Why do you dream about fingers? Cut interpretation of the dream book

If in a dream you managed to cut your finger, then in reality you will quarrel with a younger person, perhaps a colleague. Why else do you dream about an unpleasant incident? The dream book offers the most complete interpretation.

Get your act together!

Did you dream that you managed to cut your finger? You will find yourself in an extremely disadvantageous position and only by making every effort will you be able to get out of it. The dream book warns: the struggle will be difficult, and you will have to survive this period without the support of others.

Why do you dream of a cut finger on your right hand? Soon a relative or friend will become seriously ill. Seeing a wound on the left means that separation from dear people is coming.

According to Miller

Unlucky to cut your finger in a dream? Expect troubles, most likely related to money. Did you bandage your finger immediately after the incident? After major bad luck, fantastic luck will come.

Better get some rest!

The dream book is sure: it is better to start interpreting a dream by deciphering the location of the injury. Did you dream that your index finger was cut? We will have to abandon our plans due to an accident.

Why do you dream of a cut index finger? In reality, answer the accusation with dignity. The same image in a dream is a sign of a sharp deterioration in the situation.

The current period will be marked by constant failures and blunders. Use it for relaxation and, if possible, postpone serious matters for another time.

Which one?

The dream book states: if you manage to cut your finger, then in reality you risk getting injured. In this case, the location of the cut will indicate which part of the body is most vulnerable.

  • On the index finger is the left hand.
  • On the little finger - right.
  • In the middle is the left leg.
  • On the nameless one - right.
  • On the big one there is a head.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you cut your thumb? Show increased caution in business and affairs.

Seeing the middle one wounded means that you will get into a loud scandal. A wound on the ring finger symbolizes financial losses in a dream, and on the little finger - a quarrel.

Why do you dream that blood is gushing out of your little or big finger? The dream book predicts very difficult relationships with the relatives of the chosen one.

It's your own fault!

What does it mean if you cut your toe? You will be slandered, slandered or accused of something you didn’t do. Deciphering is especially relevant if glass gets into the wound.

A wound on the leg hints at failure, trouble, conflict, even a complete break in relations. At the same time, the dream book is sure that everything will happen because of your incontinence and even aggressiveness.

Figure it out!

Why do you dream if you cut yourself until you bleed? Alas, irreparable losses await you. If the wound turns out to be shallow and bloodless, then only minor difficulties threaten.

Did you dream of a cut that was deep enough to bleed? Get ready: they will take revenge on you for an old insult. In a dream, cutting your finger until it bleeds and seeing that it doesn’t stop is bad.

The dream book considers this a sign of loss of vital energy. The circumstances of the vision will help you understand why this happens.

Unlucky to cut your finger with a knife in a dream? In reality you will have to submit to the will of a cruel and evil person. The same plot hints: to the difficulties at work, domestic squabbles will also be added.

Did you dream about how you were preparing dinner and injured yourself with a knife? Try not to react to unpleasant remarks from loved ones, otherwise you will run into a huge scandal.

Cut your hand interpretation of the dream book

The interpretation of why you dream of cutting your hand is in many cases very unfavorable and foreshadows problems and conflicts in business and family, money problems and much more. In order to find out more precisely what awaits you in the near future, the dream book recommends analyzing all the details of the plot you saw.

To the problems

Are you wondering why you dream of cutting your hand badly and deeply? According to the interpreter, this plot is a very bad sign. Try to be attentive and careful, especially in your desires. There is a high chance that you will find yourself in a serious situation. Any project on which you pinned all your hopes will be an unprofitable and unpromising undertaking.

Did you have to cut yourself deeply and severely in your sleep? In reality, you are destined for big losses. Soon one of your strongest enemies will achieve success and begin to harm you.

Be on your guard

Did you see that you injured your right hand? According to the dream book, you will have a big quarrel with your best friend. Be more tolerant and do not hold grudges against your loved ones. Why else would a woman dream of cutting her right hand? In reality, you will have some problems with money, which you can only cope with with the help of your family.

Did you see a small cut on your finger? The dream book believes that one way or another your behavior will cause an aggressive reaction in others. Try to reduce your activity somewhat.

To financial difficulties

Have you seen a cut from which a lot of blood flows? Soon you will experience financial difficulties. Therefore, try to reduce your spending, give up all transactions for a while and do not borrow money. A dream of a cut with blood is a symbol foreshadowing health problems for the sleeping person.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book gives a complete interpretation of why you dream of cutting your hand and seeing a wound with blood. In its interpretation, you will begin to have problems in relationships with loved ones.

You got seriously injured in your sleep, but you were still able to stop the bleeding. Thanks to your own perseverance and stubbornness, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and achieve certain victories in your life.

Did you dream of cutting your hand and washing it? In reality you will have to deal with everyday problems. Don't worry, you can handle everything.

Have you ever injured your fingers in your sleep? According to the dream book, you will soon lose something. According to another version of the interpretation, you will have troubles at work.

Did you see the wound on your brother's arm? All the troubles that happen in reality will be your fault.

Towards conflicts

The dream book explains that if you happen to injure your hand with a knife, then you will not be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts with family and friends in reality. A wound received with a knife always promises great difficulties in communication.

How to cut yourself

Often, predicting a dream depends on how exactly you were injured:

  • with a knife - you will quarrel with friends because of gossip;
  • with a blade - you will get sick;
  • glass - problems will begin at work;
  • with a splinter - quarrel with your best friend;
  • If you damaged your veins with a blade - in reality you will suffer mental anguish because of your own misdeeds.

Dream Interpretation cut your finger until it bleeds

Dream Interpretation cut your finger

The general characteristic for dreams with various injuries, including cuts, is almost always negative. This plot is considered by dream interpreters as an omen of a series of unpleasant events. A vision can hint at an existing threat or warn against thoughtless actions. The wound on the finger has different explanations. Some meanings will please the sleeping person, others will make you think about behavior and attitude towards loved ones.

As the modern dream book assures, cutting a finger happens to those dreamers who face difficult times in reality; one should not expect profit from work.

According to the medium Hasse, a wounded finger can also be seen as a favorable sign, hinting at good intentions and good deeds that will improve your mood.

What does the interpreter say?

According to the interpreter, for lovers, a deep wound is commensurate with mental trauma, a minor cut means a loss of trust, excessive control of the other half. What other predictions do popular dream books give?

  • If you see your finger cut off due to carelessness while working at a machine, then in reality you will have to say goodbye to a valuable item, the interpreter of the Wanderer is convinced.
  • According to Taflisi’s dream book, cut fingers promise separation from a loved one, but heartache will not last long.
  • A finger injury in dreams is a warning sign, hinting that it is better not to meddle in other people’s affairs, says the sorceress Medea.
  • The sleeping person will have to suffer because of her own actions after dreaming about deliberate mutilation.

When in a dream you feel pain from a minor cut, this is a sign that visually inconspicuous changes in the image of a loved one hide serious reasons.

General symbolism

A bloody finger hints that not everything in the body is functioning normally. For hardworking people, such a symbol will tell you that the time has come to take a vacation and regain strength.

For women, a night dream about an accidental cut will tell them that in the future they will face grief, worries, and dashed hopes.

According to the Islamic dream book, the one who cuts off a finger in a dream will have to pay for his wrongdoings in reality.

Index finger damaged in sleep

Seeing a bloody index finger, according to Tsvetkov, means that the sleeping person has chosen the wrong path, which will lead all family affairs to decay.

The 21st century interpreter interprets the loss of a finger in a completely different way in the plot of dreams, where what happened foreshadows the receipt of a huge sum.

Unique values

No matter how strange the night travels through the kingdom of Morpheus may turn out to be, the answer to any question can be found on the pages of dream books.

  • A lot of blood lost from a minor cut is a symbol of approaching painful weakness, melancholy, fatigue, and nervous exhaustion.
  • Have you cut off your extra sixth finger? Such a strange dream can be understood this way: in reality the person is bored, and her spirit requires new emotions and entertainment.
  • A cut to the bone hints that soon after the dream the feelings of the sleeping person will be hurt.
  • If you happen to be wounded by a sheet of paper, then this is an indication from the subconscious that you need to control the words spoken so as not to offend others.

A pricked, cut, stung finger is dreamed of by people who are prone to panic, exaggerating their own grief, and a bandaged limb will tell you that the sorrows will not last long.

Dream details

Staining clothes with blood in a dream

Why dream of cutting your finger while sorting grains? The dreamer is inclined to notice the slightest flaws of other people, but does not pay due attention to his own misdeeds.

A detailed examination of night visions will require a complete reconstruction of events. Important elements will be the acting characters, the actions that happen to them, and the reaction to the event that happened.

The plot, where a sleeping person stains her clothes with blood from her finger, personifies the hidden desire to sink into the abyss of passion, explains the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Intentional injury is identified with feelings of envy.

Wounded limb

Of course, the interpreter does not attach a special, sacred meaning to a cut finger, but every part of the body is an energy channel that can tell about the state of spiritual affairs. Try to remember which finger was injured.

Dreaming of blood dripping from a wound

  • The thumb is responsible for parents and relatives. A cut that occurs in dreams warns that a threat looms over one of your loved ones. Perhaps illness or financial problems will arise.
  • The absence of a thumb will tell you that you have to deal with work that has suddenly fallen on your head on your own.
  • The index finger is associated with the dreamer’s attitude towards colleagues and unfamiliar people. Communication will not work out if this particular finger is cut.
  • Blood dripping from the middle finger is identified with the betrayal of a friend.
  • It’s not for nothing that wedding rings are put on the ring finger, because problems with it in dreams are identified with misunderstandings in the family, constant quarrels, and reproaches against each other.
  • Dreamed of a cut on your little finger? Parents are expected to be upset because of the behavior of their offspring.

The fortuneteller N. Grishina recommends taking a break from constant communication, fun, and being alone with your thoughts if, according to the plot, all the fingers on your hand are wounded.

Severed limb

Dream about missing fingers

Dreaming of a severed finger is an ambiguous sign. Fate is destined to be disappointed in a partner, but, as the Russian folk dream book is convinced, after sadness joy will reappear and a taste for life will awaken.

The one who has lost a finger in dreams is disrespectful of the opinions of others.

A symbol of defeat will be a dreamed bloody stump. Such a night dream has several other meanings. A palm without fingers may be seen by a person who is ready for drastic changes. If the blood stops flowing, then all past grievances are forgotten, and a new life period begins.

An outsider without fingers in dreams, according to a modern combined predictor, characterizes the dreamer as a person who is faithful to his work, but is not able to help or sympathize with colleagues.

Weak spot

A finger raised up in a dream is identified by the subconscious with indicating the right path, a warning about dangers. Dripping blood increases the power of dreams. Having stumbled, it will be difficult to restore the reputation of an honest and fair person, insists the interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima.

The growing pain from the wound, according to the family interpreter, portends receiving a well-deserved reprimand from the authorities.

Origin of injury

Dreams can be so realistic that the injury inflicted continues to hurt for some time even after awakening. What happened to the sleeping man?

The knife caused injury in a dream

  • A sharp razor used to make a cut is associated with self-deception and illusions.
  • A person is characterized by selfishness if he happens to inflict a cut with a blade.
  • According to the dream book, a knife is the personification of hidden emotions; for this reason, cutting a finger during cooking means a desire to express accumulated aggression and anger.
  • They may soon offend a person who injured himself in a dream while trying to catch a knife falling from the table.
  • Injuring your finger with glass is an unfavorable sign, indicating the falsity of the information provided.
  • Showing vigilance will protect you from unpleasant consequences in reality if a person notices a shard of glass and removes his hand in advance.

Blood from under the nail will tell you that you should not be too nervous if it is no longer possible to correct the current situation.

Whose hand was dreaming

Seeing your fingers bloody and cut up is a symbol of exhausting work and unnecessary worries. What if the palm turned out to be someone else's?

  • If the dreamer accidentally cuts the finger of a loved one, then in reality a quarrel will arise between the sleeping person and the hero of the night’s dream.
  • The enemy’s cut fingers predict a long-awaited victory, the realization of his deepest desires.
  • Did your friend cut himself with a blade of grass or paper? In reality you will have to calm down your agitated comrade.

The cut ring finger of a spouse is identified with infidelity, deception, and constant betrayal.

Other predictions

Seeing fingers with blood flowing from a cut in a dream means problems with blood circulation and intracranial pressure.

An attempt to hide the secret will not end in success when, according to the plot, the bandage falls off the cut finger.

When the enemies cut off the little finger of the hostage, then in reality all the nightmares will come true, a dark streak lies ahead.

The interpreter of the Bitch will tell you: if you injured your finger, there will be no wedding.

Dream Interpretation

Cut your finger with a knife until it bleeds

Dream Interpretation Cut your finger with a knife until it bleeds dreamed of why in a dream you dream about cutting your finger with a knife until it bleeds? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Cut your finger with a knife until it bleeds by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

Dream Interpretation – Finger

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation – Finger

Dream Interpretation – Finger

experiencing pain in the thumb is a sign of failure in business;

absence of a thumb - need, loneliness;

the thumb seems unnaturally small to you - fleeting joy;

unnatural thumb - your success will be rapid and brilliant;

the thumb is dirty - you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions;

a nail on the thumb that is too long - the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin;

to see the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows;

beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - your sincere feeling will be appreciated, your goodwill and generosity will make you famous;

There are no fingers on your hands - big material losses.

What does a cut in a dream mean?

at the Women's Club!

The sight of blood or a wound in a dream is a warning symbol, so any dream book will tell you: the cut you dreamed of should attract attention.

It is important to note the details - the circumstances under which the cut appeared, the object that caused the wound on the hands, the people who were present or took an active part.

The interpreters' answer to this interesting question, why do you dream of a cut, is very simple - you are worried about upcoming affairs, you are afraid of making a mistake, but dreams only reflect these fears, and do not state the fact of impending troubles.

What did you cut yourself with?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on what exactly the cut was made with. If you remember this particular moment, then it matters.

Blade or razor

In reality, there is a risk of getting a ridiculous injury - a fall, a bruise, an insect bite, if in a dream you, for example, cut your finger. Be careful in your movements. If the cut was bleeding, you will be able to rest for a week or two on sick leave; if without, the damage will be insignificant.

Seeing veins in your arms damaged by a blade in a dream means self-deception and self-humiliation. Being selfish is bad, but, however, it is vitally important to be able to handle your body and soul wisely. Enter stressful situations wisely, do not let external circumstances destroy you from the inside.

You should beware of a certain powerful person from your environment, he may offend you in the near future. You will not be able to understand his behavior - he is driven by hidden emotions - envy, aggression, the need for self-affirmation.

To avoid this situation, avoid or limit communication with this person. If this doesn’t work out, just treat the unfortunate event as an inevitable fact.

The presence of blood when cut with a knife may indicate public ridicule. Remember that it is very easy to control the opinion of the crowd, but people also quickly forget the subject of their ridicule, switching to another.

This dream can be interpreted as an opportunity to spread gossip and intrigues against you. Petty envious people want to ruin your reputation and nerves. Therefore, be vigilant now - do not let them take you by surprise. It is important to have facts and evidence that you are right - they will help make any gossip unfounded.

Blood from a glass cut indicates the amount of false information. If it pours out almost like a river, the information will be almost massive. You have time to prepare a base of arguments and defend your good name.

What exactly did you cut?

A cut hand in a dream foreshadows problems and quarrels with loved ones. If there was blood, we are talking about blood relatives; if not, we are talking about friends and acquaintances.

Remember which hand the cut was on. The left hand means females, the right - male. If you can establish such a detail, you will understand which of your relatives you should now behave more gently with and give in on something.

We have learned something about hands, and now let's find out why you dream of cutting your finger. These are again disagreements and quarrels, but the dream shows with whom exactly the disagreement will take place (remember that the left side is always female, the right is always male):

  • Thumb – parents, older relatives;
  • Index finger – work, colleagues;
  • Middle finger - friends and buddies;
  • Ring finger – spouses or loved ones;
  • Little finger - children.

If you dream of all your cut fingers, it’s better to spend some time alone and take a break from socializing. Rest will do you good, and soon everything will fall into place.

Cuts on the legs appear in dreams that predict blockages at work and in business. Blood in this case indicates possible profit from the troubles. Cuts on the face or head - stop, you are working too much and taking on too much.

If there was someone else in the dream

Now we will figure out what personalities mean in dreams about cuts.

  • You yourself became the culprit of your trauma in the dream - and in reality your problems are caused by your rash behavior.
  • If you cut another person, then there is a chance that you will offend someone or cause them to fail. Try not to let this happen in reality.
  • If you see a cut on another person’s body, then you will have to console someone in trouble and help in any way possible.
  • If you were cut, then first of all remember, was this person familiar to you? Because a stranger is a symbol of fate or a higher power, and an acquaintance is one who himself will participate in upcoming events in reality.

About strangers, read the dream meanings and decipher with this additional meaning. Let's say we know that seeing a doctor in a dream means health problems. If in a dream a doctor inflicted a cut on your left thumb, then you can assume that your relative may get sick. Therefore, warn them and take care of their health.

And the most important advice

The sight of blood or a wound in a dream is a warning symbol, so any dream book will tell you: the cut you dreamed of should attract attention.

It is important to note the details - the circumstances under which the cut appeared, the object that caused the wound on the hands, the people who were present or took an active part.

The interpreters' answer to this interesting question, why do you dream of a cut, is very simple - you are worried about upcoming affairs, you are afraid of making a mistake, but dreams only reflect these fears, and do not state the fact of impending troubles.

What did you cut yourself with?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on what exactly the cut was made with. If you remember this particular moment, then it matters.

Blade or razor

In reality, there is a risk of getting a ridiculous injury - a fall, a bruise, an insect bite, if in a dream you, for example, cut your finger. Be careful in your movements. If the cut was with, you will be able to rest for a week or two on sick leave, if without, the damage will be insignificant.

Seeing veins in your arms damaged by a blade in a dream means self-deception and self-humiliation. Being selfish is bad, but, however, it is vitally important to be able to handle your body and soul wisely. Enter stressful situations wisely, do not let external circumstances destroy you from the inside.


You should beware of a certain powerful person from your environment, he may offend you in the near future. You will not be able to understand his behavior - he is driven by hidden emotions - envy, aggression, the need for self-affirmation.

To avoid this situation, avoid or limit communication with this person. If this doesn’t work out, just treat the unfortunate event as an inevitable fact.

The presence of blood from a cut may indicate public ridicule. Remember that it is very easy to control the opinion of the crowd, but people also quickly forget the subject of their ridicule, switching to another.


This dream can be interpreted as an opportunity to spread gossip and intrigues against you. Petty envious people want to ruin your reputation and nerves. Therefore, be vigilant now - do not let them take you by surprise. It is important to have facts and evidence that you are right - they will help make any gossip unfounded.

Blood from a cut indicates the amount of false information. If it pours out almost like a river, the information will be almost massive. You have time to prepare a base of arguments and defend your good name.

What exactly did you cut?

Being cut in a dream foreshadows problems and quarrels with loved ones. If there was blood, we are talking about blood relatives; if not, we are talking about friends and acquaintances.

Remember which hand the cut was on. The left hand means females, the right - male. If you can establish such a detail, you will understand which of your relatives you should now behave more gently with and give in on something.

We have learned something about hands, and now let's find out why we dream about cutting. These are again disagreements and quarrels, but the dream shows with whom exactly the disagreement will take place (remember that the left side is always female, the right is always male):

  • Thumb – parents, older relatives;
  • Index finger – work, colleagues;
  • Middle finger - friends and buddies;
  • Ring finger – spouses or loved ones;
  • Little finger - children.

If you dream of all your cut fingers, it’s better to spend some time alone and take a break from socializing. Rest will do you good, and soon everything will fall into place.

Cuts on the legs appear in dreams that predict blockages at work and in business. Blood in this case indicates possible profit from the troubles. Cuts on the face or head - stop, you are working too much and taking on too much.

If there was someone else in the dream

Now we will figure out what personalities mean in dreams about cuts.

  • You yourself became the culprit of your trauma in the dream - and in reality your problems are caused by your rash behavior.
  • If you cut another person, then there is a chance that you will offend someone or cause them to fail. Try not to let this happen in reality.
  • If you see a cut on another person’s body, then you will have to console someone in trouble and help in any way possible.
  • If you were cut, then first of all remember, was this person familiar to you? Because a stranger is a symbol of fate or a higher power, and an acquaintance is one who himself will participate in upcoming events in reality.

About strangers, read the dream meanings and decipher with this additional meaning. Let's say we know that seeing a doctor in a dream means health problems. If in a dream a doctor inflicted a cut on your left thumb, then you can assume that your relative may get sick. Therefore, warn them and take care of their health.
Author: Maria Serova

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of cutting your finger” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

If in a dream you managed to cut your finger, then in reality you will quarrel with a younger person, perhaps a colleague. Why else do you dream about an unpleasant incident? The dream book offers the most complete interpretation.

Get your act together!

Did you dream that you managed to cut your finger? You will find yourself in an extremely disadvantageous position and only by making every effort will you be able to get out of it. The dream book warns: the struggle will be difficult, and you will have to survive this period without the support of others.

Why do you dream of a cut finger on your right hand? Soon a relative or friend will become seriously ill. Seeing a wound on the left means that separation from dear people is coming.

According to Miller

Unlucky to cut your finger in a dream? Expect troubles, most likely related to money. Did you bandage your finger immediately after the incident? After major bad luck, fantastic luck will come.

Better get some rest!

The dream book is sure: it is better to start interpreting a dream by deciphering the location of the injury. Did you dream that your index finger was cut? We will have to abandon our plans due to an accident.

Why do you dream of a cut index finger? In reality, answer the accusation with dignity. The same image in a dream is a sign of a sharp deterioration in the situation.

The current period will be marked by constant failures and blunders. Use it for relaxation and, if possible, postpone serious matters for another time.

Which one?

The dream book states: if you manage to cut your finger, then in reality you risk getting injured. In this case, the location of the cut will indicate which part of the body is most vulnerable.

  • On the index finger is the left hand.
  • On the little finger - right.
  • In the middle is the left leg.
  • On the nameless one - right.
  • On the big one there is a head.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you cut your thumb? Show increased caution in business and affairs.

Seeing the middle one wounded means that you will get into a loud scandal. A wound on the ring finger symbolizes financial losses in a dream, and on the little finger - a quarrel.

Why do you dream that blood is gushing out of your little or big finger? The dream book predicts very difficult relationships with the relatives of the chosen one.

It's your own fault!

What does it mean if you cut your toe? You will be slandered, slandered or accused of something you didn’t do. Deciphering is especially relevant if glass gets into the wound.

A wound on the leg hints at failure, trouble, conflict, even a complete break in relations. At the same time, the dream book is sure that everything will happen because of your incontinence and even aggressiveness.

Figure it out!

Why do you dream if you cut yourself until you bleed? Alas, irreparable losses await you. If the wound turns out to be shallow and bloodless, then only minor difficulties threaten.

Did you dream of a cut that was deep enough to bleed? Get ready: they will take revenge on you for an old insult. In a dream, cutting your finger until it bleeds and seeing that it doesn’t stop is bad.

The dream book considers this a sign of loss of vital energy. The circumstances of the vision will help you understand why this happens.

Be patient!

Unlucky to cut your finger with a knife in a dream? In reality you will have to submit to the will of a cruel and evil person. The same plot hints: to the difficulties at work, domestic squabbles will also be added.

Did you dream about how you were preparing dinner and injured yourself with a knife? Try not to react to unpleasant remarks from loved ones, otherwise you will run into a huge scandal.

The sight of blood or a wound in a dream is a warning symbol, so any dream book will tell you: the cut you dreamed of should attract attention.

It is important to note the details - the circumstances under which the cut appeared, the object that caused the wound on the hands, the people who were present or took an active part.

The interpreters' answer to this interesting question, why do you dream of a cut, is very simple - you are worried about upcoming affairs, you are afraid of making a mistake, but dreams only reflect these fears, and do not state the fact of impending troubles.

What did you cut yourself with?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on what exactly the cut was made with. If you remember this particular moment, then it matters.

Blade or razor

In reality, there is a risk of getting a ridiculous injury - a fall, a bruise, an insect bite, if in a dream you, for example, cut your finger. Be careful in your movements. If the cut was bleeding, you will be able to rest for a week or two on sick leave; if without, the damage will be insignificant.

Seeing veins in your arms damaged by a blade in a dream means self-deception and self-humiliation. Being selfish is bad, but, however, it is vitally important to be able to handle your body and soul wisely. Enter stressful situations wisely, do not let external circumstances destroy you from the inside.


You should beware of a certain powerful person from your environment, he may offend you in the near future. You will not be able to understand his behavior - he is driven by hidden emotions - envy, aggression, the need for self-affirmation.

The presence of blood when cut with a knife may indicate public ridicule. Remember that it is very easy to control the opinion of the crowd, but people also quickly forget the subject of their ridicule, switching to another.


This dream can be interpreted as an opportunity to spread gossip and intrigues against you. Petty envious people want to ruin your reputation and nerves. Therefore, be vigilant now - do not let them take you by surprise. It is important to have facts and evidence that you are right - they will help make any gossip unfounded.

Blood from a glass cut indicates the amount of false information. If it pours out almost like a river, the information will be almost massive. You have time to prepare a base of arguments and defend your good name.

What exactly did you cut?

A cut hand in a dream foreshadows problems and quarrels with loved ones. If there was blood, we are talking about blood relatives; if not, we are talking about friends and acquaintances.

Remember which hand the cut was on. The left hand means females, the right - male. If you can establish such a detail, you will understand which of your relatives you should now behave more gently with and give in on something.

We have learned something about hands, and now let's find out why you dream of cutting your finger. These are again disagreements and quarrels, but the dream shows with whom exactly the disagreement will take place (remember that the left side is always female, the right is always male):

  • Thumb – parents, older relatives;
  • Index finger – work, colleagues;
  • Middle finger - friends and buddies;
  • Ring finger – spouses or loved ones;
  • Little finger - children.

If you dream of all your cut fingers, it’s better to spend some time alone and take a break from socializing. Rest will do you good, and soon everything will fall into place.

Cuts on the legs appear in dreams that predict blockages at work and in business. Blood in this case indicates possible profit from the troubles. Cuts on the face or head - stop, you are working too much and taking on too much.

If there was someone else in the dream

Now we will figure out what personalities mean in dreams about cuts.

  • You yourself became the culprit of your trauma in the dream - and in reality your problems are caused by your rash behavior.
  • If you cut another person, then there is a chance that you will offend someone or cause them to fail. Try not to let this happen in reality.
  • If you were cut, then first of all remember, was this person familiar to you? Because a stranger is a symbol of fate or a higher power, and an acquaintance is one who himself will participate in upcoming events in reality.

About strangers, read the dream meanings and decipher with this additional meaning. Let's say we know that seeing a doctor in a dream means health problems. If in a dream a doctor inflicted a cut on your left thumb, then you can assume that your relative may get sick. Therefore, warn them and take care of their health.

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With those people in whom you do not feel much trust, and even more so with those for whom you do not have it at all, the dream calls for maximum caution. Kopalinsky's dream book deciphers the dream as follows: Why dream of cutting your finger. A crippled finger in a dream could mean that one will be respected by colleagues and loved by family. We can say that the same sign has the exact opposite meaning compared to the previous one. You need to remain a little skeptical, paying attention to your dreams, listening to their meaning, but not completely relying on them alone.

Interpretation given by Kopalinsky's Dream Book

He who is forewarned is forearmed, which means you should not be afraid of what the dream portends, because it is possible that some similar events recently occurred in real life that could have provoked just such a dream. Perhaps in life a person recently accidentally cut his finger. What does a cut in a dream mean?

Cutting your finger and seeing a large amount of blood can really portend that not everything is in order in the family, there may be disagreements and scandals. You need to keep your emotions under control and not waste your energy on trifles: you will need a lot more of them to fight for your own place in the sun.

What did you cut yourself with? Why do you dream of cutting your finger in a dream?, how to become a coach? how to change your life? do you like to give advice? dream job for women.

Important points:

A strong cut from which blood is gushing is a sign of irreparable losses, a minor cut means you will lose the trust of your lover. To see a broken finger - such a dream suggests that you cannot achieve what you want, although you are already practically exhausted and have lost hope. The dream warns you that that the illness suffered was traumatic Drunk It makes a person take a fresh look at his life

A bandaged finger portends a short-term illness - yours or a loved one.

It is worth devoting more time to your family and simply not allowing negative emotions to spill over onto your loved ones. Also, seeing blood flowing from a cut finger means receiving some not very pleasant news from distant relatives with whom you rarely communicate.

To avoid this situation, avoid or limit communication with this person. If this doesn’t work out, just treat the unfortunate event as an inevitable fact.

What if you dream about cutting your finger.

If you see a cut on another person’s body, then you will have to console someone in trouble and help in any way possible.

Why dream of cutting your finger with a knife? Vision means gossip, rumors in reality, because of which misunderstandings will arise with old good friends. A small wound in a dream is interpreted symbolically by the dream book: the excessive activity of the person sleeping in reality can be perceived by others as aggression towards themselves. You should be a little softer, smooth out this impression.

Hairy fingers are an unexpected profit, perhaps an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a worthy reward for work done.

Crooked fingers mean that your envious people are asleep and see how to harm you. Blade or razor.

What does a dreamed bite mean? What does a dreamed swimsuit mean? What does a cliff in a dream mean? What does a dreamed blow mean? Cut according to the dream book.

Means an assistant in worldly life and profession. Fingers also symbolize children, wife, father, mother, wealth and power. And whoever sees that his fingers have become large, in a beautiful and acceptable form, then this is a sign of an increase in wealth and power, and if they decrease, then what they point to will also decrease. Fingers sometimes point to nephews. And they are also interpreted as daily five prayers. And the toes are the beauty and charm of wealth. Ibn Sirin says: “When you dream that there are no fingers on your right hand, you may lose a child or a close relative.” Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq says that if you dream that your fingers are cut off, then you will be separated from someone close to you. And if your fingers are broken, you will lose a loved one. Hearing the cracking of your own fingers in a dream means hearing bad speech in life from loved ones. The fingers of the left hand are nephews. Those Ulama who interpret the fingers as five Namaz, index-midday, middle-afternoon, ring-evening, little finger-night Namaz. Losing any finger means leaving the corresponding Namaz completely imperfect. Seeing any finger in a dream in a different position from the other positions means performing Namaz is untimely.

Seeing a cut finger, without blood, portends trouble at work or in your career. But at the same time, it is the loved ones and family that will be able to help in solving them. If the wound or cut on the finger still bleeds, serious problems in the work sphere cannot be avoided.

If you dream of all your cut fingers, it’s better to spend some time alone and take a break from socializing. Rest will do you good, and soon everything will fall into place. The dream book often calls a cut in a dream a sign calling on a person to show caution and restraint in his aspirations and desires. The symbol foreshadows separation and disappointment. The details in the dream will help you interpret what such a sign means in a dream: what part of the body was cut in the vision, how much, what the wound was made with.

Why dream of cutting your finger in a dream in other dream books

  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Book of David Loff
  • Muslim dream book
  • Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Love dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Assyrian dream book
  • Esoteric dream book
  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Culinary dream book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Freud's Dream Book
  • Miller's Dream Book

The dream book often calls a cut in a dream a sign calling on a person to show caution and restraint in his aspirations and desires. The symbol foreshadows separation and disappointment. The details in the dream will help you interpret what such a sign means in a dream: what part of the body was cut in the vision, how much, what the wound was made with.

Overall meaning of vision

A cut in a dream warns of a quarrel with a close friend due to his fault, and the dreamer will be very worried about this situation.

If the cut in the dream is minor, you will lose the trust of your loved one. Deep, where the blood comes from - the losses will be very serious. But you shouldn’t take them too seriously, because in life we ​​often lose something, but we also often find something good.

Why do you dream of a cut with a sharp knife? The dream book suggests: in reality the dreamer will depend on a bad person.

Did you dream that blood was bleeding from a cut on your body, on your arms or on your leg and it couldn’t be stopped? You will lose something very valuable.

What did you cut yourself with?

Seeing a glass cut in a dream - the dream book indicates: dirty rumors will appear about you, from which you will suffer. Review your behavior in order to prevent them if possible: avoid reprehensible actions, quarrels with friends and colleagues.

Why dream of cutting your finger with a knife? Vision means gossip, rumors in reality, because of which misunderstandings will arise with old good friends. A small wound in a dream is interpreted symbolically by the dream book: the excessive activity of the person sleeping in reality can be perceived by others as aggression towards themselves. You should be a little softer, smooth out this impression.

A dream about a cut promises a family conflict. However, if blood does not flow from the finger, it can be avoided, but problems will arise at work.

Cutting yourself with a blade in a dream - the dream book states: the planned transaction will be unsuccessful. Therefore, no matter how attractive it may seem, it is better to refuse it.

Where is the wound?

Why dream of cutting your hands? A misunderstanding will arise between the dreamer and his best friend, which will lead to a quarrel. It is advisable to make peace quickly in order to prevent the conflict from deepening and serious grievances arising.

If you dreamed of a cut on your leg, this means: the long-awaited trip will not take place, and it may be canceled at the last moment.

Why dream of a cut on the body, especially on the stomach, from which blood comes? The dream book explains: this means a loss of vitality. Try to reduce the severity of your perception of the problems that have piled up - such experiences are harmful to your well-being. Learn to distract yourself by doing something else. Very often, monotonous work (knitting, embroidering, modeling, sawing) helps to switch your thoughts.

A cut on the face means that the sleeper will have to endure several stressful situations; shame and humiliation are also possible. In the palm of your hand - promises failure, damage, harm from strangers. On the back - to the betrayal of a close friend.

A dream about a deep cut on the stomach indicates that something really threatens the life and health of the dreamer. We must be careful and avoid unnecessary risks.

Business, financial situation

Why do you dream of cut wounds on your hands? According to the dream book, they promise losses in reality. It is very likely that some of your competitors will achieve success earlier. He will try to harm you, disrupt your plans, and prevent you from making a big profit.

A cut on the palm of the hand - the vision portends: the dreamer may run into debt, hoping that he will not have to pay it back. However, such a plot in a dream indicates: you still have to pay. If there is no other choice, borrow a not too large amount and immediately plan how to pay it back.

Dreaming about someone

Did you dream about such a story about another person? The dream book states: a wound on the body, in the hands of a friend, promises you to become a comforter to your quarreling friends. Do this as delicately as possible, avoiding confirming to each friend the injustice of his opponent. Otherwise, you may find yourself redundant after their reconciliation.

When you accidentally cut another person in a dream - with a knife or something sharp - according to the dream book, your carelessness and excessive gullibility can bring problems to your loved ones. Try to pay less attention to all sorts of little things, because as a result you lose sight of the main thing. This causes many mistakes that can harm you as well as your loved ones.


Why do you dream about blood from your finger?

People have been trying to unravel the vision seen in a dream for a long time. Thanks to this, there are many dream books written in different countries and by different people. Therefore, the same symbol is not always interpreted in the same way in different sources. For example, why dream of blood from your finger? In most sources, this is a sign of an imminent meeting with relatives.

Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and in any dream smaller details and circumstances play an important role. So, for example, there can be two direct interpretations of this dream. First, you will meet a half-relative, but from a different marriage. The second is the unexpected arrival of relatives. Both events promise pleasant troubles and joy. But crippled and amputated fingers do not bode well. Usually this omen concerns unfulfilled plans, losses and loss of money. The worst thing that such a dream can foretell is divorce or the death of a loved one or one of the children. If the sleeper saw in a dream the very moment of injury, then this promises troubles that he will endure very painfully. A wounded finger warns against interfering in other people's affairs.

Also, an important role is played by which hand the fingers are on. It turns out that the right side symbolizes male relatives, and the left, respectively, female relatives. Fingers are children, parents and friends.

Usually, blood from a finger in a dream warns of good or bad events related to relatives. How do you know what to expect? It is advisable to remember the emotional side of the dream. The person was in pain or the injury did not create any unpleasant sensations. It should be remembered that in this case, the more painful a person is in a dream, the more unpleasant an event awaits him. For example, a person dreamed that he lost a finger, there was blood, but there was no pain. This means that the loss will not affect him so much: the lost money was won or given as a gift, and the relative was distant. A cut off finger symbolizes the imminent loss of acquaintances or friends, that is, you will stop communicating, but not necessarily because of a quarrel. Maybe they'll just have to go somewhere.

In interpretation, much may depend on which finger a person saw in a dream. So, the index finger symbolizes that the sleeper needs to pay special attention to something. The big one is failure and deception of the sleeper, meeting with charlatans. To feel pain in it means that the planned business will turn out to be a failure; to lose it means to feel loneliness or material need. A drop of blood flowing from the little finger predicts imminent problems in relations with the mother of his significant other, misunderstandings and even quarrels. Seeing your toes is a good sign. This man is completely fine. Injuring them means problems will arise related to the property of the sleeping person; cutting them means separation from close relatives, spouse or children.

A dream in which a person’s fingers and toes are broken deserves special attention. This vision signals that it is time to get serious about your business and better heed this warning. If this is not done, then losses and collapse are inevitable.

From all of the above, we can conclude: blood leaking from a finger predicts an early meeting with relatives or their interference in your affairs. It could also be a warning against mistakes or a hint that you need to be more attentive to your family or spend your financial resources wisely.


Dream Interpretation Fingers, why do you dream of seeing Fingers in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of Fingers according to the dream book:

Fingers - “Don’t hit a finger on a finger” - inaction, idleness; “to know something like the back of your hand (very good). “turn a blind eye” - connivance, not paying attention. “deceive” - to deceive. “press to the nail” - mercilessly punish, force. “to suck it out of thin air” - to invent, greatly exaggerate; “pointing finger”; “beckon with a finger” (attract, invite). “grabbing a finger” is a special sensitivity, but not so significant. See Add. Hands, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of Fingers according to the dream book:

  • Fingers - Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched is a sign of bitterness and disappointment.
  • If your hands in a dream are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your kindness and generosity will earn you respect.
  • If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means large material losses.
  • If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of tricksters and scammers.
  • If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will face failure in business. Absence of a thumb means lack and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small, fleeting joys await you. Too big a finger means that your success will be rapid and brilliant.
  • If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure by giving free rein to your passions. A nail on the thumb that is too long indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does fingers mean?

Why do you dream about fingers – Very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger (at an object or subject of action) - very big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost or damaged - hardships, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Fingers?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Fingers - Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger, titting at someone or something - big changes in life; extra finger - profit, inheritance; a lost finger means a lawsuit, some kind of trouble.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What do you dream about about fingers – In general – helpers, children, close people, loved ones. Beautiful - good luck in love. Index - something should be paid serious attention to. In rings and rings there is a demonic temptation, seduction by something or some kind of secret knowledge. Extra - acquisition, inheritance. Missing fingers on a hand, cut off - losses, failures; separation from spouse, children or death of one of them. Looking at it, itching means money.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Fingers according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Fingers in a dream? Why do you dream - Fingers in a dream indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. (See also Nails) Seeing fingers - many small matters will arise. Burning your fingers or injuring them is a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Severed fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Fingers in a dream:

  • Fingers - When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there may be a danger that you will become a victim of tricksters and dubious luck.
  • If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, it means. Failure in business awaits you.
  • The absence of a large pala means need and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small, fleeting joy awaits you.
  • An unnatural thumb means that your success will be rapid and brilliant.
  • If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions.
  • A nail on the thumb that is too long indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin.
  • Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched is a sign of sorrow.
  • If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated.
  • Your kindness and generosity will make you famous.
  • If you dream that there are no fingers on your hands, this dream promises great material losses.

Love dream book

Why do you dream about fingers - If in a dream you saw beautiful hands with white fingers, mutual love awaits you, which will forever live in your heart.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing fingers in a dream

Why do you dream about seeing fingers in a dream - Some kind of fuss, stupid work

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream book: Fingers in a dream

  • Why do you dream about fingers – The most common dream indications about fingers are: your children; your nephews; people in your service; Friends.
  • If you dreamed of your right hand without fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (perhaps a nephew).
  • Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family.
  • The absence of a ring finger on your hand in a dream is a harbinger of financial losses.
  • Toes seen in a dream are a sign that everything is fine with you.
  • If your toes are damaged, this is a harbinger of property problems.
  • Cut fingers mean separation from people close to you.
  • Broken fingers - to the death of a relative.
  • If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken, you need to seriously mind your business while you can still save something.
  • A dream in which milk flows drop by drop from your little finger or blood drips from your index finger foretells a difficult relationship with your spouse’s mother.
  • An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice coming from your finger, means that your relatives are weaving intrigues against you.

Numerological dream book Why do you dream about Fingers:

Fingers - Seeing in a dream two fingers raised up as a sign of victory with the Latin letter v, means that you need to wait 20 days and not take any action, during which time you will receive new information that will radically change your plans and direct your thoughts in another direction.


Dream Interpretation Blood from a finger

Why do you dream about Blood from a finger in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about blood from your finger? The dream indicates the need to temporarily leave the parental home. The trip will benefit you and allow you to gain significant experience.

Taking blood from a finger means you will have to part with a loved one or relative for some time. Don't worry, the separation won't last long.

Which finger was bleeding from in your dream?

I dreamed of blood from my toe

Dreaming of blood from your toe symbolizes concern shown towards you by your parents or older relatives. Be patient and restrained in communication, they wish you well.

Why do you dream of blood from your finger?

If you dream of blood from your finger, the dream carries information about children or young relatives about whom you are constantly worried. No troubles threaten them, they can pacify their worries.


Cut your finger and it bleeds

Dream Interpretation: Cut your finger and bleed dreamed of why you dream about cutting your finger and bleeding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cut your finger bleeding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dream Interpretation - Finger and number one

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Dream Interpretation - Blood

If in a dream you donate blood for analysis, it means that in reality you are not all well with your health, you should immediately consult a doctor and be properly examined at the clinic.

Seeing blood flowing from a cut means that in reality you will spend happy hours in a friendly company. Blood that has frozen and crusted over the wound is a harbinger of illness in one of the relatives. Blood flowing profusely from a sore wound portends trouble due to unreasonable haste. Blood pouring onto the ground is a sign of happy events.

Donating blood as a donor means great shock and anxiety. Getting dirty in blood is an unfortunate coincidence. Blood coming from the nose is a harbinger of an accident or car accident. If the blood comes from your throat, be ashamed of your shortcomings.

A severed or bloody head portends a breakdown in affairs and a series of minor griefs. Seeing an abscess or boil oozing pus and ichor in a dream means that troubles await you in the near future, of which the dishonest behavior of your friends will cause you greater grief.

Blood on your hands means temporary alienation in relationships between close people due to unfair treatment of you. Seeing butchers with bloody hands and clothes slaughtering cattle and cutting up carcasses - malicious slander will cast a shadow on your reputation.

Dealing with animal blood in a dream means that in reality you will overcome all difficulties and obstacles in business. Making blood sausage - have fun in the company of simple-minded, unpretentious and warm-hearted people. Cooking a steak rare is your choice will be the only correct one.

Washing blood off yourself or washing blood from clothes means you have a meeting with your family.

Seeing vampires drinking the blood of their victims means good hopes will come true, serious fears will dissipate. If you swat a mosquito, fly or other blood-sucking insect, in reality you will be accused of mistrust by people whom you know to be swindlers and crooks.

Seeing something blood-red in a dream means the onset of some global misfortune or catastrophe from which there is no escape.

If in a dream you entered into an incestuous relationship, it means that in reality this fact of incest will be reflected in the attitude of men towards you, who will stick to you like wasps for sweets for no reason.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

"bleed" to suffer greatly.

"blood enemy", "blood brother". “You drank, drank, sucked a lot of my blood” caused a lot of suffering. "Bleed" treatment or damage.

“shed blood”, “to the last drop of blood”, “blood feud” (enmity), “blood and milk” (health).

“sea of ​​blood” is very strong emotions, experiences, disasters.

“hot blood” (heroism), “blue blood” (high origin), “blood runs cold” (horror), “heart bleeds” (strong experience).

"nosebleed" try hard.

“to shed blood” to suffer, to fight, to perform a feat.


Cut a finger

Dream Interpretation Cut your finger dreamed of why you dream about cutting your finger? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cut your finger in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

A dream in which you cut yourself by carelessly handling a blade foreshadows illness. If you inflict a deep cut on yourself with a sharpened knife, you will become dependent on a cruel person.

Cutting yourself with glass while swimming in a dream means that you will become a victim of malicious slander.

A strong cut from which blood is gushing is a sign of irreparable losses; a minor cut means you will lose the trust of your lover.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Look at your own fingers - you can become a victim of scammers. You broke your finger - a loved one is deceiving you. If a finger was cut off, the dream means divorce or loss of a friend.

If you dreamed of a broken or severed finger, imagine that your finger is quickly put in a cast or sewn on and it heals quickly.

If in a dream you stain your fingers with ink, you will be slandered, but you will be to blame for this.

Imagine that you thoroughly wash your fingers and place a ring with a precious stone on each finger (see Ring, Stone).

You pricked your finger - someone will speak out about you in society in such a way that your pride will be greatly hurt. If at the same time there was blood coming from your finger, a loved one will ridicule you and it will be even more painful for you.

Imagine that you did not feel any pain from the injection, you simply did not notice it.

The only time the dream has a positive meaning is if you get your finger dirty in excrement. In this case, the negative influence of the symbol is neutralized in a stronger way (see Excrement).

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dreaming of your index finger in a raised position is a warning of a serious danger, which will certainly turn into a real one if you do not heed this dream as a signal.

The situation may be aggravated by the fact that just at this time your enemies will try to trip you up.

You need to keep your emotions under control and not waste your energy on trifles: you will need a lot more of them to fight for your own place in the sun.

To see a broken finger - such a dream suggests that you cannot achieve what you want, although you are almost exhausted and have lost hope.

The dream suggests that this will soon pass, and after a short rest you will get back to business.

A bandaged finger portends a short-term illness - yours or a loved one.

Do not panic ahead of time, because the matter will be limited to a slight ailment without any complications.

A dream of a severed finger warns the dreamer that, due to his rude attitude towards people, he may lose the support of his loved ones.

Lately, you have been constantly offending your loved ones, who, regardless of their mood, always treat you with sincerity and friendliness.

Keep in mind that even iron patience breaks down at some point.

If you burn your finger, this means that some difficult situation will arise around you, the way out of which will be all the more difficult because you will have to look for it yourself.

Hairy fingers are an unexpected profit, perhaps an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a worthy reward for work done.

Crooked fingers mean that your envious people are asleep and see how to harm you.

With those people in whom you do not feel much trust, and even more so with those for whom you do not have it at all, the dream calls for maximum caution.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Seeing the thumb on your hand means there is a possible danger that you will become a victim of tricksters and dubious luck;
experiencing pain in the thumb is a sign of failure in business;
absence of a thumb - need, loneliness;
the thumb seems unnaturally small to you - fleeting joy;
unnatural thumb - your success will be rapid and brilliant;
the thumb is dirty - you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions;
a nail on the thumb that is too long - the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin;
to see the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows;
beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - your sincere feeling will be appreciated, your goodwill and generosity will make you famous;
There are no fingers on your hands - big material losses.
Also see Hand, Nails, Ink.

Dream Interpretation - Finger and number one

Seeing an index finger pointed in your direction in a dream means that in reality you will become a scapegoat. For ten days, do not share secrets with anyone and try not to get involved in adventures, otherwise in the end all your sins and transgressions will be pinned on you and made you feel guilty before your superiors. If you point your finger at someone in a dream, then on the first day of the next month you will unfairly accuse a person devoted to you and thereby undermine your reputation as a thoughtful and sober person. This is especially unpleasant for businessmen, for whom death is like a stain on their reputation.

If in a dream you raise your thumb up as a sign of approval, then in reality you will have to part with your loved one. If in a dream you do not feel sadness, then the separation will be temporary, most likely it will not last longer than a month, but if you are worried, then you are in danger of separation forever. If someone else gives you a thumbs up, and you look at it, then expect guests to your home soon - one of them will bring you a joyful message or give you a gift that will make you change all your plans and go for a month to another city or country.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

means a helper in worldly life and profession. Fingers also symbolize children, wife, father, mother, wealth and power. And whoever sees that his fingers have become large, in a beautiful and acceptable form, then this is a sign of an increase in wealth and power, and if they decrease, then what they point to will also decrease. Fingers sometimes point to nephews. And they are also interpreted as daily five prayers. And the toes are the beauty and charm of wealth. Ibn Sirin says: “When you dream that there are no fingers on your right hand, you may lose a child or a close relative.” Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq says that if you dream that your fingers are cut off, then you will be separated from someone close to you. And if your fingers are broken, you will lose a loved one. Hearing the cracking of your own fingers in a dream means hearing it in life bad speech from close people. The fingers of the left hand are nephews. Those Ulama who interpret the fingers as five Namaz, index-midday, middle-afternoon, ring-evening, little finger-night Namaz. Lose any finger - leave the corresponding Namaz completely imperfect.To see any finger in a dream in a different position from the other positions means performing Namaz is untimely.

Dream Interpretation - Cut yourself

Cut - with your unrestrained and impulsive behavior you will cause trouble not only for the people around you, but also for yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Seeing one finger means that you will be told how to live.

Dream Interpretation - Finger with a ring

Looking at a finger with a beautiful ring in a dream means engagement.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Lose - losses; cripple - you will be respected and loved; to have beautiful fingers - you will achieve high honor


Index finger cut blood

Dream Interpretation Index finger cut blood dreamed of why in a dream the index finger cuts blood? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bloody cut in your index finger in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

A dream in which you cut yourself by carelessly handling a blade foreshadows illness. If you inflict a deep cut on yourself with a sharpened knife, you will become dependent on a cruel person.

Cutting yourself with glass while swimming in a dream means that you will become a victim of malicious slander.

A strong cut from which blood is gushing is a sign of irreparable losses; a minor cut means you will lose the trust of your lover.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Look at your own fingers - you can become a victim of scammers. You broke your finger - a loved one is deceiving you. If a finger was cut off, the dream means divorce or loss of a friend.

If you dreamed of a broken or severed finger, imagine that your finger is quickly put in a cast or sewn on and it heals quickly.

If in a dream you stain your fingers with ink, you will be slandered, but you will be to blame for this.

Imagine that you thoroughly wash your fingers and place a ring with a precious stone on each finger (see Ring, Stone).

You pricked your finger - someone will speak out about you in society in such a way that your pride will be greatly hurt. If at the same time there was blood coming from your finger, a loved one will ridicule you and it will be even more painful for you.

Imagine that you did not feel any pain from the injection, you simply did not notice it.

The only time the dream has a positive meaning is if you get your finger dirty in excrement. In this case, the negative influence of the symbol is neutralized in a stronger way (see Excrement).

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dreaming of your index finger in a raised position is a warning of a serious danger, which will certainly turn into a real one if you do not heed this dream as a signal.

The situation may be aggravated by the fact that just at this time your enemies will try to trip you up.

You need to keep your emotions under control and not waste your energy on trifles: you will need a lot more of them to fight for your own place in the sun.

To see a broken finger - such a dream suggests that you cannot achieve what you want, although you are almost exhausted and have lost hope.

The dream suggests that this will soon pass, and after a short rest you will get back to business.

A bandaged finger portends a short-term illness - yours or a loved one.

Do not panic ahead of time, because the matter will be limited to a slight ailment without any complications.

A dream of a severed finger warns the dreamer that, due to his rude attitude towards people, he may lose the support of his loved ones.

Lately, you have been constantly offending your loved ones, who, regardless of their mood, always treat you with sincerity and friendliness.

Keep in mind that even iron patience breaks down at some point.

If you burn your finger, this means that some difficult situation will arise around you, the way out of which will be all the more difficult because you will have to look for it yourself.

Hairy fingers are an unexpected profit, perhaps an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a worthy reward for work done.

Crooked fingers mean that your envious people are asleep and see how to harm you.

With those people in whom you do not feel much trust, and even more so with those for whom you do not have it at all, the dream calls for maximum caution.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Seeing the thumb on your hand means there is a possible danger that you will become a victim of tricksters and dubious luck;
experiencing pain in the thumb is a sign of failure in business;
absence of a thumb - need, loneliness;
the thumb seems unnaturally small to you - fleeting joy;
unnatural thumb - your success will be rapid and brilliant;
the thumb is dirty - you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions;
a nail on the thumb that is too long - the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin;
to see the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows;
beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - your sincere feeling will be appreciated, your goodwill and generosity will make you famous;
There are no fingers on your hands - big material losses.
Also see Hand, Nails, Ink.

Dream Interpretation - Finger and number one

Seeing an index finger pointed in your direction in a dream means that in reality you will become a scapegoat. For ten days, do not share secrets with anyone and try not to get involved in adventures, otherwise in the end all your sins and transgressions will be pinned on you and made you feel guilty before your superiors. If you point your finger at someone in a dream, then on the first day of the next month you will unfairly accuse a person devoted to you and thereby undermine your reputation as a thoughtful and sober person. This is especially unpleasant for businessmen, for whom death is like a stain on their reputation.

If in a dream you raise your thumb up as a sign of approval, then in reality you will have to part with your loved one. If in a dream you do not feel sadness, then the separation will be temporary, most likely it will not last longer than a month, but if you are worried, then you are in danger of separation forever. If someone else gives you a thumbs up, and you look at it, then expect guests to your home soon - one of them will bring you a joyful message or give you a gift that will make you change all your plans and go for a month to another city or country.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

means a helper in worldly life and profession. Fingers also symbolize children, wife, father, mother, wealth and power. And whoever sees that his fingers have become large, in a beautiful and acceptable form, then this is a sign of an increase in wealth and power, and if they decrease, then what they point to will also decrease. Fingers sometimes point to nephews. And they are also interpreted as daily five prayers. And the toes are the beauty and charm of wealth. Ibn Sirin says: “When you dream that there are no fingers on your right hand, you may lose a child or a close relative.” Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq says that if you dream that your fingers are cut off, then you will be separated from someone close to you. And if your fingers are broken, you will lose a loved one. Hearing the cracking of your own fingers in a dream means hearing it in life bad speech from close people. The fingers of the left hand are nephews. Those Ulama who interpret the fingers as five Namaz, index-midday, middle-afternoon, ring-evening, little finger-night Namaz. Lose any finger - leave the corresponding Namaz completely imperfect.To see any finger in a dream in a different position from the other positions means performing Namaz is untimely.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Bloody clothes seen in a dream warn of possible enemies who seek to hinder your career. Beware of new pseudo-friendships.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health, or impending anxiety, or failure in business.

If you see blood on your hands, expect uninvited guests.

This is how Nostradamus interpreted dreams about blood.

If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, then in the near future you will receive news from your relatives.

A dream in which you are bleeding means temporary loneliness and sadness.

If you saw in a dream how you shed someone’s blood, show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important to you. You should take the initiative into your own hands.

If you dreamed of a loved one bleeding, your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate because of your selfishness.

A dream in which you saw the ground drenched in blood foreshadows difficult trials.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, and conflicts. She interpreted “bloody” dreams as follows.

A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one.

If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, it is a sign that the action of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation.

In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood splashed from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can result in serious consequences for you.

You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from a river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and before your eyes turns into thick blood. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

D. Loff wrote: “This symbol in dreams is rarely of a positive nature, perhaps, with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy’s blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, damage or death. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, that is, it can involve the loss of significant resources.

Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of “blood brotherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Blood is your mental and vital forces / wealth, money.

Swollen veins, overflowing with blood - happiness, money, wealth.

Scooping or drinking blood - happiness, money / dishonest profits / experiencing longing for a certain person / needing spiritual support.

To drink your own blood is to love yourself more than anyone else.

Seeing yourself bleeding means leading a normal, healthy, reasonable lifestyle / well-being / justified, reasonable spending.

Blood flows from the head - an increase in property.

From the nose - happiness.

Bleeding only from the arms or legs is a nuisance or sadness.

The blood gushing out like a fountain is unusually strong - illness, loss of strength.

Bleeding completely means preparing yourself for illness / spending beyond your means.

Coughing and spitting blood is a disease.

Cutting a body and admiring your blood means being burdened by secrets / burdened by well-being.

Letting someone drink your blood means growing and creating something evil.

Bleeding from a friend - to feel guilty towards him / to successfully borrow money from him.

For a symbolic personality, there is harm from the shortcoming that it personifies, or damage to dignity.

Seeing a lot of blood is a dream come true/dangerous outbursts of feelings.

To drown in blood means to experience a transformation, to be “born again.”

Drops of blood on the ground are satisfaction.

Follow with blood - sow good or evil (depending on other details). Shed tears of blood - get into a situation that is painful for your conscience.

To have water instead of blood is to live unfairly, to play a role in life that you have invented.

Someone is engorged with blood - magical activity in your environment.

To smear him with blood means to be in a family relationship with him.

Man is a spiritual kinship.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Dreams about beds express our hopes for the best, our desire for a prosperous and dignified life, the desire for a good arrangement of our home. Sometimes such dreams predict changes in health or illness. Buying a bed or seeing it being brought into the house is a sign of imminent marriage and starting your own household. If you dream that someone is offering to buy you a bed, then you will soon find out that you have a secret admirer who decided to reveal his feelings to you. A large, good-quality, beautiful, richly decorated bed in a dream means a good arrangement, a prosperous and wealthy life, protection from troubles and the patronage of people in power.

A luxurious bed and a beautiful bedroom in a dream mean that a prosperous life awaits you, which you will be very pleased with. To smell pleasant smells in the bedroom in a dream is a sign of a dubious love affair. A broken bed in a dream predicts troubles, obstacles in business, failure of plans. An empty bed means your life will be unsettled and lonely. A made bed, making a bed or seeing that it is being made for you, portends reciprocity of feelings for you, which can end in a big scandal. After such a dream, you should exercise maximum caution and prudence. A hospital bed with stains of dried blood is a sign of great distress due to an illness that you recently successfully endured. Such a dream warns you that the illness you suffered has traumatized your psyche and you should be more attentive to your health in the future. A dirty bed in a dream means illness. Lying in bed in a dream is a sign of a calm, well-ordered life; an empty bed (yours) in a dream means loneliness, unsettled life; Seeing someone else's bed empty in a dream is a sign of the imminent death of its owner or separation from a loved one. If you dream that you are going to bed, then beware of illness. Lying in bed with a friend or person of the same sex is a loss that could have been avoided; with a stranger of the opposite sex - to the news; a strange bed in a dream is a harbinger of an upcoming unusual, surprising turn in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise. Seeing bleeding in a dream is a sign of loss and poor health. A dream in which you saw blood coming from your nose means loss of money or position in society. Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger that threatens you due to carelessness.

Incest in a dream foreshadows illness or painful pride, which will cause you a lot of problems. Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portend well-being. Blood on the head means you will soon get a condition.

Spitting blood in a dream means illness or humiliation. A dream in which you saw blood pouring out of you onto the floor predicts winning a case or receiving benefits. Dark blood flowing out of you portends liberation from sorrows and worries. Bleeding from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening your position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not clotted. For childless people, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time. It’s bad to dream that you are spitting blood on the bare ground. Such a dream predicts the death of a loved one or relative. Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or a great misfortune that will happen to loved ones. Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is creeping up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be. Seeing blood flow in a dream means a serious illness with a fatal outcome after a long time. Someone else's blood in a dream foreshadows the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.


Cut your finger with glass

Dream Interpretation: Cut your finger with glass dreamed of why in a dream you dream about cutting your finger with glass? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cutting your finger with glass in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

A dream in which you cut yourself by carelessly handling a blade foreshadows illness. If you inflict a deep cut on yourself with a sharpened knife, you will become dependent on a cruel person.

Cutting yourself with glass while swimming in a dream means that you will become a victim of malicious slander.

A strong cut from which blood is gushing is a sign of irreparable losses; a minor cut means you will lose the trust of your lover.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Look at your own fingers - you can become a victim of scammers. You broke your finger - a loved one is deceiving you. If a finger was cut off, the dream means divorce or loss of a friend.

If you dreamed of a broken or severed finger, imagine that your finger is quickly put in a cast or sewn on and it heals quickly.

If in a dream you stain your fingers with ink, you will be slandered, but you will be to blame for this.

Imagine that you thoroughly wash your fingers and place a ring with a precious stone on each finger (see Ring, Stone).

You pricked your finger - someone will speak out about you in society in such a way that your pride will be greatly hurt. If at the same time there was blood coming from your finger, a loved one will ridicule you and it will be even more painful for you.

Imagine that you did not feel any pain from the injection, you simply did not notice it.

The only time the dream has a positive meaning is if you get your finger dirty in excrement. In this case, the negative influence of the symbol is neutralized in a stronger way (see Excrement).

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass in a dream is a symbol of deception, fear or grief. Looking through it in a dream is a sign of expectation. A magnifying glass in a dream means that you are prone to exaggeration and panic. See interpretation: glasses.

If glass shrinks objects in a dream, then you are frivolous and do not see the real danger. Breaking glass in a dream or seeing cracks on it portends danger and obstacles in business. Often such a dream foreshadows failures and disappointments and indicates that your plans will not come true. Getting hurt on glass in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid losses and worries. Clean, transparent glass in a dream symbolizes the purity of your intentions and sincerity. But stained, scratched, cloudy glass foreshadows losses and disappointments. Often such dreams indicate that you are making the wrong decision, which can lead to the collapse of your plans. See interpretation: polish.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Clear glass in a dream: This is a symbol of your detached curiosity.

Looking through glass at someone you know: a sign of possible alienation between you and this person.

Raindrops drumming on the glass: mean someone else's tears, which, perhaps, will arouse your sympathy, but nothing more.

Dirty glass: portends a small conflict with outsiders.

Clean glasses: a sign that you look at things soberly and have a correct understanding of current events.

Frosted glass: symbol of false illusions.

If in your dream you look through frosted glass: the dream suggests that you completely misunderstand some fact or event.

Broken window glass: indicates that some extraneous events from which you would like to distance yourself will cause great complications in your life. The dream suggests that in reality you are trying in vain to avoid solving some problems - you will not succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Dreaming of your index finger in a raised position is a warning of a serious danger, which will certainly turn into a real one if you do not heed this dream as a signal.

The situation may be aggravated by the fact that just at this time your enemies will try to trip you up.

You need to keep your emotions under control and not waste your energy on trifles: you will need a lot more of them to fight for your own place in the sun.

To see a broken finger - such a dream suggests that you cannot achieve what you want, although you are almost exhausted and have lost hope.

The dream suggests that this will soon pass, and after a short rest you will get back to business.

A bandaged finger portends a short-term illness - yours or a loved one.

Do not panic ahead of time, because the matter will be limited to a slight ailment without any complications.

A dream of a severed finger warns the dreamer that, due to his rude attitude towards people, he may lose the support of his loved ones.

Lately, you have been constantly offending your loved ones, who, regardless of their mood, always treat you with sincerity and friendliness.

Keep in mind that even iron patience breaks down at some point.

If you burn your finger, this means that some difficult situation will arise around you, the way out of which will be all the more difficult because you will have to look for it yourself.

Hairy fingers are an unexpected profit, perhaps an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a worthy reward for work done.

Crooked fingers mean that your envious people are asleep and see how to harm you.

With those people in whom you do not feel much trust, and even more so with those for whom you do not have it at all, the dream calls for maximum caution.

Dream Interpretation - Finger

Seeing the thumb on your hand means there is a possible danger that you will become a victim of tricksters and dubious luck;
experiencing pain in the thumb is a sign of failure in business;
absence of a thumb - need, loneliness;
the thumb seems unnaturally small to you - fleeting joy;
unnatural thumb - your success will be rapid and brilliant;
the thumb is dirty - you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions;
a nail on the thumb that is too long - the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin;
to see the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows;
beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - your sincere feeling will be appreciated, your goodwill and generosity will make you famous;
There are no fingers on your hands - big material losses.
Also see Hand, Nails, Ink.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

In a dream, looking through glass portends sorrow. Breaking glass (window) - portends an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort...

If you dream that you cut yourself with glass, you can very quickly win the admiration of many if you want to show your abilities.

If you admire cleanly washed window panes, the dream promises you will receive a prestigious job position, which will be fraught with conflicts in your environment.

If the glass is cloudy, failure awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Seeing window glass in a dream as dirty and cloudy, through which almost nothing can be seen, portends deception and danger. Wiping or washing glass means agreement between spouses. Breaking glass means avoiding trouble. Inserting glass means unsuccessful completion of a difficult task. Cutting yourself with glass in a dream means that in reality you will deliberately sacrifice something in the hope of acquiring more. If you look through glass filled with rain, this foreshadows sad events.

Buying glassware will bring disaster to your family. Eating or drinking from it means well-being in the home, harmony between relatives. Broken glassware foreshadows the refusal of a profitable job, due to which you will lose the chance to escape from the vicious circle of constant deprivation.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you looked through glass, expect trouble.

Broken window glass portends an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort. Cloudy windows dream of failure.

If you cut yourself with glass, show your abilities and very quickly win the admiration of others.

Admire the cleanly washed window panes - you will get a prestigious place, but you will earn a lot of conflicts.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you look through glass, the dream means the further successful course of your life. If the glass is frosted and poorly translucent, this means that your affairs and your well-being are very uncertain, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and even face poverty. If you dream that you cannot see anything through the glass at all, your position will become more defined. “When a lover looks through a dark glass,” says Frivellus, “this means the dream promises the inconstancy of the person you love or the infidelity of a friend. I never know whether luck will come to the one who has this dream. It has many interpretations."


Finger cut with blood

Dream Interpretation - Visitor

So, this Dream pushes one to realize all the earthly thoughts and motives that the Dreamer has, in order to then become their reasonable Mistress - an accumulation of various UNCOMPLICABLE PEOPLE in the outwardly positive Sonya in a dream. All diverse and unconscious earthly energies should not accumulate in one place - a person, and ignoring them without trying to study them is also unreasonable - you need to know what motivates you and why, what harm and what benefits these energies bring with them. A classic example from Sonya’s life (without blasphemy on my part), which occurred due to ignorance of the lower human emotions that inhabit her son (it’s a pity for such a family). This is what the Dream is about, to help the Dreamer for the future - everything in life should be realized and balanced, both the highest energies and the lowest. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Menstruation

Perhaps some past and “lived” situation will arise that absolutely has no place in the present. All this will emerge as if “in parallel” (and you are having your period)... I didn’t understand who was in the blood - probably grandma. The situation will require immediate resolution, you will somehow stop it and try to sort it out a little...

The dream reflects your current experiences. In your case, for the nightmares to stop, you need to reconsider not what happened, but your views on what happened!!! First of all, stop looking for those to blame, blaming him and reproaching yourself. Start living from scratch, it's never too late. Good luck. If you need clarification and advice, please contact me on the website or forum.

Dream Interpretation - I left my husband and I dream about this

Apparently your ex-husband brought you a lot of pain, but you don’t need to look back, you need to move forward. I myself experienced a similar situation and after several years I can say that later there will be a lot of joy from the fact that this nightmare is behind me.

Dream Interpretation - Nightmare - fight

You are a lively, proactive person! But you are not patient and cannot complete even 100% winning cases. And the reason for everything is not patience and LAZINESS! Call and finish what you started! You will succeed and the “Aligator” will close its mouth! It's time to move and not stand on the sidelines!

Dream Interpretation - Nightmare - fight

Most likely, in your environment there are people who are not quite, how shall I put it, what you need. You deserve a better environment. Such people are most likely intriguers, doing dark things, perhaps trying to provoke you into doing something bad. Take a better look at those around you.

Dream Interpretation - Salvation

I am sure that it seems to you that your sleep is oversaturated with people, events, colors and small details that confuse you! Dacha Khutor, the cemetery are most likely painted by your mind to replace the canvas on which key events unfold. But this also has its own subtext. If these places exist in real life, then find in yourself the memories (stories, sensations) associated with these places, then it will be easier for you to classify the subtext of your dream! If these are stories from the category of creepy stories, then most likely your dream warns of an event (completely unrelated to the places you dreamed about). Children are beginnings. You have conceived, or are participating in some project, or will unwittingly become a participant in some event, and this is just inevitable! A very interesting point is the parallel display of children of different sexes! That is, until today you have not decided for yourself whether you are doing the right thing or not. You are in a state of choice and as a result of your vision - this will be a negative moment in your life, for which in fact there was no need to fight with such efforts! POLICEMAN - in a person’s mind, this is a representative of force (the force of nature, authorities, leadership) and the fact that subconsciously you felt some kind of hostility towards him indicates a conflict of interests with the opposite side (maybe in terms of legality or family ties) of the participants of the started company. A very important point is the episode with blood, it just sheds light on all of the above! One of the people close to you knows about what will happen or is happening (if you saw the blood bright red, then this is a relative of the first circle (mom, dad, sister, brother) if you did not see the color of the blood, but simply subconsciously knew it as a fact It goes without saying that these can be very distant relatives and even close friends of your relatives who are not related to you by blood). This person occupies a certain not ordinary position in society (position, universal respect, etc.) It is he who will play a very important role in ensuring that you do not commit rash actions. But you are very close to the wrong decision! Listen to the opinions of people with life experience and position!

Dream Interpretation - Horror

There is really not enough information for a complete interpretation! If you are a virgin, then the interpretation is banal and simple - you dream about the first sexual intercourse, imagine it as terribly painful and therefore are afraid of it, but the feminine principle awakens desire in you and this is absolutely normal! But if you are an adult woman with regular sex, then you need to beware that there is a person in your environment who can easily persuade you to have Dirty sex, and there is no need to talk about the depth of his feelings! It is quite possible that this will become public knowledge! And blood can be interpreted in two ways: - A relative, perhaps a cousin or second cousin, uncle, etc. wants you. And the second option is that people close to you (parents, brothers, etc.) will find out about your vicious relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Mom's death and revenge on enemies

Just a horror movie. Perhaps the dream does not have a prophetic meaning; not all dreams are prophetic or predictive. Such nightmares are more likely to occur during physiological changes in the body, such as a hearty dinner, drinking alcohol at night, problems with the bladder, kidneys, or nervous system. If you want to translate the symbolism of individual images of your dream into Russian, then in principle it is not difficult, it is clear that a good dog is, of course, a friend. Your enemies are just fears. Blood to relatives. Cemetery - past problems, fears associated with it. Mom and her double - ambivalent attitude towards mother. And finally, a sick body and torn clothes are shame and disgrace. Experiencing evil in a dream is an overstrain of the nervous system. My advice to you: rest, stop “rummaging” in the past, “forgive” yourself of all your sins, the state of guilt and allow your brain to relax, at least at night.

Dream Interpretation - In the Sands

Unfortunately, the images in your dream predict negative events, such as loss, worries, grief, melancholy, illness, nervous breakdowns, and an unfavorable period in life. Bad road, crossing. Try to find out if your aunt’s husband is alive, what happened to their house, remember - give change to the poor, treat the children to sweets... Go to church and write notes - for your health, for the deceased - for the peace of their souls, pray - you should stop and analyze the past, I believe that after the above, everything will change for the better. Good luck.

What happens if you dream about a cut off finger? The most complete interpretation of sleep from the astrologers of the Starry Dream Book website.

The tips of our fingers contain the largest number of nerve endings; the sense of touch is concentrated on them. Therefore, what this part of the body dreams about is almost always associated with emotions - both bad and good. Our dream book will tell you what a plot with healthy or damaged fingers in a dream could mean.

At first, various interpretations may confuse you, but by comparing the dream book’s prediction with a real-life situation, and analyzing the dream in detail, you can look into the future with one eye and find answers to many questions.

Why do you dream about fingers: interpretation of dreams

If you saw fingers in a dream, then the meaning of the dream according to the interpretation of different dream books is very contradictory. First, let's look at which finger you saw, how many there were, and whether there were decorations on them.

Why do you dream about your thumb? In real life, such a gesture can be interpreted depending on its direction; the same thing happens in a dream. If the finger on the dreamer’s hand is pointing upward, then separation from his soulmate awaits him. The downward direction indicates that the relationship with your loved one will only become stronger, you will become more and more attached to each other.

From a completely different perspective, the dream book interprets what the index finger means in dreams. As in reality, this gesture is a warning: if you behave recklessly and carelessly, then serious danger awaits you, and most likely it will come from competitors or enemies.

The middle finger represents the dreamer's financial position and authority. Very bad events in the material sphere await you if it was even a little damaged. And if there was a gold ring on it, then stagnant affairs will suddenly go uphill.

The ring finger in a dream carries any meaning only if a ring was worn on it. For married people, this is an unfavorable symbol: the marriage will soon fall apart due to the betrayal of one of the spouses. For single people, on the contrary, such a dream foreshadows the meeting of a lover or beloved, and an imminent wedding.

According to the interpretation of the 21st century dream book, what extra fingers mean in a dream foretells the dreamer receiving a large sum of money. Most likely, these will be undeserved funds that you will inherit, but the dream book does not exclude winnings from gambling or the lottery.

Such an unusual phenomenon as six fingers on one hand can also be interpreted from the perspective of psychoanalysis. If in reality you start dating a person of the opposite sex, then the dream book interprets that you cannot get used to a new relationship, no matter how wonderful it is, rest assured that this is not true love, feelings are a burden to you.

If nothing has changed significantly in your life recently, then you can have no doubt why you dream of 6 fingers. A new ability will open in you, a unique gift from God that will strikingly distinguish you from other people. Perhaps you will comprehend the world of the supernatural, look beyond everyday life.

If a woman dreaming of a child grows a finger in a dream, then the dream book predicts that in the near future she will receive good news about pregnancy. This news will not be overshadowed by anything if the new finger looked normal and there was no damage on it.

Why do you dream about fingerprints? If in a dream you went through the fingerprinting procedure and then saw your fingerprints in black and white, it means that you will be punished for all your unrighteous deeds. You will never get rid of pangs of conscience and lifelong shame. If a young girl in a dream saw a ring on her finger, and at the same time she looked at it carefully, then in reality she will have a meeting with her lover, or even a marriage proposal.

If a married woman dreams of many rings on her fingers, then in reality she will have a secret boyfriend who will not reveal his identity for a long time. The dream book advises you to immediately reject your secret gentleman; communicating with him will not lead to anything good.

Wound on a finger in a dream

According to Hasse's dream book, cutting a finger in a dream is a favorable symbol, especially if blood oozes profusely from it. You will earn the respect of your relatives thanks to a good deed, which, among other things, will bring spiritual harmony.

Seeing a cut finger of a stranger in a dream is a symbol of losses. The dream book foretells you big troubles at work, which will be associated with your own irresponsibility.

Why do you dream about a cut on your finger according to Taflisi’s dream book? If you clearly experienced pain from a cut, then separation from your loved one awaits you. But don’t worry, the separation will not last long, you will meet again soon.

If you happen to injure your finger in a dream, then Medea’s dream book warns that you should not interfere in other people’s affairs. You shouldn’t impose your point of view on everyone - it’s not the only correct one, it’s better to moderate your ardor and sort out your own affairs.

Deliberately cutting your fingers in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book predicts that you will cause irreparable damage to yourself with your own hands, which will send you into the abyss of grief and sadness. Take care of your feelings and don’t make hasty conclusions, everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance.

For young girls, a splinter in the finger is a sign of an unpleasant admirer who will annoy you with his attention. For a man, such a plot in a dream symbolizes a strong opponent in business or love. But if you pulled out the splinter, then getting rid of your new rival will be quite simple.

If you happen to prick your finger in a dream, then you can expect minor troubles. Most likely, they will be associated with deterioration in health, a mild illness from which you will quickly get rid of.

Why do you dream about a needle in your finger? From the psychoanalytic perspective, such a dream reflects the complex emotional state of the dreamer. You are confused and don’t know what to do, and only calm will help you find a way out of the situation.

If in a dream a rat bites your finger, then in reality you will find yourself a victim of the machinations of ill-wishers. Moreover, they will act through your friends, and if you suspect anyone, then it is better to trust your intuition.

The dream book predicts a serious blow to the dreamer’s feelings if a snake bites his finger in a dream. Beware of emotionally intense situations and conflicts, they can greatly undermine self-esteem and drive you into long-term depression.

If in real life you have recently made friends with a stranger, and in a dream a dog bites your finger, then the dream book foretells the betrayal of your new friend. Don't trust good words too much; they may well turn out to be false.

Pus from a finger in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness in reality. The disease will be associated with the dreamer’s emotional instability; perhaps a nervous breakdown will lead to severe complications.

Lost and broken fingers

If you had to bite off your finger in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to keep a terrible secret. The dream book warns that this burden will be very heavy for you, but you will be able to keep someone else’s secret and receive well-deserved gratitude

On the contrary, if a dog bites off your finger, then your innermost secret will lie as a heavy burden in the mind of a good friend. It’s better to keep your secrets only for yourself, because it is after they are revealed to even the only reliable person that everything secret can become clear.

Why do you dream of severed fingers? The dream book predicts that you can easily lose the support and trust of your loved ones if you continue to disrespect other people's feelings and actions.

The dream book also gives an unfavorable interpretation of what a severed finger means in a dream. If it belongs to a stranger, then they will tell you how to live, constantly teach you, control and condemn absolutely all actions.

Why do you dream of a cut off finger? The wanderer's dream book foretells that a married woman who sees such a picture in a dream will have a serious quarrel with her husband, which can lead to separation. Also, this dream may predict the loss of one of your relatives.

If you had to cut off your finger in a dream, it means that in reality you should get serious about your business. Things are going - they can't get any worse, and if you don't take any action, achieving your goal will become impossible.

Losing a finger in a dream means having problems with your boss in reality. Things aren't going well at work right now. As much as you would like it, but because of this, you should not get into trouble and prove that you are right: no one will understand you, and you will provoke a deterioration in partnership relations.

If you had to break your fingers in a dream, then the dream book interprets this plot depending on which finger was broken. If you hurt your little finger, then you will have a small squabble with your significant other. Index - you will fall under the influence of an evil person. Big - you will be separated from your loved one for a long time, but eventually you will meet again.

Why do you dream of a broken finger according to Velesov’s small dream book? This is a harbinger of illness of one of the close relatives. According to Longo’s dream book, this is a direct reflection of the current state of affairs: you are exhausted and cannot move forward. Stop, think, do you need such a goal that takes so much energy?

According to the modern dream book, breaking a finger in a dream means revealing your own dishonest deeds. Due to irresponsibility, you will find yourself in a position that will oblige you to tell about your sins, and they will become known to many people.

In a dream, a person rests, but there are such dreams, after which you need to turn to specialized literature for interpretation in order to calm down. Dreams about fingers are no exception, so you need to know their meaning.

Why do you dream of fingers according to Miller’s dream book?

An American psychologist explained dreams about fingers as follows. If the hands and fingers are flawed, then there will be sadness in life, they are beautiful and clean - expect good luck and prosperity. A painful thumb is a dream of failure in professional activities; its absence will lead to general abandonment.

If you dream that your finger is extremely large or, conversely, small, this may mean a bright opportunity to express yourself, but the happiness from this will not last long. A dirty thumb on one hand is a dream before a happy event.

Finger in a dream – Vanga’s dream book

The clairvoyant predicted what she saw in a dream in the most accurate way. A mutilated or wounded finger, according to her, in a dream will lead to minor troubles that can easily be resolved in reality. If there are more than 5 fingers on a hand, this is a clear sign that someone significant will appear in a person’s life; communication with him will lead to a loss of authority among relatives and friends.

What does it mean to dream about fingers - interpretation according to Freud

This versatile person contributed to the worldview of the future generation. Based on his statements and conclusions, a dream book was created that describes dreams as a subconscious sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

If a person plays with his fingers in a dream, this means that he lacks only sexual satisfaction, and independent satisfaction, for a complete feeling of happiness.

A woman sees a man’s fingers in a dream, then he is her choice as a partner in bed. A man sees his hands with wounded fingers - he is embarrassed to show his ego and thinks about sexual inferiority. For a woman, such a dream serves as a warning about an attack. If your finger is wrapped in a medical bandage, you should think about using contraception during sex.

Why do you dream about fingers according to Simeon Prozorov’s dream book?

According to this dream book, fingers mean a person’s closest relatives. Well-groomed, healthy fingers speak of the well-being of the family and its prosperity. Small and sore fingers mean the decline of the family and each of its members in particular.

Cutting off or breaking one of your fingers means getting rid of or losing a loved one. If you hear finger bones breaking in a dream, this may mean a quarrel with your family, and they will speak unkindly about you.

Why do you dream about fingers according to the dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo

A broken finger means that your planned business will still not be successful, no matter how hard you try. A finger pointing in some direction makes it clear that you need to be extremely careful when choosing your own path, and if it is raised up, this is a sure sign of impending danger.

A finger in bandages means treatment, but it will be short-lived and effective. Hairy fingers in a dream foresee the receipt of a fee or profit; what you have worked long and hard on will bear fruit.

Curved fingers show the attitude of envious people towards you. They clearly want to harm you, so you should be careful with statements addressed to strangers.

Why do you dream about fingers according to Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book?

The astrologer says that in a dream you can see the solution to a problem and choose the suggested path. Examining fingers in a dream means the imminent return of a loved one. Beautiful, even fingers are dreamed of on the eve of new romantic feelings.

Cut fingers dream of changes in your personal life, the other half may leave or coldness will appear in the relationship, which will develop into indifference. Rings on the fingers mean that someone wants to command you, without taking into account your opinion.

More than 5 fingers on the hands suggest that a person will receive an unexpected material reward or inheritance.

Why do you dream about a wedding ring on your finger?

Many interpreters urge us to take what we see in a dream literally. A wedding ring on your finger can mean changes in your personal life, taking the path of family or permanent relationships.

If the ring is the right size for a girl, then the choice of a life partner is correct and it’s worth holding on to him, because this man can make her happy. If the ring is small or large, this means that no matter how much you want, the man will not take the girl down the aisle. It’s too early for her to think about starting a family, or she needs to wait a little and then happiness will definitely come.

A girl sees a ring on her beloved’s finger - this means that his intentions are the most serious, he will be a faithful and kind husband. A wedding ring slipping off your finger predicts changes in the couple's relationship; there will be quarrels and misunderstandings.

A married lady dreams of a ring on her finger that she accidentally breaks - her husband will get sick soon, and there is very little chance of saving him.

Why do you dream of a gold ring, a ring, a silver ring on your finger?

Gold is a symbol of devotion and love. A gold ring on the finger means a long, happy marriage with sincere, tender feelings. All life plans will be brought to life, and good luck will always accompany you. If the jewelry on your finger is broken, this is a bad sign; troubles will begin soon and will continue for a long time.

A ring on a finger in a dream means love experiences and the imminent appearance of a surprise in life. If there are rings on all fingers, this means that new business will bring stable income and satisfaction.

A silver ring signifies loyalty and affection. A woman who dreamed of a silver jewelry can be confident in her chosen one, he will fulfill all the wishes of her beloved. If she wants to take off the ring, then this indicates her doubts about the man.

Why do you dream about fingers or toes?

Dreams in which a person sees his toes mean a possible journey, a road. If they are well-groomed and clean, then everything is going well in life; if they are dirty, this portends problems in work or personal life.

If in a dream you are angry with yourself for having ugly toes, this means dissatisfaction with your own actions and a desire to change what you have done. Injuring your toes means that soon in reality there is a danger of getting a fracture.

If someone steps on your toes in a dream, it means you are on the right track and have the opportunity to get ahead of your competitors and envious people. In any case, beautiful, even and neat fingers always speak in a dream about the correct state of affairs, while broken, dirty, mutilated ones hint that something needs to be changed in life.

Why do you dream about the ring, index, thumb, middle, and little fingers?

Fingers can be interpreted differently in different situations. The thumb says that in life everything goes on as usual and you need to react to changes calmly, raised up, it shows the right direction of the path.

The index finger usually means judgment of other people or your dissatisfaction with them. Perhaps you are in danger if you make negative statements towards ill-wishers. The middle finger is the reproductive organ; its position indicates the possibility of sexual activity.

Healthy and smooth, it symbolizes a man's ability to satisfy his woman. For women, such a dream promises passionate kisses. The ring finger is success in marriage, business and friendship. Little finger - relationships with people around you who can have an impact on your position in society.

Why do you dream of cutting your finger? Blood from a finger in a dream

Blood means family ties, kinship. Cutting your finger means a quick quarrel with loved ones. This can also mean trouble in the service, but in this case the family will become support and support. Blood from a finger in a dream predicts a meeting with distant relatives; they cannot always come with advance warning.

Dream Interpretation - broken, cut off, severed finger

A broken finger bone means irreversible troubles in business. You don’t have to try to change the situation; the result will still be negative. A cut off or severed finger means loss of trust of a loved one, illness or even death. Depending on which finger is severed, it could be a close relative or friend.

Many fingers in a dream

If extra fingers are found in a dream, this promises success in business. This means that you are on the right path and perhaps higher-ups will help you. If in a dream you are not satisfied with so many fingers and you decide to get rid of them, this indicates that, while rejoicing, on the one hand, for the help from the strongest, you subconsciously want to complete the matter on your own.

Why else do you dream about a finger? Various variations of dreams

  • A splinter in a finger in a dream warns of possible obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • If you were shown an indecent finger gesture in a dream, expect your request to be refused.
  • If you dream about doing a manicure to a stranger, this means that you miss your family who are far from you.
  • A needle stuck into a finger means a warning and imminent failures in the professional sphere.

Any dream is the result of a person’s imagination, experiences and aspirations. Dreams can be interpreted depending on the situation or feelings experienced. What a person is thinking about, he will probably dream about in the near future, so when figuring out the meaning of a dream, you need to study several interpretations.

Let's figure out why fingers can be seen in dreams, and then let's see how the meaning of the dream is affected by which specific finger you saw in the dream (and specific interpretations - oh, how they change :)).

In short, for most people, fingers symbolize communication, communication with people around them, the world.
The most famous dream books (such as, for example, Miller’s dream book) rely on the same interpretation.

If the fingers are clean and well-groomed, then the meaning of the dream is rather positive. This means that the people around you will show you some form of favor or affection.
This means that you don’t need to be afraid to “give” yourself to the world around you, to go towards it with an open visor.

For example, Tsvetkov’s Dream Book says that seeing fingers in a dream is a sign of love. Here he and Miller completely agree.

If, on the contrary, they are dirty (and in general, they somehow made a repulsive impression on you in a dream) - this means conflicts or difficulties of any kind. Such a dream rather means that you should close yourself off from others and protect yourself from possible difficulties.

Why do you dream about the ring finger?

According to Wilke’s dream book, dreaming about the ring finger means imminent changes. Perhaps - to a change of place of residence.
It's true that we often associate it with family relationships.

But the most common mistake people make in interpreting dreams is an attempt to “impose” on a dream the meaning that they themselves would like to see in it.
Although in fact, most often everything is simpler: our dreams often do not play the role of a predictor, but only reproduce those thoughts that haunt us.

Why do you dream about a severed finger or a severed finger?

If a person dreams of a hand without fingers at all, this most likely means financial losses (and quite significant ones at that). A cut off finger is a correspondingly smaller loss, but still noticeable.

Indeed, almost all dream books claim that losing a finger means losses.
However, there are also good interpretations here: for example, Hasse’s dream book says that a crippled finger means sympathy and respect from relatives.

Why do you dream about many fingers?

If in a dream we see that there are more fingers than usual, this means wealth that will unexpectedly fall on you.
It sounds a little archaic, but the essence is clear: if you dream of less than 10 fingers, this is a loss. Reverse dream - to profit and money.

Some dream books (for example, Tsvetkov’s dream book) explain that seeing many fingers in a dream is a sign of inheritance.
Well, everything fits.

Why do you dream about your thumb?

Perhaps the most common dream. For you, it means the risk of deception.

I dream that part of my finger is cut off or falls off

Quite a vivid and unusual dream, it’s true.
To simplify the essence, then usually dreams in which we see fewer fingers than 5 on a hand mean financial difficulties.

In general, any oddities with fingers mean difficulties or problems.

For example, a thumb (as already written above) usually means deception (in any way related to your receiving benefits). Simply put, you can make some kind of deal, get something from it, but... Either it will be somehow connected with deception, or with the fact that this benefit will be very fleeting. And it will more likely lead to disappointment than joy.

Therefore, if you dreamed of a thumb that either fell off or turned out to be unexpectedly small, most likely you will get some pleasure or benefit, but then - oh, you will regret it.

Be careful!

On the other hand, dreams are usually the result of the work of our subconscious.
And many interpreters (not like Vanga or Nostradamus, but those who tried to approach the problem of dream interpretation from a scientific point of view) - often deciphered dreams based on the associations that we have.
So, there is alternative interpretation this dream.

According to Hasse's dream book, We dream of a damaged or bruised finger for support and sympathy from loved ones and relatives. Indeed, sometimes we often associate a bruised finger with loved ones who later feel sorry for us.

The dream book identifies the index finger with willpower, the ability to achieve one’s own. But in order to correctly decipher why he appeared to you in a dream, you need to take into account the nuances of a night dream.

Miller's forecasts

Why do you dream about the index finger? In a broad sense, on the right hand it symbolizes the father's brothers, on the left - the mother's sisters. And if he was harmed in a dream, then something similar will happen to these people in reality.

If you cut your finger, the psychologist indicates that you will not be able to cope with the accumulated problems without outside help. If blood continues to ooze from a cut in a dream, it means that the issues to be resolved are related to the family.

Miller interprets a snake bite in the phalanx as a conflict with a strong and powerful enemy.

Respect or betrayal

Why does a woman dream that her husband is missing his index finger? This plot means: you ignore the words and requests of your spouse, disgrace him in front of others. The universal dream book recommends showing him more respect, and not only in a dream, if you want to save your marriage.

Freud interprets this event a little differently: the dreamer doubts the sexual viability of her husband and his ability to give her pleasure in bed.

If a girl personally deprives a guy of a finger, then the dream book foretells intrigue on the side. There is a possibility that your lover and partner know each other. If a woman cuts off the phalanx of a finger from a man’s left hand in a dream, there will be a serious conflict that will lead to separation.

Waiting for Troubles

Why do you dream of cutting off your finger? This foreshadows the boss's nagging. Unfortunately, your diligence and eloquence will not change the situation. The dream book advises not to escalate the situation by waiting out an unfavorable period.

The ancient Persian astrologer Tfalisi predicted to a woman that blood dripping from her finger meant difficulties in communicating with her mother-in-law. And if a voice comes from it in a dream, it means that loved ones are weaving intrigues.

Breaking a finger, according to the Wanderer’s interpretation, means falling under the influence of a cunning and greedy person. The Jewish dream book, on the contrary, foreshadows a fussy, restless task.

Pythagoras warns: if in a dream you are under the gun of an index finger, it means that they will try to make you extreme. To prevent this, for the next 10 days, avoid being frank with others, and do not get involved in adventures.

Calmness and prudence

Why do you dream of someone else's cut off finger? In reality, a person will appear who will constantly poke his nose into your affairs, telling you what to do, condemning and blaming. The best thing to do is not to pay attention to the “adviser”, then he will quickly get tired of doing nonsense.

But if in a dream the cut off finger belongs to a loved one, then in reality many reproaches are expected from her. Do not rush to brush it off or be offended, because there is truth in these words.

Create comfortable conditions

Cutting a finger with a knife, Longo interprets, is setting oneself a difficult task. To solve it you will need to give your all. In his dream book, the psychoanalyst recommends relaxing, gaining physical and mental strength.

There is another interpretation: this plot means the dreamer’s lack of determination to make his dream come true, as the Universal Dream Book says. If a woman injures her finger, she risks being left without support.


Notice the ring on your finger? This portends the dreamer good luck in all matters. If the stone in the frame is precious, then in reality the respect of others is expected. For careerists, this plot portends trust and full approval of actions by the boss.


The 21st century dream book interprets vision depending on the appearance of the finger.

  • Neat and handsome - he promises reciprocity in his personal life.
  • Dirty - portends a surge of passion, surrender to it and enjoy the moment.
  • Clean - things will work out in your hands.
  • With a wedding ring on, in reality they will propose marriage.

Why do you dream about missing a finger on your hand? You will be alone for a long time.