Mikhail Prokhorov and the girls in Courchevel. How Mikhail Prokhorov had fun with his “concubines” in Courchevel (Photo). - But sports are not contraindicated for you.

President of the private investment fund "Onexim Group", General Director of the Polyus-Zoloto company, owner of the MFK bank

How they buzzed in Courchevel

Yeltsin Jr. has a new girlfriend, and Mikhail Prokhorov has a whole harem
Oligarchs flock to Courchevel for a winter holiday. The lineup in nightclubs is traditional - Prokhorov-Yeltsin Jr.-

Deripaska. Hardening allows the oligarchs to have fun until the morning and immediately after a light French breakfast get on their skis. The life of Courchevel was observed by the secular special correspondent of “MK” Mila Kuzina.
link: http://www.mk.ru/editions/daily/article/

Prokhorov exchanges Courchevel and the girls for the Duma and Right Cause.

However, what difference does it make which girls are used where? - As Mr. Gozman likes to put it, “Whoever pays the girls dances them.”

I would like to remind you that it was Mr. Prokhorov who proposed eliminating the eight-hour working day and replacing it with a 12-hour one with the abolition of overtime. He donates $210 million to support schools... where? - In Newark, New Jersey. But for some reason he is going to get elected in Russia. Nothing less than redeeming the label for reigning in the Muscovite kingdom.
link: http://sl-lopatnikov. livejournal.com/510471.html

Because of the scandal with Prokhorov, Courchevel lost 90 percent of its clients

Reservations for March have been canceled from 90 percent of hotel rooms in Courchevel, writes the Daily Telegraph, citing residents of Rublyovka. Residents of a prestigious Moscow region are boycotting an expensive resort in protest against the actions of the French authorities, who detained billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov in early January. According to the Daily Telegraph, information about the boycott was published in a letter sent by residents of Rublyovka to the Russian media
link: http://lenta.ru/news/2007/01/19/boycott/

France apologized to Mikhail Prokhorov for Courchevel

France apologized to businessman Mikhail Prokhorov for his detention at the Courchevel resort almost three years ago. He was suspected of involvement in organizing a pimping network.
link: http://smi2.ru/Berendei/c242907/

Mikhail Prokhorov exchanged Courchevel for the Crimean Kazantip

Well-known Russian politician Boris Nemtsov today at a press conference in Kyiv called on law enforcement officers to abandon attempts to close the Kazantip festival, where Nemtsov himself vacations every year, and this year “had a blast” with oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, reports the New Region correspondent.
link: http://www.newsland.ru/news/ detail/id/89232/

Courchevel "pres-khata"

Last week, the Russian public watched with curiosity the very unusual events taking place in the French Alps. More precisely, in the famous “oligarch resort” of Courchevel, two dozen Russian citizens – men and women – were arrested. Among those arrested was one of the largest Russian oligarchs - Interros co-owner Mikhail Prokhorov. It soon became known on what charges Mr. Prokhorov was arrested. It turns out that he was charged with pimping.
link: http://www.ap7.ru/na_zlobu_ dnja/kurshavelskaja_pres_hata_ .html

Why was Russian oligarch Prokhorov arrested? A series of sensational arrests were carried out in Courchevel

Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, a man who is not at all burdened with a family, allegedly came on vacation with several young girls of absolutely model appearance. The entrepreneur is generally known as a connoisseur of beauty: he has been spotted more than once in different places with a brood of fashion models. For example, in one of the corporate villages near Moscow, shows and castings of young models from the provinces are often held, which, as Prokhorov’s “well-wishers” again assure (always hiding their last names), he selects for trips with him to Courchevel, Monaco, Sardinia.
link: http://compromat.ru/page_ 19972.htm

Sex scandal in Courchevel: Russian oligarch Prokhorov was caught in the company of prostitutes

Courchevel, January 11 (New Region, Olga Panfilova) - The traditional New Year's holiday of Russian oligarchs in the fashionable French ski resort of Courchevel ended in a big scandal. The co-owner of Interros, the general director of Norilsk Nickel, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, was detained during a raid by the French police to combat prostitution, reports a correspondent of New Region, citing the Vedomosti newspaper. According to the publication, the businessman was tied up early in the morning of January 9. However, according to Gazeta, the police operation took place on Tuesday evening, around 21:00 (23:00 Moscow time), and not in the morning. Representatives of the Lyon police department detained more than 20 people in Courchevel - both prostitutes and their potential clients. According to both media outlets, several other Russian businessmen were detained along with the 41st tycoon, including assistant Dmitry Shatov and vice president of Norilsk Nickel Oleg Baibakov. Several girls were also detained.
link: http://www.nr2.ru/incidents/98894.html

"Hero of Courchevel" oligarch Prokhorov proposed adjusting the labor code to simplify the dismissal of dear Russians

“The existing labor legislation hinders innovative development,” said the Russian oligarch, president of the ONEXIM group Mikhail Prokhorov, speaking on behalf of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs at Russian Business Week. According to his data, Russia is now three to four times behind developed countries in labor productivity.

According to Prokhorov, in order to increase labor productivity, it is necessary to make legislation more flexible regarding the dismissal of workers and reduce the rules governing working hours and rest time, writes Kommersant. Prokhorov noted that the Labor Code presents non-competitive conditions for the terms of dismissal of workers and working pensioners, and also makes the dismissal procedure itself expensive. It takes five months to fire an employee. Speaking about the inflated standards that regulate the working time and rest time of an employee, providing them with benefits and compensation, he gave an example: the working time fund of a Canadian miner is 40% more than the annual working time fund of a similar worker employed in the same northern latitudes in the mines of Russia.
link: http://forum-msk.org/material/news/2914250.html

Mikhail Prokhorov exchanged Courchevel for Bobrovy Log

An eligible billionaire groom, Mikhail Prokhorov, flew to Krasnoyarsk to introduce Denis Morozov, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Khloponin, to his successor as General Director of Norilsk Nickel. But the famous oligarch planned not only official meetings - immediately after business conversations with local officials, he went to the Bobrovy Log ski resort, which is located 20 minutes from the city, to go skiing.
link: http://krsk.kp.ru/daily/23875. 5/192393/

Nicolas Sarkozy called Prokhorov's detention in Courchevel a "curiosity"

PARIS, January 12. French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy called the case of the detention of Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov and several other Russian entrepreneurs a “curiosity.”

“This is what happens to a person who strives for pleasure. It’s curious,” the minister said, smiling, at a press conference in response to a request from journalists to comment on the information about Prokhorov’s detention, RIA Novosti reports.

Mikhail Prokhorov brought several dozen girls from Russia to his house in Courchevel worth $100 million and “rocked” them with Leonid Yarmolnik (photo, video)

Prokhorov's chalet, worth more than 100 million euros, located in one of the most prestigious places in Courchevel, was full of life every evening. During the day, the oligarch rushed like a whirlwind along the local slopes, after which he preferred a different, but no less active form of recreation. After eight in the evening, minibuses arrived in columns at the billionaire’s house, from which the beautiful guests of the 48-year-old politician fluttered out one after another.

The living room in a businessman’s chalet can easily be confused with an expensive restaurant - elite wines flowed like a river here, well-trained servants delicately set the table, and the girls sat behind it in skimpy evening dresses.

The owner of the house at this celebration of life looked like a king - he preferred to sit at the head of the table, and the attention of the “concubines” was tirelessly drawn only to him. The businessman occasionally walked around his property, giving elegant girls unambiguous signs of attention: the oligarch hugged someone and gently stroked his face with his palm, while others received more intimate touches.

Fortunately for Mikhail, none of the beauties were against it. The guests patiently waited for their turn and looked with a contemptuous smile towards their potential rivals, and, as a rule, there were many of them in the house. Some of the girls, apparently not the first time visiting the oligarch, dined in sportswear, like Prokhorov himself. But there were also those who walked around the house with evening makeup and hairstyles, as well as in high heels.

The billionaire's friend Leonid Yarmolnik did not share the politician's hobbies: the actor preferred male company and spends the evening talking with friends.

The party dragged on until late at night - those present began to disperse from the table only at three o'clock. Only those girls who remained without signs of attention from the politician continued the feast until the morning.

"Heat.ru" , 01/10/2014, “Mikhail Prokhorov’s New Year’s holiday in Courchevel”

Mikhail Prokhorov can rightfully be called the most devoted fan of Courchevel. At the beginning of January, the politician and businessman again went to the snowy slopes of the French Alps. As usual, he took with him a cheerful company - a string of young girls.

In the favorite restaurant Tremplin, located in the heart of Courchevel, on a slope with an elevation of 1850 meters, you will no longer meet Prokhorov - now the oligarch is conquering new heights. A private salon with a huge terrace, located in the highlands, attracts politicians much more than the crowded Croisette street.

As soon as the 48-year-old oligarch appeared on the horizon, all the attention of the onlookers around the entrance focused on his tall figure. Everyone there knows Prokhorov: from the waiters to the owner of the establishment, restaurateur Eric Tournier, who greeted the Russian guest in person.

For two and a half hours the girls danced to the most popular Russian songs. By order of Prokhorov, the hit of the Freestyle group “Oh, what a woman” was performed that evening. It is unknown which of the many beauties the composition was addressed to; it seems that they were all at once - the businessman was dancing in a dense ring of flirtatious fans.

In the favorite restaurant Tremplin, located in the heart of Courchevel, on a slope with an elevation of 1850 meters, you will no longer meet Prokhorov - now the oligarch is conquering new heights. A private salon with a huge terrace, located in the highlands, attracts politicians much more than the crowded Croisette street.

Half an hour before Prokhorov’s arrival, models began to flock to the Le Cap Horn restaurant. Girls for every taste in mink coats and capes coyly posed for the businessman’s personal photographer, who, over the course of several years of cooperation, photographed all the long-legged beauties who had received the attention of the billionaire.

As soon as the 48-year-old oligarch appeared on the horizon, all the attention of the onlookers around the entrance focused on his tall figure. Everyone knows Prokhorov there: from the waiters to the owner of the establishment, restaurateur Eric Tournier, who met the Russian guest in person.

For two and a half hours the girls danced to the most popular Russian songs. By order of Prokhorov, the hit of the Freestyle group “Oh, what a woman” was performed that evening. It is unknown which of the many beauties the composition was addressed to; it seems that they were all at once - the businessman was dancing in a dense ring of flirtatious fans.

Later, a “shortfall” was discovered at the party - Mikhail’s assistant went to the next room of the restaurant and began inviting absolutely all the beautiful visitors to the oligarch’s dinner. It seems that Prokhorov was pleased - the fun continued.

Leonid Yarmolnik was also at the celebration. However, he left the establishment first, leaving directly on skis. A little later, Prokhorov himself appeared at the slope with his retinue: he quickly fastened his skis and rushed down - straight to his chalet. The girls in fur coats remained in the restaurant: they did not come to the resort to ride. Later, several minibuses arrived to pick up the beauties.

The “concubines” were brought to Prokhorov’s chalet by minibuses

Original of this material
© Heat.ru, 01/10/2014, Mikhail Prokhorov having fun with girls in Courchevel, Video, photo: Heat.ru

Prokhorov's chalet, worth more than 100 million euros, located in one of the most prestigious places in Courchevel, is bustling with life every evening. During the day, the oligarch rushes like a whirlwind along the local slopes, after which he prefers a different, but no less active form of recreation. After eight in the evening, minibuses arrive in columns at the billionaire’s house, from which the beautiful guests of the 48-year-old politician flutter out one after another.

The living room in a businessman's chalet can easily be confused with an expensive restaurant - elite wines flow here like a river, well-trained servants delicately set the table, and girls sit at it in skimpy evening dresses.

The owner of the house at this celebration of life looks like a king - he prefers to sit at the head of the table, and the attention of the “concubines” is tirelessly drawn only to him. The businessman occasionally walks around his property, presenting elegant girls with unambiguous signs of attention: the oligarch hugs someone and gently strokes his face with his palm, while others receive more intimate touches.

The billionaire's friend Leonid Yarmolnik does not share the politician's hobbies: the actor prefers male company and spends the evening talking with friends.

Together with Prokhorov, several other Russian businessmen were detained, including his assistant Dmitry Shatov.

The traditional January holiday of our oligarchs in Courchevel ended in a big scandal. Co-owner of the Interros company, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, was detained on January 9, 2007 by French police during an anti-prostitution raid carried out at the Courchevel ski resort popular among Russian millionaires, the Vedomosti newspaper writes.

Mikhail Prokhorov was detained in Courchevel early in the morning of January 9, several acquaintances of the Russian tycoon said. An Interros representative confirmed this information, but refused to talk about the circumstances of the incident.

Mikhail Prokhorov

Information about the arrest of Russian tourists was also confirmed by the manager of the Courchevel resort, Zenin Deniz. Their names and numbers are unknown to him, since the raid on the resort hotels was carried out by police from Lyon with the approval of a Lyon judge. “We were not warned about anything, and we do not know any details, as well as the number of those arrested,” says the resort’s police chief, Mr. Omercier.

A top manager of a large Russian holding, now vacationing in Courchevel, says that along with Prokhorov, the police detained his assistant Dmitry Shatov and several girls (according to another businessman, there were three girls). On Tuesday, French police carried out an anti-prostitution operation in Courchevel and some other resorts, a manager says. In Courchevel, according to his information, the police checked three hotels, and they searched mainly the rooms of Russians. A businessman who had just returned from this resort said that a large detachment of police officers, about 40 people, took part in the operation and took the detainees to Lyon. Even the lawyers, who will meet with the detainees only on Thursday, have no contact with Prokhorov.

Oleg Baibakov

“It was a special police unit that operates extremely secretly,” said a journalist from the Lyon publication Le Progres. “Several Russians were detained, the exact number is not known, but we know for sure about two - one Duma deputy and one large industrialist.” The second detainee, according to media reports, was Prokhorov’s partner, the president of the City development company Oleg Baibakov. It is not known what the Russians are suspected of, but the versions of Lyon journalists relate to drugs, prostitution and money laundering.

According to Gazeta, our compatriots are suspected of using the services of elite prostitutes. At the same time, the police reports, according to the publication, mention the names of the vice-president of the Norilsk Nickel company, 39-year-old Oleg Baibakov, and the general director of the company, 41-year-old Mikhail Prokhorov.

As the newspaper notes, the arrest was carried out as part of a campaign to combat prostitution in luxury resorts. In total, according to the publication, more than 20 people were detained - both priestesses of love, whose citizenship was not disclosed, and their possible clients, mostly Russians. Among them there was indeed a man named Baibakov, as stated by law enforcement officers. But law enforcement officials did not say anything about Prokhorov.

A rumor has already spread among Russian tourists in Courchevel that Prokhorov’s detention is connected with his passion for women. Several vacationers in Courchevel noted that they saw him the other day in the company of “too young” girls. True, another regular at this resort and a connoisseur of women claims that “everything was fine there with age.” He is already aware that French law enforcement agencies are now conducting raids on prostitutes at resorts favored by Russians. And Prokhorov and his companions were detained as witnesses in the case of pimping, said another businessman currently vacationing in Courchevel.

Courchevel - one of the most expensive and fashionable Alpine resorts - fell in love with Russian oligarchs thanks to the light hand of the co-owners of Interros. Vladimir Potanin usually celebrates his birthday there on January 3, and Prokhorov throws noisy parties with crowds of young girls. But the local police never had any complaints against the lavishly spending tycoon, notes one of his acquaintances. “It’s just that the French became jealous that Russian oligarchs are having such a luxurious vacation,” one of the regulars of the Russian party in France is indignant.

For show business stars, any popularity is a “plus”, even if the reasons for it have a “minus” sign, so scandals are even desirable. And when we are talking about a serious businessman, a billionaire who occupies a fairly high place in the list of the richest people on the planet, all sorts of scandals are useless, because reputation is precious. But some billionaires take scandals hard, and some don’t seem to notice them and move on. Mikhail Prokhorov managed not only to safely forget the famous Courchevel scandal, but also in some ways even turn it to his advantage.

What they wanted, why they were arrested is unclear...

The French ski resort of Courchevel in the late nineties - mid-2000s was a favorite winter holiday destination, especially New Year's, for wealthy Russian entrepreneurs, show business stars, as well as their companions. So at the beginning of January 2007, Courchevel was, as usual then, literally packed with Russians, among whom was one of the richest people in Russia, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, who was vacationing here with his friends, colleagues and acquaintances. But on January 9, 2007, an unpleasant surprise awaited him: he and his companions were arrested by the French police and placed in pre-trial detention. However, no specific charges were brought forward.

It subsequently emerged that French police had conducted searches and arrests in three hotels in Courchevel as part of an operation to suppress a network of supply of elite prostitutes from Eastern Europe to prestigious resorts. Among Prokhorov's entourage in Courchevel were several young women of model appearance, in whose luggage many packages of condoms were found, which became the basis for suspicions of prostitution. Moreover, at the very beginning of the events, there were reports in the press that Prokhorov and the people detained with him were facing charges of sexual contact with minors and even pimping (both activities, unlike using the services of prostitutes, are criminally punishable in France). However, no charges were brought, most of the detainees were released after a few hours, Prokhorov and a number of people were released three days later. The events of January 9, 2007 had no legal consequences for any of the persons involved in the story.

By a strange coincidence, elections were just around the corner.

When it became clear that the detention of Prokhorov and the people accompanying him by the French police in Courchevel would not have any serious consequences and was initially completely useless, versions began to be put forward as to what caused this incident. According to tradition, they first began to look for enemies from Prokhorov himself, so to speak, the “Russian trace”. It was suggested that this was an action organized from Russia and, in fact, ordered, which was supposed to hit Prokhorov’s reputation and complicate his business and socio-political activities.

However, much more logical was the opinion about the purely French origin of the story with the searches of Courchevel hotels and the detention of wealthy Russians. The “everyday” version sounded like this: several times a year the Lyon police department organizes demonstration operations to protect morality. This time, the scene of such a demonstrative operation was the prestigious resort of Courchevel, and, moreover, successful defendants were selected, since the pastime of rich Russians at European resorts was and is not the best known.

The version tied to the personality of the then French Minister of the Interior has a more political overtone. This post was held at the beginning of 2007 by none other than Nicolas Sarkozy, who was preparing for the spring presidential elections. Sarkozy earned his political reputation precisely as a tough minister, ready to defend law and order. Perhaps he thought it was a good idea to once again demonstrate his commitment to the law and principles of morality, despite the big names of Russian billionaires. This version is indirectly confirmed by Sarkozy’s own comment when, after Prokhorov’s arrest, the minister was asked about his attitude to this event: “This is what happens to people who strive too much for pleasure.”

Courchevel - losses, Prokhorov - order

The fact that the consequences of the Courchevel scandal turned out to be much more negative for France than for Mikhail Prokhorov is actually not surprising. From a legal point of view, it was initially clear that this story would not have any serious consequences for the Russian billionaire. But hardly anyone thought about what this would mean for Courchevel, which has become a truly elite and highly profitable resort thanks to the influx of wealthy guests from Russia. The reaction of the Russian rich turned out to be lightning fast: already in January 2007, 90% of requests for room reservations in Courchevel hotels were canceled by Russian clients. Subsequently, Courchevel lost its title as a favorite vacation spot for the Russian financial elite, who gradually moved to other European resorts. True, many less wealthy Russian guests came to Courchevel, but their thinner wallets mean a reduction in the resort's income.

As for the consequences of the incident in Courchevel for Mikhail Prokhorov himself, the billionaire did not seem to notice this trouble. Inside Russia, there were no clearly negative long-term image consequences for Prokhorov; rather, on the contrary: if earlier Prokhorov was one of the Russian oligarchs, now he has gained personal fame. The hatchet between Prokhorov and the French authorities was finally buried in 2011, when, for financing numerous charitable, cultural and educational projects, Prokhorov became a Knight of the Legion of Honor, the most prestigious award in France.

Alexander Spivakov