Self-education. Self-education in a person’s life, its characteristics and goals Personal self-education arguments

In my opinion, self-education is the formation of personality with the help of the will and desire of the person himself. In order to achieve your cherished goal, most often you need to seriously work on yourself. The path of self-education is very difficult, but only it leads to the fulfillment of dreams.

The text by V.A. Kaverin tells about a hero who is passionate about aviation. The narrator understands that in order to enter a flight school, one must train hard. Hiding his intention from others, the boy daily “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). It seems to me that success awaits the hero, since he cultivates in himself the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, strength of character, perseverance.

As another argument, I will give an example from my own life. My friend Alexey never liked to read, so he often received unsatisfactory grades in literature. But when he learned that to enter college he needed to take an exam in this subject, Lyosha decided to overcome his laziness and began to devote an hour a day to reading. At first it was difficult, but gradually my friend began to understand literature. Now Alexey easily completes exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

Thus, self-education is a process necessary for the development of a person’s personality. Without self-education it is impossible to overcome difficulties and achieve success in life.

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Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :*

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he moved day after day through the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months following the dogs, who eventually ate each other. (5) And by plane he could fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover on this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from my polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old office book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: “Forward” is the name of his ship.” (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen.” (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew past Scott, Shackleton, and Robert Peary on the plane. (14) Along all routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, it was necessary to take care of its design.
(16) According to the third point of my rules: “What is decided, do it,” I read “The Theory of Aircraft Engineering.” (17) Oh, what kind of torment that was! (18) But everything that I didn’t understand, I learned by heart just in case.
(19) Every day I disassembled my imaginary plane. (20) I studied its motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it with the latest devices. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) There was only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school they thought that I was throwing myself away, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I had long ago decided to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on that day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, with our arms outstretched in a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane that looked like a winged fish easily walked around the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the Sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must have been then that I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept me?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said that I was healthy. (39) But health varies - after all, he didn’t know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I’m nervous? (41) What if there’s something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damn growth! (44) Over the past year I have grown only one and a half centimeters.
“(45) They will accept,” I answered decisively.

  1. (49 words) In the work of A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin paid great attention to reading books, also making notes in them. We can say that partly thanks to educational literature, he formed his personality and cultivated certain qualities in himself: “He scolded Homer and Theocritus, but he read Adam Smith and was a deep economist...” This is self-education.
  2. (51 words) In Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Mrs. Prostakova spends a lot of money on her son’s education, but Mitrofanushka remains a poorly educated and ignorant young man. The reason is that the hero himself did not educate himself, unlike the virtuous Sophia, who exercised her mind and maintained spiritual purity. Her example serves as an answer to the question posed.
  3. (51 words) In Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” the professor understood the meaning of self-education when he decided to stop the main experiment in his life - to turn Sharikov back into a dog. He realized that a creature becomes human only when it educates itself and strives for the best. His creation only echoed the will of others and did not think about personal growth.
  4. (44 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov brought up a real hero in himself. Both at the front and in captivity, he did not become bitter and did not betray his fatherland, but retained the best human traits in himself thanks to discipline, fortitude and integrity. All these traits are the result of self-education.
  5. (45 words) In Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” the hero did not have time to go through the school of life, but was already under threat of death. He educated himself under bullets and in the trenches. An ordinary boy developed valor, courage, patriotism and selflessness. Such heroic work on oneself can be safely called “self-education.”
  6. (47 words) In Ilyina’s book “The Fourth Height,” the heroine conquered heights all her life thanks to the fact that she was able to cultivate courage, determination and willpower. As a nurse at the front, she achieved the ultimate heights: she sacrificed herself, but saved dozens of soldiers. This feat became possible because Gulya prepared herself for this.
  7. (61 words) In Bykov’s story “Sotnikov,” the main character during the war learned to overcome difficulties and faithfully serve the fatherland. He cultivated an iron will in his thin and weak body, therefore, being sick, he volunteered to go for provisions for the detachment. Because of such regular training, his character really stood the test of strength: Sotnikov, unlike Rybak, did not betray his homeland, but went to martyrdom for its sake.
  8. (58 words) In the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Lopakhin's father was a serf to Ranevskaya's father. According to the hero’s recollections, he drank a lot and did not teach his son anything. But even without support, Lopakhin managed to break out among the people and become a symbol of the new generation thanks to self-education. He saved money, studied the merchant business, denied himself many things, while the landowners went bankrupt, living on everything they had.
  9. (54 words) In Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky cultivated his character in an original way and away from Famus society. He studied diligently, sparing no effort to obtain a foreign education. As a result, his advanced ideas were ahead of their time and were not accepted, but he was firm in his convictions and defended them to the end. His strength of thought and will is the result of self-education.
  10. (51 words) Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” says: “Every person must educate himself.” By this statement he means that the individual must develop his own ideals and values ​​and strive for them. Bazarov became a nihilist, but we have no right to condemn him, because self-education through the choice of worldview is everyone’s personal matter.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (51 words) Self-education is the ability not to give up. The main character of the film Whiplash by Damien Chazelle had a dream to become a great musician. On his way he came across a cruel maestro, whose goal was to reveal the talent of his students through psychological stress, to give them a chance to achieve true greatness. Despite all the difficulties, the hero does not give up, performing an impromptu solo and winning public recognition.
    2. (59 words) Self-education is confidence in a goal, dedication and effort expended to realize a dream. The famous figure skater Alina Zagitova had to leave for Moscow without her parents when she was just a child in order to build a sports career. She admits that living alone is very difficult, but she sets herself up only for victories, believing that this will benefit not only her, but also her family.
    3. (57 words) The ability to say “no” to laziness is one of the main conditions for self-education. Waking up at six in the morning to go for a run, which is obviously healthy, is quite difficult. Every day I wake up, imagining the final result, and I understand that it can only be achieved through work. It makes me jump out of bed, grab my sneakers and run to the park.
    4. (54 words) The hero from the parable about the hunter and Buddha understood that killing innocent animals is wrong. In order to correct himself, he went to the Buddha, who forced the hunter to give him three vows. He agreed. No matter how much he wanted to break his oath to Buddha, the man managed to survive. Self-education is the ability to get rid of your vice.
    5. (49 words) The hero of John Avildsen’s film “Rocky” of the same name, having received a chance to become a world boxing champion, was not afraid of responsibility, but began intensive training. For the sake of the goal, every day he set himself up for victory and made incredible efforts. Despite the fact that he lost the final battle, this did not stop him from continuing to do what he loved.
    6. (47 words) All films of the Marvel and DC television companies about superheroes tell the story of their formation. For example, Batman overcame his childhood fear (his parents died at the hands of a criminal) and began the fight against crime. All his exploits are the consequences of daily self-education. He trained and studied every day to fight crime on his own.
    7. (45 words) Famous public figure Nick Vulich was born without vital limbs. In his youth, he even wanted to commit suicide because he did not see a future for himself. However, having rethought his fate, Nick cultivated fortitude and indomitable optimism. Now he is a successful man and a happy family man.
    8. (46 words) Canadian snowboarder Mark McMorris has been seriously injured several times in his life. However, he returned to the slopes again and again, saying that snowboarding is something he must continue to do, it is his habit and his future. Thus, self-education is the key that helps to overcome life's difficulties.
    9. (66 words) I believe that self-education is the main triumph of life. Victory over yourself. It’s not for nothing that the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, said that with victory over oneself, all other victories will come. Behind every success there is a tremendous amount of work. For example, inventor and billionaire Elon Musk was abused at school as a child, but he persevered and developed the willpower, thanks to which he became one of the most progressive people in the world.
    10. (41 words) In H. Jackman’s film “The Greatest Showman,” the main character was poor, but persistent and smart. Thanks to self-education, from a poor boy he became a rich and famous man who achieved everything on his own. This story is based on real events and serves as a good example for motivation.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

What is self-education? For a person, at any time, what he achieved with his own strength, skills and perseverance was always valuable. The role of self-education in the development of personality is of primary importance: to reveal a person to the world in his unique and individual sound.

Self-education - what is it?

Self-education is a person’s conscious desire to purposefully and independently realize their potential given by nature. Full realization requires deep knowledge of oneself, improvement of personal qualities, development of necessary skills, and the ability to. What is self-education? This question has been deeply studied by writers, philosophers, teachers, and psychologists since ancient history.

Psychology of self-education

Psychologists say that the human soul is the driving force of his development. The concept of self-education includes several constituent elements: the formation of character, willpower, and the development of a line of behavior. Erich Fromm, a German psychoanalyst and philosopher of the 20th century, in his statements spoke about the main life task of a person - to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of effort is one's own personality. Leading motives form internal incentives to work on oneself.

How does self-education manifest itself?

Self-education in the life of an adult - its main goal is the deepest work of the individual on his character and includes:

  • overcoming difficult life circumstances and conditions only strengthens a person;
  • elaboration of negative character traits and development of positive ones;
  • training in coping and control over emotions - increasing the level;
  • truly following your path in life.

Why do you need self-education?

Personal self-education is an important process of resolving contradictions and conflicts that underlie a person’s need to change himself. Learning is not always a pleasant process, but it is necessary for a good reason. A person, recognizing his negative sides, is faced with unpleasant feelings of guilt, aggression, resentment - this has a bitter, and at the same time healing moment. Self-education and improvement help:

  • become happy for yourself and the people around you;
  • the joy of overcoming develops altruism, the desire to come to the aid of those in need
  • realize creative self-expression;
  • succeed.

Self-education methods

What is effective self-education and what methods of self-education exist? The popular proverb: “Live forever and learn” well reflects the process of educating yourself. A person who has set foot on this path is constantly improving “through thorns to the stars.” Methods that help structure activities on the path of self-education:

  1. Self-commitment: speaking out obligations to yourself and following them, through constant reminders and the desire to fulfill them - this leads to the formation of a stable habit.
  2. Empathy– attunement with the feelings of others, “seeing” oneself in the place of another – helps to develop moral qualities. A person from can see himself from the outside, how the people around him perceive him.
  3. Self-command or self-coercion– they cultivate will and gradually the lack of strong-willed qualities is eradicated.
  4. Self-punishment- for non-compliance with rules and obligations, a penalty is imposed, which is agreed upon before accepting obligations.
  5. Self-criticism– internal contradiction encourages work on self-improvement.
  6. Self-conviction– based on self-esteem. Experts recommend saying your misdeeds out loud, this way you draw your own attention to what needs to be worked on.
  7. Self-analysis (self-reflection)– includes self-monitoring, diary keeping, self-reporting.

Where to start self-education?

Self-education and self-education of the individual begins from early childhood in the process of raising a child by parents, through the assimilation of norms and rules, and when adults evaluate the activities of children. The process consciously starts from adolescence. A person who has not received due attention and the development of his potential in the family can himself develop all those qualities that are important to him.

The path of self-education begins with small steps:

  • understanding and awareness of the need for changes in oneself;
  • determination to take steps towards self-change;
  • positive and belief in success;
  • setting (prescribing) goals and objectives;
  • choice of means and methods.

The problem of self-education

The problem of self-education and self-improvement has occupied the “bright minds” of thinkers and philosophers since ancient times. The idea of ​​self-education passes through centuries, everything changes beyond recognition, and yet contains eternal truths. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle are the first works in which one can see the value of self-knowledge and the formation of a person as an individual in the process of self-improvement. Society needs strong, gifted people who have cultivated high moral qualities. The problem is expressed in the fact that a person can choose false values, ideals and follow them.

Great people who engaged in self-education

The self-education of famous people is an excellent example of how it is possible to overcome a difficult fate, unsuitable conditions, and poor health. All of them: writers, artists, philosophers, musicians, heads of enterprises and countries - set the goal of becoming successful, useful and achieved a lot through self-education.

  1. Demosthenes- Ancient Greek orator. He persistently overcame severe tongue-tiedness, a naturally weak voice, and obsessive shoulder twitching. Self-education helped Demosthenes become a great orator and speak in courts and influence politics.
  2. Peter the Great– “a king with calluses on his hands” - the ruler of Russia liked to say about himself. By his example of self-discipline and character-strengthening under difficult conditions, he set an example for his subjects.
  3. A.P. Chekhov- the Russian writer, finding himself in difficult conditions after the ruin of his family, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to cultivate in himself an “iron will to work.” The writer believed that “laziness was born ahead of him” and self-education and development of creative potential helped Chekhov succeed in writing.
  4. Franklin Roosevelt- President of the U.S.A. A strict daily routine from childhood and the desire for deep knowledge are a constant element of self-education throughout life.
  5. Albert Einstein– theoretical physicist. As a child, he spoke poorly; from the point of view of teachers, he was slow-witted, slow, and lacking the ability to learn. The scientist showed great diligence and diligence in the future. Independence of thinking, development of talent - all this is the fruit of Einstein’s efforts in the process of self-education.
  6. A. Nevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, L. Beethoven, V Vincent. Gog, D.F. Nash, Frida Kahlo, Muhammad Ali, Stevie Wonder, Mithun Chakraborty, Stephen Hawking, Niko Vujicic - this is not a complete list of people who overcame the hardships of life, imperfection, and illness through self-improvement and self-education.

Books about self-education

What is the importance of self-education - you can read about this in the works of famous people, their autobiographical essays:

  1. “Education and self-education” V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  2. “Psychology of Education” L.M. Zyubin
  3. “Self-knowledge and self-education of character” Yu.M. Orlov
  4. “The Book of Self-Power” by E. Robbins
  5. “The Laws of Winners” B. Schaefer
  6. “Education of self-education and active-volitional moral character traits of adolescents” N.F. Yakovleva, M.I. Shilova
  7. "Life Without Borders" Niko Vujicic

Class hour dedicated to self-education of character

Topic: “Talking about self-education, or how to become better?”


    expanding children's understanding of self-education;

    the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities as self-confidence, determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

    promoting the formation of adequate self-esteem;

    encouraging children to analyze their actions, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and improvement;

    encouraging children to strive to become better people.


Form of conduct : moral class hour with training elements.

Progress of the event:


Hello guys. Today we have guests at our class hour, let's greet them and smile at them. Now smile at each other.

Today we will talk about self-education of character, or how to become better?

“Whoever you are, be better.”

Abraham Lincoln,

16th President of the United States

    Teacher's monologue: “Trace on the ground”

The 21st century has been walking across the earth for a long time now... Civilization is moving forward. But the rules of morality, on the basis of which the temple of life is built, have remained and will remain unshakable.

A man was born on earth. The doctor takes the baby’s small foot in his large and kind palms and makes an imprint on a white sheet of paper as a keepsake for the baby’s mom and dad.

This is the first footprint on earth...

There will be many such traces, and they will be different. And what they will be like will depend on the person who walks on the earth.

I would like the footprints not to scatter dirt, not to rattle with a forged boot on the cobblestone street, not to kick the weaker one.

I want a person to go through life in such a way that his descendants who follow him want to repeat his footsteps, follow in his footsteps, gratefully remembering the one who was the pioneer.

Those who defended our country during the Second World War, and those who prevented the Chernobyl tragedy with their lives, and those who defended the school from terrorists in the city of Beslan, and those who build roads, bridges, and who create beautiful music, left their mark on the earth. , sows bread, heals people... .

The famous Russian writer M. Gorky said a brilliant phrase:“One should look at a day as a small life.”

    Conversation with students based on the text.

Guys, how do you understand this statement?

Suggested answer: “Many events happen during the day that can change a person’s entire life in one day.” “The day should not be lived in vain.”

    Teacher's word.

Our school also has teachers who have left their mark on the history of the development of our gymnasium. This is the former director of the gymnasium L.P. Gunbina, computer science teacher N.K. Klesova. For their merits they received the title Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

    Conversation on the topic “Men of Iron?”

There are people in history who received the nickname “Iron Man”, “Iron Felix”, “Iron Chancellor”, “Iron Lady”. Why do you think they could have given such a nickname? (Listen to the guys’ answers).

"Iron Man" - a manifestation of human character or a person with a strong character and strong will.

"Iron Chancellor" - Otto von Bismarck, outstanding German statesmanIXcentury, which was able to unite Germany “with iron and blood.”His character in those years was so explosive and beyond any control that his neighbors considered him mad.

"Iron Felix" - Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, this is the most important Soviet security officer who was merciless to the enemies of the revolution.

"The Iron Lady" - This is the former Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher, a woman who managed to restore order in the country with a “strong hand”.

All these people are united by the fact that they came from the bottom of society, but thanks to their character they reached the heights of power. What character traits do you think helped them rise to the top? (Perseverance, determination, toughness, severity towards oneself and others, hard work, courage, strong will, etc.).

    Food for thought: “Character and will.”

"When a man begins a war with himself,

he’s already worth something.”

Dale Carnegie,

America teacher, writer, psychologist

How is the word translated from Greek?"character"? seal, imprint, embossing, imprint.

What is character?

Character - This is typical behavior of every person.

What is an important character quality? (Will).

Will – a person’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal.

Will is our main tool in the fight for ourselves. Strong-willed people have a strong character and achieve a lot in life.

What is will? The ability to do what needs to be done. Strong-willed qualities can be cultivated in a person. The will can be trained like a muscle, using the method of increasing loads, starting with minimal ones. If you don’t want to put the book in its place, put it back. If you don’t want to call on business, call. Soon you will be surprised to discover: as soon as you order yourself, some mechanism inside you will quickly, even joyfully, carry out the command.

Have you ever thought about your own role in this life? The cat has already thought about it, but others haven’t. Now you take it for granted.

    Test “Do you have a strong will?”

Try to answer the question whether you are a strong-willed person and how developed your will is.

    Do you do exercises in the morning?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

    Who wakes you up in the morning?

    Mother; 2) alarm clock; 3) himself.

    If you have to choose between what you need to do - homework, and what is interesting - a movie, what do you choose?

    I do what is interesting; 2) when and how; 3) I do the job.

    Can you refuse to go with friends, for example, to the skating rink, if you have another activity planned?

    I can not; 2) sometimes; 3) I can.

    Do you always keep your promises?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

    Can you force yourself to restrain yourself if someone offends you?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

Result: You need to add up all the points received, if the sum is less than 12, then you need to strengthen your will.

If you are interested in the biographies of great people or just talk to older, respected people, then make sure that most of them owe their merits to themselves. Simply, they made themselves: they developed character, strengthened their will, comprehended the art of self-improvement, and engaged in self-education.

One wise man said: “All victories in the world begin with victory over yourself!”

What's happenedself-education?

Self-education is working on yourself in order to develop certain qualities in yourself.

    Educational situation. "An example to follow"

    How can you cultivate a strong, resilient character? Most often, people take someone else as an example to follow. I'll tell you the story of one boy.

As a child, this boy was frail, short, and sickly. He wanted to become a great commander, such as Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and considered Peter his idealI. The boy drew up a program of self-education: he did physical exercises, toughened himself up, doused himself with cold well water and ran barefoot in the snow, rode a horse in only a shirt, towards the autumn wind and rain. He was persistent in achieving his goal, stubborn, even adamant. All this helped the future commander cultivate exceptional endurance, which gave him the opportunity not only to overcome the hardships of military campaigns, but also to inspire the Russian “miracle heroes” by personal example. He paid a lot of attention to his education. He seriously studied mathematics, cartography, military history, learned 8 languages, and wrote poetry himself. This boy not only became a great commander, but also created an army worthy of himself. This boy is a great commanderAlexander Vasilievich Suvorov .

Guys, what obstacles did A.V. have to overcome? Suvorov, developing your character and will? (Laziness, fear, cowardice, physical weakness, etc.).

    Russian writer, classic of world literatureA.P.Chekhov in one of his letters to his wife he noted: “You write that you envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a harsh character, I am quick-tempered, etc.... But I am used to restraining myself, because it is not proper for a decent person to let himself go. In the past, I did the devil knows what.”

    And how did L.N. educate himself? Tolstoy?

L.N. Tolstoy, a writer recognized during his lifetime as the head of Russian literature, wrote in his diary:

“I am ugly, awkward, ..., boring for others, immodest, intolerant and bashful like a child.”

“I am restrained, indecisive, fickle, ....”

“I’m not neat in life and I’m so lazy...”

"I'm smart..."

“I am honest, i.e. I love goodness... but there are things that I love more than goodness - fame.”

L.N. Tolstoy will outline a program for correcting himself: “The most important thing for me in life is the correction of the three main vices” of spinelessness, irritability and laziness.”

Then in the diary of L.N. Tolstoy can be found writing - the results above himself: “I have changed a lot, but still have not achieved the degree of perfection that I would like to achieve.”

There are many similar examples when a person, thanks to self-education and hard work on himself, improved himself and developed the best personal qualities.

French philosopher and writer Jean Paul Sartre argued that“A man is only what he makes of himself.”

    What is self-esteem?

Before engaging in self-education and self-improvement of an individual, it is necessary to know yourself - to make a self-assessment of yourself, your qualities, your strengths and weaknesses.

The great German poet I.V.Goethe argued: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.”

Guys, what can you find out about yourself?

Sample answers:

    Your physical capabilities, health status;

    Your talents, abilities (mental and creative);

    Your character, temperament, will;

    Your tastes, habits;

    Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. What will this give to a person? Why is proper self-esteem needed?

Sample answers:

    Find out your calling, choose the right profession;

    Avoid mistakes and failures;

    Do not take on impossible tasks;

    Correctly determine your goal in life.

    Work in groups. "Determination of the level of self-esteem."

Guys, what levels of self-esteem do you know?(inflated self-esteem, low self-esteem, objective or normal self-esteem ).

On the board you see a table showing the moral qualities of individuals at different levels of self-esteem. Try to correlate these personality traits by levels of self-esteem.

Arrogance, selfishness, laziness, isolation, self-confidence, uncertainty, kindness, boasting, passivity, disregard for the opinions of others, poise; touchiness, self-confidence, modesty, vanity, self-esteem, fear, pride, hard work, respect for people, faithfulness to one's word, indecisiveness.


Heightened self-esteem

Low self-esteem

Objective self-esteem




disregard for the opinions of others










self confidence





hard work

respect for people

true to your word

Guys, what do you think?What can you advise people with high self-esteem?

(be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses in yourself, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.).

What is allowedAdvice for people with low self-esteem ?

(play sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say “no”).

Well, for people with normal self-esteem, you can wish: not to lose self-confidence, continue to work on yourself, your shortcomings, not to brag about your merits, etc.).

    Drawing up a memo “How to build character.”

To work on yourself, you need to create a self-education program. You have no idea how much you can do for your own development.

It’s better to start with simple programs, for example, follow a daily routine, overcome the bad habit of interrupting your interlocutor in a conversation, always keep your word, and not conflict with others. Who isn’t familiar with the situation “starting on Monday I’ll start...”?

Self-education consists of developing the ability to force yourself to do what you don’t want, to overcome yourself in order to achieve your goals.

Memo “How to Build Character”

    Promise yourself to change your character.

    Make an action plan for the day, week, month.

    Convince yourself that it is necessary and useful for you.

    Force yourself to do what you have planned.

    Force yourself to restrain your emotions, control yourself.

    Order yourself to do what you set out to do.

    Control yourself, be critical of your actions.

Girls, what do you think our boys need to change about themselves?

What do boys think girls need to work on?

    Final word.

Today we talked about how to work on yourself to become better, more perfect. In this matter, it is impossible to give the same recipes for everyone. Each person is unique and self-education is an individual process. And it lasts throughout life. But one rule for everyone - to change yourself, you need willpower. Without this, no oaths will help. And the will is strengthened precisely in overcoming difficulties.

    Summing up (reflection).

What new did you learn during the class hour? Do you want to develop your character?

“It doesn’t matter if you are better than someone else.

What matters is whether you are better than you were yesterday.”

Kano Jigoro

outstanding Japanese teacher,

martial artist, creator

As a youth, Kano was physically weak and did not have a good physique, which gave rise to ridicule from his peers. Kano decided to start developing on his own and at the age of 17 he began training judo. In 1907, Jigoro Kano became the head of the most influential Japanese sports organization and was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee .


Bardin S.M. Learn to control yourself. M., 1976.

Grishin D.M., Koldunov Ya.I. Guiding self-improvement of schoolchildren. M., 1975.

Kolominsky Ya.L. Educate yourself. M., 1981.

Kochetov L.I. Pedagogical foundations of self-education. Minsk, 1990.

http:// pedsovet. su/

Self-education as a personality quality is the ability to educationally work on oneself, to form one’s personality in accordance with one’s goals.

One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a person passing by stood for long hours and watched a butterfly try to exit through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to give up its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately came out. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved. The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly’s wings were about to straighten and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened! For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body and its unstretched wings along the ground. She was never able to fly. And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the butterfly needs effort to exit through the narrow gap of the cocoon, so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life made it difficult for the butterfly to leave this shell so that it could grow and develop.

Also in education. A person without self-education and his own accumulated experience will not be able to become a mature, holistic person. A person will not develop harmoniously if the process of self-education is not provided with the most favorable conditions. The great critic Vissarion Belinsky wrote: “No person in the world is born ready, that is, fully formed, but his every life is nothing more than a continuously moving development, a ceaseless formation.”

The great advantage of self-education is that it can be done at any age. For example, an elderly person feels that he has become too irritable. Naturally, he asks himself the question, how to deal with irritability? There is no need to fight anything. You need to self-cultivate balance, goodwill, restraint, cordiality, in a word, virtuous personality traits that will calmly displace irritability from the manifested personality traits and drive it into the deep underground of the subconscious.

Examples of self-education:

“And I never pulled girls’ pigtails at school, because once in the village I pulled a horse’s tail...

— A precocious child brought the book “Care and Raising Children” from the library. “My God, what are you going to do with this book?” - exclaimed the amazed mother. - Like what? - answered the little sage - I want to see if you are raising me correctly.

Self-education is a strong help in improving the personality, in its spiritual growth and approaching God. Self-education is the destiny of a conscious person who consciously directs his efforts to cultivate positive personality traits and, thereby, eradicate vices. It presupposes determination, perseverance and perseverance, self-criticism and self-discipline, self-control and self-discipline.

Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person must clearly diagnose in himself what he needs to work on, understand exactly what virtues need to be raised from his knees and, at the same time, colonize the shortcomings. By comparing himself with others, analyzing his pretension and ambition, a person correctly formulates the goals of self-education. He does not wait, like the heroes of a famous fairy tale, for someone to give him a brave heart or wisdom; he himself begins a “journey of a thousand miles” for the virtuous qualities of a person.

Psychologists believe that adequate self-esteem allows one to correctly formulate the goals of self-education. It is formulated in cases where the subject reveals an opinion about himself and his actions from people with whom he comes into contact in the family, at an educational institution, or on vacation; critically compares himself with others. If the result of these contacts is low self-esteem, the person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every task. He loses self-confidence. It becomes more difficult for him to work, more difficult to contact colleagues, to establish contacts with people. When working with such subordinates, it is worth remembering the advice of V. Goethe. He said that by communicating with our neighbors as they deserve, we only make them worse. By communicating with them as if they are better than what they really are, we force them to become better. Therefore, it is advisable to advance many people with praise. Low self-esteem of the leader himself directly affects his attitude towards his subordinates. A leader with low self-esteem is often unfair to subordinates whom he considers luckier and smarter than himself. As a rule, he is suspicious and has a negative attitude towards those who, as it seems to him, do not love or respect him. He strives for an autocratic management style and the establishment of strict discipline. He believes that every subordinate is trying to deceive him, to laugh at him behind his back, and from here comes suspicion and disbelief in the honesty of his colleagues.

Inflated self-esteem alienates the manager from his subordinates and interferes with the establishment of normal business contacts. Somewhat inflated self-esteem, if it does not lead to selfishness and arrogance, is not terrible. It definitely contributes to achieving success in any type of activity. When developing an objective self-assessment, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which this work is carried out. In the experiment, students gave themselves a grade for each of the qualities specified by the experimenter. An elegant, impeccably dressed, clean-shaven man walked into the room with an expensive briefcase in his hands. The subjects' assessment of their appearance decreased. But when a citizen entered the room carelessly, sloppily dressed, wearing unclean shoes and unironed trousers, self-esteem for these indicators became significantly higher.

Self-education adequately assesses one’s abilities, individual characteristics and, having weighed one’s resource base, begins personal self-development. The integral attributes of self-education are self-analysis of personal development, self-report, self-control and self-discipline. Self-education techniques, according to psychologists, include self-commitment (voluntarily setting oneself conscious goals and objectives for self-improvement, the decision to develop certain qualities in oneself); self-report (a retrospective look at the path traveled over a certain time); understanding one’s own activities and behavior (identifying the reasons for successes and failures); self-control (the ability not to immerse yourself in sensory pleasure more than necessary, to reject everything that deviates from the path of self-awareness, to turn inward, to realize and evaluate one’s own actions, mental processes and states).

Self-education methods include:

– self-knowledge;

– self-control;

– self-stimulation.

Self-knowledge includes: introspection, introspection, self-evaluation, self-comparison. Self-control is based on: self-persuasion, self-control, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-reinforcement, self-confession, self-compulsion. Self-stimulation involves: self-affirmation, self-encouragement, self-encouragement, self-punishment, self-restraint.

Petr Kovalev 2014