How to correctly write according to something or something. According to what or what - which is correct. Management with a preposition using an example: according to the agreement or agreement

Many people have questions related to the use of prepositions. And in the school curriculum this topic is considered one of the most difficult. When composing language constructions, for example, it is important to know with which case the preposition “according” is used. and writing is necessary to make sentences and convey information.

Spellings in Russian

A preposition helps to connect independent parts of speech into a single sentence. The named units can be simple and complex, as well as derived and non-derivative. Prepositions do not change. They always retain their original appearance: “on”, “under”, “in”, “with”, “from behind”, “in the middle”.

Here are some examples with derived and non-derivative prepositions:

  • A small bird has built a nest under the roof of our house.
  • We looked at each other for a long time.
  • Thanks to my memory, we quickly found our way back.
  • Because of this incident, our relationship deteriorated.
  • When we saw the animal, we hid behind a tree.

The described part of speech is not an independent member of the sentence, but during syntactic analysis it is emphasized with the word to which it refers.

Derivative preposition: rules of use

The auxiliary part of speech is used with one case form or several: genitive, dative, accusative. The rules help to determine exactly which case the preposition “according to” is used with. In Russian this is the dative case. Using an example, you can see that knowing the correct use of a part of speech will allow you to communicate and write correctly:

  • According to (what?) schedule.
  • According to (what?) the act.

This design is also used in formal business style. Its construction occurs without the participation of the genitive case. By the way, in the 19th century, clerical speech was distinguished by the use of a preposition with the genitive case (the question “what?”). And those who do not know in which case the preposition “according” is used assume that this usage indicates good form.

It is correct to say: “According to (what?) what was said,” and not “According to (what?) what was said.” This rule also applies to other derived prepositions. These include the words “towards”, “despite” and “thanks to”. If the construction is complex, the preposition will be used in the meaning “in accordance with...”. This means that a construction with the instrumental case will be needed: “In accordance with (what?) the schedule, in accordance with (what?) the order.”

Important points

The rules of the Russian language precisely determine in which case the preposition “according to” is used. It is formed from an adverb, and when written and pronounced it is checked by the question “to whom?” what? In the dative case the ending -y is characteristic.

Many people do not understand why this form is considered correct when placing prepositions in case constructions, and this leads to their incorrect use.

When writing, the meaning of words, their grammatical form and sequence are not taken into account. Case forms are distorted, the syntactic norm is violated (according to what or what?). There is no agreement between the preposition and the noun.

Examples of sentence construction

In modern Russian, the described preposition is used only with words in the dative case. Using an example, you can see how a syntactic unit is constructed correctly:

  • I acted in accordance with the charter of the institution.
  • According to the boss's order, everyone had to sign up for courses.
  • Our actions are adjusted according to the signed order.
  • The work is carried out in accordance with the signed contract.
  • We always work according to the approved schedule.

In official business documentation, it is necessary to remember the phrases that are most often used when writing. The following form is used:

  • according to law or legislation;
  • order or application;
  • agreement;
  • extract or order;
  • schedule or act;
  • code or charter;
  • original or drawing;
  • terms of the agreement or contract;
  • models or instructions;
  • staffing schedule or requirements.

And the popular complex construction using the preposition “with” is a synonym for the expression “in accordance with something.” This can be seen in the sentence: “Construction began in accordance with the orders of the authorities.”

A simple rule for using a derivative preposition needs to be remembered. This will allow you to construct sentences correctly and be confident in your own literacy.

According to … Spelling dictionary-reference book

ACCORDING TO- ACCORDING TO. 1. adv. to consonant1 in 5 meanings, amicably, unanimously. Live according to. Sing along. “All citizens showed agreement.” Pushkin. 2. with the preposition s. adv. to consonant1 in 3 meanings, accordingly, similar, in accordance with something, for what... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

according to- See accordingly... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. according to, accordingly, in accordance with, according to; accordingly; agreement; reconcilingly, as one person, in agreement, as one... Synonym dictionary

according to- According to, this preposition requires the dative (not genitive) case after itself: according to the law, order (but not in accordance with the law, order) ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

according to- AGREEING, in accordance, accordingly, in accordance with... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

According to- CONSONANT 1, aya, oe; sen, sleep. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

according to- (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

according to- preposition and member of sentence 1. Preposition. The adverbial phrases “according to + noun” can be distinguished by punctuation marks (commas). For more information about the factors influencing the placement of punctuation marks, see Appendix 1. (Appendix 1) I... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

according to- to what (obsolete what) and with what. 1. to what (on the basis of what l.). As prescribed. According to the charter. According to the agreement, the groom's relatives were given three glasses of vodka (Sholokhov). Should I write one or will there be more candidates, according to your words? (Vishnevsky) ... Control Dictionary

according to- see according to whom than. in sign. pretext. = according to what, in accordance with what l. Proceed according to the instructions... Dictionary of many expressions


  • According to the protocol, Ivan Artsishevsky, Oleg Davtyan. The book, created on the basis of the author’s materials by I. Artsishevsky and O. Davtyan, published over nine years in a number of issues of the “Consul” magazine, is devoted to certain issues of protocol and... Buy for 679 rubles
  • According to the protocol, Ivan Artsishevsky, Oleg Davtyan. The book, created on the basis of the author’s materials by I. Artsishevsky and O. Davtyan, published over eight years in a number of issues of the “Consul” magazine, is devoted to certain issues of protocol and...

You may have seen more than once in writing or in speech different cases of nouns and pronouns after the word “ according to" Some people say and write "according to agreement"(to what - dative case), and others - "according to agreement"(what - genitive case).

So how do you actually speak and write correctly? According to "who?" or according to “what?” In what case should the word following “according” be put?

Correctly say and write “according to what”

That is, you need to use the dative case.

Examples: according to the letter, schedule, law, rules, plan, list, decision, requirements.

Alas, now there are a lot of syntactic errors, which consist in using a word in the genitive case after the derived preposition “according”, for example, “I agree with the assignment” - it’s wrong to say and write like that! This violates the syntactic norms of the Russian language. The construction “according to what” was used about two hundred years ago, but now it is morally and physically outdated.

It is worth noting that now there is “clerical jargon” in which the construction “according to what” is used. This is naturally wrong, but it is useless to argue with people who write and say this.

Learning the Russian language begins for you and me from the first grade of secondary school and never ends. Almost every person (regardless of his level of literacy) quite often experiences embarrassing and dubious situations when he does not know or is not sure whether he wrote the word correctly, put a punctuation mark, whether all the stress is in place in his spoken speech, etc. This is absolutely normal.

In contrast to our general “doubt” about our own knowledge of our native language, it is worth noting that we do not know any science as well as language. Do the same number of people doubt their knowledge of geography or physics every day? And this does not happen because everyone has only excellent grades in these school disciplines. The fact is that language is the same mobile creature as we ourselves: it develops, is updated and requires the repetition of mandatory norms that we have forgotten.

One of the most difficult norms for our memorization is the norm of control in language. Let us dwell in some detail on our own mistakes in this area and correct them, and we will help school graduates with at least one task in the Unified State Examination test.

Management with a preposition using an example: according to the agreement or the agreement?

This example of frequent doubt needs to be resolved once and for all. Some argue that the first option is considered correct, others strongly support the second, and there are also those who think about the double standard of language. Doubt about how to say “according to the agreement” or “agreement” is removed by knowledge of the rules of the Russian language.

First of all, you need to remember the school rule (look for it on the pages of the Russian language textbook for grade 3). Many people are confused by the great Russian literature of the 18th century, in which the ending “a” was accepted. This rule has long lost its force, and has left confusion (according to the agreement or the treaty?).

Correlation of case and preposition

The dative case is required by the prepositions “thanks to”, “despite”, “after”, “to”, “towards”, “contrary”, “like”, “towards”, “according to”, “accordingly”, “proportionately” and etc.

The word "contract" has the following characteristics:

  • masculine;
  • ends with a consonant.

Therefore, this word is declined according to the 2nd declension table.

Nominative: (what?) contract.

Genitive: (what?) contract.

Dative: (to what?) agreement.

Accusative: (what?) agreement.

Creative: (by what?) by agreement.

Prepositional: (about what?) about an agreement.

So, the one we are interested in has the ending “y”.

There are still doubts about how to write: “according to the agreement” or “agreement”? There are no border options. There is only one correct answer.

Check the table of the second declension in the textbook for 3rd grade in the Russian language. According to the agreement or agreement? The correct option is with the ending "y".

But this is not all the difficulties with this same noun and its management.

Control with verb

Almost no one is mistaken in the phrase “conclude an agreement”.

Difficulties arise most often with the plural of this noun.

According to the rule of the Russian language, the combination of a verb and a noun when controlling requires the accusative case. This is clearly clear even from the single number of the example given. All that remains is to find out the correct accusative plural form of this word and clearly understand how to say - “conclude agreements” or “agreements”.

All masculine words ending in P in the accusative plural have the ending "ы"/"и".

Be careful not to make ridiculous mistakes in words like: “contracts”, “tractors”, “elections”, “locksmiths”, etc.

This is not all the difficulties that one has to overcome with these very “agreements” in one’s speech.

We've sorted out the controls, now let's move on to word forms.

Plural form of the word

And here, of course, a dilemma immediately arises: “agreements” or “agreements” - which is correct?

The statement that both options are acceptable and that at some level of jargon this norm is acceptable is absolutely untrue.

Open any dictionary (explanatory, spelling - it doesn’t matter), find the dictionary entry dedicated to the contract. Immediately after the singular form there is a note in parentheses: “plural, -s”. This note is limited to this. And it means that there can only be an ending “-s”.

Thus, do not doubt how to write and say “conclude employment contracts” or “contracts”. The only correct option: “contracts”.

After such a detailed analysis, there simply shouldn’t be any difficulties with the word “agreement,” but it’s still worth checking yourself.

Mini-test to test acquired knowledge

  1. Act contrary to an agreement or agreement?
  2. Terminate contracts or agreements?
  3. Do you need agreements or agreements?
  1. Agreement.
  2. Contracts.
  3. Contracts.

Are all the answers the same? Then there are no more questions about the contracts? What about the emphasis?

Emphasis on the word "agreement"

For many centuries, dictionaries have allowed only one pronunciation option: stress on the last syllable in the singular form and on the penultimate syllable in the plural form. That is, correctly: agreement and agreements. It always turns out to be the last O.