will not be able to guess who exactly is acting against you, radiating negativity and ruining your life. Dream books advise identifying the enemy gradually and very carefully.


What does a hungry fox mean in a dream? Keeping a captive in a cage and feeding her through the bars means being careful, concealing plans, being wary of competition. Giving food from the palm of your hand means finding yourself in a hopeless situation and accepting any conditions. A predator who dares to eat his fellow is considered a bad symbol - he threatens to be involved in a criminal story.

Survive the attack

If you dream of an embittered representative of the family, intending to attack, you will receive a reprimand or reprimand. You will be extremely offended by injustice. Bitten - you were slandered, slandered, put in a bad light. An enraged fox in a dream succumbed to pacification - dirt spoken out loud will turn against the gossip, thereby clearing your name of filth.

What does a dream mean to a girl?

Why does a lady dream about something like this? Seeing an animal with a bloody muzzle means coming into contact with an envious person, having an unpleasant dialogue with a person who is angry and poisonous in his statements. To stumble upon a wounded individual is to enjoy the enemy’s failure.

If a fox dares to bite a woman in a dream, the woman in question will experience a painful blow. This could be a quarrel with a chosen one, ending in separation.

Finding teeth marks on the skin means being tormented by a feeling of guilt, mentally returning to the past, looking within yourself for the reasons for what happened. An unexpected attack is interpreted by dream books as a test that must be passed with dignity and honor.

Why do you dream about a dead fox and a raven pecking at a corpse? The dreamer thinks that he knows all his offenders by sight, but dream books assure: this is just the tip of the iceberg. Only attentiveness and thoughtfulness of each next step will protect you from losses.

Why do you dream and what does the skin mean?

Skinning a dead fox in a dream means triumphing, reveling in personal achievements, rejoicing at the reward received. Why dream of wanting a fur product, but not having the money for such an expensive thing? You want to take possession of someone else’s property or appropriate someone’s work.

Dressing in fur in a dream, trying on a chic fur coat - being popular. Leaky, torn - shamelessly lying in order to impress. According to dream books, a fox hat means megalomania, arrogance, and greed for wealth. Making excuses means hiding true feelings under a mask of indifference.


The fox symbolizes cunning and deceit. You can meet the animal not only in the wild, but also in your dreams at night. Dream books will help to explain the vision of the red-haired cheat, because she is clearly dreaming about it for a reason.

Most dream interpreters claim that a red animal in a dream does not bode well:

  • XXI century. A vile and unprincipled guest.
  • Azara. Enemies can do a lot of harm.
  • English. There are enemies who undermine your interests.
  • Assyrian. A patron will appear.
  • Biblical. To easy money.
  • Wangi. Meet your detractors.
  • Grishina. Either there is a cunning competitor, or you yourself want to deceive someone.
  • Denise Lynn. Someone is planning to fool you.
  • Children's. A crafty person in every possible way prevents you from realizing your plans.
  • For the whole family. They can outwit you.
  • For the bitch. The person around you is jealous and wants to cause harm.
  • David Loff. Meet someone you can't trust.
  • Idiomatic. There is a cunning person around who can do harm.
  • Maly Velesov. You should beware of a treacherous person.
  • Miller. You have envious people. Sometimes a dream warns that you should not take part in dubious adventures.
  • Mythological. The fox is a symbol of a treacherous person.
  • Newest. They can fool you.
  • Peter Leyman. You have to be smarter and more reasonable.
  • Russian folk. A fox seen in a dream symbolizes hypocrisy.
  • Simone Canonita. Someone is leading you by the nose.
  • Wanderer. Among my acquaintances there is a cunning woman. Getting close to her will not bring you any good.
  • Tarot. Solve the problem in an unconventional way.
  • Ukrainian. You hear lies.
  • Fedorovskaya. Be attentive to people. Sometimes behind a pleasant appearance there is a hypocrite and a deceiver.
  • Folklore. Receive bad news.
  • French. Meet the scammer.
  • Hasse. Fake friend.
  • Tsvetkova. A secret enemy is up to no good.
  • Gypsy. Beware of beautiful and self-confident women.
  • Esoteric. To easy money.
  • Some dream interpreters associate the dream of a fox with longevity, fertility and the ability to find innovative solutions in difficult situations. If now is not the best time in life, don’t be sad. Soon you will be able to find a way out of the situation, and everything will work out.

    For a woman of any age, seeing a fox in a dream predicts an acquaintance with an intelligent and courteous man.

    Why does a woman or man dream?

    The interpretation of a dream is also influenced by who dreamed it:

  • To a girl. There is a secret admirer who dreams of winning your heart.
  • To a woman. To meet an influential person who will provide invaluable help in the future.
  • Married. People around you admire your beauty and grace.
  • Pregnant. One of your friends is a bad influence on you. After talking with her, your mood deteriorates and you feel a loss of strength. It is worth reducing communication with this person to a minimum.
  • To a man. To meet a beautiful and intelligent girl. However, the character of the new acquaintance will be difficult. To win her heart, you will have to make a lot of effort.
  • For lovers, a dream about a fox warns that they have a strong rival who is trying in every possible way to destroy their relationship.

    Pay attention to the details of the dream

    To correctly interpret night vision, you need to remember what the animal looked like and what events took place.

    Fox color: red, white, black

    The color of the fur of the dreamed animal matters. Night vision, in which a fox with a bright red color took part, is interpreted in dream books as follows:

  • Grishina. Do not abuse alcohol, otherwise you risk getting into a bad story.
  • Winters. Gossip and love affairs.
  • Summer. A person will appear who cannot be trusted.
  • Loffa. You shouldn't trust people because they can deceive. If the red-haired cheat was kind and affectionate in the dream, there will be an opportunity to prove herself and earn the respect of others.
  • Autumn. Dreams involving red foxes are often seen by lonely people. Think if you are one of them? It may be worth restoring old connections or making new friends. Try to spend your leisure time brightly and cheerfully.
  • Combined. You will become a victim of rumors or find yourself in a love triangle.
  • The appearance of an animal with white fur in the kingdom of Morpheus may indicate that the time has come to think about the spiritual side of existence. Analyze your behavior and views, decide on plans for the near future. Sometimes a dream about a white fox can warn of a meeting with an immoral person.

    For couples in love, a dream about an albino fox tells them that their relationship will move into a calmer direction. Passions will subside and will be replaced by mutual understanding and respect.

    Sometimes you can see a black animal in a dream. The interpretation of such a dream is simple - you will waste a considerable amount of money. For example, you buy an expensive thing that you have dreamed of for a long time, but in the end you will be disappointed in the purchase. According to the esoteric dream book, you will get money dishonestly. If in a dream a black fox fawned over you, expect trouble.

    Character and behavior of the red cheat

    An aggressive animal in night vision does not bode well. This may signal the emergence of strong competitors. Not only a person from the outside, but also someone you know can strike. Therefore, be extremely careful. A vision can also indicate behavior that is far from ideal. Reconsider your attitude towards loved ones. Eccentric antics can offend even the most patient and calm friends.

    You shouldn’t rejoice at a dream in which a tame animal was present either. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for people in leadership positions. In this case, the vision warns that subordinates are abusing the trust of management.

    If a fox fawned over you in the kingdom of Morpheus, then a short love affair awaits. You shouldn't bet on this relationship because it won't last long.

    Meeting a mad fox in real life is very dangerous, and a dream involving one does not bode well. He reports that an unreliable person will appear in your circle of friends who will have a bad influence on you. For a sick person, such a vision promises a deterioration in well-being. According to the 21st century dream book, you need to stop communicating with people who ruin your life. If an animal tried to bite the dreamer, then at the most crucial moment a close friend will let you down.

    Number of individuals and their age

    A dream in which one animal was present may portend deception or an acquaintance with a crafty person. Two foxes seen in the kingdom of Morpheus are a sign that complete idyll reigns on the love front.

    A lot of foxes in night dreams is an unkind sign. A long and difficult struggle with competitors is expected. This can apply to both the professional and love spheres. Night vision can also mean disappointment in someone you know.

    If an adult fox with a fox cub appeared in your night dreams, then soon an experienced woman will appear in your environment who will give valuable advice.

    Did you see a fox with fox cubs in a dream? It’s worth spending more time with your children, they don’t get enough of your attention. If the dreamer does not have children, then he will soon have to act as a nanny. Someone he knows will ask him to look after his child.

    A night vision in which a fox and its cubs attacked you promises major troubles.

    Actions in a dream: running away from an animal, being bitten or killed

    Now remember what actions took place in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • The fox bites. Such a vision does not prophesy anything good. You may fall for scammers, and also beware of attacks from enemies. Did the animal bite your hand? A friend or colleague will stick a knife in your back. If in a dream the fox wanted to bite, but then ran away, then in reality you will almost miraculously avoid major troubles. A dream in which a red-haired beast has bitten someone you know indicates an upcoming battle with an opponent.
  • Attacks. A cunning and wise opponent will appear. You will have to make a lot of effort to repel the attacks of this person. Also be prepared for the fact that a loved one will trip you up. This is the kind of trick you'll least expect. If in a night vision a fox attacked a child, then your family is in serious danger.
  • Attacks other animals. Attacks on a dog in night dreams by a fox warn the dreamer that problems will arise not only for him, but also for loved ones. A fight between a cheat and a bear cub is a sign that you need to persevere in overcoming the obstacles along the way. In the future, fate will generously reward you. Find happiness next to your loved one. If Patrikeevna entered into a battle with a wolf, then problems will arise for the enemies, and a period of calm will begin in your life.
  • Run away from the fox. A streak of bad luck will begin. It will seem that the whole world is against it. Failures will follow you from almost everywhere. Under no circumstances should you give up and lose self-confidence. Try to find positive moments even in a negative situation. Make new acquaintances and stop communicating with those people who criticize or oppress.
  • The fox ran away. If the red-tail ran away, defend your interests and defeat your enemies. If in the dream you tried to catch up with her, then it’s time to deal with your competitors.
  • Feed the fox. The clairvoyant Vanga advises to be careful when communicating with friends. Especially if the animal ate from your hands. Such a vision warns that you should not trust your secrets even to your loved ones. Because the person you sincerely consider a friend is not really one. He treats you badly and does not want anything good. If in a night vision you happened to feed a hungry and emaciated fox, then you can easily bypass the traps that your enemies have set.
  • The dream in which I had to pet a fox is interpreted in dream books as follows:

  • XXI century. To trouble and deception.
  • Wangi. To quarrels with loved ones.
  • Grishina. Unfavorable development of circumstances.
  • Maly Velesov. Danger lurks.
  • Martyna Zadeki. There is an enemy.
  • Combined. Trust your secrets to a treacherous woman.
  • Tsvetkova. Something is threatening you.
  • And here’s what dream interpreters think about the night vision in which they happened to kill a fox:

  • XXI century. Get rid of your enemies.
  • Oriental. Achieve any of your goals.
  • Winters. It portends serious disagreements, as a result of which the truth about past events will come to light.
  • Maly Velesov, family-run and modern. Win.
  • From A to Z. You will surpass your competitors in beauty and charm.
  • Hasse. Get rid of unpleasant things.
  • Eating fox meat in a dream means a serious conflict that can escalate into a fight.

    Location in Night Dreams

    Seeing a fox in your house in a dream is an unkind sign. The unresolved problem will require active action in the near future. If you don't take action in time, life can turn into a real nightmare.

    To see in a dream how a cunning animal sneaks up to the house is a sign of family troubles. If the cheat entered the home like a boss, climbed onto a table or other furniture, an unpleasant guest will appear, or you will be faced with the insolence of relatives or friends. To avoid trouble, you should limit your social circle and not let loved ones dictate their demands.

    Did you dream that an animal was walking around your yard? Get ready for gossip spread by envious people. Seeing an animal in a zoo means meeting criminal elements.

    Success is foreshadowed by a dream in which a cunning animal was in a cage. Many problems will be solved on their own, and you will quickly be able to find a way out of difficult situations. Changes for the better are coming. This could be career advancement, meeting an interesting person, an exciting trip to foreign countries. According to Aesop's dream book, it's time to put things in order. Stop putting off important issues until later.

    To see a fox caught in a trap in the kingdom of Morpheus means exposing a liar.

    Interpretation of other interesting dreams about foxes

    Sometimes in your night dreams you can stumble upon a dead fox. Dream interpreters interpret this vision in different ways:

  • XXI century. The business you have started will end in failure.
  • Wangi. Meet an immoral person.
  • For the bitch. The enemy will be defeated.
  • Fedorovskaya. The enemy will get what he deserves.
  • Hasse. Avoid problems.
  • Esoteric. The long-awaited meeting will not take place.
  • If in night vision the red-haired cheat only pretended to be dead, then you have hidden ill-wishers waiting for the right moment to strike.

    Did you dream of a fox on a leash? Don't relax. There is a secret enemy who cannot yet cause serious harm, but in the future he will have such an opportunity.

    A talking fox in a dream reports that soon the enemies will give themselves away. Their attempts to cause harm will be in vain.

    A dream about a fox without a tail is considered a good sign. The enemy's hands are tied, he cannot harm.

    Did you hear the cry of a fox in a dream? Be prepared for intrigues to be woven behind your back. A howling predator is a sign of a serious illness that threatens a loved one. Hearing a fox barking from afar in the kingdom of Morpheus means loneliness and melancholy.

    If a fox was eaten by a wolf in a dream, then you will face injustice. You need to actively confront the offender. It would be a good idea to enlist the support of several allies.

    Dreams about foxes are ambiguous. They warn some of the presence of insidious enemies, while others promise joyful events. A night vision in which the fox did not react in any way to your presence and went about its business, portends happiness.

    Why do you dream about a fox? Almost every 10th person wakes up with this question. Yes, foxes are considered one of the most common. That is why their interpretations can be found in any dream book, without exception. Let's search together!

    Why do you dream about a fox? General interpretation of sleep

    A fox in a dream is a symbol of evil, cunning, envious and dishonest people, capable of betrayal and other intrigues. Some dream books see in her image an insidious and cunning woman who is trying to disrupt the dreamer’s future plans. Other interpreters see foxes as impudent and cunning enemies. So, let's look at a few special cases.

    Family dream book. Why do you dream about a fox?

    Why do you dream about a fox? Miller's Dream Book

    1. If you dream of a fox sneaking towards your house, be careful. Beware of envious people who are going to ruin your reputation.
    2. You can’t play with a fox in a dream or even pet it! Otherwise, some danger will await you.
    3. To kill an animal is to defeat your envious people. Just don’t eat fox meat under any circumstances! Otherwise, you will have a big quarrel with someone dear to your heart.
    4. Dreams in which you lead foreshadow your lustful adventures: at your own peril and risk you will indulge in lovemaking with harlots.

    Why do you dream about a fox?

    1. Does a fox bite in a dream? What you are afraid of will happen to you in the near future.
    2. If you dream of a walk through the forest and then meeting a fox who passes by you, rejoice, envious people will not touch you, and your prudence will bear fruit.
    3. Hold the fox by the tail? In reality, you will make a number of mistakes that will lead to trouble.
    4. If a woman sees in a dream how she is taming a fox, then she should be more careful in reality: among her friends there is a traitor who will soon take her lover away.
    5. A fox barking in a dream foreshadows slander, a fox skin means luck.
    6. If you dreamed of an animal eating its prey, then shame is inevitable in reality.

    Why do you dream about a fox? Vanga's Dream Book
    1. If in a dream you chase a fox, all the deeds and transactions you make are of a dubious nature. In addition, your love affairs become risky.
    2. A fox secretly sneaking into your domain symbolizes attacks on your reputation from envious people.
    3. Killing a fox in a dream means success in all matters!
    4. To catch an animal is to discover your ill-wisher, to gain the upper hand over your enemies using some kind of cunning.
    5. Feeding a fox in a dream means revealing oneself to one’s enemy. Keep in mind, this is just what he's waiting for. Keep your deepest secrets to yourself.