The time when you need to be wary of robberies and remove damage. Independent ways to remove damage from yourself Punishment for which moon to do

The twenty-sixth is a very unfavorable, dangerous lunar day.

The first danger is robbery. Moreover, they can rob you not only financially, but also energetically. The lunar month is ending, our internal energy is declining, and hungry “vampires” - people who lack their energy - are trying with all their might to “refuel”. The risk of losing energy during conversations is especially high. Therefore, today you need to be selective in your contacts and avoid empty chatter. If you need to go somewhere, be sure to install protection before leaving home, using any of the methods of the 9th and 23rd lunar days.

The second danger lies in a distorted perception of oneself and events. Unfavorable days are characterized by strong gravitational disturbances. They rearrange the rhythm of the entire body (after all, it is forced to adapt to them) and have a very adverse effect on the psyche. “It’s easier than ever to “break the woods” and “step on a rake.” In this regard, you cannot start serious business: you can overestimate or, on the contrary, underestimate your capabilities and fail. People around you can help identify incorrect self-esteem. If they criticize you and try to “put you in your place,” it means that you are greatly deluded about yourself. It makes sense to listen to criticism, to accept the opinion of someone who says that you are wrong. Today, on the contrary, a person with low self-esteem can be praised and approved.

Save your money today. In general, at the end of the lunar month you should not make large purchases or overuse shopping trips - this is not the best time for shopping, but the risk of wasting money or running into scammers is very high. You should also not bind yourself to obligations - enter into contracts, give and borrow. Wait until the month is over.

Spend the day quietly, alone or surrounded by people you like. If this is not possible, try not to get into trouble and not get involved in conflicts. Today, many things will be perceived as painful, irritating, infuriating. Do not identify with anything, perceive everything that happens as if it were a performance in a theater or cinema.

The end of the lunar month is favorable for the removal of damage. And the 26th lunar day is one of the most suitable for starting a cycle of such procedures. You already know what damage is and what consequences it entails. Damage manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of ill health, severe neurosis or total bad luck in any area of ​​life, which has no reasonable explanation. Let’s say that if poverty has been cursed, a person can barely make ends meet, he doesn’t have enough money for even the most modest needs, he is constantly robbed or robbed, he cannot get a job or does not stay in one place for a long time - one of these signs is enough to think about the presence of damage. You and I will not guess, but will resort to a special diagnostic method using a chicken egg - it allows you to accurately determine whether there is spoilage or not. And then I will tell you how to get rid of this trouble.

Find out if you are damaged

To diagnose spoilage, you will need a glass of melted water (required!) and a fresh chicken egg. Holding the egg over a glass, carefully break it and pour the contents into the water. Take the glass with the egg in your right hand and hold it above the top of your head for about a minute. Then look closely at the egg. If threads stretch from the protein into the water, reminiscent of jellyfish tentacles that end in bubbles, then there is damage. After diagnosis, the contents of the glass should be poured into the toilet.

Healing corruption

They remove damage with spells, by drinking charmed water and herbal infusions. You cannot get rid of damage in one session; a whole course is required. And, as already mentioned, it is best to start it on the 26th lunar day (the 19th and 29th are also suitable). Golden rule: if you want to get rid of something, do it on the waning Moon, towards the end of the lunar month.

Washing spoilage with melt water

This procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

1. Pour melted water into a ladle and read the “Our Father” prayer over it three times.

2. Turn in your own words to God asking for forgiveness of sins and healing from damage.

3. Read the prayer to the Holy Cross over the water, making the sign of the cross over yourself as you read.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the presence of those who love God and who signify themselves with the sign of the cross and say in joy: Rejoice, O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil. who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

4. Scoop up handfuls of the now charged water and wash yourself with it (even better - undress and rub your whole body with this water), saying a spell.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Cross of Jesus, from the Seal of Christ, from the saints of help, from my word, go away the unclean demon, the accursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there is your place, life, stay and will, and there remain , and not in the servant of God (name). The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary herself, all the heavenly power, Michael the Archangel, and all the holy miracle workers, and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be a servant of God (name of the rivers), go out now, and this very minute, with all the damage and enchantments and get away from this slave and go to your place where was and where the Lord God, Jesus Christ, sent you and where he ordered you to live, into the abyss of the underworld, into an empty unmade land, go there, live there, and leave this to a servant forever, from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen.

Removing spoilage from a chicken egg

Chicken eggs “know how” not only to diagnose, but also to remove spoilage. This is the most powerful method.

Every evening, before going to bed, pour a raw egg into a glass of melt water and place it at the head of the bed, as close to your head as possible, with the words:

I drive out every unclean spirit in the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the life-giving cross, the fierce grass, the prayers of the Saints; I send the prince of hell; take your unclean spirit out of the servant of God (name) and give it again to the old master, take it back into your former hands, send it into the depths of the sea, lock it forever in the depths of the sea with three iron keys, three damask locks, seal it with three seals of Solomon, conclude it with three curses of the Lord. And you, unclean spirit, come out of God’s servant (name) with all the damage forever, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the morning, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet. You need to do this for 10 days. Pay attention to how the egg looks in the morning. The more “cooked” it seems, the more “dirt” it has absorbed. This procedure can also be carried out to prevent the evil eye and damage. In this case, the egg is placed at the head on unfavorable days (9th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th) and on the full moon (at this time, damage is also often caused).

On the 10th day, perform the final ritual: take a fresh egg and ask someone close to you to help you.

Undress and lie on your back. Your assistant, holding the egg in his hand, should roll it over your body. You need to start from the toes of your left foot, go across the left side of the body, roll over the head, down the right side of the body to the toes of the right foot and return to the left foot again. Thus, the egg needs to be rolled over the body three times. Then you should roll over onto your stomach, and your assistant, starting from your right heel, rolls the egg over your body three times in the same pattern, but in the opposite direction - counterclockwise. At the end of the procedure, the egg must be immediately removed from the house.

Removing damage with a charmed herbal decoction

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon: birch buds, immortelle flowers, valerian root, oregano herb, angelica root, St. John's wort herb, centaury, calendula flowers, nettle leaves, buckthorn bark, linden flowers, coltsfoot, peppermint, dandelion roots and leaves, plantain leaves , motherwort herbs, chamomile, pine buds, swamp grass, yarrow herb, thyme herb, sage, eucalyptus. It’s okay if three or four items are missing. Stir the herbs with the fingers of your right hand clockwise, whispering the spell:

I, the servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and cross myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, into the open field on the eastern side. On the eastern side there is an ocean, a blue sea, on that ocean, on the blue sea, lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr, on that stone stands the holy golden church, in that golden church there is a golden throne, on that golden throne sits Jesus Christ himself, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, John the Theologian, John the Baptist, St. George the Brave, St. Nicholas the Saint of Christ. I, servant of God (name), will come in purity, bow and pray: O father, true Christ, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, John the Theologian, John the Baptist, St. George the brave, St. Nicholas the saint of Christ, with the spring water, with the holy water me, the servant Sprinkle God's (name), cast out spoils, evil eyes and glints; surround me, the servant of God (name), with an iron tine, damask ropes, for 120 versts; let the fiery river and heavenly lightning pass by! I, servant of God (name), am dissuading myself from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a sorceress, from a sorceress, from Chernov, from Cheremnov, from Dvozhonov, from Trezhonov, from Dvozubov, from Trezubov, from Trubinov, from Okoshechny, from Seny, from a girl simple hairs, from a woman from a rolled-up cigarette, from any evil, dashing person. An evil, dashing person cannot be spoiled by thunder arrows or fiery lightning, nor can he destroy the dead; an evil, dashing man would take his damask knife with his white hands, cut his white body with it, gnaw his white body with his white teeth. My mouth is the key, my tongue is the lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pour 10 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture with six glasses of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain. The resulting decoction should be distributed evenly over 3 days and drunk during this period, and then prepare a new one. The course of admission is 10 days.

This same remedy serves as a preventative against the evil eye and damage - to do this, you need to drink it on unfavorable days (9th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th) and on the full moon.

We spend the twenty-sixth lunar day like any dangerous day: we save energy, be selective in our contacts, don’t waste money, and keep physical and mental stress to a minimum. If you suspect damage to yourself, get yourself diagnosed to know for sure, and start treatment for it, if necessary.

On the 9th lunar day, you should build astral protection, since the 9th lunar day is the day of inducing and removing damage.

Many people have weak astral protection, so they are often exposed to negative influences from the people around them. To strengthen your astral field, there are two ways.

Method I . This method is also a check whether there is damage or not. You need to take a live, not dietary, chicken egg that has an embryo, and a 0.2 - 0.3 liter glass jar with a lid, half filled with water. Break the egg into it carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Take this jar and hold it above your head with your right hand. Then bring it to all energy centers along the front channel and hold it near each chakra until your hand trembles, then move it to the next one. After this, wrap the jar in cellophane and place it under the pillow or at the head of the bed. In the morning, see what happens to this egg. By the way it is deformed, you can judge how bad your damage is.

If the egg has changed significantly, outside help will be required. On the next 9th lunar day, you need to find another person you trust and who will perform another procedure. You need to break the egg into the water in the same way, but that person will bring the jar, hold it above your head and move this jar around you counterclockwise, removing dirty energy onto the egg at the level of each chakra. First he encircles at the level of the Sahasrara chakra, then at the level of the forehead, neck, chest, stomach, pubis and, finally, at the level of the tailbone. That is, at the level of 7 classical chakras. You can encircle a different number of times, but a minimum of 3 times and a maximum of 9 times. Then place this jar under the bed or pillow. In the morning, its entire contents are poured into the toilet, and the jar itself is sterilized or thrown away. This is a one-time procedure.

But on the 9th lunar day you can begin a large cycle of removing damage. Then take one egg for each week. The first time this procedure is done is to circle the person counterclockwise. Then the jar of egg is placed in the refrigerator for the day, and under the pillow or bed at night. This is repeated throughout the week. No matter what form this egg is in, you spend the whole week collecting evil spirits on it. A week later, everything is poured into the toilet, the jar is sterilized, fresh water is poured, and a new egg is broken. Do the same for the second week, then the third, fourth, and so on until the egg stops deforming.

Heavy spoilage sometimes requires up to 9 eggs. All this time, the jar of egg is placed in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. The second time a person can encircle the chakras himself. The most important thing is that the process has begun. You don't have to wear it every day.

If a person feels bad, then there is no need to wait for the 9th lunar day. If you started this cycle before the 9th lunar day, then on the 9th lunar day you need to carry out this whole procedure again. On the 9th lunar day you can change the egg, but the cycle is still counted from the day you started. But, as a rule, the cycle of great cleansing begins after checking on the 9th lunar day.

II method . This is a salty foot bath. The water temperature is adjusted to make you feel comfortable. On a basin of water that reaches the ankles of your feet, you need to stand and throw a handful of salt with your left hand: as much as you can hold in your hand. You need to stand in the basin for no more than 9-10 minutes. At this time, it is good to imagine a vertical stream that washes everything away from you, and everything goes into this water. It is not recommended to stand for more than 10 minutes, as then the reverse process occurs. This is also a procedure on the 9th lunar day. It can also be done when you simply feel unwell.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Loving Kindness Meditation Working with chakras
Preparing to meet your Guardian Angel in a dream Working with the Sahasrara chakra
Meditation for working with gems and minerals Working with the Ajna Chakra
Visualization of what you want Working with the throat center - Vishuddha
Meditations on shaping events Working with the Anahata chakra
Meditation "Ideals of the Possible in Man" Working with Manipura Chakra

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you which moon you need to remove the damage, what things you need to use in an independent ritual. Read more about cleansing and how Is it possible to remove damage to the waxing moon?, you will find out in this article. Unlike Rune magic, where rituals do not directly depend on the lunar phases, in the tradition of real magic, everything is built on the energies that dominate the world during one or another phase of the moon. Quite often, those who begin to practice witchcraft ask the question: on which moon should the damage and evil eye be removed from a person? If we are talking about classic options, without touching on special cases of emergency magical help, then rituals for removing damage from a person should be performed on the waning moon.

How to determine damage to the cross - methods of magical diagnosis

Undoubtedly, crosses on the body, symbols of faith, have power. And magicians use this power for their own purposes, achieving the desired result. The majority of our population is Orthodox, and therefore it is possible to punish the enemy through church paraphernalia. Believers think that Orthodox crosses are 100% protection from witchcraft, reliable objects from the evil eye and damage, but in the skillful hands of a real sorcerer, these things from the evil eye and damage become an open door through which black magic can enter.

This is complete nonsense when they say that a real magician cannot cast a powerful spell on a believer who visits a temple. They get it by breaking all the defenses and weakening the victim through the same church. And if the sorcerer can’t, the demons can, or the dead man will move in. Remember, magic, as the priests interpret it, is two different things. How does a Christian believe in wearing cross for damage will protect him, and a real sorcerer knows for sure that the enemy cannot escape her.

How to determine whether damage has been done to the cross?

The strongest damage done through a cross is diagnosed in the same way as any other - using prediction systems. Clear and very definite answers are given by Runes and Tarot cards. These systems are familiar to every practicing sorcerer.

Here's what you need for an independent method of sending powerful damage to a person:

  • pectoral cross
  • white plate
  • black wax candle
  • simple black thread

The pectoral cross is placed in the left shoe under the insole for 3 days, and they walk. Slipping a cross under the insole, they say the words of the spell of damage:

“I drive for fun, (name) for peace. Amen".

On the fourth day, they take out the cross, place it on a white plate, light a black wax candle, and read the text of the conspiracy to cast a spell on the enemy:

“The demon performed the funeral service, begged, but broke the cross, and tore the butt into pieces with a dog, the church was being destroyed, and this dashing demon, with a pig’s walk, a wolf’s tooth, a cock’s comb, would go straight to (name) and throw him, with a copper cross at his back, a lawsuit on his darling, and a rusty cleaver right in the heart, then a psalm, into (name)’s unmarked grave, and a cross on his back, just as the thorny one went and suffered, so (name) will suffer, and not be resurrected. Amen".

They take a skein of thread, wrap it around a cross and read the text of the conspiracy to cast a spell on an evil person:

“I drive it like a demon, I wrap it black around (name), I can’t get it off, I can’t take it off. Cross (name) on the back. Amen".

Tie the thread in a knot, drip the cross with black wax, and say the spell words:

“I attach a black one, a demon to the body, a cross to (name)’s back. Amen". Secretly throw a cross at the enemy.

Independent removal of damage to the waning moon - transfer to the mirror

In magic there are many ways to get rid of induced negativity. Some magical rituals can be done independently, with only basic knowledge and a little experience in witchcraft. Many effective rituals are technically simple, but have features that you should be aware of. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will show you how to remove damage from the waning moon at home using the example of transfer to a mirror.

This is a magical ritual for removing damage to a thing.

The witchcraft ritual of the classical translation can be considered universal, since it is permissible to use it in different cases, as part of various complexes. By transferring you can remove a weak energy negative - the evil eye or weak, unprofessional damage, or just caused. Moreover, damage of any nature:

  • on appearance,
  • failures,
  • lack of money
  • love relationship.

When treating diseases, mirror removal of damage is also not bad. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, draw your attention to the fact that you need to work comprehensively. In addition, you must have a connection with Bes Aspid, one of the nine Grand Dukes. Then the result from independently removing damage from a person it will be good.

The ceremony is performed on the waning moon, on the river. The Bes Aspid and his assistants need a good purchase. You need to have a new mirror with you that you have not looked in. After leaving the offering, approach the water and look at your reflection in the mirror. Visualizing what you want to get rid of, what magical damage to remove on the waning moon, with your saliva you draw an equilateral cross on the mirror surface. Not an Orthodox cross, but rather a cross of Power; draw according to the usual pattern: from bottom to top, from right to left.

Read the words of the conspiracy to get rid of damage 9 times:

“How they were created by one, united by one, but what one lives his life, another whiles away in darkness, what is now indecent for one, let it be passed on to the second mirror brother. Yes, everything - aches, blindness, deafness, and itching, and itching, and the infirmity of an old man, and hand shaking, and blackness on the face, and crookedness, and lameness, and black bad luck, and naked poverty, and bitter sorrows, and melancholy creaky and viscous. Yes, slander, yes, ghosts, yes, thirty-three surochits, yes... (speak about what is tormenting you). So take the mirror brother to you, grab it, hold it tightly, and don’t let go, rest in the darkness of the water. The key is closed, the key is thrown into the dark waters. We are guarded by Aspid himself. Solid."

After reading the magic spell 9 times, turn the mirror over and lower it into the water with the mirror surface down. And then leave immediately. By using this powerful ritual, you can also remove damage on the new moon. It is better to do this on the first lunar day, when rituals of opening roads are performed and mental modeling of the desired situation is carried out. And on the third lunar day, any personal protection is done, therefore, after cleaning the negative, it is best to put up a strong protection against the damage and evil of enemies, or create a talisman or amulet. It is good to do protection on the 22nd lunar day, as well as on the waxing moon.

Answering the question on which lunar day is best to remove damage, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that from the 18th to the 28th lunar day in witchcraft you can perform magical cleansings of various types. The 29th lunar day is the most difficult of the entire lunar cycle, the day of the Black Moon. It is better for beginners not to cast spells on this day. But for an experienced magician it is a blessed day.

It is also permissible to independently remove damage from a person during the full moon. And here’s a good way to get rid of damage caused at home - to tell off during the full moon.

How to remove damage to water during a full moon

On the full moon, wash your face with clean water and read the plot to get rid of negativity:

“Surozh, surozh, surozh. Come out of (name), from the bones, from the hands, from the elbows, crown, forehead, head, from the brain, from the mind. From the zeal of the heart, from the liver, from the fingers, joints, from the veins and hamstrings, from the breasts, curls, from all parts. Damage, glazing, yawning and hesitation from the black eye, from the female eye and. Friday, mother of the peasant family, take away the pain from (name), take away the illness from (name). Carry the disease to the old forests, throw the pain to the fast waters. The witch's word is strong. Truly."

They get rid of the black evil eye and everything unnecessary caused by the waning moon. However, there are situations when rituals must be undertaken immediately, for example, if there are strong magical attacks, and there is simply no time to wait for a favorable day for cleansing. In such cases, it is permissible to quickly remove damage to the waxing moon; For such situations, there is a ritual for quickly cleansing a person from curses.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Remove damage to the rowan cross with a return

What does it mean to remove damage from a person with a return? In magic, there are independent and effective ways to remove magical damage and return it to the person who caused it. Here is an example of how to throw the negative back through a rowan cross against damage.

For an independent ritual of removing damage with return, you need:

  • 2 sprigs of rowan
  • red thread made from natural fibers
  • blank sheet of paper
  • black ink
  • flat plate

Tie the twigs with thread so that they form a cross. If you are removing black damage from yourself, lubricate the branches with your saliva. If from another person - with his saliva. On a piece of paper, draw a figurine of a person, associating it with the one who damaged you. Place the design on a flat plate, place a rowan cross on top and set it on fire.

While the branches are burning, read the plot to cross against the evil eye and damage:

“You struck (name) with an evil heart, a black eye and... I return to you what is yours with a fiery flame, a surface of water, wind and an earthly stronghold. Get out of (name) and return to the one who gave birth to you. The word is firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Scatter the ashes in the wind, and break the plate on a stone at a pedestrian intersection.

In matters such as the presence of magical damage on a person, diagnosis is always required. Having made sure that there is a negative, and having found out exactly what area of ​​life it was done to, the magician chooses the most effective ways to remove damage from the desired person. There are types of damage (they are very common) through the lining. The lining (the enchanted object) can be hidden by the magician where the victim is most often present, or the item can be presented as a gift. So, such carriers of damage are often jewelry. To remove damage from things, they perform magical rituals.

How to remove damage from an object - cleaning with salt and cleaning by rinsing

Strong damage through an object is a common method of work for black magicians. By contacting the enchanted object, the victim receives negative energy aimed at destruction. One way to stop the effect of magic is to destroy the object itself, the carrier of the energy of damage. But, if for objective reasons this cannot be done, they independently carry out the ritual of removing damage from the item.

The item can be placed in cold running water for a few minutes. You can also sprinkle the object being cleansed from the evil eye and damage with coarse salt. Both water and perceive any energy. After the cleansing process, place the enchanted object on the table and place a burning candle next to it. Watch the candle burn. An even, calm flame will tell you that there is no witchcraft damage on the item. If a candle cracks, smokes, floats a lot, as they say among magicians, “cries,” or the candle burns for an unnaturally long time, this indicates the resistance of the negative. In this case, you need to repeat the cleaning method. These folk rituals are widespread and are used when it comes to how to remove negativity from things yourself.

There is a large category of the most common items that are used in witchcraft as protective amulets and amulets. These are so-called things from the evil eye, or amulets, which are designed to protect their wearer from damage. For example, how will a coin help against the evil eye, how will it remove the energy of magical negativity? Here is an example of how you can use coins to get rid of damage at a crossroads.

Luck has returned. I didn’t come to you empty-handed, here are the coins, help me. Amen".

After reading a magical spell that removes severe damage from a person, throw one coin at a time in the direction you were facing. Thus, you can remove damage from coins if you have an established connection with demons. To establish contact with Dark Spirits, you need to practice demonic rituals. There are a lot of rituals in practical magic that are done for the positive. Demons help well in any matter. After cleansing the spoilage, make a diagnosis. You need to make sure that there is no negativity on the person. Otherwise, witchcraft cleansing from damage should be continued.

How to remove damage

There are many methods for getting rid of negative energy effects or damage, but we will not list all the methods, but will focus on some of the most time-tested and practice-tested.

So, how to remove damage yourself at home?
The easiest way to remove damage yourself is with the help of a church candle. Anyone can remove damage or the evil eye with the help of a church candle; the main thing here is the right attitude and faith in the Higher Light Forces.

So, what do you need to remove damage at home?

. a pectoral cross (preferably the one you received at baptism, but you can use another one);

. three church candles with candlesticks;

. prayers against damage or the evil eye (Our Father, to the Life-giving Cross, Psalm 90);

. matches to keep with you in case the candles go out

To carry out this ritual, which cleanses you of all negative influences, you need to choose a convenient time and place where nothing and no one will disturb you. You can remove damage, the evil eye or fear only on the waning Moon from the 15th to the 29th Lunar day, and the 15th, 23rd and 29th Lunar days are considered the most favorable for removing damage. Also, before performing this ritual for 24 hours, it is advisable to refrain from eating animal foods - meat, milk, eggs and fish. If your health allows, you can fast for a day, drinking only clean water.

Lunar calendar - find out what the Moon is today

After you have prepared for the process of removing the damage, place three church candles with candlesticks on the floor so that they form a regular triangle, sized to accommodate your figure in a standing and sitting position.

Next, you need to take prayers against damage (can be written down on paper) and enter the triangle of church candles. Light the candles and standing, read each of the above prayers three times, facing east. When you finish reading the prayers, sit in a triangle of candles, sitting in a position comfortable for you, and wait until all the candles burn out. During this time, it is important to avoid negative thoughts.

As soon as all three candles have completely burned out, you need to stand facing east and cross yourself three times.

After completing this simple procedure, you will feel significant relief and favorable changes will begin to occur in your life, so do not forget to thank God for sending you relief. Don’t be afraid to thank in advance - words of sincere gratitude to the Higher Powers will have a beneficial effect on you and will return to you with prosperity and happiness.

Tarot card layouts will help you in this matter:
Alignment - Diagnostics of the aura. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out about the presence of damage, the evil eye, the presence of enemies and ill-wishers;

Alignment - Black Raven, the alignment will show whether there is a magical effect on a person, how it was produced;

Alignment - Damage, will help determine whether there is a magical effect, and what needs to be done to remove the negative influence, if any.

Sometimes troubles, illnesses or other negative events can arise due to the fact that someone has cast a spell on you. will help remove bad slander, cleanse energy and change life for the better. Let's talk about in what cases you need to use a spell, and how to do it correctly.

Damage is a type of magical influence on a person’s destiny. Damage can make him sick, cause death, physical deformity, upset relationships with loved ones, and deprive him of success in business.

Damage is caused using special magical rituals: rites, fortune telling and conspiracies using special paraphernalia.

It happens that damage is caused inadvertently: words thrown into the hearts can also “jinx”. Therefore, it is recommended to never wish someone harm, especially under the influence of strong emotions.

How to determine that you are damaged?

A spell against damage will only help when you are truly under the influence of magical energy. The signs by which you can determine that you have been damaged are the following:

To be absolutely sure that you are damaged, you can use one of the rituals:

  1. Prepare three wax candles, light them, place them on the table and say the Lord’s Prayer over the flame, then make the sign of the cross. If the flame remains even, there is no damage to you, if it “dances” and sways, as if it is being blown away by the wind, there is damage
  2. You can also melt the candles and pour the melted wax in a thin stream over a bowl of cold water. If one large figure with clear contours forms on the surface, there is nothing to worry about. If the wax is full of holes, the edges are uneven, there are a lot of bumps - someone has jinxed you
  3. It is very easy to determine damage if you have a cat. Pay attention to its behavior: if a previously friendly animal suddenly becomes aggressive, often releases its claws and bites, there is damage to you
  4. Pour cold water into a glass and cross. Read "" and then break a fresh egg into the water. If it floats to the surface and the water remains clean, your energy will be clean too. If the protein is covered in bubbles, and the water is cloudy, you are spoiled

If you decide that someone has cast a spell on you, spells and prayers will help you get rid of the evil eye.

Prayer for corruption

You will need a church candle. Memorize the prayer "". Light a candle daily and move it along your body, while repeating the words of the prayer. At the end of the ritual, make the sign of the cross over yourself with a candle and put it out.

Important: pay attention to which areas of the body the candle flame will flutter especially strongly - they need to be “worked out” especially carefully.

Watch a video about how to remove fire damage

Conspiracy against damage

Conditions under which the anti-damage spell will work:

  • The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced on the night of. The energy of the Moon at this time helps to get rid of negativity and take away everything bad. If you begin to read a conspiracy for the waxing moon, you will only increase the power of the evil eye
  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times. It should be read daily for 15 days.
  • A person who has been damaged must abstain from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs during treatment. You also need to exclude swear words from your speech, not enter into conflicts and not offend other people.

And the text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“A silver bird flew up into the sky and called the Red Sun. The Sun came out and gave its light to the entire globe. Warm rays touched all living things, warmed and revived. The Sun interceded for all those offended, breaking the threads of negativity and damage. It finished its job and everyone rejoiced!”

While reading the plot, you should light a candle and stand in front of an open window through which moonlight enters the room. It is necessary to sprinkle the person who is damaged with holy water between repetitions of magic words.

Remember that the spell does not work the first time - you need to repeat it daily until the first signs of healing appear. You need to say magic words and read prayers for 15 days, then everything bad will go away, and the life of the person under the spell will improve.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: