Conspiracies to fulfill a wish. Magic spells and prayers for the quick fulfillment of desires. Strong spell for desire

People have resorted to various ways to achieve what they want, but their own strength is not enough. Magic rituals, wish-fulfillment spells, and magical practices were allies in an effective method of transforming reality.

The magic of desires is the sphere of influence of white magicians and sorcerers. The function of light magic is the fulfillment of the wish of those people who carry out the ritual of realizing the plan. The performer of the ritual is aware of the need to make a sacrifice in exchange for achieving what he wants.

Different traditions of magic suggest different types of gifts for God and the mind of the universe. A stable mental projection of the desired situation onto your own life has powerful power. An attempt to understand the principle prompted Earth scientists to create a special branch of science - Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

The principle of NLP in psychology is that the desire must be realized by formulating the spell in a few words or a couple of sentences. Daily repeated repetition for several months, the projection of one’s own image onto a planned situation according to the principle of reading mantras allows you to tune your life to the right wave.

What is needed to make your plans come true?

Those who thirst for spiritual enlightenment are presented with a huge variety of techniques that allow them to quickly realize their plans. The first thing you need to decide on is the performer (whether you can do it yourself or hire a professional). Based on the principle, there are 2 categories of conspiracies:

  1. The category of monosyllabic conspiracies is suitable for people who want to achieve their goal at minimal cost. Preparing for the ritual does not take much time and does not require repetition. If the energy investment was insignificant, then the prospect of effectiveness is zero.
  2. Category of complex ritual spells and conspiracies. It is characterized by non-trivial actions, long reading of spells, a special mood, and a certain level of preparation. With the help of amulets and psychological attitudes, complex rituals are performed by experienced sorcerers using certain techniques of black magic.

If you decide to use a one-word method of fulfilling a wish, then you need to follow these steps:

  • visualization of the desired picture, thinking through every little detail. Concentration on personal feelings, imagining oneself having achieved a goal is important;
  • Before the ritual, you should relax and abstract from negative thoughts. You can take a warm shower or be alone;
  • Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed - someone else’s energy and perception can lead you off the desired mood, and your plans will not come true.

How to use magic to make a notebook to make your dreams come true

Initially, you need to formulate your desire by choosing magic words. For example: “I am Margarita, the wife of a generous, rich man who loves me and the children.”

The phrase is structured in such a way as if the situation took place in the present tense (not “I will pass the exams with an A”, but “I passed the exams with an A”).

Make a thick, clean notebook for fulfillment of desires and write down your plans every day without changing the words.

It is important to concentrate on the request, imagine yourself there and write down the spells.

The notebook takes 6-7 months to fill. There is no need to stop filling out; if the dream comes true, it is permissible to reduce the number of registration procedures to 1 per week.

Review of spells to make dreams come true at home

In the heart of every person there lives hope, a dream of fulfilling what we want, it fills us with joyful emotions, gives us faith in a happy life and future. The assistance of the Universe is necessary for your request to be heard and implemented. It is important to believe in magic words that exist to make wishes come true. Firm intentions and a responsible approach contribute to the creation of a special magical space for witchcraft.

It is necessary to make wishes and make appropriate requests to higher powers during a special time period. A favorable time is considered to be the full moon or the day of the waxing month.

With a scarf

You will need a clean new handkerchief. Privacy is important - no one should disturb or interrupt the ritual. The words are said over the fabric:

“Let what you desire find fulfillment with God’s assistance and goodness. Help will arrive in an unknown way, the desire will become real, the event will find a way to life. Amen".

Spells should be read three times, without letting go of the mental representation of the realized desire. After reading the text, the handkerchief must be tied into a knot and put into your clothing pocket. Carry with you until the fortune telling comes true. Once the desired result is obtained, the scarf fabric is burned.

There is no list of specific types of actions, after which the dream will be achieved. The variety of techniques and methods of magic for fulfilling desires leaves room for imagination.

With icons

To quickly fulfill your cherished dream, you need to purchase 4 icons with images of saints:

  • Mother of God;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • personal icon.

To carry out the plan, the performer of the ritual must be alone in the room. The table should be covered with a white tablecloth. Then 3 icons of saints are displayed in the shape of a pyramid, around which church candles are lit. A wish is written on a blank sheet of paper, placed on the pyramid, with a personalized icon on top, face down. Then the words of the spell are read:

“Lord Almighty! Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Mother of God, Jesus Christ and Patron, listen to my prayer and help my cherished desire come true. The request of the servant of God is: (...).”

If everything was done correctly and the thoughts were pure, then the request will certainly be fulfilled.

With paper

The third spell is a common one, performed using a sheet of white paper. You should write down your innermost dream on it. Then the leaf is tied with red thread and burned with a candle bought on Friday at church. Sitting on the floor and concentrating entirely on the movements of the flames, a spell is cast to fulfill a wish:

“The candle melts - my dream (love) arrives. The leaf will burn - it commands you to fulfill your dream. The candle fire burns out - it fulfills my dream.”

Spell on hair

The ceremony takes place on the waning moon. A thin strand of hair is cut with one's own hand for the ritual. Get some privacy, braid your hair and tie it with white thread at both ends. Then the spell is recited:

“I wove what I wanted into my braid. Help will come from the Guardian Angel so that (...) comes true. It will come true in time, for my joy, and for the benefit of those who deserve it.”

The braid is kept in a secret place, after implementation it is burned and buried in the forest.

For a dream

Sometimes you have dreams in which situations you want in reality occur. If the dream was pleasant, after waking up, you need to sit down silently and, pressing your hands clenched into a fist, read the spell to perform:

“What you dreamed will come true. My dream will be preserved, it will be with me in reality. Amen (3 times)."

You can talk to people only after you have washed your face and hands.

Conspiracy with water

A conspiracy is carried out using a blank sheet of paper, on which is written a description of how the plan will come true. Then pour three pinches of coarse salt into a glass of clean water. The spell is read:

“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sunday is the main creator! I will cast spells and create them, this day and this time, here and at this time. Getting things done! Leave a moment of doubt! Create, according to my command, according to what I have made (text of desire). This day and this hour, here and at this time.”

The spell is cast until the last crystal of salt dissolves. Then the sheet of paper is set on fire, and the resulting ashes are mixed into water. The text of the witchcraft is pronounced again and after reading it, water from the glass is poured out the window.

Birthday wish spells

The desired event is formulated in one phrase. Then a spell is cast over three church candles:

“Lord, have mercy on God’s servant (name of the one pronouncing). Let the demon, the black knight, climb through the window and stand next to the dining table. Let the gift bring you by magic: golden sand for wealth and money, 3 calf bones. As the moon moves across the sky, so good luck will come to me at this hour. Amen".

Why the spell might not work and what factors influence this

The Universe tries to put everything in order, but it does not always coincide with people’s idea of ​​justice. Religion talks about faith influencing life. Recommendations for increasing the chances of your wish coming true:

  1. Don't lie. Deception can deprive words of the necessary power and effect.
  2. Breaking promises. You shouldn't promise something you can't deliver.
  3. Development of will. Fortitude inspires the trust of the Universe.
  4. Development of imagination. Helps to describe the expected event in detail.
  5. Faith in strength. Achieving your dreams requires absolute self-confidence.
  6. Don't retreat. Persistent fulfillment of all ritual actions paves the way to the realization of the plan.
  7. Energy control. If you are in a bad mood, it is better not to perform the ritual.
  8. Prioritization. Helps to isolate and strengthen true desire.
  9. The mystery of the ritual. You should not tell others about your intentions.

Following the rules will help you consciously and purposefully achieve your goals when casting spells. Using a little magic, you will achieve what you want.

Good parents teach children that it takes effort to get results. They say the same thing about dreams: to get what you want, you first need to give something else.

This information can be perceived as a kind of presentation of the physical law of conservation of energy.

The situation is similar in magic, if you have any desire, you need to work hard, even on a mental level, to get something in return. The magic of desires closely borders on the young science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is believed that thought is a powerful tool capable of influencing the material world.

A strong intention allows you to focus on your goals, points you in the right direction, and allows you to achieve what you want.

Constant repetition of spells, mantras, conspiracies can program the human brain to achieve success. The magic of desire is not an invention of wizards, but a completely working technique that even a beginner can master, especially since it is 100% white magic.

Features, rules, conditions

A conspiracy, a spell, a spell, a slander are any actions aimed at a person’s energy biofield. These can be magic words, phrases aimed at realizing what you want. A specific word form that must be read with caution. A spell to grant a wish is a command; remember, incorrectly pronouncing words creates a number of problems.

However, the forces of light will always help you if your intentions are pure.

Often, the magic of desires suggests using conspiracies to achieve goals. Essentially, these are phrases, by reading which a person will connect to a certain type of energy. You, as a caster, will be a conductor of energies from the other world to the world of people. When working, it is important to relax, concentrate and visualize exactly the Power that can help you. There are three types of conspiracies: phantom, binding, acquisition conspiracy.

Since a conspiracy is witchcraft that can have serious consequences, it is prohibited to read it for interest or entertainment.

To make your wish come true, you need to concentrate and calm your thoughts. This can be achieved in different ways, for example, with the help of meditation, a candle, a watch. The magic words of the spell cannot be changed, otherwise expect problems. If there are no other instructions, the spell should be cast exclusively in a whisper.

The most effective wish spells The fire ritual is performed only for a single cherished desire. Draw a triangle on the floor with its apex pointing South.

On paper, write down a desire, the implementation of which requires an appeal to higher powers.

Afterwards, to consolidate the effect, read the spell:
“The Father of uncreated things, rushing in a fiery chariot through the revolving worlds. Lord of the boundless ether, where your throne stands. Direct your offspring to fulfill my desire (voice it). So be it.” Afterwards, burn the leaf on the fire.

You can perform a ritual with the power of trees. Pick a twig from three different trees, add a twig from three different brooms to them, collect them in a bouquet and say:
“King Solomon achieved his goal, and I (God’s servant) (your name) will achieve my goal and fulfill my desire. With the sun the morning dawn, the evening dawn. The evening dawns with the moon, and God's moon with the first star. And I, the servant of God (God) (name) will be with (desire). The words are locked, I throw the key into the thicket. Amen". After this, they throw the bouquet at the crossroads, turn around, without looking back, and go home.

Ritual with water: in the evening, before midnight, cool spring water is filled into a glass.

Bring it to your lips and say: “The falcon sees its path and flies towards it like an arrow. If he wants some water or a cold drink, let him drink. Good luck and happiness await him. How quickly the falcon flaps its wings, so soon the desire of the servant of God (name) will be fulfilled. With every stroke I will be lucky, as I fly, I will be lucky. Let it be so". After reading, they drink the water in one gulp and go to bed so that the next morning they can feel the effect of magic.

Every person secretly or openly dreams of having his dreams come true, of having his cherished or momentary desires come true - this is the true essence of a human being.

Naturally, each of us resorts to different means to achieve what we are looking for. Someone is for money, someone is for connections, and someone is reading a conspiracy to make a wish come true. A kind of help against failure.

The popularity of the latter technique is quite understandable: conspiracies are universal, you don’t need to read five hundred different conspiracies to fulfill five hundred wishes, you can be content with two or three.

However, before you start reading the right words for inspiration, you will need to know something about conspiracies: you need to be careful with them.

Firstly, before you start reading, you should tune in. Some call this setting meditation, others call it concentration, but one way or another you need to focus as much as possible on the result you want to achieve by performing the ritual. And also at the price that you will pay for this result.

To perform the ritual correctly, you must keep your thoughts as pure, calm and clear as possible. Throw away everything that interferes and focus on what you want. That is, everything that can work against your calm.

For better concentration, you can, for example, lie down for a while, turning off all distracting devices. Focus on the singing of birds coming from the street or the hum of cars or knocking from a construction site.

After this, concentrate as much as possible, highlighting these particular sounds for yourself, and banish all other thoughts from your head.

After some time, you will find that you have cleared yourself of everything that prevented you from concentrating solely on your desire. Also, experienced magicians recommend not just believing in the result, but feeling as if you have already received what you wanted, and now you are just waiting for it to be in your hands. Now you can cast the spell.

Strong spell on a scarf

As mentioned above, the first stage of the conspiracy is the concentration of a person on desire. After that, close your eyes and imagine what you want. Take a clean handkerchief in your hands (it should have been used for some time, but only by you). Say a clearly formulated wish out loud three times, squeeze a handkerchief in your fist and say the text to receive a strong spell to fulfill your wish.

On a scarf “My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. Will be given by the Holy Spirit

to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the words, you must tie a handkerchief in a knot and put it in your bag or pocket.

Do not part with the enchanted scarf until the moment your wish is fulfilled. There is also one fairly universal conspiracy from the “folk remedies” category, which works not only to fulfill a specific wish. It also allows you to make every desire you experience become a reality - sooner or later.

In order to achieve this tempting goal, you will have to read the text of the conspiracy three times a day, every day, for six days.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen."

This conspiracy is extremely effective, however, remember that it is impossible to achieve your dream without difficulty. A conspiracy can only help you, clear obstacles, enhance your luck, and so on. But you yourself will have to put in a lot of effort if you want the handkerchief in your pocket to not remain just a handkerchief, useless against the circumstances, and if your six days of work are not in vain.

In order to achieve this tempting goal, you will have to read the text of the conspiracy three times a day, every day, for six days.

“Lord God, Most Holy Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen". Immediately after this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and until at least one church candle is burning. When you are finished, you need to carefully place all the icons with wishes between the pages of the Bible and leave them there for the next forty days.”

Conspiracy with seven icons

A prayer in which you speak directly to God must ask for something truly important. If you just need a raise or a new car, it’s better not to bother the Almighty with such trifles: He will already give you everything you need.

To perform this ritual, you will first need to obtain seven icons. The Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, the Kazan Mother of God, the icon of the saint who bears your name, the icon of all saints, “Consolation” and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When you have all seven sacred images, you need to take the same number of sheets of paper - one per icon, and write down a wish on each.

There is no clear indication of exactly how to write, so you can write a separate wish on each sheet, or you can write one general wish on each.

After you do this, attach sheets with written wishes to the back of the icons, using wax dripped from church candles. Place the icons on the table, on which you have laid a white tablecloth in advance. Light a candle near each image and read the text of the conspiracy.

What could be the consequences of a wish spell?

Depending on what exactly you asked and from whom, the consequences may be different. If you ask for something important, not for yourself, but for a loved one or relative, from a pure heart and from the saints, your wish will come true quickly, and there will be no troubles.

If you ask for something insignificant for yourself, and not from saints, but from spirits about whom you have no idea, then they will probably take something in return: your strength, money, some kind of resource. And the less predisposition you have in your destiny to get what you want, the more resource they can take from you.

Also, do not forget that conspiracies are not an exact science, and therefore the desire may not come true at all if you do something wrong, or do not focus on the result well enough.

Video: Conspiracy to make a wish come true

Each of us has a cherished desire. It would be strange if there was at least one person who did not want his dreams to come true and his wishes to be fulfilled.

For those who feel that their life is unsuccessful, the days pass gloomily and grey, and all the usual methods for solving this problem have long been exhausted, spells can come to the rescue.

Today you will learn about which ones to use spells to make wishes come true, and what rules should be followed when applying them.


  1. Use meditation, it will allow you to disconnect from extraneous thoughts and the burden of pressing problems.
  2. While reading the spell, visualize everything that you wish for, thinking about every word you read.
  3. The main condition is silence and that no one disturbs you. Lock yourself in the room, turn off all household appliances.
  4. Wish only the best, otherwise you can attract trouble to yourself.

Spell to make wishes come true with water

You will need to wait until midnight and head to the river. One foot must enter the water, the other must remain on the shore. You need to make circular movements with your foot, which is in the water, so that the water begins to mix with the sand and become cloudy. While performing these actions, simultaneously recite a spell to grant a wish:

“Sand and water mixed, mfraternized with each other.

I know the secret word, sI summon strong force.

From the deepest depths, andfrom high height.

Secret power, come, mdon't (name) help,

Do me a favor, nnot for self-interest, but for friendship.

From now on and forever,May my words come true!

May my wish come true, withthis time, from this hour.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Remember that your desire should not harm others, and pronounce the text itself clearly and distinctly, thinking about every word spoken. Don't be distracted by extraneous sounds.

Spell to make wishes come true with a scarf

This spell is quite easy and is recommended to be performed at home.

To do this, take a handkerchief that belongs specifically to you. Go into a quiet and empty room, close the door behind you. Concentrate your attention on your desire, while moving away from extraneous thoughts and accumulated problems. Lay the scarf in front of you and say out loud what you want to receive. Then you need to say the following:

“My desire will be fulfilled with God’s help. God helps those who ask Him for it. Help will arrive in ways unknown to me, My desire will turn into Reality. By God's Spirit I will be given what I ask of Him. Amen".

This spell is pronounced three times, while pronouncing all the words clearly, visualizing everything you ask for. After reading, you should tie a knot on a scarf and carry it with you until your wish comes true. Once you receive what you asked for, burn the handkerchief.

Spell to make a wish come true with icons

In order to carry out this powerful ritual, you need to purchase four icons:

  • Savior.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Holy Mother of God.
  • Your name.

You need to perform the ritual alone. Light the candles and cover the table with a white tablecloth or blanket. Three icons (except for the nominal one) need to be arranged in the form of a pyramid. First write your wish on a blank piece of paper and place it at the very top of the pyramid. Place your name icon on the piece of paper with the image facing up. Before each icon you need to light a candle and read the following words:

“Good God! All holy Wonderworkers and the Most Holy Theotokos, hear my prayers and help me, the servant of God (name), to fulfill my cherished desire. I (name) desire (what you ask for).”

The candles should be lit the entire time you are casting the spell. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask the saints to help you fulfill your desire. This must be done until the candles burn out, so it is better to choose thinner ones. For 40 days you need to place a piece of paper with a written wish in the Bible.

This wish fulfillment spell It is considered very powerful and if you do everything correctly, and most importantly sincerely, then your goal will certainly come true.

Spell for bread, salt and water

Our ancestors have long used this powerful spell. It is best to carry out this ritual on weekends, on Saturday or Sunday.

You will need salt, clean water and bread. Place bread in your right hand and salt in your left. Next, you need to light a candle and sprinkle the bread generously with salt. At the same time read these words:

“Salt and bread are made for the deities, intended for desire. I wish that my wish (what you ask for) comes true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

After this, you need to eat the bread, chewing it thoroughly and visualizing how what you have in mind is being fulfilled. When you eat the bread, wash it down with three sips of water, pre-spoken with the following words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so my desire is born from it. Water - water, help me."

Spell to make wishes come true with paper

Spells on plain paper are very popular. They have been used everywhere since time immemorial. The most important condition is a firm belief that your desire will definitely come true after your actions.

To begin, take a blank sheet of paper and write down your desire on it. Roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with a red ribbon or thread. Sit at the table and light the candle you bought at church on Friday. When thinking about a desire, concentrate on its fulfillment and look at the burning candle. After it burns down to half, set fire to the piece of paper with the wish and read the following words three times:

“As a candle melts, so does my dream grow; as paper burns, so does my dream begin to come true. When the candle burns out, my wish will turn into reality.".

Many people believe in magic and resort to it when there is no longer a chance for traditional ways of making their desires come true. And they do it right!

Sincerely believe that your goal will definitely come true, strive and go towards it, and you will certainly get what you want.

May all your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina


Since ancient times, rituals to fulfill a wish have helped a person fulfill his cherished dream if he did not have enough willpower or luck to achieve the goal. They still help now, and their scope of action is quite wide: people turn to them when they want to get married successfully, find a good job, get rid of bad habits, buy a car, improve their financial situation, etc.

Of course, you shouldn’t rely entirely on a magical ritual to fulfill your desire - it only creates the most favorable conditions for a dream to come true, and provides a person with a unique chance that should not be missed. If, after performing the ritual, you passively expect a miracle with folded hands, nothing will happen.

What spell must be said to make a wish come true?

There is no universal spell for making a wish come true; there are many ways to speed up the fulfillment of a dream: Old Slavonic rituals, Orthodox prayers, calling on dark forces, etc. However, regardless of the nature of the magical ritual, a number of recommendations can be identified that increase its effectiveness:

  1. It is necessary to focus on the end goal, and not on the method of getting what you want.
  2. It is important to think through the formulation of the desire before the start of the magical ritual. In this case, the text should be composed so that it sounds in the present or past tense, as if the wish has already been fulfilled.
  3. The desire must be real and feasible. Absurd wishes like “I want to become president of the United States” or “tomorrow I will find a treasure without leaving my apartment” have no force.
  4. A dream should not be aimed at harming people. If the heart's desire contains evil intent, the Universe will ultimately turn against the sorcerer.
  5. Nothing will work without sincere belief in magic. Fears, doubts, skepticism, idle curiosity - all this deprives the ritual of its power. Under no circumstances should you perform a magical ritual out of interest, wanting to find out whether it will work or not. The payback for such a frivolous attitude towards magic can be a prolonged streak of failures in life.

Advice! The power of magical rituals aimed at fulfilling desires increases many times over during the full moon. They also work more efficiently if carried out during the waxing moon phase.

The most effective conspiracies for making wishes come true

Most conspiracies to make a wish come true can be read at home or in an apartment, concentrating all your efforts on some ritual object, which is very convenient. The simplest rituals only require a person to read the necessary magical text, but their power is relatively small. The speed of the ritual depends on its complexity.

Important! Dark conspiracies are the fastest way to achieve the fulfillment of a desire, however, the return after them is quite powerful. To mitigate the negative consequences of the ritual, it is necessary to make a ransom - drop a handful of coins at the crossroads in order to appease the dark forces.

A spell before bed to make a wish come true

Particularly popular are wish-fulfillment rituals that must be read before bed. First of all, they are mostly quite simple. Secondly, during the day it can be difficult for a person to find a free minute for this. Just before bed, every person has a little time exclusively for themselves.

One of the most common conspiracies read before bed looks like this:

  1. Write your cherished desire on a blank sheet of paper in clear, legible handwriting. It is advisable that the paper is not lined.
  2. An ordinary white or church candle is held between the palms for some time, warming it. Then it is twisted around its axis 7 times. It should look like a spiral of sorts.
  3. Then the candle is set on fire and placed on a saucer in front of the piece of paper with the wish. It is left to burn out on its own; it cannot be extinguished. The person himself can go to bed.
  4. In the morning, the candle stub is wrapped in a sheet of paper and buried near the tree.

Alternatively, you can burn a piece of paper with a wish in a candle flame before going to bed. The ashes are buried in the ground along with the remains of the candle.

Water spell to make a wish come true

The conspiracy to fulfill a wish is read on the water as follows:

  1. Clean, clear water, preferably spring or consecrated water, is poured into a glass. You can also use mineral water.
  2. For some time you need to silently concentrate on the image of what you want.
  3. Then they read the magical text: “Pure water, let me drink, let me wash. Just as you cleanse me, you bathe me in luck, and you attract my dreams to me. I lock it with the key and wash it with water. Let it be so! Amen".
  4. After this, they say their wish out loud.
  5. The cycle is repeated three times, after which the charmed water is drunk in small sips.

Additionally, even before reading the plot, you can place a piece of paper with the wording of your desire under the glass.

Full moon ritual to fulfill a wish

This conspiracy to make a wish come true is read before bed:

  1. At the stroke of midnight, you need to stand by the window and silently focus on your dream.
  2. Then write a wish on a blank sheet of paper, saying each word out loud as you write it.
  3. A thin church candle is lit and placed in the center of a white saucer, after which it is placed behind the leaf.
  4. You should think about what you want in detail for some more time, after which the sheet is burned in the flame of a candle.
  5. The ashes are collected in one pile. The candle is then tilted and wax is dripped onto the ashes. Subsequently, the still warm wax and ashes are rolled into a ball and wrapped in a white scarf.

This scarf with a ball of wax and ash is hidden at home away from prying eyes. For six months it will serve as a talisman, then the ritual should be updated.

Spell for wish on a scarf

The rite of desire using a scarf is very simple. It is enough to say your wish 3 times over a clean white handkerchief, after which the fabric is clamped in a fist and the magic text is read:

“Lord God, fulfill my deepest desire. Have mercy, hear me. Send me help, fill me with strength. Don't let you go astray along the road leading to your dream. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then the scarf is tied into a knot and put into a bag or pocket. They carry it with them until the dream comes true.

Spell to grant a wish in Latin

Despite the fact that this wish-fulfillment spell is read in a foreign language, understanding the text is not particularly important - it remains effective even if a person does not know Latin.

The ritual does not require any additional actions. It is enough to say the following magic phrase on the full moon:



Then the desire is voiced out loud as accurately as possible 7 times.

Ritual to make a wish come true with a candle

For this ritual, you need to purchase a large candle, since you will have to light it several times during the week. The church candle will burn out too quickly.

On a piece of paper they write the wording of their cherished dream and write: “May my desire bring only good and do no harm.” At night, you need to place a candle in a candlestick on a sheet of paper and light the wick. For some time a person should look at the flame and think about what he wants. Then the candle is extinguished and they go to bed.

The magical ritual is repeated for 7 days. Then the leaf is burned, the ashes are rolled into paper or a scarf and buried under a tree.

A quick spell to make any wish come true

This is an easy, simple spell for simple, “everyday” desires. To implement it you will need three identical ribbons of red, green and white. They are tied together with a knot and at this moment they pronounce their wish. When the wish comes true, the braid of ribbons must be burned and the ashes scattered in the wind, or can also be poured into the sink.

Black conspiracy to make a wish come true

This is a very effective conspiracy to make a wish come true, but it belongs to dark rituals. This means that it is followed by a powerful return.

It looks like this:

  1. At a forest crossroads they will make a ransom: coins sprinkled with their own blood are buried along with a scarf in which a knife is wrapped.
  2. After that they look for a birch tree. With a second knife they draw a cross on it and quietly whisper about their cherished dream.
  3. Then you need to read the text of the magical ritual 3 times in a row: “Thunder will strike, let the earth open, let the hell door open, and let my wish come true. It will be as I want. All the demons will fulfill, all the demons will do.”
  4. After this they kiss the cross and go home. The second knife is also buried at the same intersection.

Important! You cannot talk to anyone after this ritual, and you are also forbidden to turn around, even if voices are heard and strange sounds are seen. This is a demonic temptation. If these conditions are violated, trouble will not be avoided.

Conspiracies to the Guardian Angel to make a wish come true

“My guardian angel! Guardian of my soul, my eternal companion, bless, help! Point me on the true path, open my eyes - let me see the path to my cherished desire. Protect me from failure with your wings. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Important! The prayer is repeated 3 times in a row. For the best effect, it is worth reading it morning and evening.

A powerful spell to make a wish come true

This wish spell can be read at home:

  1. It is important to fast for 3 days before the ceremony.
  2. Then 40 thin candles are bought from the nearest temple.
  3. During the waxing moon, 4 candles are lit in front of the mirror, placed on white saucers and a brief statement of your dream is whispered onto them 3 times.
  4. The candles are left burning throughout the night. The cinders are wrapped in a scarf.
  5. The ritual is repeated for 10 days. Then all the cinders in a bundle of white cloth are buried at the crossroads along with the mirror.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use a mirror that was used in a magic ritual.

Spell on a round mirror to make wishes come true

The wish fulfillment spell, which is read using mirror magic, is very powerful. To do this, you will need a new round mirror, without cracks or chips. The ritual is carried out like this:

  1. At midnight they begin to wash the mirror. It is washed with clean water for several minutes.
  2. Then the surface is wiped with a white handkerchief and the following text of the ritual is read: “I will pass through the mirror, I will take everything I want for myself. I will fulfill your cherished wish, key, word, lock. Let it be so".
  3. After this, the mirror is wrapped in a white handkerchief, which was used to wipe it. The enchanted object is hidden in a secluded place for three days, after which a mirror and a handful of coins are buried at a crossroads.

Advice! Payback after completion is required. Instead of coins, you can use treats: candy, cookies, bread, etc.

A conspiracy at the magical moment of wish fulfillment

A wish spell that uses the power of a magical or “golden” minute can be read both at home and in any other situation. It does not require any special ritual or items. It is only important to calculate the time and correctly formulate the desire.

It is believed that every day gives people one special minute, during which an energy channel with the Universe opens. The line between the physical and immaterial world is thinning and everything that a person wishes at this moment will certainly come true.

The “golden” minute is determined by the date and number of the month. For example, January 15 is 15.01. Thus, the magic minute occurs at 15:01.

Numbers that range from 25 to 31 work a little differently. Here the month number shows the hours, and the number shows the minutes. January 26 is 01:26.

Ritual for wish with bay leaf

With the help of a bay leaf, the ritual for the fulfillment of desires is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. An ordinary white candle is lit and placed in front of you in a candlestick or on a white saucer. They whisper their desire onto the candle flame, formulating the thought as specifically and concisely as possible.
  2. After this, a small fireproof container is placed in front of the candle and a coin or gold item is placed on the bottom. The items are covered with a bay leaf on top.
  3. When the candle flame begins to actively melt the wax, tilt it slightly so that it drips onto the bay leaf. As the wax melts, the following text of the conspiracy is read: “By the power of the Angels, by the power of Heaven, I conjure you, wonderful tree! Just as I acquire things with gold, so I attract desire to myself with laurel. Everything will happen that I wish for, everything that I want will come true. Green laurel, wonderful laurel. Caressed by the sun, imbued with power, he lies over the coin, and takes its power. The laurel is strong, and with gold its strength is doubly greater. Power of gold, power of wood, answer my call! May all my dreams come true."
  4. When the candle burns out completely, the cinder is buried away from the house, preferably at an intersection. Together with the candle, a container with a coin and a bay leaf is placed in the hole.

Important! After performing a magical ritual, you should return home as soon as possible, and you cannot look back, as well as talk to anyone.

Consequences of spells to grant wishes

All rituals aimed at fulfilling desires can be divided into dark and light. Depending on which category the ritual performed falls into, a person can expect a rather severe retribution for his actions or a complete absence of any negative consequences. As a rule, light magic does not harm other people, so you can turn to it without any fear. Dark rituals can have the following consequences:

  • health problems;
  • financial difficulties;
  • a number of minor and major failures in everyday life, relationships, and at work;
  • crisis in the family or relationship with the other half;
  • damage to property, theft of money;
  • increased conflict situations with people;
  • alienation from loved ones and relatives;
  • betrayal of friends or lover, etc.

Important! The degree of return depends on how dark the conspiracy to fulfill the desire was - the darkest rituals are the fastest, but they are the ones that most affect a person’s health, even to the point of developing chronic diseases.


Rituals for fulfilling a wish are based mainly on visualizing one’s needs, while all accompanying ritual actions are aimed at strengthening one’s own thoughts and calling on higher powers that will help convey a request for help to the Universe. At the same time, it is very important to sincerely believe that everything you dreamed will come true; any doubt nullifies all efforts. In order to get into the right frame of mind, you can meditate before the ceremony or relax a little while listening to relaxing music.