Develop esoteric abilities. How to develop clairvoyance abilities. Dreams: wisdom from the kingdom of Morpheus

Welcome again. What is magic? This is a whole system of thinking when a person, with the help of secret forces, influences spirit and matter. Man is a thinking being, therefore, the makings of such abilities exist in each of us. You just need to know how to develop magical abilities in yourself. Is it possible? Is it easy or simple? This is exactly what we will tell you about today.

Practical steps

Nowadays, there are many different so-called magic schools or circles, especially in large cities, which supposedly teach all the intricacies of superpowers from clairvoyance to telekinesis.

We will not tell you about them, since often the organizers of such institutions have the same attitude to magic as the ancient shamans of Mesopotamia to the structure of a modern computer. And their main goal is to lighten your wallet by a certain amount “”.

We will talk to you about how to develop your secret capabilities yourself at home. It is clear that for this you need to develop all your senses to such a level that you can literally feel the energy of any person, see the aura, and, most importantly, absolutely control your own will, feelings and sensations.

A few steps will help us with this. Only, if you really need results, then you need to work them out more than once through careful training; you yourself will understand when the goals of a particular step are achieved.

Learning to relax

So much literature has been written about complete relaxation, everything seems clear and it seems, well, what’s so complicated about it? But in reality, nothing works out; inner tightness and tension remain, and it’s impossible to completely relax. And we will try.

So, you need to lie on the bed, on the floor or on the sofa, so that it is comfortable and no one bothers you. We start with the tips of your toes, feel them and completely relax, then go to your feet, heels, ankles, shins, knees, hips, just imagine every centimeter of your body. Sacrum, lower back, abdomen, solar plexus, arms (starting with fingertips), back, shoulders, neck.

Pay special attention to relaxing the facial muscles; the most difficult thing is with the eyes (it’s better to close them). This practice should be carried out every day for a few minutes, when you manage to completely relax (and this will not happen right away), remember this state, feel it, so that later you can calmly enter it in everyday life;

Memory and attention training

Try to describe in detail what the people you spoke with today were wearing? What kind of hairstyles did they have? It’s hard to remember all the little things, isn’t it? Let's practice.

You enter a room or an unfamiliar place where there are a lot of people. Take a close look at all the details contained in this new location. Turn away and try to recall them in your memory. Or count certain objects and then reproduce them in your mind.

You can train your visual attention when you are standing in traffic, in line, on the beach, in the library, and anywhere else. Over time, this will become a habit and you will only have to look at an unfamiliar environment and you will remember all the details;

We train our sense of smell. Try to smell all the smells that surround you. We often don't think about how our sense of smell works. Break down all the smells into their components. What do you feel?

The smell of flowers, pizza (what it is made of, smell each ingredient), the smell of perfume (what notes are present in it) and all other smells. Evaluate your sensations, say mentally what your olfactory organs feel. You will be surprised when you realize how many different smells fill your life;

Ear training. Usually, before going to bed, a person tries to “disconnect” from all surrounding sounds. On the other hand, try to listen to everything you hear for a few minutes. Perhaps you will hear the sound of a passing car, what is it, a truck or a car?

Practice this way. This is necessary in order to, if necessary, hear the quiet voice of higher consciousness (or, as it is also called “the voice from above”), which is usually barely audible;

Energetic message of positive energy. Surely you have acquaintances, friends, relatives who have certain problems, troubles, dead-end situations. Try to mentally send them a positive message, a wish, form a source of light in your mind, direct it mentally to a specific person, wish him joy, happiness, harmony, healing.

Perform this ritual several times, and then see if your message helps. Don’t stop if it doesn’t work right away, because the sure way to achieve nothing is to do nothing;

We set the internal alarm clock. Try it and you will be very surprised. How to do it? Before going to bed, while lying in bed, you need to impress upon yourself the time at which you want to wake up. Imagine a watch dial, place the hands on the desired numbers.

Set a mental alarm clock. Think about it, give yourself the mindset to wake up at this time. To avoid oversleeping and being late for work, set your internal alarm clock ten to twenty minutes earlier than your regular alarm clock. Sit with this thought for a few minutes. Now you can sleep peacefully. This exercise is almost always successful the first time. Check if you can do it?

In the ways described above, you need to develop your all five senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste). Training the senses is necessary in order to be able to perceive at a subtle level the signs and signals of higher forces (higher consciousness), and most importantly, to hear the quiet voice of your own inner “I”, that is, your sixth sense - intuition, which is essentially extrasensory ( hypersensitive) perception.

Now that your senses are sufficiently trained, you can learn to access the basic psychic level. This is the level at which practicing magicians and psychics work. Access to deeper levels of consciousness is not often used for deeper practices, but more on that another time.

Access to the basic extrasensory level.

  1. Relax, close your eyes;
  2. Imagine a spiral staircase of ten steps that leads to the basement (into the depths of your subconscious), you are standing on the highest tenth step;
  3. Visualize yourself going down, at each step you say to yourself “I have reached a deeper level of consciousness”;
  4. When you find yourself at the very bottom step (you must clearly imagine this), tell yourself: “I have reached the basic level of psychic abilities, now to achieve it I will only need to count from three to one”;
  5. Open your eyes, try to do the same exercise with your eyes open. Practice this exercise when you need a special state of consciousness to solve certain problems, find answers to questions, or help other people.

Thank you, friends, for your attention. You will receive even more interesting information if you subscribe to our new articles. Share with friends, develop your hidden abilities for the benefit of yourself and all living things, happiness to you.

Clairvoyance and healing have been of interest to people for a long time. And who doesn't want to push their limits? Reading minds, predicting future events, understanding the motives of other people - all this amazes the imagination.

What if it became available to you? How much can be done with supernatural abilities!

But the gift of clairvoyance is the privilege of a few. Some people have it from birth, and there are only a few such people, while others develop it on their own, but for this you need to work hard.

There is a theory according to which our world consists of several layers, like a pie, and each layer is a separate dimension. Sometimes the layers intersect, overlapping each other. The closest to our world is the astral dimension, in which all energies are contained, and it is part of our world, its important component.

Each person lives in it as an astral body, all thoughts and experiences are recorded there. Clairvoyants can create a strong connection between their material and astral bodies, and thanks to this they receive information from the subtle plane that is inaccessible to others.

That is why they can see both the past and the future, because in the astral dimension all information is written down, as if in a book, you just need to be able to read it. Anyone with a strong will can develop clairvoyance abilities, but this will require a lot of effort.

On one's own

First, decide why you need clairvoyance. You should continue if you want to use it:

  • Help people,
  • Develop and grow personally,
  • Learn the secret and use it for good.

But if you only need abilities to feel exceptional, to feel superior to other people, or to interfere in other people's destinies by harming people, you shouldn't even try to master the skill.

The Universe will not allow subtle energies to be used so roughly, and in the end it will be worse for you. But if you plan to use your abilities for good, go for it!


1. There are several methods that allow you to develop clairvoyant abilities. Here is the first one. Find a secluded place, make sure there are no distractions, and make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Turn off the lights, turn on the floor lamp, light candles, or generally stay in semi-darkness, closing the curtains if it happens during the day. By the way, it is better to perform these actions in the morning, when your mind is not yet tired.

Close your eyes and relax, throw all thoughts out of your head. When you concentrate, try to look up and then down, left and then right through closed eyelids. Do this twenty times.

After this, without opening your eyes, move them in a circle, as if drawing it, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Then you need to look exactly in front of you, and then inside yourself, to the center of the skull, and then back.

Repeat all the exercises fifteen to twenty times, and after that all you have to do is sit a little longer with your eyes closed, relaxing, and then slowly get up and return to normal life. This exercise provides a kind of massage of the “third eye”, and it should be done regularly.

2. Another exercise for developing abilities in this area is done with the help of photographs. Take someone's photo - someone you know, but not necessarily close, it doesn't matter - put it on the table and look at it as carefully as possible. At the same time, you must be completely concentrated on the process, unnecessary thoughts should not distract.

Periodically close your eyes and imagine this person in as much detail as possible. At the same time, it is important to remain calm and relaxed. When the image in your head becomes as clear as possible, sit back in a chair or armchair and, without opening your eyes, ask yourself what you want to know about the person. For example, what is he doing now?

Now don't think about anything and just be in a relaxed state. You will either see some images or hear a voice that will answer the question, but this will not happen immediately.

If all else fails, there is no need to forcefully evoke images, just calmly stop the exercise and resume it the next day. Then ask the person what he was doing at that time and see if it matches the information you received.

3. The following exercise can teach you to see through objects, but this effect is achieved only through regular practice, and very slowly. Sit comfortably about a meter away from the wall, concentrate all your attention on one point, which is located just above eye level, approximately opposite the middle of your forehead.

Try not to blink and look at this point for a long time, and then unfocus your gaze and look around the entire wall. Look like this for the same amount of time as you would at a point, that is, about fifteen minutes. After this, try to see the point, but not outside the wall, but on the other side. Look at her just as much.

This exercise develops consciousness, teaches concentration and helps you learn to see with your third eye, but only if you do it every day.

Towards healing

Some people are born with the gift of healing, but even then it takes work and development. You are most likely capable if the following statements apply to you:

  • You want to help others, to heal them.
  • There were talented people in your family with unusual abilities, perhaps healers.
  • You feel diseases intuitively, as well as the way to get rid of them.
  • You can make a diagnosis without having a medical education, and it will turn out to be correct.
  • You have a positive attitude towards doctors, but are often ready to argue with them.
  • You believe that many diseases are caused by factors that are not at all what modern medicine talks about.
  • You believe in psychics, you know that such abilities are not fiction.
    You have a positive attitude towards people, misanthropy is alien to you.
  • In addition, you can determine your healing abilities using palmistry.

If you have a clear line on your hand, running from the middle of the mind line to the ring finger, then you have these abilities. If it is on both hands at once, the abilities are with you from birth, but if on one, they are acquired.

In addition, the line may appear over time if you study healing. The presence of abilities can be determined by a clairvoyant or a clinical medical examination, which can be completed by those who have mastered the basics of healing.

But if you feel a burning need to treat people, and are ready to take on such responsibility, nothing should stop you. Master the basics and try to treat your loved ones for minor illnesses; if it starts to work out, it means your abilities have appeared.

Remember that if you decide to become a healer, you must not forget that you cannot take money for unsuccessful treatment, but you need to be absolutely sure that everything will work out.

And there is no need to be afraid of getting infected, because this can happen precisely because of fear, and nothing else. A true healer does not need special techniques, he simply takes and heals with his energy, gaze, aspiration.

And his main weapon is self-confidence. Although a minimum amount of medical knowledge will not hurt. You can also sign up for healing courses, which can be found online.

Towards extrasensory perception

Extrasensory perception abilities manifest themselves differently in everyone who has them - someone can know who is calling them even before they look at the screen, someone sees prophetic dreams, someone reads thoughts.

You can develop abilities with the help of special exercises, and some argue that anyone who is persistent enough in their desire to achieve what they want can achieve this. The main thing is to believe in the result, never be disappointed in yourself, and drive away doubts.

You always need to be positive. Concentration is a necessary skill for developing these abilities, and it can be developed through meditation. Listen to your inner voice, do not ignore the prompts of your intuition.

A diary in which you will record your achievements will help you develop your psychic abilities. For example, prophetic dreams or predicted events. It is important to engage in visualization, for example, take a random image, preferably in printed form, peer into it, and then, with your eyes closed, recreate the image with precision. The same can be done with photographs.

Many people now dream about this, because it is always nice to know more than others. Centuries of prohibitions have passed, information has become available, the topic of the unknown has gained wide publicity. Nothing is impossible, and everyone has psychic abilities, you just need to be able to notice them in yourself. You can develop extrasensory perception quite quickly, in a couple of months, if you try hard and believe in the result. The method consists of increasing sensitivity to the subtle worlds, strengthening the etheric and astral bodies, which are atrophied in ordinary people, and expanding perception.

To start working, you need to believe in the very possibility of a different worldview. Excessive skepticism comes from a reluctance to learn new things, from fear of it, and of responsibility for one’s views (it is easier to borrow them without checking them for correctness). Logical analysis does not take into account very many factors, while the soul, which has a connection with all living things, can “see them”, and the possible result to which the combination of these factors will lead. Moreover, these factors can be influenced by simulating events. Therefore, during practice, turn off logic, it will not give you the desired result, since it operates only with physical senses and generally accepted patterns, or extremes, or incomplete, possibly incorrect information, with its help it is impossible to learn new things, it operates in already known, “fenced” limits.

First exercise

Designed specifically to disable logical analysis and self-control. It is done quite simply: you need to try to imagine what is behind the wall, or behind any other obstacle (in the closet, bedside table, behind the door, in the next apartment). Now it doesn’t matter how reliable this information is, the goal is to turn off logical, template thinking. Don't try to analyze and remember, just imagine the first thing that comes to mind. Easy and relaxed, without creativity and attempts to “draw” a picture artificially. You just need to imagine it. This is the basis of clairvoyance.

You can do the exercise as much as you like until you get tired and simply cannot suppress the desire to invent, imagine, remember, analyze. Most likely, this will be accompanied by anger and irritation. The practice must be completed and repeated after a few hours or the next day.

After this exercise, you may feel a headache, as if you have been solving complex problems for a long time. There will be spiritual fatigue, and this is very good - the soul also needs training. They also don’t become jocks overnight.

You need to repeat until you learn to “see” easily, without internal resistance. You may also be surprised by the high accuracy of vision with good concentration. The first success has already been achieved; before the full development of psychic abilities, it remains to consolidate and strengthen the skills.

Second exercise

Designed to increase sensitivity to subtle bodies and concentration. It is also very simple to perform, it is a meditation during which there is no need to do anything other than listening to silence and contemplation. To do this, you will need a quiet place; an ordinary apartment in which you need to be alone is quite suitable. It doesn’t have to be completely quiet, the main thing is that there are no distracting sounds: a lawnmower, a track under the windows, music. This is just a start, then you will be able to maintain concentration even in very noisy and bustling places. Peace in the soul is necessary to perceive its urges. For the first time, it is better to use some room that is best lit by natural light, but not near a window - there it will be more difficult for you to maintain a state of peace within yourself. After several successful practices, you can already try on the balcony, from where you can better hear the sounds of the street, and perhaps see someone through the window (but you don’t need to set such a task for yourself).

First part performed with open eyes. Try to get rid of thoughts, free your mind. Turn off the internal dialogue (internal dialogue) for at least 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing this period. Do it easily, without aggression or irritability, just let go of the thoughts that force you to constantly waste energy on useless things. Listen to the sounds, but don't think about them, just listen. If this is a speech, don’t analyze it, don’t give in to thinking, just perceive it without evaluating it in any way. At the moment, it is not important for you to know what some passer-by is talking about, you simply let his words pass by without keeping them in your mind.

After a few minutes, you will already feel how everything around is filled with light and love, you will feel lightness, as if the shackles have been thrown off you. You have freed yourself from the dictatorship of the mind, so far only temporarily, by clearing your perception of its distortions.

Second part practice occurs with closed eyes, starting from the moment described above. Now you need to feel this light without eyes, use your inner perception. Imagine as if you clearly see everything around you, and sensations of objects will begin to come to you. The surrounding space will become part of you. This will indicate the success of the practice; your perception of the world has become broader.

This is a very important practice. Through the internal sensation of the world, the vision of inaccessible information is realized. If you did everything correctly and it worked out for you, then only a test will confirm the development of psychic abilities. It is easy to arrange it in everyday life, without doing anything special for it: perform the first exercise together with the sensations of the second, somewhere in an unfamiliar environment, provided that you cannot know what is behind some door or wall, for example , at work, in a store, in a neighboring house. Act naturally, without appearing to be doing anything unusual or looking for something.

You can find out information about people in the same way. Any clue will do: a personal item, a photograph, being nearby. Just like in the first exercise, just see what a person is interested in, what kind of character and problems he has in life, what he is interested in. Nowadays, almost everyone is registered on at least one social network, so there shouldn’t be any problems finding people to check. After the “scanning” you can chat with the person, and after a few days it will be clear whether you were right or wrong.

Third exercise

It is not mandatory, but it is extremely important for those who want to consciously develop further and benefit other people by helping them with their problems. This is self-initiation, or the first phase of awakening, as they like to say in various esoteric literature. Roughly the same thing happens during magical initiation, only this time collectively. The point is to change your attitude towards life completely, to start living by new rules. The opposite moment will immediately arise, and life will begin to help you along the way if your intentions are pure.

This is a continuation of the second exercise. You can use music and any form of meditation that suits you best. The main thing is to evoke sensations in your soul, to feel how power flows through you, how something awakens inside, filling you with limitless energy. Some chakras may well open, you will feel them as points of concentration of energy, and kundalini is a flow along the spine from bottom to top. These are more serious practices, read about them separately before you start.

The goal is to feel the love of this world, which gives you endless possibilities. It will fill you from the inside. No matter how exactly you achieve this state, there are a great variety of practices.

A significant success factor will be knowing in advance why you need it. Usually people begin to awaken because the time has come and they can no longer live in the old way. Or, what is much less common, a person himself suddenly begins to want to know more about the world, to see all its facets, to find answers to all his questions, without wasting his already short life waiting for someone to do everything for him.

After self-initiation, a number of other wonderful abilities may appear: you will begin to eat and get tired less, sleep less, spontaneously see the aura of people and objects, astral beings. But it’s not at all necessary; the consequences are individual for everyone.

In conclusion I would like to advise those interested and wishing to develop psychic abilities to study more esoteric materials, which now abound on the Internet. Then move on to serious literature by recognized authors, from which you can glean many practical points. And always think for yourself, without relying on someone. This is your life, you need to achieve everything yourself, and free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Esotericists never “give fish” if it is not profitable for them; they teach “to fish” if they pursue bright goals.

I once had a conversation with some friends about who becomes a Magician and how. Each of us has seen people with pronounced occult abilities and talents who do anything but practice. Indeed: the presence of some data does not oblige you to follow exactly the path in life where they exist. There were also conscious, easily trained esotericists who, it would seem, see everything, feel everything, understand everything, but they were never able to achieve significant success in esoteric training. And at the same time, there are a couple of examples when initially a person had no understanding, the person did not feel, see or realize anything, but thanks to his own perseverance, perseverance and following all the recommendations, he managed to achieve success in magic and energy practices in general, which from no one was waiting for him. Since the topic of the role of abilities in learning various ways of working with energy is important for many, I decided to speak out on the blog.

By and large, good abilities, initial sensitivity and a tendency to engage in esoteric practices decide little, either in the initial stages of training or later. Much more important is the obsession with practice, the desire to constantly work on yourself and your energy, the willingness to make efforts and develop in this direction. And abilities and talents - they can help in some way, push a person to make efforts in one or another esoteric direction. Abilities can determine which part of the magical or occult disciplines will be easier for a person than others. For some it is healing, for others it is astrology, while others have a penchant for qigong. With all this, please note that the presence of good abilities in one direction does not mean that a person will be able to engage ONLY in this area. Most likely, for proper, harmonious development, you will have to work and practice many different techniques and methods of working with energy. Sometimes you will have to do this, overcoming your misunderstanding, rejection and irritation, your “I don’t want”, in order to then feel the results, see how “that strange thing” has a positive effect on practicing your “favorite” practices and techniques. This can be difficult, but all this is necessary if a person takes the practices seriously, as his life, and not just as a way to have fun.

Why am I saying this? And to the fact that good results when engaging in esoteric practices, just like in various “rational” spheres of life, are obtained not by the most talented and capable, not by those who show promise, but by those who are ready to make efforts and diligently practice for achieving the desired result. Even if at first it turns out, to put it mildly, “not very well,” but if a person sincerely strives to become as strong and transformed as his teachers and older comrades, if he makes every effort to achieve a result, he will succeed, sooner or later. In the same way, if a very capable, gifted person does not show any particular interest in practices, does not work, is capricious - “I will only do this, but I won’t teach - it’s boring and difficult,” then what serious results can there be? speech? Right...

Remember, friends: in esotericism, as in the rational world, the degree of success and speed of growth (extrasensory and spiritual development) is determined primarily not by the size of innate abilities, but by the amount of effort invested. And abilities are something that can make your path a little easier, but not go through it for you.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Development of magical abilities

Difficulties in developing magical abilities

"Hello! I have persistently and persistently developed magical abilities this summer in different ways available to me. But unsuccessfully. On the pages of your website I read that uncontrolled, spontaneous development of magical abilities(and it seems to me that this is partly what happened to me) can cause serious harm to loved ones. Recently my mother died. True, before this event she had been ill for many years, and in the last year her illnesses had intensified significantly. Is it really true that my “such” development of my magical abilities could have a strong impact on the deterioration of her health and even lead to death. I ask you to give me a qualified answer, as this may affect my future life."

The development of magical abilities activates a person has all the life programs that he has at the moment. These programs can be aimed at both good and evil. For example, if a person is in a state of negative attitude towards some people, this program is aimed at evil. Thus, when a person tries to develop magical abilities in himself, regardless of whether he succeeds or not, his close people always feel it.

Most people who practice magic and try to develop magical abilities do not know how to control their thoughts and emotions. At the same time, their negative programs are activated much more strongly than programs aimed at good. Naturally, this negatively affects loved ones and the person himself. Against this background, close people also activate primarily negative programs. Because of this, their energy (life force) decreases and they become more vulnerable.

All of the above applies not only to development of magical abilities, conducting magical rituals and magical wars. The same can happen if a person begins to intensively engage in his self-improvement or energy gain. Because in any case, the concentration of energy in a particular person increases and all his life programs are also activated.

Therefore, without clear control of your thoughts, emotions and actions, it is impossible to engage in gaining energy, spiritual improvement, developing magical abilities, and performing various magical actions.

Before approaching this, you need to think carefully and weigh everything. Because on any of these paths you will have to give up a lot. And not everyone is ready for this. For example, many serious, powerful magicians and healers do not have a good personal life, either they do not have children, or their wives and children get sick and die prematurely. Therefore, some of these professionals deliberately lead a solitary lifestyle, and also abandon all their relatives and stop maintaining relationships with them. This is their conscious choice to preserve the health and life of their loved ones. Few people are capable of this. History confirms this. All serious occultists, who lived in different times and different countries, lived alone, alone, they had no family. They abandoned their personal lives in order to devote themselves entirely to knowledge of the world, the study of occult sciences and spiritual development.

In India Where people traditionally understand these things, men only take up the spiritual path after they have raised children. They leave their family and begin to engage in spiritual practices without exposing their family. Or young men who do not yet have a family take the spiritual path. Everything happens thoughtfully and consciously.

Many people who read our books, articles, materials from our website and club, they refuse magic, and especially magical actions towards their offenders (debtors, traitors, enemies), and also refuse love spells. There is a revaluation of values. There is already so much evil in the world.

Besides, for real any time a person can develop good magical abilities only if in his soul the amount of love prevails over desires, over the energy of evil, over selfishness.

Quickly develop magical abilities during a year maybe a person who already has a base. That is, he has already been engaged in spiritual practices in past incarnations and he has specific achievements.

For everyone else who does not have these developments, It will not be possible to quickly develop magical abilities. They, too, will have to go through this entire difficult path. In other words, everyone’s starting conditions are different, and therefore the results are different.

If a person is in a state of magical war, which he started himself, and indignation and even aggression prevail in his soul, He is unlikely to be able to develop magical abilities. It’s one thing to learn to shoot accurately, or to learn how to use karate or other types of martial arts to physically attack an enemy. It’s a completely different matter to learn to feel energy and work with this energy. A person who is at a high emotional intensity is not able to feel the subtlest vibrations of energy. This requires peace of mind. And the energy of love and understanding gives peace of mind.

Therefore, many people try to develop magical abilities for months and years, but they have little success. You need to start by controlling your thoughts and emotions.. And also set a clear goal - why these abilities are needed. If the goal is noble, aimed at the positive, then the chances of this person increase. If the goal is aimed at taking revenge on an enemy, punishing an offender, or extracting money from a debtor by magical means, then the chances of positive success in developing magical abilities are minimal.

Conclusion: Before you begin to develop magical abilities or engage in any spiritual practice, you must clearly understand your goal, your capabilities and consequences.

Many people do not set themselves the goal of developing magical abilities. They lead a monastic lifestyle, and their abilities themselves appear as they grow spiritually.


"Hello, dear Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

Of course, somewhere inside me I understood that there could be consequences from my attempts to develop magical abilities. And I completely agree with what you wrote! I think that many understand the possible consequences, but few believe that all this can affect him. But when the person closest to you suddenly dies because of your own stupidity...

I hope that at least someone can learn from my experience!

Thank you very much! With all respect, Andrew"

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Love spell and its consequences –

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