The Roller Coaster Diet. We eat everything. but we count calories. Cancer treatment: fly agaric, kerosene, tobacco, todicamp Meal for 600 kcal per day menu

The most reliable way to lose weight at almost any age is to gradually reduce the calorie content of your daily diet to 1600-1800 kcal for women and 2000-2200 kcal for men, and after the body adapts to it, begin sports training, first moderate, and then more intense. Over the course of a month, the caloric content of the diet is normally reduced by no more than 40 percent of the initial caloric content. Thus, if someone who decides to lose weight consumed 3000 kcal, then within a month he needs to reduce his diet to 1800 kcal. This is the most gentle nutrition option for weight loss.

In other words, you need to reduce the caloric content of food consumed by 10 percent every week. In the first week, instead of 3000 kcal, consume 2700, in the second week - 2400, in the third - 2100, and only in the fourth - 2800. A sharp, non-gradual reduction in calorie content by almost half is less tolerated by the body and causes a depressed state of mind, dissatisfaction with oneself, and loss of self-confidence. opportunities to lose weight can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases due to decreased immunity.

During the time of calorie reduction, a person already begins to lose weight. And when exercise is added to the diet, the process of losing weight goes faster and more efficiently. However, in some cases, those who want to lose weight do not have time to adapt and exercise. In this case, you can attempt to lose weight by significantly reducing the calorie content of the menu - for example, to 600 kcal per day.

Benefits of the 600 kcal per day diet

This diet has a number of advantages:

  • Reducing calories is really effective and leads to the desired result - weight loss.
  • The restrictions apply only to the energy value of food, so there is no need to eat the same foods as on mono-diets or kefir, buckwheat, apple diets,
  • Due to frequent consumption of food - 5-6 times a day - a person losing weight is not haunted by the feeling of hunger.

Disadvantages of the “600 kcal per day” diet

Like any non-medical diet, this diet has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  • 600 kcal is the norm for energy value for patients with limited mobility in hospitals, and for a normal life this calorie content is insufficient, so a person losing weight experiences weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness. You can stick to this diet for no more than 5-7 days.
  • With such a limited diet, immunity is reduced, so the diet is not suitable for the cold season, during epidemics, after childbirth, injury, surgery or long-term illness.
  • The kilograms lost during the diet can quickly return, since this method of losing weight is stressful, and the body’s reaction to stress is the accumulation of fat. To prevent this from happening, you need to switch to a diet with increased calorie content and include training in your schedule.

Diet features

The diet is most easily tolerated in the summer, when the body's energy expenditure on heating the body and resisting infections is minimal. In addition, a variety of low-calorie plant foods will help you feel full, thanks to large portions, and enjoy eating.

It is very important to eat varied and as healthy as possible. In general, reducing caloric intake to 600 kcal for a healthy active person cannot be called correct, but you can balance the load on the digestive system and body by selecting foods.

During the diet, you need to take multivitamins to compensate for the lack of nutrients not received from food.

You need to start your morning with a mandatory breakfast, then eat in equal portions at regular intervals, and before going to bed, limit yourself to liquid, easily digestible food.

If you want to have a snack between meals, you should drink water or herbal tea to dull the feeling of hunger. If tolerated well, you can sometimes drink coffee without milk, cream and sugar. You can add a slice of lemon or a pinch of cinnamon to it.

For 5-7 days of eating with a calorie restriction of up to 600 kcal, an average of 4-7 kg is consumed. But it is quite difficult to predict the result, since it depends on the age of the person losing weight, his gender, lifestyle, health status, and initial body weight. It is known that for those whose weight exceeds the ideal values ​​by only a little, it is much more difficult to lose weight than for those who are excessively overweight. Therefore, women of the same age and height, but with a body weight of 70 and 100 kg, will have different results. For the second woman, the process of losing weight will begin faster and more actively until she reduces her weight to 70-80 kg.

Before starting a diet, you need to visit a therapist and get tested to identify hidden and chronic diseases that can worsen in a state of general stress due to a lack of calories.

Women need to visit a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy and current diseases. If a woman has a history of hormonal disorders, then it is worth consulting an endocrinologist.

Women need to start losing weight in the first half of the cycle, but after the end of menstruation or withdrawal bleeding (when taking hormonal contraceptives). On bleeding days, the body is weakened, and diet will further enhance this condition. In the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, the female body prepares for a possible pregnancy and stores fats to support it, so during this period the woman has an increased appetite and it will be difficult for her to stick to a diet.

The basis of the diet

The following food groups should be included in your daily diet:

  • Fresh fruits and berries;
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • Lean meat and poultry;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Fish and meat broths, weak, “second”;
  • Eggs;
  • Cereals and whole grains;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Pure water.

Foods excluded from the diet

Unhealthy and high-calorie foods should be excluded from the diet. Unhealthy foods will add to the burden of malnutrition, and eating high-calorie foods will break the 600-calorie rule without making you feel full and preventing you from losing weight.

The following products should be excluded:

  • Everything is fried;
  • Everything is smoked;
  • Salted, pickled, fermented foods (they are higher in calories than fresh ones and also retain water in the body);
  • Canned food and preserved meat and fish;
  • Salo;
  • Sauces and dressings;
  • Bakery;
  • Confectionery;
  • Butter and margarine;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and juices;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt.

Diet restrictions

It is unacceptable to play sports, physically work or give other stress to the body with an energy value of only 600 kcal, since the body’s reserves are barely enough for normal functioning. Additional stress will lead to exhaustion and can provoke disruptions in the functioning of body systems.

Sample menu

You can plan your menu for the day as follows:

  • For breakfast, it is recommended to eat cereal steamed the night before. For example, steamed buckwheat has 105 kcal per 100 g. 100 g is a normal portion for one person. You should wash it down with rosehip decoction - 100 ml contains 18 kcal, and in a glass - approximately 36-45 kcal. Rosehip is rich in vitamins and will support the body. This breakfast contains more than a fifth of the permissible daily calorie content - 150 kcal.
  • A boiled egg is suitable as a second breakfast - 75 kcal in 1 piece, medium-sized grapefruit - 1 piece. 46 kcal and green tea with zero calories. Total lunch will be 121 kcal.
  • You can have a tasty and healthy lunch with chicken broth, cooked without salt from white meat, freed from bones and skin - 20 kcal per 100 ml and 50 kcal per normal portion of 250 g, respectively. For the second course, a steamed chicken cutlet is suitable - 87 kcal per 100 g and grated carrots (32 kcal per 100) with a teaspoon of sour cream - 23 kcal per spoon. Lunch will provide approximately 197 kcal.
  • For an afternoon snack, he recommends preparing a large portion of vegetable salad - tomatoes (20 kcal), cucumbers (15 kcal), sweet peppers (30 kcal), onions (41 kcal), fresh herbs (36 kcal). A salad of whole small cucumber and tomato, halves of onion and pepper, a bunch of greens, dressed with a spoon of lemon juice without salt - about 90 kcal.
  • A glass of kefir with normal fat content - 53 kcal - would be good for dinner.

In total, the daily calorie content of food is 600 kcal, plus or minus a few kcal within the permissible error.

Another menu option might look like this:

  • For breakfast - oatmeal steamed in the evening - 97 kcal with dried fruit compote without sugar - 60 kcal per 100 g and, accordingly, 130 kcal per glass. Result – breakfast – 227 kcal;
  • Lunch – apple – 43 kcal per piece. or peach – 39 kcal per 1 piece. Total lunch will be about 40 kcal;
  • Lunch - steamed navaga - 93 kcal per 100 g and a salad of fresh vegetables, similar to the one described above - approximately 90 kcal. Total lunch – 183 kcal;
  • Afternoon snack - low-fat cottage cheese - 85 kcal per 100 g with raspberries - 46 kcal per 100 g. Total afternoon snack 120 kcal;
  • Dinner - normal fat milk - 54 kcal per 100 g.

Some of the most popular diet courses today are those that are based on limiting the total daily calorie intake, in this case it is “ 600 calorie per day diet”. For those losing weight, such diets are especially attractive, since there are no prohibitions on certain foods here - you simply need to “meet” a certain calorie norm. Of course, in the end, preference is still given to low-calorie food, since with its help you can create a fairly rich menu. If you include some kind of cake or sandwich with mayonnaise and sausage in your diet, most likely your menu for the whole day will be limited to this dish. It is recommended to follow such a diet from 7 to 14 days, no more than twice a year. In addition to setting clear boundaries for total daily calorie intake, 600 calories per day also designed to reduce water consumption to 1-1.2 liters per day. This is necessary so that the body begins to use fat as a source of internal water. However, if you have poor tolerance and if you follow this diet in the hot season, you may not adhere to these restrictions.

In fact 600 calorie per day diet menu has a fairly extreme dietary course, since this amount of calories is extremely small. It is impossible to say with certainty what the daily calorie intake should be, since for each person it is calculated purely individually and directly depends on your height, body weight and level of physical activity. It is logical that the more intense the physical activity you perform, the more calories you should consume. However, a diet of 600 calories a day will help you get rid of those extra pounds.

Diet 600 calories per day menu for a week, how to calculate?

Often, the daily calorie intake is calculated using the Harris-Benedict formula. With its help, you can find out your daily caloric intake, at which neither weight loss nor weight gain will occur. Simply put, this is the amount of calories at which your body will be most comfortable.

It should be noted that the 600 kcal diet formula is only relevant for people with an average build. This calculation will not work for overweight, too thin, or muscular people.

So, using the Harris-Benedict formula, you can determine your basal metabolic rate. This is the norm for your body's energy needs. However, in this case, the additional energy needed by the body for physical activity is not taken into account.

So, the formula for women is calculated as follows: 447.6 + (9.2 x your weight in kilograms) + (3.1 x your height in centimeters) - (4.3 x your age in years).

Now from the resulting number we can calculate the daily calorie intake based on the level of physical activity.

There are 5 types of activity:

  • minimal (physical activity is completely excluded);
  • low (physical activity is performed up to 3 times a week);
  • average (3 to 5 times a week);
  • high (6-7 workouts per week);
  • very high (trainings take place several times a day).

Physical activity rate:

  • minimum - 1.2;
  • low - 1.375;
  • average - 1.55;
  • high - 1.725;
  • very high - 1.9.

Now you need to multiply the resulting calorie intake without taking into account training by the coefficient of the corresponding physical activity.

For example, you are 21 years old, your height is 178 centimeters, and your weight is 63 kilograms. Thus, we carry out the following calculation: 447.6 + (9.2 x 63) + (3.1 x 178) - (4.3 x 21) = 1488.7. At the same time, you do not perform any physical activity at all: 1488.7 x 1.2 = 1786.44. This will be the daily calorie requirement at which you can maintain your weight without losing weight or gaining weight.

Diets aimed at limiting calories absolutely do not take into account the characteristics of the human body. You simply have to stick to 600, 1000 or 1200 kcal, no matter how tall you are, what your weight is or how old you are. Of course, this leads to the conclusion that this power system cannot possibly be safe.

Still want to try a similar course for yourself? Are you interested in 600 calorie meal and how much weight can you lose? Then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the approximate diet for such a diet.

Meals for 600 kcal per day menu:

First day: first breakfast - hard-boiled egg; second breakfast - one medium tomato, a cup of black natural coffee; lunch - boiled egg; afternoon snack - 200 grams of green vegetable salad (celery, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, greens), seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable oil; dinner - grapefruit.

Second day: first breakfast - hard-boiled egg, a cup of black natural coffee; second breakfast - grapefruit; lunch - 200 grams of lean veal, steamed or baked on a grill; afternoon snack - two fresh cucumbers, a cup of natural black coffee; dinner - two carrots.

The third day: first breakfast - hard-boiled egg, a cup of natural black coffee; second breakfast - one medium tomato, dill or parsley; lunch - 200 grams of lean veal, fish or chicken (steamed or baked on a grill); afternoon snack - one fresh cucumber, a cup of black coffee; dinner - 200 grams of stewed spinach.

Fourth day: first breakfast - “green” salad, a cup of coffee; second breakfast - grapefruit; lunch - boiled egg, dill or parsley; afternoon snack - 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese; dinner - 200 grams of stewed spinach, a cup of green tea.

Fifth day: first breakfast - hard-boiled egg, a cup of black coffee; second breakfast - 200 grams of stewed spinach; lunch - a piece of lean fish, baked on a wire rack or cooked in a double boiler; afternoon snack - 200 grams of green vegetable salad (celery, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, herbs), seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable oil, a cup of black coffee; dinner - an orange and a cup of green tea.

Sixth day: first breakfast - grapefruit, a cup of natural black coffee (optional); second breakfast - two fresh cucumbers; lunch - chicken, veal or fish, baked on a rack or cooked in a double boiler; afternoon snack - orange; dinner - 200 grams of green vegetable salad, a cup of green tea.

Seventh day: first breakfast - orange, cup of black coffee (optional); second breakfast - two carrots (raw); lunch - water soup with vegetables, a piece of chicken without skin (two dishes - 200 grams); dinner - fresh fruit salad.

600 calorie diet menu for 2 week:

This diet, like any other, needs to be exited very smoothly and gradually, increasing the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet day by day. If you leave the diet course too abruptly, there is a chance that the lost kilograms will return again, or even additional ones will be added. Bye 600 calorie diet reviewsis controversial and it is difficult for doctors to talk about its obvious benefits or harms.

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The unloading lasts three days. During this period, the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 600 kcal. It is the amount of daily calories that is important, and not what foods it will be supplied to the body.

You should stick to a daily caloric intake of 900 kcal for three days, and then increase it to 1200 kcal and maintain this value for 10 days. From the 11th day, the diet starts all over again.

The main rule of the diet is strict adherence to calorie content, so you need to prepare kitchen scales and food calorie tables in advance.

700 calorie diet requirements

The menu of the low-calorie “700 calorie” diet should be dominated by protein foods. They are the ones who saturate the body as well as possible and ensure the speed of metabolic processes.

Thanks to protein foods, weight loss occurs due to the burning of fat cells, and muscle mass does not suffer. It is very important.

The diet should be based on lean meat and fish, seafood, low-fat milk and sour milk.

It is recommended to exclude (or at least minimize) simple carbohydrates (confectionery products; any dishes and drinks that contain sugar and flour). If you live very sadly without flour delicacies, then you can leave a small amount of bran or wheat bread, but do not eat more than 100 g of it per day.

As for sweet cravings, you can relieve them with honey and dried fruits. Eat all the most high-calorie foods in the first half of the day, and make dinner as light as possible.

During the “700 calorie” diet, it is advisable to reduce the amount of salt consumed and completely eliminate alcoholic drinks.

Small meals at least 4-5 times a day are held in high esteem. This will make it easier to avoid acute attacks of hunger and, as a result, breaking the diet.

In addition to protein products, you need to include the right carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits) and healthy fats (non-heat-treated vegetable oils, seeds, various nuts) into your diet. To ensure that the results of your dietary efforts are as noticeable as possible, do not have dinner after 7 p.m.


Nutritionists consider the roller coaster one of the most effective diets, but only if all principles are followed.

The main positive properties of the diet include:

  • weight loss is possible even without physical activity. You can pay it off in three weeks 5 – 10 kilograms weight, depending on the characteristics of the body. If you add moderate loads, it will take up to 12 kg;
  • flexible menu that you can think through yourself. Although the basis of the diet is nutritious and healthy foods, it is not at all necessary to give up sweets and favorite dishes;
  • The result of the diet is stable; if done correctly, the lost kilograms will not return. But leaving the diet lasts several weeks;
  • no placebo effect – weight loss is constant. This is due to spikes in calories;
  • positive reviews and results - thousands of women have lost excess weight thanks to the diet;
  • The three-week diet develops healthy eating habits. A person gets used to eating little and healthy food. Having felt lightness in the body, many people no longer want to return to their previous lifestyle.

Diet menu

1st breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g);

2nd breakfast: berries or unsweetened fruit (200 g);

Lunch: vegetable soup (200 ml), bread (2 pieces);

1st breakfast: oatmeal with water (100 g), apple;

2nd breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, black bread (30 g);

Lunch: chicken breast or fish (100 g), fresh vegetables;

1st breakfast: porridge on water (200 g) with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

2nd breakfast: natural yogurt or kefir (200 ml);

Lunch: boiled chicken breast (200 g), fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, baked potatoes (1 medium size);

Each person can adjust the diet to suit themselves, observing the required calorie content of the dishes. But it is advisable to use products from the approved list. Healthy food saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, making it easier to lose excess weight.

Of course, you can eat one chocolate bar for the whole day (about 500 kilocalories). But this will only harm the body.

The author of the method, giving a description of the diet, indicates that there are no restrictions in the choice of products. However, he strongly recommends choosing healthy, low-calorie, but filling foods. In this case, even the hungriest days of the diet will be easier to bear.

And if you limit yourself to a small amount of high-calorie foods, then there is a high probability of fainting from hunger or getting stomach problems.

Therefore, despite the absence of strict restrictions, it is worth excluding sweets, baked goods, and fatty foods from the menu. The basis of the diet should be vegetables (raw and stewed), fermented milk products, and lean boiled meat.

To further cleanse the body and dull the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to switch to separate meals during the diet. That is, do not mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal. However, this recommendation is not mandatory and is left to the discretion of the person losing weight.

Another useful recommendation is to limit salt. You need to avoid salty foods and keep your food to a minimum. But you should not limit water; on the contrary, drinking plenty of liquid will help fight hunger.

Sample menu for 600 kcal:

  • for breakfast you can eat 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and tea or 150 grams of oatmeal with grated apple;
  • for lunch you can eat kiwi or tangerine;
  • For lunch, you can prepare a vegetarian vegetable soup or stew a mixture of vegetables (without potatoes and corn). You can supplement your lunch with two pieces of bread.
  • For dinner you should eat a boiled egg and a glass of kefir or 150 grams of boiled fish.

On days when you are allowed to consume 900 kcal, you can create a more varied menu.

  • 150 grams of buckwheat porridge, tea or a sandwich made from whole grain bread with low-fat curd cheese and an apple;
  • for lunch - cabbage, cucumber and radish salad with a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • for lunch - chicken broth with boiled chicken meat and herbs;

Disadvantages of the 600 calorie diet

Every diet has weaknesses. The main disadvantage of the Roller Coaster is the accurate calculation of calories and weight of dishes. Those who want to lose weight will have to purchase small electronic scales and weigh each portion. This requires a high level of self-discipline. Other disadvantages include the following:

  • the diet contains a minimal amount of fat, which negatively affects the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • The first three days are very tough, people often break down. To satisfy your hunger, you can eat fruits or vegetables that are low in carbohydrates (cabbage, cucumbers, green apples);
  • The diet involves reducing the amount of physical activity to a minimum. Therefore, working out in the gym should be temporarily stopped and replaced with walking. The fact is that heavy exercise takes a lot of strength and energy. A “roller coaster” is an unbalanced and poor diet, so people’s well-being may deteriorate.

It is very difficult to constantly count the calorie content and weight of dishes, especially when you come to visit or attend a celebration. In order not to break down, it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits instead of cakes and cutlets.

Contraindications for the 700 calorie diet

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The impossibility of eliminating heavy physical activity during the diet period.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Severe chronic diseases.

Before going on a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Beauty should not be achieved at the expense of one's own health. Health is true beauty!

  • The 700 calorie diet is very strict. You should not contact her if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Also taboo for following the technique are children, adolescents, old age, the presence of chronic diseases and recent surgical interventions.
  • Before starting such a diet, it is highly advisable to consult a qualified doctor.

The dietary food system is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents. It should not be followed by people suffering from heart and vascular diseases, with pathologies of the digestive system, kidneys and liver.

The diet should be postponed during exacerbation of chronic diseases, in case of infectious or viral diseases.

Before going on a diet, you should consult your doctor.

Advantages of the diet

  1. One of the main advantages of the 700 calorie diet is that you are free in your food choices. There is no strict list of allowed foods that you need to adhere to.
  2. It’s also good that you don’t need to give up food altogether or constantly eat the same thing (as happens with mono-diets).
  3. A significant advantage of a low-calorie diet is the fairly rapid loss of extra pounds in a short time.
  4. You can eat deliciously and variedly, according to your taste preferences, and at the same time lose weight.

Additional dishes

On the American Diet you can diversify the menu. You can use the following recipes:

  1. Vegetable soup – take vegetables, peel them and cut them into pieces. Place in two liters of boiling water and cook until tender. When choosing vegetables, be guided by your preferences. These can be: carrots, celery, cabbage, onions, potatoes, bell peppers. The average calorie content of 100 grams of ready-made soup is from 40 to 50 kilocalories.
  2. Vitamin salad: chop white cabbage, add cucumber, tomato, bell pepper. Add onions, garlic and dill. Drizzle the salad with olive oil. Calorie content of 100 grams of salad: 58 – 60 kilocalories.

Repeated diet

It is not recommended to re-follow the 700 calorie diet for at least the next month and a half.

The most popular diets


I chose this diet because I wanted to lose weight, but I couldn’t give up my favorite marshmallows and chocolate. And in the “Roller Coaster” any food is allowed, but calories are counted. As a result, I ate a small piece of chocolate every day. I lasted all three weeks and lost five kilograms. I advise everyone, the diet helps.

I've always liked to experiment. I tried many diets, and recently I heard about “Roller Coaster”. I was interested in the title, I read it and decided to try it. But I chose the second option, recommended by WHO. I lost 3 kilograms in a couple of weeks. I think it's good. After all, I wasn't hungry. There are still six days left.

Roller coasters are my lifestyle. Three years ago I lost 10 kilograms on this diet and kept it completely strict. Since then I have always followed proper nutrition. I eat little by little and give preference to healthy foods. Usually my menu for the week: 1200 – 1500 kcal per day. I feel great. I forgot about constant fatigue, apathy and depression.


The diet helps you lose 5 to 10 kilograms in three weeks. The main advantage is that there is no clear menu; each person chooses his own diet. But he must adhere to a strict caloric intake.

The number of kilocalories is constantly changing, which leads to the burning of fat mass. But before you go on a diet, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

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The essence of the 600 calorie per day diet

A 600 calorie per day diet is an effective way to lose a few pounds quickly. Since this diet is low-calorie, it should be followed for several days by people with an active lifestyle or used as fasting days. But it will bring more effect to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Today we will tell you about a 600 kcal per day diet and menu options.

General information about the 600 kcal per day diet

If you decide to go on a 600 calorie diet, then your goal is to reduce your calorie intake to 600 calories, not exceed a given level, and build your diet in accordance with a given calorie intake.

You can immediately note that it will be extremely difficult for the body, since it will not get the nutrients necessary to maintain all processes. Therefore, the body will take additional energy by using its own fat reserves.

You should exclude from your diet all sweet, starchy, fatty and salty foods, as well as cereals, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. However, in order to prevent the development of various chronic diseases, remember that following this diet should be short-term.

How the 600 calorie per day diet works

The 600 calorie per day diet is based on reducing your caloric intake to 600 calories. Since such calorie content will be extremely insufficient for the body to maintain the processes occurring in it, it will be forced to take additional energy, consuming its own fat reserves. It is worth considering that how strong and sharp a reduction in diet is extreme for health, therefore adherence to the diet should be short-term. The 600 calorie per day diet has some side effects, so before starting it, you should think carefully and become familiar with all its disadvantages.

Disadvantages of the 600 kcal per day diet

Metabolic failure, which may result in hormonal imbalance;
After completing the diet and returning to a normal diet, lost pounds may return;
Digestive problems may occur;
Dizziness, stress, and nervousness are possible.

Results of the 600 calorie per day diet

Note that it is much better to use this low-calorie diet for fasting days. Then the result will not come so quickly, but will remain with you for a long time. The body will also benefit from such a decision, as it will be cleansed of waste and toxins.

Reviews of the 600 calorie per day diet suggest that up to 1-2 kg of excess weight can be lost per day. It is also possible to maintain the result if, after completing the diet, you begin to gradually increase the calorie content of your diet and engage in light exercise.

Don't forget to include vegetables and fruits in your diet, as they will provide you with a lot of vitamins and minerals, but at the same time they have minimal calorie content. Also consume low-fat dairy products, for example, you can season vegetable or fruit salad with yogurt. To count calories daily, you can use a special calorie table.

How to properly build a menu for 600 calories a day

First, you need to understand that eating the equivalent of 600 calories a day cannot be considered correct. But if at the moment the end justifies the means, try to make your low-calorie diet as varied and healthy as possible.

For example, 100 calories are equivalent to both 2 pieces of McDonald's Chicken McNuggets and 1 plate of boiled broccoli baked with 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream. If you want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy stomach and beautiful skin, you should give preference to the second option.

Also, do not forget to take a comprehensive multivitamin and be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water per day.

You will have to give up intense sports activity while losing weight. But no one prohibits walks in the park, morning exercises and yoga. All these exercises will not only help you get closer to your goal, but will also distract you from obsessive thoughts about junk food.

Nutritionists recommend building a menu according to the principles of fractional meals. Ideally, you should eat a hearty breakfast, lunch, a small snack and a token dinner. In order not to suffer from hunger and to eat as balanced as possible, each meal should consist of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

600 calorie menu examples

We present to your attention several menu options for 600 calories per day:

Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt; 2 egg white omelet with canned beans; low-fat cottage cheese with herbs.

Dinner: boiled beef or chicken fillet; vegetable salad with cheese or eggs; brown rice with boiled lean fish.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with berries; low-fat kefir; 2 boiled beets; canned tuna in its own juice.

Snack: a handful of nuts; 1 medium sized green apple; 2 kiwis.

Menu for 600 kcal

During the period dedicated to limiting the diet to 600 kcal, throughout the day you can consume (optional):
- milk 1.5% fat – 1.4 l;
- boiled lean meat – 240 g;
- cottage cheese 2% fat – 600 g.

It is not forbidden to combine the above products, calculating the serving size of each of them (the total calorie content should not exceed 600 kcal). It is recommended to drink still water or unsweetened green tea.

600 calorie menu for a sedentary lifestyle

Option 1: 200 grams of chicken fillet or lean fish, bake in the oven (or boil), your choice of either 3-4 fruits (not bananas) or half a chocolate bar

Option 2: boil 100 grams of any cereal (meaning dry product) and eat throughout the day (you get quite a lot of finished product), one boiled egg and a glass of kefir

Option 3

Breakfast: Half a banana, 28 grams of fiber-rich cereal, 225 ml skim milk.
Lunch: 110 g low-fat cottage cheese, celery, cucumber, salad, slice of bran bread.
Dinner: boiled fish 150g, broccoli, carrots, half a grapefruit.
Drink: 8 glasses of water, 2 cups of coffee or tea, herbal tea.

Option 4

Breakfast - dried apricots (60 kcal), a slice of ham (20 kcal), green leaf salad (10 kcal), 2 cucumbers (30 kcal), water with lemon juice, salad of 1 cucumber and 1 tomato (34 kcal), green tea (10 kcal)
Lunch – vegetable soup of zucchini, celery, turnips, onions, frozen green peas, parsley (35 kcal), boiled cod with stewed carrots (78 kcal), cauliflower (30 kcal), store-bought soft-boiled egg (50 kcal), water (you can add a little juice lemon)
Afternoon snack - grapefruit (35kcal), green tea (10kcal) 100g kefir 1% (30kcal)
Dinner - arugula salad with beets (36 kcal), a slice of cheese (25 kcal), 200 g of kefir 1% (60 kcal), a slice of cheese (20 kcal) and green leaf salad (10 kcal), green tea (10 kcal)

Option 5

Breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal, boiled in water, a cup of weak black tea.
Second breakfast: 100 g baked potatoes, pickled cucumber.
Lunch: 300 g of stewed vegetables (eggplant, cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic).
Afternoon snack: 100 g of sweet red pepper, half a chicken egg, a cup of green tea.
Dinner: A glass of low-fat kefir.

Important! If you play sports and lead an active lifestyle (health problems, pregnancy, adolescence), it is DANGEROUS to include this menu in your daily routine!

The 600 calorie per day diet is an effective way to lose a few pounds quickly. Since this diet is low-calorie, it should be followed for several days by people with an active lifestyle or used as fasting days. But it will bring more effect to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Today we will tell you about a 600 kcal per day diet and menu options.

If you decide to go on a 600 calorie diet, then your goal is to reduce your caloric intake to 600 calories, not exceed a given level, and build your diet in accordance with a given caloric intake.

You can immediately note that it will be extremely difficult for the body, since it will not get the nutrients necessary to maintain all processes. Therefore, the body will take additional energy by using its own fat reserves.

You should exclude from your diet all sweet, starchy, fatty and salty foods, as well as cereals, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. However, in order to prevent the development of various chronic diseases, remember that following this diet should be short-term.

Disadvantages of the 600 kcal per day diet:

  • Metabolic failure, which may result in hormonal imbalance;
  • After completing the diet and returning to a normal diet, lost pounds may return;
  • Digestive problems may occur;
  • Dizziness, stress, and nervousness are possible.

Results of the 600 calorie per day diet.

Note that it is much better to use this low-calorie diet for fasting days. Then the result will not come so quickly, but will remain with you for a long time. The body will also benefit from such a decision, as it will be cleansed of waste and toxins.

Reviews of the 600 calorie per day diet suggest that up to 1-2 kg of excess weight can be lost per day. It is also possible to maintain the result if, after completing the diet, you begin to gradually increase the calorie content of your diet and engage in light exercise.

Don't forget to include vegetables and fruits in your diet, as they will provide you with a lot of vitamins and minerals, but at the same time they have minimal calorie content. Also consume low-fat dairy products, for example, you can season vegetable or fruit salad with yogurt. To count calories daily, you can use a special calorie table.

Examples of a 600 calorie menu.

We present to your attention several menu options for 600 calories per day:

Breakfast: fruit salad topped with low-fat yogurt; 2 egg white omelet with canned beans; low-fat cottage cheese with herbs.

Lunch: boiled beef or chicken fillet; vegetable salad with cheese or eggs; brown rice with boiled lean fish.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with berries; low-fat kefir; 2 boiled beets; canned tuna in its own juice.

Snack: a handful of nuts; 1 medium sized green apple; 2 kiwis.