Young family subsidy amount of payments. State program “Housing. What is assistance to young families?

After the state housing reform was carried out to improve the quality of housing, young families can receive a targeted payment when purchasing an apartment. This resolution of the Russian Federation sets the task of implementing an entire social assistance project. The action is based on the Housing Act. Each article describes in detail who receives the benefit and in what order.

The project also contains subprograms, namely payments to young mothers. The “young family” program implies assistance from the state to young people. Namely, assistance in purchasing housing and improving living conditions. It provides assistance in paying for housing in the amount of over 30% of its cost. This can be either an apartment or a house.

It operates successfully throughout Russia from 2011 to 2015, and was extended until 2020. Depending on the region, the amount of subsidies is calculated for the successful development of a young society. The plan and goal for 2016 in Russia is to provide assistance to 170,000 families.

Young family affordable housing 2016

Before you start collecting and processing documents for such a program, you need to find out which categories are eligible to receive benefits.

In order to receive financial support, you need to fit into the standard framework:

  • be within the age range (up to 35 years);
  • be a resident and citizen of Russia;
  • not be provided with housing;
  • have the difference to pay the entire amount for the home.

Support for newly formed families at the federal level is carried out within the framework of the “Housing” program, which in official documents is called “Providing housing for young families.” Let's understand its conditions and how it will be carried out. “Young Family” program in 2016.

This program expires in 2015, but on April 15, 2014, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 323 was signed, which states the approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation.” Simply put, this resolution extends the validity of the Housing program until 2020. All measures proposed by the state aimed at providing housing to citizens will be supported by federal legislation.

Terms of this program

The action of the “Young Family” extends to the entire territory of Russia, and is aimed at providing those who need to improve their living conditions. All regulations that regulate the functioning of the program for each region are entrusted to be issued by local authorities.

If a young family decides to participate in this program, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. The age of the participants on the day of the verdict to include a young couple (or single parent) in the lists of applicants for assistance should not be more than 35 years old.
  2. Everyone who wishes must have Russian citizenship and have unsuitable living conditions.

In turn, a family can be recognized as needy in the following cases:

  • the family lives in unsuitable living conditions;
  • the area of ​​the room per person is less than that established in the region;
  • if a family lives in a communal apartment with a sick person with whom it is impossible to live;
  • the family has the funds to partially pay for the purchase of housing (not including subsidies) or a mortgage.

The “Young Family” project allows Russian citizens to:

  1. Purchase premises for housing.
  2. Pay to build your own home.
  3. Pay the last part for the housing savings or housing construction cooperative.
  4. Pay the down payment on a mortgage to purchase a home.
  5. Repay the loan that was taken out for the construction/purchase of housing.

Under the terms of the project, a young family is given a state subsidy, which should be used for the purchase of housing or shared construction. For a family without children, this subsidy is issued in the amount of 35% of its assessed value, and for married couples with children, including single-parent families consisting of one parent and one child, 40% is issued.

Large families are provided with additional benefits, while they are provided with full financial support.

Implementation of the “Young Family” project in 2016-2020

The new edition of this project is slightly different from the previous version. For example, the previous subprogram allowed the use of a certificate at different stages of repayment of a mortgage loan, but now this is not possible. This is all due to the fact that the new program does not provide for the repayment of loan debt. One more point: now you cannot buy housing on the secondary market with the subsidized capital received.

Now it becomes clear why the current conditions of the program caused a storm of negative emotions among citizens who planned to take part in this federal project. Many are confident that after the changes, the demographic situation in the country will remain at a low level, because housing problems will not be solved.

But according to the country's leadership, innovations apply only to new participants in the program. Those people who registered before 2016 will receive subsidies according to the old scheme.

It is worth considering that the subsidy amount reaches 30% of the cost of the purchased housing. Parents will pay the rest of the debt out of their own pockets, or by taking out a loan.

To receive government assistance, the family budget must be:

  • family of two people – at least 21,621 rubles;
  • family of three – no less than RUB 32,510;
  • family of four – no less than 43,350 rubles.

The size of the subsidy provided also directly depends on the size of the family. For example, a family of two people can receive assistance of about 600,000 rubles, while a family of three people is subsidized to the maximum, about 800 thousand rubles. A family of four can count on 1 million rubles. in the form of a subsidy.

Perhaps the Russian government will still listen to the complaints of citizens who need improved living conditions and will make some adjustments to the new federal project. All that is required is that the plan include a chance to pay off the principal and interest on the mortgage. But even if adjustments are not made, the opportunity to purchase housing below its market value through a subsidy is a good solution to problems.

Dmitry Medvedev said that this federal project will be extended until 2020, inclusive.

" is a federal program designed to help young people, married, with or without children, improve their living conditions.

The purpose of the program is stimulating the birth rate throughout the country, since state aid is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

2015 was planned to be the last year in the government. But later the Government decided to extension of the program until 2020.

The essence of the program is to provide financial assistance to a family (single or with children) to improve their living conditions.

The 2015 changes to the program affected only those participants in the project to help young families purchase housing who joined it last year.

Today subsidies are as follows:

  • a family without children whose budget does not exceed 21,621 rubles per month can count on covering 35% of housing costs, which is about 600 thousand rubles;
  • if the family already has children, then the subsidy increases by another 5%, provided that the income does not exceed 32,510 rubles for three family members and 43,350 rubles for four.

Large families stand apart in the category of persons who can count on subsidies.

In addition to financial assistance, they are provided with additional privileges and payments at the regional level of the country. The decision to assign cash assistance is made by local authorities and serves as a supplement to federal assistance.

Amendments to the program also prohibited participating families from purchasing secondary housing. Now you can only spend money on or.

Who can apply for a subsidy?

The following categories of Russian citizens can participate in the program:

In addition, to become a participant in this program, young the family must have a combined income that allows them to pay the mortgage for the purchase of housing minus the amount of government subsidy.

The specified age limit must be valid at the time of inclusion in the list of program participants, and not on the day the subsidy is allocated.

At least one of the spouses must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The family must have documents confirming its need for improved living conditions - an act of the commission.

Owned (confirmed) by spouses there should be no other real estate.

Requirements for housing for which a subsidy is allocated

In addition to the applicants themselves for the subsidy, some requirements are also imposed on the purchased housing:

  • the purchased apartment must be between all family members, including children;
  • You can choose real estate geographically only in the region where the subsidy was received;
  • There are also restrictions on the area: in the purchased apartment it must be no less than the established norms per person, which vary depending on the place of residence of the family.

If a family became a participant in the program after January 2011, that is, in the “new version” of the program, then housing on the secondary market is not available to them. Now it is allowed to purchase only new apartments or.

Where to go to participate in the program?

If the family meets all the criteria for participation, then first it is necessary to collect supporting documents indicating that this particular family needs improved living conditions.

To do this, visit Municipal Housing Department with a package of documents:

  • two statements;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of absence/presence of housing in the property, registration of property rights.

After that in City/town administration employees involved in the program are provided with:

  • two statements;
  • passport;
  • decision to recognize a family as needy;
  • certificate of marriage, birth of children, adoption, divorce;
  • certificate 2-NDFD, declaration (for individual entrepreneurs) or other document confirming the amount of income.

After checking the data, the family will be put on the waiting list.

Sometimes certain documents may need to be notarized. And in some regions, other certificates and confirmations may be added to this list.

Procedure for submitting documents and waiting in line for housing

Documents are submitted to the city administration on one's own or with the help of real estate agencies. The latter can do this quickly and without effort on the part of the young family.

In a month, the administration will have a decision on placing them on the waiting list.

You can receive a refusal from the commission if the family owns housing, its total area does not meet established standards, and family members (at least one of the spouses) are not citizens of Russia.

If a negative decision was received on one of the specified grounds, You cannot submit documents again, therefore, you should be extremely careful about the list of documents even before submitting them to the city administration.

You can only do it when it’s your turn. This process can drag on for years (usually a year and a half).

Additionally, if the young family is participating in another housing assistance program, she will be denied entry into the queue.

How to use government assistance?

The program has target direction. You cannot receive a subsidy in cash or spend it on other needs.

With the funds allocated as a subsidy within the framework of the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, you can:

For example, a family may benefit from having a permanent official source of income.

The family budget (average monthly) must be sufficient to repay the remaining amount of the housing loan.

Every year since the launch of the program, the number of its participants increases exponentially. This leads to increase in the queue and waiting to receive a subsidy. If at first it was possible to get help during the first year of waiting, today it stretches out for 1–2 years or more.

Video: How can a young family buy housing?

The report talks about the current realities of providing housing for young families under the relevant all-Russian program. It explains what conditions both the program participants themselves and the requirements for the housing they choose to purchase must satisfy.

Since 2011, a state project for young Russians “Affordable Housing” has been operating in Russia. It was supposed to end in 2015, but it was extended until 2020. Let's take a closer look at the terms of the program.

Major changes

  • 1. The received subsidy can only be used to purchase property on the primary market and to participate in shared construction.
  • 2. The funds received are prohibited from being used to repay an existing mortgage loan.
  • 3. It is prohibited to purchase using government subsidies.

To become a participant in the state program, the following requirements must be met:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • the spouse's age is not older than 35 years;
  • a young family is recognized as in need of improved living conditions;
  • living space for each family member - no more than 15 square meters. m;
  • spouses do not have their own property;
  • the client is solvent.

What payment can Russians expect?

The issue of purchasing residential real estate (hereinafter referred to as w/n) is currently one of the most pressing. The current situation in the real estate market does not allow the majority of citizens to obtain their own housing. Among the reasons that led to the occurrence of this problem are the following:

  • The high cost of housing facilities in the country as a whole (as of 2016-2017, the cost of a one-room apartment in Moscow is from 4.4 million rubles);
  • Low level of wages (in the country as a whole, the income level of the working population in 2015 was 27,250 rubles (excluding personal income tax), but do not forget that, as a rule, in practice these indicators are much lower);
  • Rising inflation rate, aggravated by the economic crisis of 2014-2016.

To improve the material conditions of socially vulnerable groups of citizens, the state developed the federal target program “Housing” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Target Program “Housing”).

Description of the state program “HOUSING” and the subprogram “Providing housing for a young family”

Federal Target Program “Housing”: goals and objectives

This program was adopted in 2010 and began to be implemented in January 2011. Initially, its validity period was five years.

Goals of the Federal Target Program “Housing”

The main goals that were planned to be achieved during this period were:

  • Providing citizens with affordable economy class housing;
  • Assistance to certain socially vulnerable categories of citizens;

At the end of 2015, it was decided to extend the program for another five years - until 2020.

The main tasks set for the Federal Targeted Program in 2016-2020 are: is the development of mass construction of inexpensive but comfortable economy-class housing and an increase in the number of citizens provided with their own housing.

As part of the program, in the period from 2016-2020, it is planned to provide separate housing for more than 235 thousand families, including young people - more than 157 thousand.

This target program includes a number of subprograms with a specific focus, including the program to provide housing for young families (hereinafter referred to as m/s).

Subprogram “Providing housing for young families”

The subprogram “Providing housing for young families,” as well as the main federal target program “Housing,” began its operation in 2011 and was extended for the next 4 years: from 2017 to 2020.

The main goals of this program are to provide housing to families identified as in need of improved housing conditions and to attract funds for this category of citizens to develop the construction of economy-class housing, including those purchased with a mortgage.

The indirect reasons for the adoption and extension of this program is the increase in the birth rate in the country, since the majority of couples who have registered official relationships cannot afford to have a child, being in cramped living conditions, which, in turn, negatively affects the demographic situation in the country. The program is designed to reduce social tension associated with difficulties in purchasing real estate and increase the number of mortgaged housing purchased in the country.

The total amount of funding for this program is quite impressive; in total, more than 122 billion rubles of budget funds are planned to be spent on providing m/s with real estate.

This program provides for the provision of social payments to m/s, which can be spent on:

  • Purchase of railway materials (except for the secondary market);
  • Individual housing construction (individual construction);
  • Repayment of the last payment for a share upon acquisition of w/w by a member of the cooperative;
  • Payment of a down payment when purchasing railway vehicles on credit (construction);
  • Repayment of debt on a loan (loan) and interest on it (with the exception of penalties, penalties and commissions).

How to become a participant in the “Young Family” subprogram

M/s who meet the following conditions can take part in this program:

  • In which both or one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Full m/s both with and without a child;
  • Incomplete m/s in the presence of one or more children (the parent with whom the child is located and who claims the right to participate in the subprogram must have Russian citizenship);
  • The age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years;
  • Availability and receipt of a permanent income that allows you to pay the cost of housing (minus the subsidy provided) or obtain a mortgage loan;
  • Having the status of someone in need of improved living conditions.

How to become a participant in the “young family” program

A m/s registered with a local government body (LGU) as needy is recognized as needing improved living conditions. In order to register, spouses must also meet a number of conditions, in particular, the absence of residential premises in their property, living in cramped conditions, etc. You can clarify the list of reasons on which a m/s falls under the category of needy in the local self-government body at the place of residence.

The procedure for receiving social benefits under the “Young Family” subprogram

Step 1. Completing the appropriate application

The application form was developed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Appendix 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 N 1050 “Federal Target Program “Housing”).

The application must necessarily contain the data of each family member in accordance with the Russian Federation passport, a list of documents attached to the application, confirmation from all family members that they are familiar with and agree with the terms of the program, the signature and transcript of the signature of the person who compiled the application.

The application must be drawn up in two copies.

Step 2. Collection of necessary documents

To receive a subsidy, m/s must collect the following documents:

  • Copies of passports of both spouses (or one if the family is single-parent);
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (if the family is single-parent, it is not submitted);
  • A copy of the birth certificate of the child (children), if there are children in the family;
  • Documents confirming the status of the m/s as in need of improved living conditions;
  • Documents confirming the availability of income necessary for the purchase (conclusion of a loan for the purchase) w/n. Such documents include a 2-NDFL certificate on income received and other documents;

If the subsidy is aimed at paying off mortgage debt, then in addition to the package of documents you must attach:

  • A copy of the certificate of registration of ownership of housing acquired under a mortgage, or a construction contract confirming expenses for individual housing construction;
  • A copy of the loan agreement (if it was concluded between 01.06.2006 and 31.12.2010) or a certificate from the lender about the balance of the debt and the total amount of debt on mortgage interest.

Step 3. Submission of documents to the relevant authority

The package of documents and the application must be submitted to the local self-government body. This can also be done by one of the adult family members or a representative by power of attorney (notarized).

Step 4. Making a decision to recognize the family as a member of the Young Family PP

After receiving the documents, the authorized body, within ten days, makes a decision on recognizing (refusing to recognize) the m/s as a member of the “Young Family” subprogram. After making this decision, the local government notifies the family about it within five days.

Grounds for refusal to participate in the “Young Family” subprogram:

  • The spouses do not meet the requirements specified above (by age, availability of the necessary income, and confirmation of the status of those in need of improved living conditions);
  • Failure to submit or incomplete submission of documents and information;
  • Reporting knowingly false information;
  • Re-submission of an application for participation in the program, provided that the specified subsidy was previously provided to the m/s and implemented by it.

In case of refusal, the m/s may re-apply for participation in the program after eliminating the identified violations.

After making a decision, the LSG body sends information to regional authorities. After a decision is made by the regional authorities (which, among other things, indicates the total amount of the subsidy provided), the local self-government body, within a period of no more than two months, makes a decision to issue a certificate for receiving social payments to the local government.

Step 5. Obtaining a certificate

After the decision is made to issue a certificate for receiving social benefits, the LSG body must resubmit the above package of documents, except for the application for inclusion in the “Young Family” program and documents confirming the status of the family as in need of improved living conditions. An application for issuing a certificate of receipt of social benefits must be attached to the package of documents.

The application for a certificate does not have a set form and can be drawn up in any form.

The deadline for submitting documents is one month after receiving the notification to submit documents.

Step 6. Sending the certificate to the bank

Once the certificate is received, it must be sent to the bank within two months from the date of receipt. If the specified period is missed, the bank will not accept this certificate. If the deadline is still missed, the certificate can be replaced by the local self-government body.

After receiving the certificate and checking all the data, the bank opens a bank account agreement.

Step 7. Payment for housing

To pay for w/w, you must submit the following documents to the bank:

  • Bank account agreement;
  • Contract of purchase and sale of residential premises;
  • Construction contract for individual housing construction;
  • Certificate of registration of rights to purchased housing;

If the certificate pays off the debt and interest on the mortgage, then you must additionally submit:

  • Loan agreement or creditor's certificate about the amount of debt.

Social benefit amount

It should be noted that the amount of the subsidy is strictly limited. The state pays only part of the cost of housing, the rest must be paid by the owner (m/s). The total amount of the subsidy in 2016 cannot exceed:

  • 30% of the total cost of housing for a family without children;
  • 35% for families with children.

The size of the housing area for which the subsidy is calculated is based on the following values:

  • 42 sq. m. for a family without children;
  • 18 sq. m. for each family member, if the family consists of parents (parent) and child.

Features of regional legislation

It should be noted that the Federal Target Program “Housing” and the subprogram “Young Family” are federal programs implemented throughout the Russian Federation, however, in each region the conditions for the implementation of these programs can be adjusted (a preferential order of priority is established, other conditions for the provision of subsidies).

It is also worth noting that the above programs have nothing in common with the programs of commercial banks that sometimes have similar names, for example "Mortgage for a young family" . Providing a loan at a preferential rate, reducing the down payment for m/s when concluding a mortgage agreement has nothing to do with the implementation of the above programs.

In addition, additional programs to assist m/s may be introduced and implemented in the regions, providing for more favorable conditions for receiving subsidies.


Until what period is the program of assistance to m/s valid within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Housing”?

Currently, the program has been extended until 2020.

To which local government body should documents be submitted: at the place of registration or residence?

Documents are submitted to the local government body at the place of registration.

Can a single mother take part in the program?

Yes, subject to the terms of the program.