Ultrasound for cellulite at home. Vacuum anti-cellulite massager - does it help against cellulite? The mechanism of the effect of ultrasound on cellulite

Complex Effects on the Skin

Phonophoresis with active drugs for weight loss

Ultrasonic phonophoresis is a common method of physiotherapy and hardware cosmetology, based on a combination of ultrasound and special therapeutic or cosmetic products.

Phonophoresis uses the effect of mechanical vibrations on tissue with a frequency of over 16 kHz. They provide a kind of micromassage to the cells, penetrating to a depth of 4-6 cm.

Under the influence of phonophoresis occurs activation of cellular metabolism, lymphatic drainage and local circulation. Ultrasound accelerates regeneration processes, reduces swelling, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, increases the adsorption properties of the skin, therefore the introduction of medicinal substances into the tissue - phonophoresis - allows them to have a more intense effect on the skin.

The active substances penetrating during phonophoresis accumulate, forming a “skin depot”, from which they gradually enter the blood.

Ultrasonic phonophoresis in cosmetology is indicated for cellulite, lipid metabolism disorders, for the administration of special drugs, circulatory and lymphatic drainage disorders.

Phonophoresis provides heating, deep micromassage, saturation of tissues with oxygen, increases the elasticity of connective tissue by restoring collagen and elastin fibers.

Ultrasound waves during phonophoresis destroy the fibrous framework surrounding cellulite cells, as a result of which fat deposits are reduced and skin elasticity increases.

For phonophoresis, drugs are used that, under the influence of ultrasound, accelerate the process of destruction of the fibrous framework in cellulite and the removal of decay products from the cell. A course of phonophoresis for the treatment of cellulite usually consists of 8-12 procedures, which are carried out every day. The break between courses should be 3-5 months.

Before the phonophoresis procedure, a special weight loss preparation is applied to the skin, increasing blood circulation and facilitating the removal of fluid from the body. Using an ultrasonic electrode, the cosmetologist makes light movements on the skin, changing the power of the ultrasonic wave, you can get effects of varying depths. Subjectively, a pleasant vibration is felt on the skin.

The course includes 10 - 15 procedures with a frequency of 2 - 3 times a week.
As an advantage of phonophoresis, it is worth noting that the effect of the injected cosmetic product continues for several days after the procedure. A good effect is achieved after 6 procedures, a lasting effect - after 15. The course of phonophoresis is recommended to be repeated after 6 - 8 months.

Phonophoresis goes well with other cosmetic procedures. Phonophoresis acts very gently and is completely painless. Rare contraindications to phonophoresis are various skin diseases, including cancer.

This is followed by pressotherapy. These procedures are perfectly combined, complementing each other.

Pressotherapy(hardware lymphatic drainage, pneumomassage, pulse barotherapy) - a method of mechanical massage performed using compressed air supplied under pressure into a special suit. The procedure can be compared to measuring blood pressure with a tonometer, but as if a cuff was placed on the legs, arms, thighs and abdomen.

The procedure activates cell receptors responsible for the breakdown of fat.

The idea of ​​this procedure is to activate the cell receptors responsible for the breakdown of fat, and at the same time cleanse and nourish the skin. The press massage technique uses the method of hardware physiotherapy, which is a method of mechanical action on the underlying tissues, as a result of which excess extracellular fluid is displaced from them - lymphatic drainage.

Ultrasonic massage has many positive effects:

  • Strengthens blood and lymph circulation
  • Dilates blood vessels
  • Improves the functioning of skin glands
  • Pain relief
  • Increases tissue elasticity
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Smoothes scars
  • Relieves muscle spasms (including helping to smooth out wrinkles)
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in cells.

In addition, ultrasonic massage promotes deeper penetration of cosmetics and medicinal ointments into the skin.

An ultrasonic massager is a device that sends ultrasound waves. Such waves are capable of penetrating to a depth of up to 7 cm. The ultrasonic massager massages the cells of subcutaneous tissues, creating ultrasound vibrations with a frequency of up to 1 MHz (1,000,000 times per second). At the same time, all cells are compressed and unclenched, which achieves the effect of massage or stimulation of subcutaneous tissues.

Ultrasonic massage is especially useful in the treatment of cellulite at all stages. Ultrasound accelerates metabolism inside cells, activates lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins, improves the elasticity and appearance of the skin. All this actively contributes to the removal of various manifestations of cellulite.

Cellulite begins with the appearance of edema and lymph stagnation. All this leads to a slowdown in metabolism in fat cells. As a result, waste products accumulate in them. The slagged cells increase in size, and over time, compacted accumulations of fat cells appear under the skin. These conglomerates, which resemble lumps in appearance, interfere with the normal circulation of fluids under the skin, thereby contributing to the further development of cellulite.

Using ultrasound, it is possible to destroy these seals and crush them. At the same time, lymphatic drainage and blood circulation are activated, metabolism in cells is accelerated, toxins are released into the blood and removed from the body through the excretory system.

In the last stages of cellulite, an ultrasonic massager is simply irreplaceable. There is hardly any other remedy that can effectively cope with the disease at this stage.

During the process of ultrasonic massage, body volumes not only do not decrease, but may even increase slightly. This is due to the fact that as a result of the destruction of cellulite conglomerates, a large amount of fluid appears in the intercellular space. You can speed up its removal from the body, for example, using electrical stimulation. Therefore, ultrasonic massage is recommended to be combined with myostimulation.

In addition to anti-cellulite use, ultrasound is used in cosmetology for facial cleansing and lifting. Ultrasonic cleansing is very gentle and can be done by anyone, regardless of skin type. Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to clean and tighten pores, remove dead skin particles.

Ultrasonic lifting is equally popular. Ultrasound increases skin elasticity, strengthens subcutaneous muscles, and stimulates the formation of collagen fibers. All this contributes to the fact that the oval of the face becomes clearer, the skin tightens, acquires youthful elasticity and beauty. An ultrasonic massager will be useful to any woman who takes care of herself and the condition of her skin.

Cellulite is a degeneration, a structural change in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Modern girls resort to various methods of getting rid of the “orange peel”. Often, weight loss and a qualitative change in physical activity have a small effect on the reduction of bumps. Cosmetology offers effective procedures, there are quite a lot of them. All that remains is to make a choice.

It is possible to correct your figure and make problem areas firm without unevenness and dimples without surgical intervention (liposuction). In addition, fat removal surgery takes a significant toll on your pocket. Anti-cellulite programs have many advantages, they are painless and comfortable.

LPG massage

Hardware techniques combine the use of a vacuum-vibration manipulator, which is moved over cellulite areas. Rotating massage rollers create pressure, and the vacuum in the device captures areas of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The vacuum procedure is carried out using a special suit. What to expect after a course (10–20 sessions) of LPG massages:

  • reduction of swelling and volume of the fat layer;
  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • skin elasticity during aging;
  • elimination of “orange peel”;
  • scar resorption.

Be wary of such massages if you have:

  • any neoplasms that rise above the skin (vascular tumors, moles);
  • skin infections, inflammatory processes, fungal infections that can spread to healthy areas of the body;
  • hernias, inflamed lymph nodes, thrombophlebitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • menstruation (first 2 days);
  • acute infections accompanied by fever;
  • blood diseases;
  • abnormalities in the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy.

Electrical stimulation

Pulsed low-frequency modulated current affects muscle contraction (skeletal, smooth). Thanks to electrolyte shifts in problem areas, muscles passively contract and relax.


  • the general condition of the skin improves, sagging disappears;
  • the relief becomes smoother;
  • the amount of fat deposits decreases;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow increase;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • wastes and toxins are intensively removed;
  • the vascular network and its tissues are strengthened;
  • the functioning of internal organs improves.


  • epilepsy;
  • feverish conditions;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.


Pneumomassage is carried out by mechanical dosed wave-like action of chambers filled with compressed air. The procedure is carried out using a special suit divided into sections. The computer program runs modes with increased pressure and vacuum.

Pressotherapy helps:

  • “squeeze” liquid out of tissues;
  • reduce swelling;
  • increase the rate of outflow of lymph and venous blood;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • remove metabolic products;
  • increase immunity, develop stress resistance.
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases of organs in the area where the procedure is applied;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • tuberculosis;
  • menses;
  • carrying a baby;
  • breastfeeding period.


Works with fat tissue using low-frequency modulated electrical current that stimulates beta receptors. This activates lipolysis. Fats are broken down into fatty acids, they can be absorbed by the body or excreted along with bile.

Advantages of electrolipolysis after 12 sessions:

  • blood flow accelerates due to warming of adipose tissue;
  • lymph flow is stimulated;
  • the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues is normalized;
  • metabolic products are excreted.

The cosmetic procedure cannot be performed in cases of:

  • pacemaker;
  • metal implants;
  • cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • skin infections;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Microcurrent therapy

Characterized by the use of low-frequency modulated pulsed weak current. It has a gentle effect on the layers of the dermis, leading to the body’s production of collagen and elastin. The microcurrent anti-cellulite device also affects the network of blood vessels and muscle fibers. Most often used in combination with anti-cellulite procedures after weight loss and sagging skin.

Advantages of microcurrent therapy:

  • lymphatic drainage, detoxification, decongestant, lifting effect;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • increasing skin tone;
  • tightening of the skin.

Microcurrent is not used when:

  • the presence of metal structures in the human body;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Ultrasound therapy

The most popular technique for correcting fibrous tissue changes. The breakdown of fats is stimulated by ultrasonic vibrational waves (22 kHz).

Pros of therapy:

  • vibration massage of tissues is performed at the cell level;
  • metabolism increases due to increased permeability of cell membranes;
  • congestion in tissues decreases;
  • The production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin is stimulated.

Do not agree to hardware ultrasound treatment of cellulite if:

  • diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • nervous disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant tumors.


The therapeutic effect occurs when ultrasonic waves are combined with medications applied to the affected areas. That is, cosmetic products acquire the ability to intensively penetrate up to 7 cm deep into the biological tissue.

Effectiveness of ultraphonophoresis:

  • rejuvenating effect;
  • restoration of elasticity to the skin;
  • improving the appearance of problem areas;
  • destruction of fat cells;
  • enhancing tissue regeneration;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

To prevent complications, delay ultraphonophoresis if you have:

  • moles, tumors, wen on problem areas;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • viral, inflammatory diseases;
  • metal objects in the body;
  • individual intolerance to ultrasound;
  • exhaustion of the body, nervous breakdowns.

Injection therapy

The mesotherapy cocktail consists of substances identical to those produced by the human liver. They transform fat into an emulsion, which is removed from the cellulite area by the lymphatic system, and then from the body. Using injections, the drug is injected into the middle layer of the skin, the fat layer. Hospitalization after the procedure is not necessary. In one session you can get rid of 2 cm of volume. Breastfeeding or pregnant women, as well as patients with cancer, kidney disease, and liver disease will not be allowed to undergo lipolysis.

Laser lipolysis

Refers to surgical methods with which it is easy to remove tissue affected by cellulite. Before lipolysis, local anesthesia is given. The laser is aimed at the fatty tissue and irradiated. One procedure removes up to 500 ml of fat and tightens the skin. But in advanced cases it will not help, since this is a cosmetic procedure. This technique is not suitable for pregnant women, as well as people suffering from varicose veins, thrombosis, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. How much does a session cost? The price depends on the location of the fat. The average cost of 1 procedure, lasting 30 minutes or more, is 1,500 rubles.

To get rid of skin imperfections, it is not necessary to undergo expensive salon procedures. You can buy a safe anti-cellulite device for home use.

  1. Myostimulator. Effective even on stage 3 cellulite. Activates blood circulation, removes excess fluid, improves immunity.
  2. Massagers. Increases skin tone and elasticity, relaxes after physical activity. The mechanical effect of the massage heads stimulates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation. Modern treatment technologies make it possible to combine a massager with ultrasound, vacuum, and infrared radiation.
  3. Darsonvalization. In addition to saturating the skin with oxygen, the Darsonval device can remove the manifestations of cellulite and improve metabolic processes, as well as eliminate venous congestion and reduce swelling.
  4. Anti-cellulite shapewear. High-tech materials can warm up the fat layer, speed up lymph flow and start metabolism. Along with the breakdown of cellulite granules, excess fluid is removed.
  5. Wraps. There are cold and hot types of procedure. A decrease in body volume is observed after 15–20 sessions. Wraps stimulate metabolism, tone blood vessels, remove toxins and fluid. The lifting effect will be more noticeable when combined with massages, myostimulation, contrast showers and a rational approach to nutrition.
  6. Crema. An excellent addition to anti-cellulite treatments. Professional modeling products increase skin tone and reduce the amount of fat deposits. The natural ingredients and hypoallergenic composition will make daily application comfortable and effective.

When choosing hardware treatment for cellulite in the salon or home procedures, remember that any therapy requires regularity. Do not forget that 10–15 sessions cannot permanently eliminate unevenness in problem areas. After 2–3 months, the procedures can be repeated. It is also important to adhere to the right diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and resume going to the gym.

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One type of ultrasound therapy (UT) is cavitation, or radiofrequency liposuction. These physiotherapy procedures are more effective.

Good results of this procedure are determined by the peculiarities of the nature of the interaction of ultrasonic waves with body tissues.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the course of pathological processes can change. Stimulation is carried out through small doses of ultrasonic waves, large doses inhibit pathological processes.

Ultrasound waves ensure the destruction of the fibrous framework that surrounds cellulite cells and improves microhemodynamics.

During the cavitation procedure, small cavities are formed under the influence of ultrasound, facilitating the removal of metabolic products from problem areas, as well as increasing the functionality of metabolic processes in fat cells.

The procedure is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since it is complex and has many contraindications.

Types of cavitation

  • hydrodynamic, occurs due to a decrease in pressure in the liquid caused by an increase in its speed;
  • acoustic, occurs when a high-intensity acoustic wave passes through a liquid; this form of cavitation is used in aesthetic medicine.

The mechanism of action of UT or radiofrequency liposuction

The cavitation effect occurs under the influence of low-frequency ultrasound. At high frequencies the cavitation cavities are smaller in size, at low frequencies they are larger.

Frequencies of 38-42 KHz are optimal for influencing fat cells. At these frequencies, the largest number of cavities of the required size is formed. As the cavity enlarges, fat is forced out of the adipocyte cells. The lymphatic system removes about 95% of waste products, the remaining 5% enters the blood, where they are converted into glucose.

With all forms of ultrasound therapy, a special gel or natural oil is applied to the problem area.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for ultrasound therapy and cavitation

Cavitation is a highly effective procedure in solving problems related to:

  • with fat deposition in the abdomen, thighs, back, buttocks, arms, and legs;
  • with the treatment of sagging skin and cellulite;
  • with correction of defects that appeared after surgical liposuction;
  • with the elimination of lipomas.

The specificity of the cavitation process has severe limitations when used for people with:

  • blood disease;
  • inflammatory processes in a severe stage;
  • mental disorders;
  • severe neuroses;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • the presence of diencephalic crises;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension above stage II A;
  • the presence of an artificial heart pacemaker;
  • metal pins and implants in the treatment area;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • pronounced manifestation of pulmonary insufficiency;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • neoplasms;
  • chronic hemorrhoids;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • pronounced cicatricial narrowing of the ureter;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • viral diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Cavitation has a number of advantages over other procedures for getting rid of cellulite:

  • in one session the amount of fatty tissue is noticeably reduced;
  • the procedure is conditionally safe for biological tissues;
  • painless;
  • does not require recovery time after the procedure;
  • non-invasive;
  • high aesthetic effect;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • there is no need to use compression garments;
  • biological tissues do not lose their sensitivity after the procedure.

In addition to its advantages, cavitation has its disadvantages:

  • the procedure is expensive;
  • procedures must be carried out within strictly established periods;
  • after cavitation, it is necessary to undergo a lymphatic drainage procedure;
  • a large number of contraindications;
  • complications may occur after the procedure;
  • After completing the course of treatment, you must follow a strict diet for 2 months.

Preparation for the procedure of ultrasound therapy and cavitation

  1. 4 days before cavitation:
    • exclude fatty, fried, spicy foods from the diet;
    • give up alcohol;
    • drink more water, at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  2. 2.5 hours before cavitation:
    • drink at least 1 liter of water.

You must adhere to this regimen throughout the course of treatment. This contributes to a more efficient removal of decomposition products.

Progress of the procedure and technique of non-operative ultrasonic liposuction

Cavitation consists of the sequence of actions presented below:

  • the first step is to identify problem areas that require treatment;
  • the area of ​​application is lubricated with a special gel composition for better adhesion of the maniples to the skin;
  • the specialist acts on the problem area by smoothly rotating the rollers of the manipulator along the massage lines towards the lymph nodes;
  • The session ends with a massage to ensure lymphatic drainage.

Number of procedures and expected effect

The procedure is performed once every 5-10 days. The course duration ranges from 4 to 10 procedures. The duration of the procedure is no more than 45-60 minutes. The massage after the procedure should not exceed 45 minutes. The maintenance course is 1-3 sessions once every 6 months.

Possible complications during and after the procedure

Side effects that may occur during the procedure:

  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • skin burns.

In the process of destruction of lipocytes, more serious complications may arise:

  • exacerbation of hypertension;
  • the occurrence of phlebitis;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • damage to blood vessels and nerve fibers;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • the appearance of osteoporosis;
  • exacerbation of kidney diseases.

Cost of the procedure

Today, 1 ultrasonic cavitation procedure costs from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. The cost of 1 session of lymphatic drainage massage ranges from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles. A comprehensive course of ultrasonic cavitation (10 procedures) and lymphatic drainage massage (40 procedures) ranges from 40 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cellulite is a consequence of degenerative processes in subcutaneous fatty tissue that arise as a result of hypertrophy of adipocytes and accumulation of fluid in the intercellular environment. The manifestation of the “orange peel effect” is possible both against the background of nutritional obesity and in people with normal body weight.

Cellulite is conventionally divided into the following stages:

1st - the presence of an “orange peel” effect when the skin is captured in a fold;

2nd - characteristic signs of stage 1 + telangiectasia;

3rd - preservation of the “orange peel” effect with a stable condition of the skin with severe tissue swelling and impaired pain sensitivity in the affected area;

4th - changes in temperature, density and texture of the skin, pain on palpation.

From a medical point of view, cellulite is not a disease, but the consequences associated with pathological processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, impaired microcirculation, accumulation of toxins and metabolic products have an adverse effect on the body as a whole, and changes in the appearance of the skin serve as an irritant and cause emotional imbalance in patient.

Ultrasound therapy and ultraphonophoresis (the combined effect of ultrasonic vibrations and medicinal substances administered using ultrasound) are the most effective methods used for the treatment and prevention of fibrous forms of cellulite. The effect of such therapy is mainly due to its defibrosating, catabolic, regenerative effect. In medical practice, ultrasound is used at fixed frequencies of 800-3000 kHz (high frequency) and 22-44 kHz (low frequency). Low-frequency ultrasound, unlike high-frequency ultrasound, penetrates deeper into tissues and has a pronounced bactericidal, decongestant, loosening and depolymerizing effect; significantly increases vascular and epithelial permeability, as well as phoretic activity.

Ultrasonic waves can be reflected from the boundaries of various media and have the properties of focusing, diffraction and interference. Reflection and refraction of ultrasound depends on the acoustic impedance of the media. This occurs at the interface of biological tissues and air. Therefore, the basic rule for conducting ultrasound procedures is to ensure an airless space between the ultrasound emitter and the skin. The reflection of ultrasonic waves depends on the angle of their incidence on the affected area. The greater the deflection angle, the greater the reflection coefficient. That is why during procedures the emitter must be pressed tightly against the skin.

When conducting ultrasound therapy, methods of fixing the position of the emitter or moving the emitter in the treatment zone are used.

When carrying out ultrasound procedures, the human body is affected by 3 mutually related and complementary factors - mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical. The action of the mechanical factor is associated with the acoustic pressure of ultrasonic waves. As a result of alternating zones of compression and discharge in the tissues, a vibration “micro-massage” occurs at the cellular level. The permeability of cell membranes increases, intracellular processes are activated - the synthesis of protein, enzymes, ATP. The thermal effect of ultrasound is associated with the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy in tissues. Increasing the temperature to 1°C helps to increase the rate of biochemical reactions and diffusion processes, improving microcirculation. The physicochemical factor has a stimulating effect on biochemical and biophysical processes in the human body, serves as a catalyst for redox enzymes and coenzymes in cells, promotes the synthesis of ATP, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, polysaccharides and other cellular components.

The biological effect of ultrasound is associated with its ability to cause analgesic, antispastic, vasodilating, absorbable, anti-inflammatory, and phoretic effects. The depth and strength of the effect of ultrasound on human tissue depends on the frequency and dose (intensity) of the ultrasound wave.

Frequency is the number of complete oscillations of particles of the medium per unit time (per 1 s) and is measured in hertz (Hz). In aesthetic cosmetology, high-frequency (880-1000 and 2000-3000 kHz) ultrasound devices are used for the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

Dose (or intensity) of ultrasound - this is the energy passing in 1 s through an area of ​​1 cm2 located perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation; measured in watts per 1 cm2 (W/cm2). When carrying out cosmetic procedures, the ultrasound intensity does not exceed 1.2 W/cm2.

Duty ratio is the ratio of the pulse repetition period to the pulse activity. Typically, the pulse repetition period is 20 or 10 MS, respectively, the duty cycle will be 10.5 and 2 MS.

The speed of propagation of ultrasound in the human body depends on the density of tissue, the nature and concentration of substances per unit volume. In muscles and internal organs, ultrasound speed ranges from 1450-1650 m/s, in bone tissue -3500 m/s.

Penetration depth and mechanical impact of ultrasound on biological tissue differ significantly depending on the method of its excitation and, as a consequence, on the type of propagating wave. High-frequency ultrasonic devices (up to 3000 kHz) generate longitudinal waves. Ultrasound emitters are usually flat membranes that perform mechanical vibrations along the direction of wave propagation. The penetration depth of such a wave depends on its frequency and tissue density. At a frequency of 800-1000 kHz, the penetration depth reaches 8-10 cm, at a frequency of 2500-3000 kHz - 1-3 cm.

The ability of ultrasound to increase epithelial and vascular permeability served as the basis for the combined use of a phoretic factor with medicinal substances - ultraphonophoresis.

Ultraphonophoresis- combined effect on the body of ultrasound and medicinal and cosmetic products applied to the skin. The introduction of necessary substances into the body during ultraphonophoresis occurs through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands; There are also transcellular and intercellular routes of penetration. During the procedure, the administered substance (in this case, having a pronounced lipolytic effect) is included in the contact medium, and it must retain its structure and pharmacotherapeutic activity when exposed to a mechanical wave. The substance included in the contact medium can be prepared in the form of an emulsion, ointment, cream or solution. The basis for contact media during ultraphonophoresis can be glycerin, lanolin, petroleum jelly, DMSO, vegetable oil, etc.

Drugs precipitated in an ultrasonic field penetrate the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Unlike electrophoresis, ultrasound does not manage to accumulate medicinal substances in the skin in sufficient concentration, so they act for a relatively short time. Despite this, as a result of the combined action of phonophoresis and various therapeutic effects of ultrasound (mechanical, thermal, chemical), the therapeutic effects are potentiated and are quite pronounced.

Significant progress in the use of ultraphonophoresis in the field of aesthetic medicine came after the creation in the mid-90s of cosmetic gels for ultrasound therapy based on extracts from algae, etc. Phytoextracts are transported into the dermis and hypodermis thanks to a new generation technology - hydrolyzed fiber. The structure of hydrolyzed fibers makes it possible for these biologically active substances to penetrate into various layers of the skin and helps solve many cosmetic problems.

When carrying out ultrasound therapy, a stable technique (fixed position of the emitter) or a labile technique (movement of the emitter in the treatment zone) is used.

For the treatment of cellulite, a labile technique is often used. The skin is pre-cleaned, peeling is carried out, and anti-cellulite gel or other contact substance is applied to the cleansed skin. The impact area should not exceed 250 cm2. If the cellulite area is significantly larger, then it is divided into fields of 250 cm2. In the first procedures, no more than 2 fields are used. If the procedures are well tolerated, the treatment area can be expanded to 4 fields. The emitter is pressed tightly against the skin and the cellulite area is worked through with sliding longitudinal movements (speed - 1-2 cm/s). The ultrasound intensity varies in the range from 0.8-0.9 W/cm2. When treating cellulite, preference is given to the pulse mode as it is more gentle.

Based on the pathogenesis of cellulite and the depth of penetration of the ultrasonic wave, the best effect is achieved by combining both frequencies. As a rule, the procedure begins with a frequency of 2640 kHz, and over the next 10 minutes the 880 kHz mode is used. When treating stage 1-2 cellulite using ultraphonophoresis, a frequency of 2640 kHz is preferred.

The exposure time for several fields, the duration of the procedure for 1 field is 3-5 minutes, and the total duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out every other day, their number depends on the stage of cellulite, the effect of exposure, and on average is 10-20 procedures. A repeat course of ultrasound therapy is carried out after 2-3 months.

Indications for ultrasound therapy :

  • chronic inflammatory processes (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, post-acne fibrotic changes in the skin);
  • traumatic and post-acne scars, keloid scars;
  • cellulite; post-traumatic infiltrates and bruises;
  • dark spots.


  • acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin and organs;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • coronary heart disease, rhythm disturbance;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

The most favorable results of cosmetic correction can be achieved in the initial stages of cellulite. Pronounced metabolic changes and structural changes in tissues observed at stages 3-4 are much more difficult to influence. Therefore, to achieve the best effect, the specialist needs to develop a rational scheme for complex correction, taking into account the results of the diagnostic analysis and the individual characteristics of the patient.