Why does Likhachev believe that the surest way to recognize a person is. The most important way to get to know a person... is to listen to him. How to write an essay - reasoning based on the proposed quote

Bochkareva Vlada Igorevna

The most important way to get to know a person is to listen to how he speaks. A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior; how he speaks is, therefore, what he thinks. D.S. Likhachev The fate of the Russian language is a topic that cannot leave any modern person indifferent. How often do we listen to how we speak? We see how language is changing significantly right before the eyes of one generation. The processes occurring in it today require comprehension not only by language specialists. Should we be happy or sad about this? Fight change or embrace it?







Research project
In Russian


Some questions of ecology of the Russian language

Humanities section

Dimitrovgrad 2014


I. Theoretical part……………………………………………………...…..5

1. Ecolinguistics as a new direction in linguistics of the 21st century…………..5

2. Borrowed words in Russian................................................………………7

2.1 Reasons for borrowing words………………………………………………………………..6

2.2 Signs of borrowed words……………….………………………….….7

2.3. For or against? Let's turn to the classics…………….……………………..11

2.4 The problem of loosening the structure of the language through expanding influence

various social dialects……………………………………………14

3.1. Speech culture and literary language…………..…………………………..14

3.2. Trends in the development of non-literary Russian language……..…………………15

3.3. Dialects and vernaculars in modern Russian……...………16

3.4. Argo: reasons for existence and area of ​​​​functioning………….17

3.5. Profanity……………………………………………………18

II. Practical part………………………………………………………...20


Bibliography………………………………………..... …………..25


The most important way to get to know a person is to listen to how he speaks

A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior; how he speaks is how he thinks.

D.S. Likhachev

The fate of the Russian language is a topic that cannot leave any modern person indifferent. How often do we listen to how we speak? We see how language is changing significantly right before the eyes of one generation. The processes occurring in it today require comprehension not only by language specialists. Should we be happy or sad about this? Fight change or embrace it?

Back in 2013, while working on the “Language Viruses” project, I was faced with the fact that today the ecology of the Russian language is the most pressing topic for people who think and worry about the fate of their language. The ecology of the Russian language is obscene language, abbreviations of words like SMS, borrowed words, etc. For my scientific and practical work, I chose the topic “Ecolinguistics. Some questions of the ecology of the Russian language." Is the state of the Russian language in the modern world so terrible? Having asked this question, I decided to look at what clogs the Russian language, and I identified two problems in my work:

1. External factor of the study - how do borrowings affect the language - are they necessary or do they just clog up the Russian language?

2. The problem of weakening the structure of the language from the inside, through the expansion of the influence of various jargons, social dialects, and the media on literary speech.


"Ecolinguistics. Some questions of the ecology of the Russian language" is a current topic, since violations of the ecology of the Russian language occur constantly. We increasingly feel the emergence of new concepts and foreign synonymous words that replace our Russian words. We feel the ebb of truly Russian concepts and automatically replace them with foreign ones. Understanding the importance and relevance of the problem of improving a person’s speech culture, I decided to conduct an educational study “The use of obscene Lesika, borrowed and abbreviated words by modern schoolchildren” and called my work “Ecolinguistics. Some questions of the ecology of the Russian language."

Problematic question:Will ecolinguistics be able to preserve the traditions of the Russian language?

Hypothesis: If you specifically attract the attention of schoolchildren to the study of ecolinguistics, then perhaps students will be more attentive to preserving the traditions of the Russian language.

Research objectives:find ways to preserve the Russian language as a great language of a great people.


  • conduct an analysis of the “damage” to the Russian language in modern society.
  • To attract the attention of schoolchildren to the study of ecolinguistics, as a science capable of preserving language.
  • Create a volunteer movement “for the preservation of the Russian language.”

Object of study- people's speech.

Research methods:

  1. search (select material in accordance with the research topic,

Using scientific literature and Internet resources);

  1. visual (observation of the speech of schoolchildren and other people);
  2. research;
  3. practical (carrying out a volunteer event);
  4. corrective.

I. Theoretical part

1. Ecolinguistics as a new direction in linguistics of the 21st century

Ecology of language (Ecolinguistics) is a direction of linguistic theory and practice, which, on the one hand, is associated with the study of factors that negatively affect the development and use of language, and on the other hand, with the search for ways and means of enriching the language. The ecology of language, in theory, should form the basis of the so-called language policy of the state, primarily in the areas of education, jurisprudence and, of course, in the activities of mass media.The American linguist is considered to be the founder of the concept of language ecology Einar Haugen , who in his 1970 report explained that “the ecology of language can be defined as the science of the relationship between language and its environment.”

The problem of weakening the structure of language from the inside, through the expansion of the influence of various jargons, social dialects, and the media on literary speechoutstanding scientists studied in Russia: Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov - Russian linguist and literary critic,Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich - Russian linguist, Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba - professor, academician, linguist and others.

2. Borrowed words in Russian

Borrowing is copying a word or expression from one language to another. A borrowed word is a lexical unit taken by us or our ancestors from some other language.

Russian speech has recently been replenished and continues to be replenished with many foreign words. I was interested in what place borrowed words occupy in the Russian language, what is the reason for borrowing, and whether foreign words clog up the native language.

Every people lives among other peoples. Usually he maintains diverse ties with them: industrial, economic, cultural. The languages ​​of peoples also experience mutual influence: after all, they are the main means of communication! The main form of linguistic influence of one people on another is the borrowing of foreign words.

2.1. Reasons for borrowing words

Issues of correctness, richness and purity of the native language are directly related to the problems of borrowing, to the fate of foreign words, to the nature of the interaction of “own” and “foreign” elements in the language system at different stages of its development.

There is no language in any country in the world that does not use borrowed words. Along with the development of the culture and life of the nation, the language adopts foreign words. This happens due to the following reasons, which are usually divided into linguistic and non-linguistic.

Firstly, these are historical contacts of peoples, such as war, mass immigration, the creation of international corporations - all these conditions create very favorable conditions for the national language to be diluted with words of a foreign culture.

Secondly, it significantly contributes to the mixing of languages ​​of any country in certain fields of science and, as a consequence, the need for the use of terminology by other countries. Language researchers call such reasons non-linguistic.

This happens because a person’s need for something new, in particular new words, is constantly growing. Why should the state and public institutions, which include the media, even take care of language? The fact is that the normal state of the national language, especially the state language, which is the Russian language, a high level of speech culture are indicators of the prosperous state of society.

2.2. Signs of borrowed words

Borrowed words can be distinguished from native Russian words by a number of characteristics.

A. Phonetic features:

1. The presence of the initial letter “a”:lampshade, April, scarlet, army, pharmacy. Russian words with the initial “a”, with the exception of words formed on the basis of borrowings, are rare. These are mainly interjections, onomatopoeias and words formed on their basis:yeah, ah, ah, ah, gasp, ah, echo etc.

2. The presence of the letter “e” in the root of the word:mayor, aloe, emotions, phaeton. In native Russian words, the letter “e” is found in words of an interjection and pronominal nature -hey, eh, this one, that's why, as well as in words formed in the Russian language on the basis of borrowings (nth, ensky, SR).

3. The presence of the letter “f” in the word:decanter, spacesuit, February. The exceptions are interjections, onomatopoeia - fu, uf, fi, as well as the word owl.

4. The presence of combinations of two or more vowels in the roots of words:diet, duel, halo, poem, guard.

5. The presence of combinations of consonants “kd”, “kz”, “gb”, “kg” in the roots of words:joke, station, barrier, warehouse.

6. The presence of combinations “ge”, “ke”, “he” in the root:legend, sneakers, trachea. In Russian words, such combinations usually occur at the junction of the stem and ending:on the road, to my daughter-in-law, in the sand.

7. Availability of combination"bu", "vu", "kyu", "mu" in the roots of words: bureau, engraving, ditch, communiqué.

8. The presence of double consonants in the roots of words:villa, progress, profession, session, bath. In native Russian words, double consonants occur only at the junction of morphemes.

9. Pronunciation of a hard consonant sound before a vowel [e] (letter “e”): model [de], test [te].

10. The initial “e” distinguishes mainly Greek and Latinisms:era, era, ethics, exam, execution, effect, floor.

B. Morphological characteristics:

1. Indeclinability of nouns:coffee, jury, depot, hummingbird, kangaroo.

2. Morphological lack of expression of number and gender of nouns: coat, taxi.

B. Word-formation features:

1. Foreign language prefixes:interval, deduction, individualism, regression, archimandrite, rear admiral, antichrist.

2. Foreign language suffixes:dean's office, student, technical school, editor.3. Presence of some type rootsaqua-, marine-, geo-, graphic- etc.

In addition to “international” features, there are also features that help determine which language the word was borrowed from.

1. Greek borrowings (Greekisms) include, for example:

words from the field of religion:anathema, angel, archbishop, demon, metropolitan;

scientific terms:mathematics, philosophy, history, grammar;

everyday terms:bathhouse, lantern, bed, notebook, certificate, sail, ribbon;

names of plants and animals:cypress, cedar, beetroot, crocodile;

proper names:Georgy, Elena, Sophia;

terms from art and science:trochee, comedy, idea, logic, physics.

2. Borrowings from the Latin language (Latinisms):

words related to learning:school, dean, office, vacation;

political and philosophical terms:evolution, dictatorship, constitution;

scientific concepts:tangent, sine, herbarium,radius, proportion, meridian;

words related to art:literature, arena, octave, circus;

month names:January, July, August;

administrative names:republic, chancellery, deputy;

proper names:Julia, Marina, Victor, Roman.

3. Among the Turkic borrowings (Turkisms), the most words are from the Tatar language, which is explained by historical conditions (long-term Tatar-Mongol yoke): words from military, commercial and everyday speech:caravan, holster, mound, quiver, astrakhan fur, treasury, altyn, bazaar, raisins, watermelon;

A sign of words of Turkic origin is vowel harmony (synharmonism) - the natural use in one word of vowels of only one row: back [a], [u] or front [e], [i]:ataman, caravan, pencil, shoe, lasso, chest, sundress, drum, heel, sash, ulus.

4. There are relatively few Scandinavian borrowings (Swedish, Norwegian) in the Russian language. Words of trade vocabulary, maritime terms, everyday words, as well as proper names penetratedIgor, Oleg, Rurik;

individual words likeherring, chest, pood, hook, anchor, sneak, whip, mast;

names of natural phenomena: blizzard ;

geographical names: Volga.

5. German borrowings (Germanisms) include:

military terms:attack, uniform, officer, corporal, camp, headquarters;

names of household items, clothing:decanter, mattress, hat;

trade terms:accountant, price list;

names of plants and animals:spinach, onion, potatoes, poodle;

vocabulary from the field of art:easel, dance, bandmaster;

instrument names:jigsaw, jack, workbench, chisel, jointer.

Features of Germanisms:

combinations th, pcs, xt, shp, ft:mail, fine, watch, sprats, landscape;

initial c: shop, zinc;

compound words without a connecting vowel:sandwich, grandmaster.

6. Some nautical terms borrowed in the era of Peter I are Dutch:shipyard, pennant, harbor, drift, sailor, flag, fleet, cruiser

7. From the English language (Anglicisms) included, for example:

some nautical terms:midshipman, bot, brig, schooner, yacht ; words related to the development of social life, technology, sports, etc.:boycott, leader, rally; tunnel, trolleybus, basketball, football, sports; Borrowings from the end of the 20th century. touched on different areas of life:

technical ( computer, display, file, byte), sports ( bobsleigh, overtime, fighter), financial and commercial (barter, broker, dealer, distributor, leasing), arts ( remake, talk show, underground, thriller),

socio-political (briefing, rating, impeachment, lobby) and etc.

Phonetic features of Anglicisms: combinations tch, j: match, jazz;

combinations va, vi, ve:Whatman paper, whiskey, corduroy; final -ing, -men, -er:briefing, businessman, timer.

8. French borrowings (Gallicisms) include:

terminology of a socio-political nature:bourgeois, regime, parliament;words from the field of art:conductor, poster, actor, play, director, ballet; military vocabulary:artillery, battalion, garrison, cannonade, pistol; names of food products, clothing, jewelry, furnishings:jelly, blouse, bracelet, sconce, boudoir, wardrobe, vest, coat, tights, broth, marmalade, cutlet, toilet.

Phonetic features of Gallicisms:

stress on the last syllable:marmalade, pavilion;

final -о, -и, -е in unchangeable words: puree, manto;

combination ua: veil, exploitation;

combinations of bu, ryu, vu, nu, fu:dressing table, music stand, engraving;

combinations he, an, en, am:control, intermission;

final -er, -azh, -ans, -ant:landscape, director, renaissance, debutant.

9. Among the Italian borrowings, the following stand out: musical terminology:aria, allegro, libretto, tenor, bravo, series, slapstick, sonata, carnival, cavatina; some everyday words:vermicelli, pasta(came through French), gondola ; vocabulary of financial relations:credit, debit, currency.

10. A small number of words come from Spanish (vocabulary related to art):serenade, castanets, guitar, mantilla, caravel, caramel, cigar, tomato and etc.

11. Few borrowings are from the Finnish language:walrus, dumplings, blizzard; from Hungarian: Bekesha, Khutor and other languages.

2.3. For or against? Let's go back to the classics...

Back in the 19th century. Writers and linguists were concerned about the issue of foreign words in the Russian literary language. A question that interests many scientists, linguists, and lovers of the Russian language. Do foreign words clog the Russian language? How do writers and poets feel about borrowing?

A positive role in protecting the Russian language from the excessive use of foreign words was played by: N.I. Grech, N.A. Polevoy, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, V.I. Dahl.

V.G. Belinsky believed that “... to use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.”

Excessive and unreasonable use of foreign words leads to the formation of absurd pseudo-scientific phrases. For example: “We delegated a student from our group to buy textbooks.” When using borrowed words, a tautology may be assumed. These may be repetitions of words with the same meaning:open vacancy(a vacancy is a vacant position), first debut (debut – first performance). Unjustified introduction of borrowed words into the text causes great damage to artistic speech. Speech becomes discolored if bookish, inexpressive words are preferred to diverse and bright Russian synonyms. For example, they write: “I remembered well the modulations of her voice” (why not say “play” or “how her voice sounded”).

K. Paustovsky believed: “There are a great many good words for everything in the Russian language.” And from time to time, some people made attempts to “cleanse” the Russian language from non-Slavic influence. Thus, Shishkov proposed replacing borrowings with equivalents created using the means of the Russian language, for example, replacing the word galoshes with wet shoes. However, these attempts did not produce significant results. Therefore, many borrowed words have firmly entered the Russian language.On the other hand, reasonable borrowings enrich speech and give it greater accuracy. Imagine that we are talking about the life of some distant country, for example Japan. You can, of course, say nobleman instead of samurai, and cherry instead of sakura, but a samurai is not exactly what we are used to calling a nobleman, and the Japanese cherry tree - sakura - is not like ours. In addition, such familiar Japanese words askamikaze, kimono, hara-kiri, ikebana, judo, in general, perhaps, it is impossible to translate into Russian in one word. Of course, many foreign words, having lost their foreign accent (form, meaning), have replenished the composition of the Russian language, and their use does not raise objections. At the same time, in the Russian language there are many such borrowed words that are used in everyday life, and without which we also cannot live: what else can we callcinema, taxi, cologne, chandelier finally, steak, mayonnaise, orange.

Russian media, especially television, also contribute to the “Anglotization” of the Russian language. Words like summit, briefing, talk show, dog showthanks to the media, became widespread.

In general, foreign words included in the Russian language have a positive and negative side. On the one hand, the emergence of new words expands the vocabulary of Russian speakers, but on the other hand, its originality and unique beauty are lost.

3. The problem of weakening the structure of the language, through the expansion of the influence of various social dialects

3.1. Speech culture and literary language

Speech culture is a multi-valued concept. One of the main tasks of speech culture is the protection of the literary language and its norms. It should be emphasized that such protection is a matter of national importance, since the literary language is precisely what linguistically unites the nation. Creating a literary language is not an easy task. It cannot appear on its own. The leading role in this process at a certain historical stage of a country’s development is usually played by the most advanced, cultural part of society. The formation of the norms of the modern Russian literary language is inextricably linked with the name of A. S. Pushkin, but also serves as a language of interethnic communication. The normative aspect of speech culture is one of the most important. The main feature of a literary language is its normalization. Through their attitude to the norm, through their awareness of it, members of society show their attitude towards their language in general. Knowing language as one of its integral characteristics and stimulating its movement with its movement, society shows high sensitivity to the linguistic norm as an indicator of its culture and its collective intelligence. Like language itself, the norm undergoes historical changes. Another feature of a literary language is the richness of its means of expression, primarily vocabulary. In argot, dialects, and vernacular one can communicate almost exclusively on everyday topics. At the same time, the literary language is constantly evolving. In order to understand the trends in the development of the non-literary Russian language, it is necessary to know the reasons for the intensification of its use in human communication.

3.2. Trends in the development of non-literary Russian language

“Changes in the literary language are caused not so much by the democratization of the contingent of those who speak literary language, but by the entry into public life of groups of people whose habits are associated with various kinds of jargon and other forms of non-literary speech.” In addition, the departure in the field of social life of society from the canons and norms of a totalitarian state, the proclamation of freedom both in the socio-political and economic sphere, and in human relations, affects what was previously considered to belong to a socially unprestigious environment (criminal, mafia), begins to acquire “citizenship rights” along with traditional means of literary language. It is obvious that both the language changes themselves and their speed in this case are caused not by internal reasons, but by external ones, namely, social changes in the life of Russian-speaking society. In Soviet times, a curious, but by no means unique, situation arose, which in linguistics is called diglossia (Greek bilingualism), that is, the coexistence of two languages ​​or two forms of one language, distributed over different spheres of use. Next to the ordinary Russian language, another variety of it arose (or was created). It is called differently: Soviet language, wooden language. Gorbachev's perestroika did not change the Russian language itself, it changed the conditions for its use. The boundaries between different forms of language and between the spheres of their use have disappeared. This indicates, among other things, that the modern Russian literary language, although it can be considered as the language from Pushkin to the present day, does not remain unchanged. He constantly needs rationing. “If you follow the established norms once and for all, then there is a danger that society will simply stop taking them into account and will spontaneously establish its own norms. Thus, we can say that the history of a language is always the history of a nation, and the reasons for such active use of elements of a non-literary language in modern speech must be sought, first of all, in the socio-economic, political and general cultural aspects of the development of the country and the entire nation.

3.3. Dialects and vernaculars in modern Russian

A dialect is a language system that serves as a means of communication for a small territorially closed group of people, usually residents of one or several rural settlements. In this meaning, the term “dialect” is synonymous with the Russian term “dialect”. Thus, a feature of some northern dialects is the coincidence of the endings of the instrumental and dative cases of the plural of nouns. For example: “work with your hands” instead of the all-Russian “work with your hands.” But, of course, the biggest differences are in the area of ​​vocabulary. So, in Northern Russian dialects, instead of the all-Russian “good” they say “baskoy”, instead of “neighbor” they say “shaber”; in Siberian villages, gooseberries are called “argus”, huts are called “buda”, and instead of the common Russian “branch” they say “gilka”. Dialectal differences in the Russian language as a whole are very small. A Siberian easily understands a Ryazan, and a resident of Stavropol understands a Northern Russian. Modern vernacular “is also a special functional variety of the Russian language, a specific sphere of everyday, oral, non-literary, predominantly expressive and often vulgar communication, which involves the deliberate, registered use of units with certain communicative settings.”

3.4. Argo: reasons for existence and area of ​​​​functioning

Jargon (slang, argot) is a social variant of language. Jargon is the language of a more or less closed social group. There is youth slang, student slang, sailors' slang, criminal world slang, etc. Jargon differs from the national language solely in its vocabulary. There is no special slang phonetics or grammar. Slang, according to many researchers, is a secondary formation in comparison with jargons and argot, adapting borrowed units to its needs. So, words whose use is characteristic of people who form separate social groups constitute slang vocabulary. In addition, the vocabulary of youth - school and student - jargon is preserved and constantly updated. The modern state is characterized, for example, by numerous Anglicisms, often deliberately distorted. Youth jargons are divided into industrial and household ones. The industrial vocabulary of students is closely connected with the learning process, and that of soldiers with military service. The general everyday dictionary is much wider than the industrial one; it includes words not related to the process of study, work or service.

3.5. Profanity

Profanity (obscene expressions, unprintableswearing ) or obscene vocabulary (fromEnglish obscene - obscene, dirty, shameless) - vocabulary that includes the coarsest swear words, often expressing a verbal reaction to an unexpected (usually unpleasant) situation.
Modern man, expressing his thoughts using obscene expressions, pollutes his energy space. Russian people are the most notorious swearers in the whole world. This sounds like an axiom of life. Of course, in all traditions and languages ​​of the world there are obscene words, which, as a rule, perform their specific function everywhere. Profanity is speech filled with foul and obscene words. Many works have been devoted to the topic of obscene words and expressions. In youth, a teenager expresses his thoughts much more often using obscene words than in adulthood. What is it: learning about the world around you with the help of other, unknown words or strengthening your emotional feelings? Or maybe he doesn’t know other expressions, since his parents, close people, friends who were next to him communicated only in this type of language and did not suggest or teach him that there are completely different words and expressions? This is unlikely, since life in society is so diverse that it is quite difficult and ineffective to single out and single out one significant thing. Whatever it is, obscene words and expressions are, first of all, attracting into your energy field “dirty, destructive” energy and power that bad words possess. Foul language refers to destructive energy, since the folded letters in an obscene word have quite an effective and penetrating force. “The forbidden fruit is always sweet” - this expression is often used by people when they want to justify their words and actions, to which they do not always give an honest answer, especially to themselves. It is foul language that many “honest” people pass off as their forbidden fruit. There is an opinion that Russian swearing is the most powerful and most penetrable dialect among other languages, that even people of other nationalities who do not understand its meaning feel it. As an example, we can cite the conversation of our tourists in some foreign country, in a shop, especially when they know the aboriginal language quite poorly, but, nevertheless, they are trying to reasonably, naturally for themselves, reduce the price of a product. Or you can also give as an example foreign students who studied in Russia and know the Russian language well. When two fellow countrymen, for example a German or an Indian, talk to each other in their native language, then Russian obscene words and expressions pop up in their emotional conversation with relish and power. Are you asking why, when you speak your native language, obscene words in Russian pop up? They answer quite simply that we, in our language, do not have such powerful words. And to be precise, there is no such destructive energy and penetrating power of words, especially towards your interlocutor. A person himself, sometimes consciously, attracts this energy that is disgusting to himself into his field. To swear or not to swear is the choice of every person, and to force him to give up this “pleasure” right away, in one fell swoop, is a rather difficult task. Often, a person “polishes” his inability to express thoughts, his understatement, with obscene words, believing that other people will understand him better this way or that he expresses his unspoken thoughts more freely and intelligibly by using obscene language. My conclusion is quite simple - if you want to swear, swear for your health, just do it consciously, knowing what is happening at that moment inside you and next to you. The unexpressed nature of your thoughts, or the inability to construct your expressions in normal and understandable language, must be realized, and not try to experiment with pouring out obscene words. But it’s better to do at least something than to do nothing at all!

II. Practical part

In this work, as already mentioned,subject of researchbecame the features of the active vocabulary of schoolchildren in terms of the scope of its use, manifested in the process of informal communication.
During the study of about three hundred word usages of schoolchildren, I identified a group of independent parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives), which formed the subject of research for this project. I counted a total of 297 such words, excluding repeated words from the list. Among them
commonly usedgirls had 240 words, boys had 220 words. Dialectisms and special words-terms are not found in the active vocabulary of sixth-graders. The second group by the number of words is jargon , or the so-called school slang. Only 56 words. Girls have 23 words, boys have 33.
There is a lot in the speech of our classmates and
colloquial , coarse language. For girls - 28, for boys -26. For example: shut up, eat, idiot, moron, shut up, fuck off. Unfortunately, students also use non-normative vocabulary Girls found 6 such words, boys - 18. Very often, emotional interjections were found in speech, which are allocated to a special group, but were not taken into account in the overall count.
Damn - this interjection often expresses opposite feelings (from joy to disappointment) and is used especially often. Wow, Yo - expresses admiration. Ok - agreement. Observations during this project showed that girls are more sociable, therefore, in the calculations, the number of words they have exceeds the number of words of boys.
at This part of the active vocabulary consists of slang and profanity, as well as colloquial and rude language. 56% - commonly used words, 44% - words of limited scope and profanity.
Comparing the vocabulary of girls and boys, one can see that although boys communicate less, their active vocabulary includes more slang, colloquial and profanity than girls.

Diagram No. 1 “Active vocabulary of girls”
Diagram No. 2 “Active vocabulary of boys”

The second stage of work on the practical part of the project was the event “Volunteer movement for the ecology of the Russian language!” During breaks at the lyceum, with my classmates, I organized an action “For the ecology of the Russian language.” We prepared templates in the form of an open palm and asked our lyceum students of different ages to leave wishes and slogans in defense of the Russian language. Then they symbolically glued the prepared palms onto the branches of a Russian tree - a birch. The result of the action was to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the preservation of the Russian language, to the destruction of borrowed words, profanity words, words like SMS, and more from the lexicon.


The fate of the Russian language is a topic that cannot leave any modern person indifferent. We see how language is changing significantly right before the eyes of one generation. The processes occurring in it today require comprehension not only by language specialists. During its history, the Russian language has had various connections with the peoples of the whole world. The result of this was numerous foreign words borrowed by the Russian language from other languages. Borrowing foreign words is the basis for communication between countries and peoples. Countries and peoples, in the process of their communication, adopt each other’s words and rearrange them according to the internal rules of their language.

The research material is based on materials from explanatory and etymological dictionaries, on works devoted to linguistics. Practical significance: the collected materials and the results obtained can be used in Russian language lessons, as well as by anyone interested in linguistics to broaden their horizons. This work I specifically attracted the attention of schoolchildren to the study of ecolinguistics, held an event “Action for the Ecology of the Russian Language,” so students will be more attentive to preserving the traditions of the Russian language. A survey of schoolchildren showed that this problem is indeed relevant and advanced youth in Russia are striving to strengthen Russian traditions. Thus, the hypothesis is proven.

The most important way to get to know a person... is to listen to how he speaks... A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior, as he speaks, therefore, he thinks. D.S. Likhachev “On the profane and the holy...” Author: Bornovolokova S.M. Teacher of the highest category, MBOU Secondary School No. 147, Yekaterinburg, 2012 Objectives: To explore the question of what constitutes foul language as a linguistic phenomenon (etymology, semantics (meaning), role in language); develop the ability to debate and argue your point of view; cultivate speech culture, respect for the interlocutor and oneself. The legend of the ancient fabulist Aesop about language Key phrases: language is the best and worst thing in the world; our “great, mighty Russian language” is a unique phenomenon: in it both the profane and the sacred coexist and are closely intertwined. Writers' statements about language L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “The word is a great thing. Great because with a word you can unite people, with a word you can separate them, with a word you can serve love, with a word you can serve enmity and hatred. Beware of such a word that divides people.” V. Shefner wrote: “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead regiments with a word.” Dictionary of concepts Filth (outdated and bookish) is something vile, vile, vicious. Profanity is speech filled with nasty, obscene words. Swearing means “a rude, abusive expression.” CURE – To utter rude, abusive words. 2. Swear at each other and quarrel. 3. To mock, engage in abuse, i.e. swearing is most often directed at one's neighbor. Obscene - indecent, obscene, obscene, obscene, nasty. Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” The icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by arrows. These arrows are swear words. One of the semantic meanings of the icon is that the Mother of God retreats from sinners - foul-mouthed people and does not intercede for them before God. E. Asadov “On the foul and the holy” “the most sacred” “the foulest” (“Mother” - “mat”) attitude towards the Russian obscenity of E. Asadov: Blasphemous abuse, vulgar abuse, the foulest word, obscene words; Insulting the name and honor of mothers From the history of Russian foul language, swearing is a relic of paganism; swearing was brought to Rus' by the Tatars - the Mongols; under the first tsars of the Romanov dynasty they were beaten with rods for foul language; it was believed that a person who cursed insulted the Mother of God, the natural mother of man and the Earth itself; obscene language was widely used by workers and peasants, who, naturally, were uneducated; Lenin also loved strong words. Stalin also did not disdain swearing, and it was under him that swearing became widespread; Stalin's repressions gave a powerful impetus to the development of obscenities in Russia; After establishing democratic order, swearing completely came out of hiding and gained significant popularity in everyday life. The attitude of Russian writers to foul language A. S. Pushkin: skillfully and tastefully used Russian obscenities in his works; N. A. Nekrasov: did not shy away from “strong” words; I. A. Bunin: created the “Dictionary of Swear Words”; A.I. Kuprin: he swore masterfully; L.N. Tolstoy: could insert a salty peasant word; V. M. Shukshin; he got into character and could swear loudly; V.P. Astafiev: admits that he swore in his youth. The attitude of Russian writers towards foul language All our major writers have always, in addition to censorship, also had their own internal editor - conscience, which did not allow excesses in vocabulary, no matter how much they wanted. So, all the “bad” vocabulary is primordially native, Slavic, connected by thousands of threads with the nationwide lexical wealth of all Slavic languages. Writers can use it when without it the content and imagery of the work is lost. Language is “the bridge through which our earthly beginning passes into the spiritual.” (L.I. Skvortsov). Our language is very rich, there is plenty to choose from. But when choosing, you need to remember tact, a sense of proportion, caring for others and respect for yourself. Reflection Today I thought about... I liked it today... I remained unchanged in my opinion... I changed my mind about... We need to discuss the question in the next lesson... (which one?)

“The surest way to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - is to listen to the way he speaks. You need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive property that a person possesses.” (D.S. Likhachev). “...how can you say good things when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” “I tell you that for every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matt. 12:34, 35, 36). Speaking about spirituality, we cannot help but say a few words about the meaning of speech in a person’s life. Let's listen to what D.S. has to say about this. Likhachev. In his work “On the Intelligentsia” he very successfully noted: “The surest way to know a person is his mental development, his moral character, his character - to listen to how he speaks. You need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive property that a person possesses. You must constantly monitor your language - oral and written. The greatest value of a people is its language, the language in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. Thinks!!! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. All our thoughts are shaped by language. If we pay attention to a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior, his face and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture, his morality. But it also happens that a person does not speak, but “spits words.” For every common concept, he has not ordinary words, but slang expressions. When such a person speaks with his “spitting” words, he wants to show that he doesn’t care at all, that he is higher, stronger than all circumstances, smarter than everyone around him, laughs at everything, is not afraid of anything. But in fact, he calls certain objects, people, actions with his cynical expressions and mocking nicknames because he is a coward and timid, and is not confident in himself. A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior. As he says, so he does. Don't be a narcissistic talker." In his work “On oral and written language, old and new,” Likhachev writes, “Language is, first of all, a creator and creator. Not only culture, but the whole world has its origins in the Word. As the Gospel of John says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And further Dmitry Sergeevich complains: “Colossal damage to the Russian language, and consequently to the Russian conceptual world, was brought after the revolution by the prohibition of teaching the Law of God and the Church Slavonic language. This enormous damage to Russian culture will still have to be studied and comprehended. The double trouble is that the repressed concepts were also concepts mainly of spiritual culture.” From the book “Thinking about Russia,” Dmitry Sergeevich writes: “The language suffers from the fact that we have a fashion for indecent expressions. This is not adding new words, as some people think, it is destroying dozens of other words. The language is getting poorer." The Apostle Paul writes: “The tongue is an uncontrollable evil. No one can tame him. It is filled with deadly poison. This is unbridled evil. He who does not sin with words can be considered a perfect person. The tongue covers up evil deeds with beautiful words. He can burn our entire soul and life with the fire of hell. A person who does not know how to control his tongue deceives himself, and all his holiness is nothing. We pray and glorify the Lord with our tongues and immediately curse the people he created. From the same mouth come both praise and curse. Both salt and fresh water cannot flow from the same source at the same time.” Question to the class: I will give two statements about language: 1. “Language is, first of all, a creator and creator” and 2. “Language is an uncontrollable evil. No one can tame him. It is filled with deadly poison." Do you agree with these statements? Homework:

A reasonable question arises: where does spiritual life begin?

The answer is with repentance.

Wise thoughts:

“It has been told to you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the righteous who do not need to repent” (Luke 14:7)

“I did not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners” (Matt. 9:13).

And spiritual life begins with the realization, with the feeling that I am not at all what I should be. I don't want to be like that. It begins with repentance. Repentance is only permissible if it is once and for all. Only in this case it has strength and will work for you.Repentance is the most, one might say, the only means of protection from evil. With repentance, the chain of cause and effect breaks down. Only through repentance can we break the connection with the evil that exists in all of us.

And faith only becomes effective when spiritual life begins with repentance, i.e. by admitting that there is evil in me. St. begins with a sermon on repentance. John the Baptist, and Christ Himself.

A person must see that his whole life, as he lives, is not at all the same, just garbage with emptiness. If a person does not have this, there will be no spiritual life. I can do everything as expected (pray, fast, go to church, order notes, start a new life every Monday, etc.) - but there can be no change where I am satisfied with my present state. If I have everything and I don’t need anything in the world - like A.S. Pushkin: “I’m always happy with myself, my dinner and my wife” - this is a state of absolute incapacity for any spiritual movement. This is the deadness that Christ spoke about - “let the dead bury their dead,” “neither cold nor hot.” What people did Christ speak about? Yes. About the indifferent or soulless.

If I realize that I am not what I should be, then the search begins - where can I see that norm, that path of spiritual life?

From the vision of one’s sinfulness and the repentance that flows from it, only from this does faith in Christ arise. What nasty, vile things I have done, how my soul hurts, how my conscience torments me - that’s just where faith in Christ, the Savior in Whom I hope, can arise from.

Ignatius Brianchaninov taught: “The beginning of turning to Christ lies in the awareness of one’s sinfulness... One who is not aware of one’s sinfulness, one’s destruction, cannot accept Christ, believe in Christ, cannot be a Christian. What is Christ for someone who is both reasonable and virtuous and recognizes himself as worthy of all earthly and heavenly rewards and virtues? Good words! This is where faith in Christ comes from: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” And until a person realizes that he is sick, but thinks that he is healthy, he will not go to any doctor. After all, Christ came to save sick humanity.

This is where the spiritual process begins - spiritual life begins when a person, paying attention to himself, sees his sins, shortcomings, and evil.

The paradox is that I do not see either my personal sins or the corruption of human nature.

This leads to the next point, we are talking about the next paradox.

I believe that I'm a sinner, but I can't see. There are illnesses everywhere in me - pride, vanity, envy, hypocrisy - I have it all, a bag full, and I can be convinced of this. But essentially I recognize myself as a normal, spiritually healthy person. This is the state of the Rev. Simeon called it “a state of cruel charm of the entire human race.” Pre-flattery means satiated flattery.

The first task of spiritual life is the task of knowing oneself.

A person is one who has known himself. He who does not fight with himself, does not force himself to fulfill the commandments, will never know himself, will never humble himself and will suffer from his passions (carnal and mental) all his life. Passion and suffering have the same root.

There was also an inscription on the Delphic Temple: “Man, know yourself.” In this regard, ancient Greece achieved a lot. Refer to the history of the ancient world, read about the Golden Age of Pericles. What were the calls: “Man is the measure of all things”! "Man, help yourself"! But in Christianity we are talking about something else. Two things are revealed to a person:

    consciousness of one’s personal sins, personal untruths,

    the consciousness that my very nature is sick, damaged.

These two things are the foundation on which further spiritual life can be built.

The way out is to make a firm decision to live according to the Gospel, to renounce evil and all its deeds. After all, we live in a world of knowledge of good and evil and we are given freedom of choice. And each of us has the right to dispose of it.

We must make a firm decision - to live according to the Gospel, to serve good.

But who can make this decision for me, promise and vouch for life, renounce evil for me? Only the person himself can do this. No one will do this for him.

That is, a person must have a firm decision to begin such a life, and then it will gradually be revealed to the person who I am. This must be seen with spiritual vision, which, unfortunately, man has lost. How well Christ said about this: “For the heart of this people is hardened, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have closed their eyes, lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and lest they be converted, so that I may heal them.” . (Matt. 13:15). Here Christ speaks of spiritual vision.

And the most difficult thing is for a person to see that he is truly sinful and sick. Especially a proud, vain person. Now on television there is a new project by A. Malakhov “Lie Detector”, I highly recommend watching it. The program clearly shows how corrupt people are.

Only when a Man realizes his sins (seeing his sins as the sand of the sea), and understands that he is on his own, only their he cannot achieve salvation through his own efforts, that he needs help from above, only then will he turn to God.

Do you think a humble person can be exalted? Of course not. After all, who among us knows what I must be like to be saved - beautiful or ugly, educated or ignorant, etc. - No one knows. The task of spirituality is the salvation of the soul.

And let us add to what has been said about spiritual life:

The first thing to start with- This attention to the external form of behavior. Attention to external behavior is the starting point: clothing, relationships with people, attitude towards things, home environment, neatness, neatness and order. It helps the mind to be in order. An example for us can be D.S. Likhachev. Look at his photographs, where he is always neat, modest, and handsome. Hero of the spirit! In the book “Thinking about Russia,” Dmitry Sergeevich writes: “People must live with dignity. Dignity is respect for family, for oneself, it is neatness, it is our clothes. People do not develop dignity in the dirt - in this case, a person does not respect himself. And the existence of man as a certain value is destroyed.”

We must try not to stand out from others. Simple and formal clothing. Relationships with people, conversations with people should also be simple.

Clothing should not stand out from others, and should always be modest, neat, and commensurate with the climatic conditions. It is not by chance that I am saying this. Our young beauties love to expose themselves excessively, depending on the weather. For example, in such beautiful clothes and shoes, a girl came on a date with a young man. It's frosty outside. The young man did not come, and while waiting for him, she got frostbite on her legs, which were amputated. Who needs this? In clothes - one can immediately see a sign of corruption and a narrow mind.

Familiarity, free treatment of neighbors (especially elders), and uncultured speech are prohibited, because all this leads to a dampening of the spirit, scatters it, and makes it irresponsible.

Set yourself the task of starting a Christian, spiritual and moral life in the conditions in which you are now. Only modesty, only the most necessary things in everything. If you knew how modestly academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived... He was rich only spiritually. And what moral strength he had!!!

The second is observation of the mind, i.e. for thoughts and heart. Remember our conversation about thoughts. You especially need to watch out for two thoughts: 1) vanity, which is the threshold of pride, especially strongly undermines the foundation of the soul. 2) unclean, prodigal thoughts. In general, Christianity says that if you violate one of the commandments of the law, you have violated the entire law. We must fight these thoughts, as they lead to the death of the soul. We will talk about this. The admission of these thoughts unusually destroys the soul from the inside, turning it into a rotten tree, even if on the outside the person seemed righteous. So a person must build his own culture.

The difference between psychological love and spiritual love is humility. What does it mean? I begin to be generous towards the shortcomings and weaknesses of other people only if I myself see my own sins and weaknesses. An example is a hospital, where no one judges each other for illness, but helps each other. This is an analogy of what happens in our spiritual world. A person becomes capable of love, compassion, empathy for another person.

From humility comes the beginning of Christian love - equal and equal to everyone.

The law is this: there is no love where there is no humility. The degree of love in this case corresponds to the degree of humility, the degree of awareness of one’s sins - that is, the degree of knowledge of oneself, one’s old self. We call a Christian a person who fights his vices to the end. Where there is no love, hatred grows.

Any of our virtues, any good deeds, bring us the fruit of the spirit only to the extent that they bring us humility.

“Unhappy is the one who is satisfied with his own human truth. He doesn't need Christ. This is the property of all external good deeds and exploits, ... and they can become the parents of soul-destructive pride” - St. Ignatius Brianchaninov.

True work cannot be without humility, and if otherwise, then it is vain and does not count for anything.

And yet, God puts each person in a place that is useful to him. What is this benefit? In every place, at every moment of our life, this benefit lies in the fact that we, little by little, get to know ourselves. He who has not recognized his old man within himself does not know himself. If a person does not understand that he is perishing, he does not need a Savior. We suffer from self-harm, not from God punishing us. God doesn't punish anyone. There are no coincidences in the world. What is happening to me at the moment is the best. It was given by God for salvation. It is God who is the true physician of human souls. It is necessary to treat, it will hurt, but it is for the good from the point of view of eternity and from the point of view of salvation.

All our virtues can be both useful and extremely harmful - it all depends on the purpose for which they are performed, in what manner.

Our task is to see the illness, sin, and evil hidden within us that harms us.

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov - “without seeing your illness, sin, you cannot perform a single virtue... the ascetic, as soon as he begins to fulfill them, will see that he is performing them insufficiently, uncleanly.” Without such a phrase, understanding spiritual life is impossible. If someone sees something great and significant in his virtue, it means he is on a slippery road. This is an image of the very essence of spiritual life - “...they washed away virtues like sins with streams of tears.” None of us thought of repenting that he gave alms to a beggar, dug up a garden, did a good deed, etc. And the saints repented - they saw that deception is mixed with all our good deeds, and all this distorts the soul and causes wounds to it. There is no need to boast that you did a good deed for someone. As Christ taught, “Do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.”

The law of spiritual life is about the affinity between both virtues and vices.

For example, passions give rise to one another - when there is already a lot of money, power is needed, etc. to infinity. There is interdependence in everything here, one passion determines the other.

Ignatius Brianchaninov – “Because of this affinity, submission to one good thought gives rise to submission to another good thought. One virtue introduces another virtue into the soul. On the contrary, arbitrary submission to one evil thought entails submission to another.”

Sin enters a person either by his consent or by the person’s preparedness for sin. The most terrible sin is the sin that I commit voluntarily, having the strength not to commit it when I am free. This sin is the source of human enslavement. The willpower in a person is destroyed, the person becomes weak-willed and helpless. God himself cannot touch freedom - such is the greatness of this gift. Evil is a highly experienced warrior, dangerous to us, invisible. The entire ancient world was struck by evil, and it was destroyed. The seeds of evil also penetrated into the righteous family of Noah, chosen by God. Ham ridiculed his father. By committing a sin as a spiritual act, by this spiritual act we freely unite with the corresponding tormenting spirits. The point is that if we take the side of good, we multiply good, and if we take the side of evil, we multiply evil. We need to remember this.

Why does Christianity preach goodness, meekness - only out of love for a person, so that a person does not torment himself; You can’t violate this, otherwise it will be bad.

And according to the law of the affinity of vices, even minor sins committed freely will then lead to a tragic end.

Criteria for correct spiritual life (conclusions):

1) The first sign of incipient health of the soul is vision of one’s sins, “countless as the sand of the sea”. And sin is a disease, an abnormality. This is a vision of one’s abnormality, inability, pain, passion.

2) The other side of this criterion is the vision that even my so-called good deeds which I must do according to the commandment of the Gospel - and they find themselves damaged by all this tar, of which the first is vanity. Therefore, when I see that I am doing something good, my spiritual vision is distorted, I attach importance to my “good” deeds. Trouble is for the person who says, “Look what good I am doing.” And we must also remember that the saints washed away their virtues as sins.

3) True humility does not see oneself as humble.

4) One of the signs of humility is stopping judging other people and praying not only for enemies who do harm to me, but also for all other sinners in general.

What is condemnation? - this means that I will never do this, but he does! This is who I am, how good I am, and he is so bad. “He’s rubbish himself, but he keeps repeating that I’m not like other people.” The Apostle Paul writes, “You have no excuse if you judge another! By judging others, you condemn yourself. God will judge! And don’t neglect God.”

Fear of God and repentance- this is a solid foundation on which to build a spiritual life. The fear of God is not fear of a monster that will devour me for my sins, but awe and reverence for the love of God. Imagine that this man gave his life for me, and I’m doing something mean to him. This is the fear of God. I would like to give you this example: boys start smoking early, you know this. And one boy did not smoke. The boys ask him: “Why are you afraid of your father?” “No,” the boy answered, “I respect you.” Something similar should be in relation to God.

5) Spiritual gifts such as peace of mind, love and compassion for people, consoling another person, spiritual joy - this means that God sometimes gives us little consolations, and this is not a sign that I have become a good person. God's mercy consoles us a little in the disorder in which we live. And these are not rewards showered on us for our virtues.

Question for the class: Where does spiritual life begin? Name the criteria for correct spiritual life.


The role of morality in the spiritual development of the individual

Wise thoughts:

D.I. Mendeleev said that knowledge without morality is a sword in the hands of a madman. This is especially acute today. Dmitry Sergeevich carried the highest intelligence, encyclopedic knowledge, multiplied by morality. If we were to personify the cultural life of the last two decades, then, in my opinion, the name of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev would be most suitable for this purpose. He, like no one else, embodies the features of the Russian intelligentsia, spirituality, kindness, education, nobility, and truly folk wisdom. “It is much more important to instill morals and customs in people than to give them laws and courts” (O. Mirabeau) “He who is straight in heart and who has the same feelings towards others as towards himself does not deviate from the moral law, from the duty prescribed to man by rational nature; he does not do to others what he does not want to be done to him.” (Confucius). We have already said that spirituality and morality are not the same thing. Morality flows from spirituality. Let's figure out what morality is? Morality is the totality of human morals, life, which is associated with affairs, customs, morals, practical behavior of people at home, in the family, at work, on vacation, etc. Morality gradually grows out of practical morality. Morality is the result of people thinking about their lives, about the good and bad in it, about the good and evil in deeds and actions. Morality contains wise short rules, norms, principles that very strictly guide and regulate people's behavior. We will talk about morality separately. It is important to understand that morality follows from morality; they are closely related to each other. Morality is good and evil. Evil morality is selfish, selfish, always asserts its exclusivity: only I, only for myself, and the rest is “my house on the edge.” Evil morality is when a person (or a group of people) claims: I (we) are better and more important than everyone else, our people are the best, our religion is the best, our nation is the best, our culture is the best, our country is the best, etc. . Of course, a person must love his country, culture, nation, religion, etc. Love is a wonderful feeling; it brings out the best qualities. We need to understand where and to whom this love is directed. If it is directed at oneself, then this is already selfishness, selfishness, vanity. And, as soon as a person (a group of people) takes a position of exclusivity and declares: mine is better than everyone else, he (they) slides into a position of evil morality. And the most terrible consequence of evil morality is that it leads to enmity, divides people, and pushes them onto a disastrous path. But a person is endowed with freedom of choice: it is up to him to decide whether to take a position of evil or good morality. It is in such work of a person on himself that representatives of religion see the meaning of human life.

D.S. Likhachev attached great importance to morality. In the book “Russian Culture,” Dmitry Sergeevich writes: “Without high morality, modern society cannot exist, I emphasize, especially modern society. Because thanks to the existence of the most complex technology and responsible science, our world has become more susceptible to possible human influence. At all times, in any society without morality, the laws of economics, jurisprudence, and historical laws cannot apply (after all, any manifestation of tyrants slows down the development of society, although it may seem that “good tyranny” can drive society into a happy future). Morality is what transforms the “population” into an orderly society, pacifies national hostility, and forces “big” nations to take into account and respect the interests of “small” ones. Morality in a country is the most powerful unifying principle.”

From the book by D.S. Likhachev “Native Land” - Morality is needed under all circumstances. It is necessary both for others and for the person himself. For morality is equal to intelligence. Let's define what intelligence is. Many people think: an intelligent person is one who has read a lot, received a higher education, traveled a lot, and knows several languages.

Meanwhile, you can have all this and be an intelligent person, or you can not have it all, but still be an internally intelligent person.

Deprive a truly intelligent person of his memory completely. Let him forget everything in the world, he will not know the classics of literature, he will not remember the greatest works of art, he will forget important historical events, but if at the same time he retains sensitivity to cultural values, an aesthetic sense, he will be able to distinguish a real work of art from a crude “thing,” made only to surprise, if he can admire the beauty of nature, understand the character and individuality of another person, enter into his position, and having understood the other person, help him, does not show rudeness, indifference, gloating, envy, but appreciates the other at his true worth - this will be a moral person. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, in the ability to quietly (precisely imperceptibly) help another, to take care of nature, even in the habit of behavior at the table, not to litter around oneself - not to litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas (this is also garbage, and whatnot). An angry and angry reaction to the environment, rudeness and lack of understanding of the environment is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, human inability to live... A weak and nervous person reacts incorrectly to everything. Quarreling with others is also a person who does not know how to live. An aesthetically unresponsive person is also an unhappy person. Someone who cannot understand another person, attributes only evil intentions to him, and is always offended by others - this is also a person who impoverishes his own life and interferes with the lives of others. Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. Yes - beautiful. A person’s face, which is often distorted by anger, becomes ugly, and the movements of an evil person are devoid of grace, not deliberate, but natural, which is much more expensive.”

Solid moral values ​​are universal human values. The world around a person does not have values ​​in itself; it is endowed with them by human consciousness, considering them from the point of view of their significance for the good of man. Values ​​play the role of guidelines in everyday life; they not only help to describe it, but also evaluate, approve or condemn any actions or phenomena. There are many values. These can be thoughts, feelings, views, interests, principles of behavior or any objects, phenomena and their properties. Each person has his own values. In the vast kingdom of values ​​there are insignificant, relative, short-lived ones. But there are especially significant values ​​that live forever and are important for all people. The main thing here is love for man, respect for human dignity, mercy, faith, love, peace, life, goodness, truth, benefit, beauty, justice, conscience, honor, human life, freedom, Motherland, family, etc. Shame and truth are also from this series. Their special value is that they are able to unite people, achieve agreement, overcome selfishness, intolerance, cruelty, become kinder, strive for peace and justice. In other words, a person needs to learn to be humane, then mutual trust will come and hostility will go away. Only shame and truth can humanize a person, bring people closer together and lead them onto the path of goodness, justice, order... Without shame and truth, the human race is doomed to death, self-destruction (Babylonian Pandemonium). Their special value is that they are able to unite people and guide them on the path of good. Ultimately, only shame and truth can preserve the human race, which is why they belong to universal human values. What is shame and truth? This is, first of all, conscience and responsibility, order and justice. Conscience is an invisible, but powerful and strict controller. Conscience sees and knows everything, gives a critical assessment of our choice of our actions. It is to our conscience that we will always have to answer. The choice of action always has certain consequences, both for others and for everyone personally. We ourselves have to decide what to do, and we ourselves have to bear responsibility for our choices. Let us remember that each of us is involved in shame and truth. We have reliable spiritual support - the commandments. They need not only to be known and studied. It is important to be able to act correctly in accordance with their requirements. And such a skill is developed throughout one’s life. It is more practical to live by the commandments than to break them, because otherwise you will lose much more than you gain. Therefore, each of us needs a moral culture, which can only be developed through our own spiritual efforts.


The greatest value of a people is their language, the language in which they write, speak, and think. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions, sensations - only color what we think, or push the thought in some respect, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

The surest way to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - is to listen to how he speaks.

If we notice a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

So, there is the language of a people, as an indicator of its culture, and the language of an individual, as an indicator of his personal qualities, the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people.

I want to write not about the Russian language in general, but about how this language is used by this or that person.

Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. It is one of the most perfect languages ​​of the world, a language that has developed over more than a millennium, giving in the 19th century the best literature and poetry in the world. Turgenev spoke about the Russian language - “... it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

But it also happens that a person does not speak, but “spits words.” For every common concept, he has not ordinary words, but slang expressions. When such a person speaks with his spitting words, he reveals his cynical essence.

From the very beginning, the Russian language found itself in a happy position - from the moment of its existence in the depths of a single East Slavic language, the language of Ancient Rus'.

1. The Old Russian people, from which Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians later emerged, inhabited vast spaces with different natural conditions, different economies, different cultural heritage and different degrees of social advancement. And since communication even in these ancient centuries was very intense, then due to this diversity of living conditions, the language was rich - in vocabulary, first of all.
2. Already the Old Russian language (the language of Ancient Rus') joined the wealth of other languages ​​- first of all literary Old Bulgarian, then Greek (through Old Bulgarian and in direct relations), Scandinavian, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, West Slavic, etc. It not only enriched itself lexically and grammatically, he became flexible and receptive as such.

3. Due to the fact that the literary language was created from the combination of Old Bulgarian with the folk colloquial, business, legal, “literary” language of folklore (the language of folklore is also not just colloquial), many synonyms were created in it with their shades of meaning and emotional expressiveness.

4. The language reflected the “inner strengths” of the people - their tendency towards emotionality, the diversity of their characters and types of attitude towards the world. If it is true that the language of a people reflects its national character (and this is certainly true), then the national character of the Russian people is extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory. And all this had to be reflected in the language.

5. It is already clear from the previous that language does not develop alone, but it also has linguistic memory. It is facilitated by the existence of thousands of years of literature and writing. And here there are so many genres, types of literary language, a variety of literary experience: chronicles (by no means uniform in nature), “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, “The Prayer of Daniel the Zatochnik”, sermons of Kirill of Turov, “Kiev-Pechersk Patericon” with its charm “simplicities and inventions,” and then - the works of Ivan the Terrible, various works about the Time of Troubles, the first records of folklore and ... Simeon of Polotsk, and at the opposite end from Simeon - Archpriest Avvakum. In the 18th century, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin, then Krylov, Karamzin, Zhukovsky and... Pushkin. I will not list all the writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries; I will pay attention only to such language virtuosos as Leskov and Bunin. They are all incredibly different. They definitely write in different languages. But poetry develops language most of all. This is why the prose of poets is so significant.<...>

What was the Church Slavonic language in Russia? It was not a universal literary language for our writing. The language of so many literary works is simply far from Church Slavonic: the language of chronicles, the amazing language of “Russian Truth”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “Prayers of Daniel the Zatochnik”, not to mention the language of Avvakum. The Church Slavonic language, transferred to Rus' from Bulgaria not only through books, but also orally through worship, immediately became in Rus' a kind of indicator of the spiritual value of what was spoken and written in it. Bulgaria gave the Eastern Slavs the highest layer of language, the “pole of spirituality,” which extremely enriched our language, giving our language moral strength, the ability to elevate thoughts, concepts, ideas. This is the language in which the highest thoughts were trusted, in which they prayed, in which solemn words were written. He was always “close” to the Russian people, enriching them spiritually.
Then poetry replaced prayers. Remembering the prayerful past of our poetry, we should preserve its language and its “high spirit.”

The text is abbreviated from the book: Likhachev D. “Notes and observations: From notebooks of different years,” L.: Sov. writer, 1989, p. 410-436.


The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.
The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. V.A. SUKHOMLINSKY

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment develop in those young people whose childhood and adolescence were a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs.

In ancient Russian marriage, couples were not selected based on ready-made feelings and characters, but characters and feelings were developed based on selected pairs.
The world exists not for us to understand it, but for us to educate ourselves in it.

What we mean by education is that
leads to virtue from childhood.

Old age is strong thanks to the foundations laid in youth.
Education is education for doing good. V.A. ZHUKOVSKY